Rhela’a Tayuun

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 Rhela'a Tayuun
Placeholder person.gif
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Age Twenty Six
Occupation Mage Extraordinaire!
Orientation Bisexual
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Basic Info




So you want to get to know Rhela better? Well sure, there is plenty to discuss about. First you should know that this Miqo'te is a very carefree individual. He prefers to have fun over working too hard; that'll just cause unwanted wrinkles. He really does not understand people who work themselves to death, as you won't be able to enjoy yourself if you're too tired at the end of the day. He has a slightly childish side when it comes to such matters, such as procrastination and making pathetic excuses to avoid work. He prefers to play with his toys and magic than to work. He has a pretty good collection of antique toys and stuffed animals. It's quite the sight, like a little wonderland for kids. This has also led to people calling him immature and he very well is. He also likes to tease others, but it is all in good fun. Rhela believes that if they can't handle it, then it's their own fault.

Beside this fun-loving side there does exist a darker one. He is prone to bouts of depression when he is feeling a little lonely. Sometimes it can also be caused if he doesn't look or feel 100%, which it pretty rare. But it does happen! No one likes a bad hair day. He can usually be found in his bedroom and hidden beneath the massive covers of bedding whenever he feels depressed or sick. He's also been told that he is prone to mood-swings. If someone says something negative or hurtful towards him, he will go from being happy-go-lucky to just a depressed puddle. Sometimes it may be something offhandly said that will set him off. At least he can be proud to say that he is not temperamental, but has been known to become hysterical. Some have had the gull to say that he is selfish and only cares about himself. Sure, he likes to cover his own arse but that doesn't mean he doesn't care for others. Well, he does care sometimes at least. Isn't that good enough?


Other Notes