Y'shenn Tia

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Y'shenn Tia
Y'shenn Tia.jpeg
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Ul'dahn
Age 21
Height 5 fulms 6 ilms
Nameday 2nd Sun of the 5th Astral Moon
Guardian Azeyma, the Warden
Primary Discipline Monk
Occupation Bodyguard, Mercenary

Under Construction


Y'shenn Tia 2.jpeg

As a miqo’te hailing from the jaguar “Yah” tribe, Y’shenn has a tanned complexion, further bronzed by his extensive time spent in the Thanalan sun. He has platinum blond hair cut messily short around the back, leaving a few longer segments to frame his face. The strands of his hair darken toward the ends, although this may not be noticeable under certain lighting conditions. Behind his messy bangs are bright magenta irises and black slitted pupils that give off a sense of youthfulness. His tail is fluffy and a bit short compared to his clansmen. Y'shenn is a bit more toned than the average miqo'te, but he does not have a bulky frame. He has a lean, athletic build, with particular definition around his arms and torso. A handful of scars can be found on his person, but nothing that would draw a huge amount of attention.

He carries himself with a friendly, calming atmosphere, akin to that of a protective figure. Despite appearing relaxed and carefree, he can abruptly shift gears into a concentrated battle stance if he feels danger approaching. By doing this, his seemingly carefree demeanor can become a bit intimidating.

Due to his training as a pugilist, Y'shenn prefers to wear light, comfortable clothing that would not interfere with his movement. In particular, he favours his snow white temple attire and slim dark trousers. However, it is not a rare sight to find him training in nothing but a pair of short breeches. Y'shenn is not afraid to show some skin, especially during heavy exercise or blazing hot weather.


Y’shenn has quite a playful personality. He treats those close to him as if they were family, often playing the guardian role of a big brother. Although he might appear to be nosy at times, this is purely out of curiosity and concern for others. Given the hints, he is capable of reading the atmosphere, knowing when lighthearted jokes and teasing are appropriate, and when to be more serious and firm.

Possessing a strong sense of justice, the Seeker cannot simply ignore any type of wrongdoing that he comes across. He would resort to the use of violence if he deemed it appropriate, but the miqo'te would avoid dealing death if at all possible. Although he does not consider himself a gullible person, he is willing to give others the benefit of the doubt. However, once you break his trust, he would rather keep you at arm’s length. He does not hold deep-seated grudges against people easily.

Being a pugilist, Y'shenn is proud of his physical capabilities, but does not flaunt them about haphazardly. He enjoys the friendly spirit of competition, whether he wins or loses. One might even consider him an exercise junkie, always enjoying activities that push the limits of his body. He likes to encourage the same type of enthusiasm in his peers, often encouraging them to go for a run or train with him. Some might find him a bit exhausting to be around for too long because of this. His love of physical activity makes it difficult for him to sit still for long periods of time, for which his abilities as a conjurer suffer for.

Despite having no formal schooling, Y’shenn does possess a strong intuition. Y'shenn's kinesthetic intelligence is fairly developed and he is adept at analyzing his opponent, even in the heat of battle, allowing him to adapt his fighting style as necessary. This is more of a natural skill than something he is consciously aware of, and thus, putting these thoughts into words can prove rather troublesome for him. Unfortunately, the same level of skill cannot be said for his academic abilities, but he does try his best.


Life in the Tribe

Having lost his parents at a young age, Y’shenn grew up in a typical miqo’te Seeker of the Sun tribe with little to no parental supervision. He would often leave the confines of the village to play and explore dangerous new places. Without the means to attain a proper weapon, he learned to let his fists do the talking, and would sometimes return bloody and bruised from his misadventures. Considered an outcast by many, parents would caution their children against interacting with the orphan, for fear it would lead them astray. But despite that, the other children would be enticed by his friendly smile and exciting stories about the world outside the village.

When he was still young, a highlander traveler came to Y'shenn's village, passing out by the roadside. While the villagers were wary of outsiders, Y'shenn could not abandon someone in need, taking the injured man and slowly nursing him back to health as best as he could. Weeks later, the man was finally able to speak. He was a survivor of the Fist of Rhalgr, wandering the land after avoiding the Garlean invasion of Ala Mhigo. The highlander and the miqo'te developed a familial bond, as Y'shenn offered the man shelter. In turn, the highlander told the boy about the things he had witnessed while traversing Eorzea.

Master and Student

It wasn't long until the guest became worried for his caretaker's safety. Y'shenn was only a boy, and seeing the miqo'te return from a day out hunting, bruised and battered, softened the man's heart. When he was feeling well again, he began to train Y'shenn in the way of the monk, in hopes the boy would become stronger. Their relationship grew into that of a master and student. The highlander was surprised to see that his pupil had a natural talent for channeling chakra in his body, but Y'shenn was unaware of his capabilities.

The years passed by, as Y'shenn grew into adolescence. Although the two of them were seen as misfits in the village, a few residents eventually warmed up to them as time progressed. Now older, Y'shenn was able to put his honed skills to use, becoming one of the more accomplished hunters of the tribe. Slowly, he gained more respect from those around him, although the stigma attached to his upbringing never disappeared completely. Many expected him to challenge a nunh to a battle someday, but Y’shenn had little interest in local affairs. He wanted to see the world.

The highlander's health began to deteriorate as illness and old age began to take him. When he was finally on his deathbed, he implored Y'shenn to live out the rest of his life being happy and using his strength to serve the greater good. He entrusted his disciple with a small yellow gemstone to remember him by. Little did Y'shenn know, it was the man's soul crystal, the Soul of the Monk. Having said his farewells, Y'shenn's Master passed away peacefully and was buried in the village.

Coming to Ul'dah

When he became of age, the blond miqo’te set out for Ul’dah to train at the Pugilists’ Guild shortly after the Calamity. It was one of the places he had heard man stories from, and wanted to take his skills to the next level. Thanks to his natural aptitude for fist fighting, his Master's training, and experience in the wild, he rose through the ranks without too much problem.

Along the way, Y’shenn began doing mercenary work for various clients to make gil. His most common employers include the Adventurers’ Guild, Amajina & Sons Mineral Concern, the Thaumaturges' Guild, and the Crystal Consortium. He made a small name for himself among the wealthier merchants, who acknowledged him as being a dependable and well-trained mercenary. There were a few times that the miqo'te even competed at the Coliseum to test his skills. He was able to win the majority of his bouts, and even won some prizes for himself at smaller competitions.

Around the World

When his training at the guild was complete, the miqo'te set off to explore the rest of Eorzea. With access to the other city-states, he started learning more about other weapon disciplines at the various other guilds. By doing so, he had hoped he could learn some new things he could incorporate into his own style of combat. It was at this time that the miqo'te began dabbling in crafting as well.

Along with the change of scenery, his list of employers also shuffled around. The Sons of Saint Coinach were one group in particular that the Seeker had the pleasure of working with multiple times as a bodyguard after he started traveling. Although he could barely make out half of what they were researching, he took an interest in the exciting new discoveries they were making. Spending a fair amount of time in Saint Coinach's Find, Y'shenn improved upon his reading and writing skills, as well as his knowledge of Eorzea as a whole. Although the monk would not consider himself a historian in any sense, his education there proved to be a very enjoyable change of pace.


Hand-to-hand Combat

Through natural ability and training at the Pugilists’ Guild, Y’shenn has developed his own style of combat, involving powerful strikes and swift movements. His attacks utilize both his fists and legs, catching opponents by surprise with feints and elementally-imbued attacks. As a battle draws longer, he adapts his fighting style according to his changing environment. The miqo'te is fairly acrobatic and flexible as well.

Naturally, this discipline suffers from a shorter reach compared to using swords or lances. Thus, when facing armed opponents, Y'shenn will often move to disarming his foe and closing the gap between them. Despite this disadvantage, he has no qualms with sparring against people with weapons. Rather, he welcomes the challenge. When faced with magic users, he prefers to rush them and break their concentration before they can let loose any of their spells.

Due to the maneuverability required for his work, he rarely wears heavy protective armour, rather opting to avoid attacks than take them unless absolutely necessary.


Although not naturally inclined to the use of magic, Y'shenn's conjury appears to be slightly more developed than his thaumaturgy or use of arcane arts. Through a bit of practice, he has become adept at healing his comrades, but struggles in properly controlling the power of the elementals in his spells. Oftentimes, he would be tempted to use his staff as a melee weapon or cast it aside completely, in favour of using his fists.


As quick learner, Y’shenn has gotten fairly skilled at crafting various things, given that he can carefully observe how the proper method is executed by a more experienced person first. His attention to detail is impressive, but it hinders him from speedily completing his crafts. Leatherworking, weaving, and blacksmithing appear to be his strong points. Alchemy and culinary arts are his least developed skills.


Balmung     Malboro     Other    

Non-player Characters

Y'sato: A childhood friend of Y'shenn, from the village. He's always worried that Y'shenn is being too carefree and getting himself in dangerous situations. Y'sato has since become an accomplished merchant and miner in Ul'dah and acts as Y'shenn's retainer on occasion.
Tora: A baby coeurl kitten that Y'shenn found injured on the outskirts of his village. He nursed Tora back to health and secretly raised her outside. She has since grown to be fairly large and can be very protective of her owner. Enjoys giving Y'shenn rides on her back. Currently under the care of Y'sato.

Player Characters

Player-character relationships TBA.


  • Y'shenn's close friends would often call him "Shenn". Ones not so familiar with the Seeker of the Sun naming conventions might simply refer to him as "Y'sh" instead.
  • His nameday falls under the Fifth Astral Moon, which is governed by Azeyma the Warden, Y'shenn's patron deity and the guardian of the Seekers of the Sun.
  • Associated with the fire element, as his patron deity and use of fire-imbued fist attacks entail.
  • Still has no idea how one channels their chakra. He is probably not even completely aware that he himself is capable of doing so. The fact that he is always carrying his Master's soul crystal probably helps.
  • When he is alone, he speaks to his Master's soul crystal, sharing stories about his day and what he has seen.
  • Does not seem to be phased by the cold. When visiting Coerthas, he would not dress any warmer than usual. This could possibly be owed to constantly sitting under freezing waterfalls as part of his "training" regimen.
  • Although he prefers to fight with his fists, if he had to pick a weapon, twin daggers would be his choice.
  • May seem ambidextrous due to how well he uses both his hands, but is actually a case of cross-dominance. Some activities, he is better with his right, and others, with his left.
  • Not much of a heavy drinker. Only seems to consume alcohol during social occasions. If he has too many, he tends to get sleepy.
  • Even if someone was a little older than him, he would still display a protective big brother-like attitude towards them.
  • A handful of his friends refer to him as "big bro" on occasion. If the other person is a miqo'te, people might even believe them to be siblings. However, to his knowledge, Y'shenn is an only child.
  • Has a love of meat and fish. He's not very skilled as a fisher, however, simply because of his tendency to move around, scaring the prey away from the bait.
  • He does not yet have any experience with intimacy, and any notion of romance directed at him would simply go over his head.







Non-player Characters

  • "That one? He might seem cheerful and all-smiles, but I once saw him knock a trouble-making Sea Wolf clear out of the Quicksand! I wouldn't want to get on his bad side, y'know?" - Quicksand Patron
  • "Used to look up to him back when I was at the Pugilists' Guild. He wasn't very good at explaining stuff, but watching him fight... I really learned a lot. He was always happy to spar with me. Even when everyone else was busy, he'd always stop what he was doing and make time." - Seasoned Adventurer
  • "I saw that man once. Sitting under a waterfall, not even wearing a shirt! He invited me to come 'train' with him and I high-tailed it out of there and never once looked back!" - Distressed Traveler
  • "Y'shenn? I remember him... Didn't expect it, from the way he looked, but he had the crowd at the Coliseum riled up every time he stepped into the ring. Was real nice to his competitors too, helping them off the ground with a friendly handshake. Wish I could see him compete again." - Coliseum Enthusiast
  • "I remember hiring him once during an expedition. Never had to worry about watching our backs the whole time he was there. Didn't seem to understand a word of my research, though. Would have better luck explaining it to a rock." - Soft-spoken Archaeologist
  • "I've tried teaching him how to commune with the elementals by sending him on trials slaying water sprites. But when the sprites start retreating from the blows he lands with his staff, I'm not sure whether to pass or fail him..." - Timid Conjurer
  • "Such bright, dreamy eyes... and don't even get me started on those chiseled muscles... I once baked him a basket of cookies to catch his attention. He loved them. In fact, he loved them so much, he began handing them out to every bum on the street to 'spread the joy'! I've never felt more insulted!" - Bitter Admirer
  • "Ordered some leather armour from him once, and I've never been happier. Didn't look like much, but wow, it was so comfortable to wear, and functional too!" - Archer-in-training

Player Characters

N/A. Feel free to submit your own player-character rumours!

Behind the Scenes

  • I imagine his leitmotif to sound like Indomitable Fists that Know No Equal.
  • Y'shenn uses the male miqo'te voice #3.
  • I like collecting the in-game minions, so I imagine Y'shenn has a habit of taking in stray animals and collecting toys, much to Y'sato's chagrin.
  • Although I mainly level Y'shenn on the Malboro server, I have made a version of him on Balmung for RP purposes.
  • I also have a third character, G'raha Tia, modeled after the NPC of the same name. Mostly just for running Crystal Tower instances and seeing people's reactions for fun.
  • Bought a small house for Y'shenn on Malboro in The Goblet, Ward 7, Plot 44. It's been decorated to look like a martial arts dojo on the first floor, and a small cafe in the basement. Waterfall conveniently located behind the premises for training purposes.


Lodestone (Malboro)
Lodestone (Balmung)
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