William Montoya

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Revision as of 11:11, 22 February 2015 by Xivrez'to (talk | contribs) (Added a PC Rumor)
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 William Montoya
Gender Male
Race Hyur Midlander
Clan Unknown
Citizenship La'Vania
Age 24
Marital Status Engaged ( and running)
Occupation Charming
Height/Weight 6'2" / 201 lbs
Orientation All over the place
  • Diego Montoya (Father)
  • Ania Montoya (maiden name Connor (Mother)

William Montoya

Basic Info


Fine wine
Cultured conversation


People who are not honest with themselves
Arranged marriages


Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Weakness: Inflated ego, Arrogant
Favorite Food: Quesadilla Grill
Favorite Drink: La'Vanian red
Favorite Color: Rose red

Appearance & Personality

William is a well mannered, well dressed hyur who appears to be in his mid/early twenties, Usually carrying a book by his side *wip*



William was born as the first child of his father, an influential noble in La Vania, a self-ruled former Limsan colony. He was a spoiled brat to say the least, always getting in trouble by making life hard on his servants through acts like hiding silverware and then accusing his servants of theft. His father got him to calm down by introducing fencing in Wills life, realizing that anyone could be his equal with a sword, he started to train in the art, becoming a fine duelist at a young age. But tragedy struck, and in a riding accident, William was thrown off his chocobo, while getting tangled in the reins with his right hand, causing tendons and bone to snap. And he was told he'd never be able to hold a rapier properly again. Sending the young boy into a deep depression.

The only bright point in life was Celise, a girl his age, and his betrothed. She was the only one he'd treated as an equal his entire life, others where either ebove or beneath him. They'd play, talk, and study together, making up stories about the outside world and deciding to explore it together. Wills mind turned to books instead, and even though he kept himself in a decent physical condition, his focus now became aetherial studies.

Adult years:

As the years went by. Celise and Williams marriage approached, but he had a nagging feeling in his gut. He did not love Celise, other than like a sister and best friend. A few weeks before the big day. William appeared outside her window, he talked it through with her, realizing they both felt the same way, they both intended to run away together, unmarried. But her father caught wind of the whole thing, and while she couldn't get away, William figured it would be hard to hold a wedding without him. So he ran, and has been on the run for the past 8 months.



Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"He just shows up, says a few fancy words and all of a sudden he's the centre of attention.."
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
"He's making Magicine!" - Xivrez'to Ithaka


Romantic Interest     Emotionally invested      Good Standing     Poor Standing
