Theula'sae Kertuh

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 Theula'sae Kertuh
"Above all, family."
The Tricksey Cat
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Age 32
Height and Weight 5'6 and 167 ponz.
Sexuality Demisexual
Marital Status Single.
Namesday 5th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon
Alignment Chaotic Neutral


(Note from the Player: OOC and IC interactions are entirely separate for me. I am not my character and I never will be. As such anything that happens IC, STAYS IC. I will not get into fights with people because of how our characters act, and I will not date anyone simply because our characters might fall in love. It might seem harsh to outright state these things in such a way, and some might wonder the necessity of it, but I want to make this abundantly clear so that no misunderstandings occur. Why? Because they have occurred in the past and I've been burned by it especially hard. With that said, I hope to get along with every player whose characters my own get thrown against. :3)

♦ General


♦ Appearance

♦ Behaviour

Much like his sister, the Keeper is a man of many words and smiles - though one would often feel as if they were being subtly mocked while in his presence, a toy to be played with and very little more. Due to his longer stay within their former tribe his speech and mannerisms tend to reflect that of a more traditional Keeper, though years of molding himself to fit with what the Eorzean standards deem as a 'reputatable Miqo'te' has left him somewhere in between what most would consider 'civilized' and 'not'. If not for his sheer hatred of his former life and the mother who for all intents and purposes abandoned them to the care of another, however, he would probably not give a single care to fit into any mold however. That kind of behavior more of a hold over from the days spent with his roving father, the one who essentially bartered for himself and his sister rather than allowing them to starve, over any kind of personal inclination.

Something that is very telling about the man, however, is his insistence upon the importance of loyalty to one's family. A fact which only becomes reinforced when you consider his early childhood and the subsequent abandonment by his mother while he was still of a tender age. The woman was no malicious in her intentions, the entire farce as he sees it being concocted to barter sparse provisions during a particularly harsh winter within the confines of the Shroud. This act shaped Sae in many ways, both giving the motivation to keep what little family he had left as close as possible and to annex those whom he saw as traitors to that idle. While their father has since passed onto green pastures, the male would do almost anything for his little sister and often times nearly smothers her with the need to protect and keep her safe. Something that, anyone who has met Enla, can attest goes about as well as a match in a fireworks shed.

Adding onto this, while the man is more than willing to cheat and murder when the occasion calls for it, in keeping with his original upbringing he has an unwanted fondness for women. Be they in need or simply far too quick on the uptake for him to properly process, it isn't uncommon to see Sae lose his normally level head and soften around women of all shapes and sizes. Though it is clear that this quirk is almost never out of physical attraction and more a deep seated belief from his upbringing within a matriarchal society. Women simply take precedence in terms of his attention, and if he can help, he shall. Perhaps for the best, seeing as this is the same male who would sip from his cups with boredom oozing from every pore while watching someone beat within an inch of their life because it holds no concern to himself.

Positive Traits:

  • Places family above all else, this includes those rare individuals who have actually caught his attention enough to be considered friends.
  • Loyal once those involved prove themselves worthy.
  • Can find humor in most situations, no matter how grim.
  • Very hard to actually fluster.

Negative Traits:

  • Self-centered to a fault, with the only exception being his family.
  • Capable of causing great harm without ever once considering the needs of others.
  • Willing to do whatever it takes to survive, and in doing so without a single care in the world to who comes to harm.
  • Can be manipulated with enough work by an interesting enough woman regardless of age or any other factor.

(This is an ever expanding list. As I uncover more flaws and positive traits they will be added here.)


With his long bow at the ready, Sae is far more combat effective than his younger sister could ever hope to be given her recent blindness. The kind of person who would much prefer to pick off targets from afar, either within a comfortable tree branch or a far away perch that an attacker would have to struggle to reach. One would almost get the feeling that the man chose this particular life style simply to keep from getting himself bloody with the lengths he goes to stay out of immediate combat. This could not be further from the truth, however, and anyone who has seen Sae engage in close quarters combat will know just how little he cares about making a mess when the situation calls for it. In addition to his bow, Sae has numerous daggers of simple make and style hidden all over his person - as well as his claws when the situation absolutely calls for it. However, he is far from the lean and spry image most archers project and a nimble enough opponent would be able to almost completely dance around the Keeper if they were of the mind to do so.

Recent RP events




■His family.
■Having enough money to enjoy the simple pleasures of life without worry.
■Banter with interesting individuals.
■The fresh breeze that always seems to be blowing through Gridania.
■Sitting back and enjoying a nice, warm ale and watching chaos unfold before his eyes.


■Those who threaten his family.
■Those who steal from him, though he does not care about thieves in particular beyond that.
■Many tribal Miqo'te, simply on principle.
■Foolishness of any kind.
■Being interrupted.


■Near deadly aim, though less so with his daggers than his bow.
■Map reading and exploration through the various environs of Eorzea.
■The mixing of poisons, having been self-dosing with them for near on ten years now to the point where he's near immune to most.


Favourite Food/Drink: Beer battered onions and friend coeurl shanks. High proof spirits for the drink.
Least Favorite Food/Drink: He'll eat most anything honestly.
Favourite Place: The shady depths of the Shroud.
Favourite Color: Deep green.


: Master of the bow and general ranged combat and capable of hitting targets from great distances. However, a crafty opponent would most likely be able to evade his strikes and outsmart Sae if they actually pushed him far. Unfortunately while accurate in a sense, his knife work is not the best nor the most consistent by comparison to his skills with the bow. Close combat fighting is your best bet for a win.

: Easily pushed off balance by women with the right balance of attributes and subsequently rather easy to make look like a fool if one were of the mind to do so. He's trying to work on it, truly he is, but part of him just melts and he can't help but grudgingly listen in regardless of whether he's being told a story of personal triumph or tragedy.

: Amateur thief, pickpocketing less and less these days to simply survive and more to return items that are stolen from him in the first place. He has some of the stealth needed for larger, more covert jobs, however his bulk makes him illsuited for such things.

:Can often be blinded to the worth of others, so that someone could play the fool and get under his defenses if they truly tried.

:A rather competent cartographer and map reader, he occasionally sells his detailed maps to any who might wish to buy them. Though the ones that least to rarer finds are often kept for his own private collection.

:Decent poison maker, though he is hardly of any note compared to those who devote themselves to the craft.

♦ Related Images


Romantic Interest     Sexual Desire     Platonic Love      Familial Affection     Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing


(None so far!)


Enla Kertuh - Younger sister. They have a fairly decent relationship that has become slightly strained since the advent of her blindness. His overly protective instincts went a little haywire and as a result nearly smothered his sister and her sense of individuality in his quest to ensure her safety. Currently Sae has backed off and tries to respect the boundaries set between them and Enla's need for independence, though most of his current goals align with the return of her eyesight. Only time will tell if he is ever successful, or if she will even let him have his way.
Karu'tan Moui - Father. A roving male who left the confines of tribal society to make his own fortune. Although the union between Theula and himself was short and utterly frivolous, he could not bear the thought of the two children that the coupling produced nor his former flame to be left to starve. In exchange for arranging that the tribe would be settled for the winter he took both Theula'sae and Enla with him back to Gridania, where the roving male tried his hardest to be the best father that he could towards the two frightened kits. It must have worked, for both of his children still mourn his passing years later and do their best to integrate into Eorzean society in accordance with the examples that he set for them. Deceased.
Theula Kertuh - Mother. Exchanged her parental rights over both Theula'sae and Enla, her two youngest at the time, for the good of her tribe - bargaining with their father over custody in a deal that ultimately garnered their small little tribe enough food to survive the coming winter with excess stores and two mouths less to feed in the process. To Sae, this woman is the scum of the earth and he would sooner spit in her direction before even deigning to speak with her. The same could be said for whatever remaining siblings he has left within the tribe.


Nah Amariyo - The foolish girl is bound to get herself killed, in Sae's honest opinion. Yet he cannot help but hope that she makes it through whatever trials are laid out before her. While having only met once, Nah left an impression, and only time will tell where it leads.

Enemies & Rivals

(None so far!)



PC Rumors:

(Feel free to add some of your own if you'd like!)

How another character might know him:

  • Sae grew up in both the more inhospitable areas of the Shroud, and later within the grand city of Gridania itself. Most Gridanian citizens might recognize him, for unlike his sister he has never truly distanced himself in association with the city in spite of his roving.
  • Cartographers and adventures might have come across one of his many maps, signed under the name T. Kertuh, during their adventures. While not exactly prolific, his maps do have a certain amount of circulation that would make his name at least passingly known within a few niche sphere.
  • Perhaps a more tribal Keeper might recognize his patterns from many decades ago when he was still firmly kept at his mother's side and curious enough to deal with any visiting merchants or traders from the other tribes.

♦ Footnotes

Theme song:

Upkeeper (Wep'keer) - Okami Soundtrack

Million Years - Nico Vega


  • If you wish to RP with Sae just hit me up on the forums or in game! He can go anywhere.
  • As Sae is still in the process of being leveled, her 'RP' outfits are pretty much at the whims of time and money. As I get him closer to max level he'll have more to wear, but at the moment if you see him in anything resembling armor and running around the environs of Eorzea he's not in character. Though I'm all for impromptu RP so long as you allow me to change him into his proper clothes! :P
  • Sae is capable of dying or being maimed. My only caveat is that the former definitely be talked out with me first, with my ability to refuse to go through with it remaining intact. The latter I don't much mind people doing so long as someone doesn't come out of the blue and decide to hack off her arm then trololo off into the sunset. Any subjects of heavier weight, such as anything sexual or the like, must also be discussed first.
  • I am very open to critique. If you see me doing something lore breaking with Sae, please let me know.

The template is by TwinSerpent!