Hipparion Tribe (South Shroud)

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Exclamation mark.pngThis article or section contains speculation, opinions, or observations that may or may not be supported by official Square-Enix lore. It does not represent official lore or any sort of community consensus.

Hidden deep within the trees of the southernmost point of the Black Shroud, to the far East of Urth's Gift one might never see the light of day again. For deep within the trees, using fog and foliage to their advantage, there lies a rather curious Seeker Tribe. Few have laid eyes upon it and lived to tell the tale, and what few have can only provide shreds of information gathered over the course of the seasons.

Tribe Details

Location: Deep in the Southern Shroud
Race: Miqo'te
Clan: Seekers of the Sun
Tribe Indicator: K' (Pronounced koo)
Tribe Beast: The Mighty Hipparion
Tribe Leaders: The Nunh
Tribe Size: Unknown
Breeding Nunh: Unknown


Physical — Perhaps due to the abundance of shade provided, most Seekers in this tribe appear to be fairly pale-skinned.

Traditions and Norms

Skill Set


Outsider Speculation

Known Members

OOC Afterword

This page is in no way, shape, or form a completely accurate representation of any Seeker tribe, and its main purpose is to serve as food-for-thought and partial backstory-ness to K'washi Amada. That being said, if you would like to use this page as part of your own story, feel free!