Yvane Ashdale

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Yvane Ashdale
Placeholder person.gif
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Ul'dah
Nameday 18th Sun, 4th Umbral Moon, 1558
Guardian Rhalgr, the Destroyer
Profession Sellsword
Voice Ogata Megumi
Theme "The Sunlit Earth" - Kou Otani
Tumblr ffxiv-yvane.tumblr.com

x. General


x. Physical Traits


x. Past


x. Present

Raids on the Amal'jaa


A Marginally Respectable Mercenary


x. Personality


x. Table of Traits

Traits based on Ash’s Guide to RPG Personality
Primary Motivators Destruction


Sense of Humor Crude


Disposition Calm SEXUALITY
Moodiness Phlegmatic Sexual Orientation Bisexual
CORE TRAITS Libido Lascivious
Outlook Optimistic Sexual Expressiveness Brazen
Integrity Conscientious Sexual Expressive Style Straightforward
Impulsiveness Controlled Openness to Sexual Experience Narrow
Boldness Intrepid Promiscuousness Low/Monogamous
Flexibility Stubborn RELIGION & SPIRITUALITY
Affinity Warm Adherence Agnostic
Comportment Discordant Tolerance Intolerant
Interactivity Engaging Expression of Beliefs Constant
Disclosure Candid Converting Others Aggressive
Conformity Conventional Attitude Irreverent
Quirks Pacing; Knuckle-cracking; Blade sharpening; Constant drinking
Likes Polishing her gear; Drinking; Smoking her pipe; Sparring; Fighting
Dislikes Sand in her eyes; Amal'jaa; Effeminate men; Cowardice; Unwillingness to fight
Fears Rejection; Mockery; Losing loved ones to the Amal'jaa; Feeling weak; Going soft
Skills Swordplay; Simple repairs; Holding her ale; Basic smithing

x. Character Playlist

x. Relationships

[PC] Rowan Hunt - Yvane met this green La Noscean during a supply run to the Silver Bazaar. He showed aptitude for a new adventurer and she was impressed with his strength, though she made no comment to him before collecting her fee and heading off for a drink with Kikipu. She hopes to run another job with him, granted he doesn't get himself killed by Ul'dahn thugs. She wondered over her drink whether she should try to keep an eye on him.

[PC] Rosalind Westwind - A woman Yvane has had her eye on for several moons. Not quite ladylike, but pretty for a merchant, Rosalind always catches Yvane's eye when she passes through the Exchange on her way to the city gates. Despite Rosalind's continued disinterest, Yvane continues invite the older girl for drinks whenever the opportunity strikes. She hasn't seen her lately, though... Where has the shopkeep disappeared to?

[NPC] High Flame Commander Jakys Ryder - Leader of the Free Brigade of the Immortal Flames, Jakys was a good friend of Yvane's late father, who also served as a Commander for the Flames. Jakys and Yvane's father were friends from youth and fought many hard battles together against the Amal'jaa, bandits and Garleans alike. When Commander Ashdale was killed by the Amal'jaa, Jakys knew that he would always have to keep an eye on Yvane, no matter how little he cared for the girl. They have a contentious relationship. Yvane will always hold Ryder to blame for not doing more to ensure her father lived. Ryder's disapproval of her pursuit of swordsmanship and mercenary work creates constant conflict between them.

x. Rumors

  • "Little Yva. That brat's been nothin' but trouble since she crawled back here. Wish the lizard men had taken her 'stead of her old man. Thal protect him." — Flame Commander Ryder
  • "Ah... the mercenary? No. If she asked for me, please don't tell her I'm in the markets today. She continues to insist I join her at that unsavory Momodi's establishment..." — Rosalind Westwind

x. Page Updates

14.01.2015: Began writing page. Still in progress. Credit for template and formatting belongs to Mylene Wharf.