Calico Tess
Affiliations and Known Associates
- Nicknames: Cali, Tess, Tessy
- Age: 25
- Nameday: 6th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon
- Gender: Female
- Sexuality: Pansexual
- Marital Status: Not married, in a relationship
- Alignment:
- Height: 5'3"
- Weight: 115 lbs
- Body: Lithe, muscular
- Hair: Long, black, highlighted/half shaved
- Eyes: Icy blue.
- Skin: Tanned, scarred, weathered
- Clothing: Loose pants or a skirt, half shirts or tight fitting tops
- The Sea
- Sailing (Air or Water)
- Alcohol
- Brawls
- Gambling
- Money
- Nasty Storms
- Serious Fights
- Children
- Chains
- Nooses
Areas of Expertise
- Martial: She's very handy with an axe, and it is her go-to weapon in battle as long as there are no bottles to bash into someones skull, or chairs to break over one's back.
- Crafting: Decent enough with machinery, she doubled as a mechanic on her Captains air-ship and sea vessel. She is a master at the fine art of 'jerry-rigging'.
- Other: She can keep up with a Roe, if it comes to drinking.
- Alcohol tolerance
- Easy-going nature
- Impressive physical prowess
- Small stature
- Easily loses direction
Other Notes
Calico will claim religion when the mood finds her, usually choosing her own patron deity when she does.
Tess uses an extensive amount of vocabulary that sounds unfamiliar to the typical ear. If she is asked to explain, she will not understand where the lack of understanding lies. The poor woman also can get lost anywhere. She will frequently be found meandering aimlessly, claiming a relaxing stroll. Nine times out of ten, she is lost. The problem is remedied by a compass or map. Having been taken once by the law, Calico had been branded as a pirate, evident on the inside of her left wrist.
There is a dagger tucked under her belt, with its pair in her right boot. She has a pair of flintlocks, though these are usually kept hidden away.
The following rumours can be heard about NAME, predominantly in WHERE. (If your character has an opinion about her, feel free to add it here.)
Common rumours
Uncommon rumours
Rare rumours
What PCs are saying
Known Haunts
You might have run into or otherwise know NAME from: