Mir'a Ain

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 Miir'a (Mir) Ain.
Gender Male.
Race Miqo'te.
Clan Keepers of the Moon.
Citizenship Thavnair/Ul'dah.
Age 16 years old.
Marital Status Single.
Occupation Apprentice alchemist / independent researcher.
Height/Weight 154.5cm (5'1) / 91 pounds (6.5 stone)
Orientation Pansexual.
  • (Father)
  • Lehko Sizha (Thavnair)
  • (Mother)
  • Ain Lahfina (Thavnair)

Basic Info

A young male miqo'te gifted with both an unnatural aptitude for arcanima and a thousand yalm stare.




Keepers of the Moon.


Alignment: Neutral Good.
Vice(s): New books.
Favorite Food: Fish.
Favorite Drink: Tea.
Favorite Color: Black.


Miir'a stands at five fulms and one ilm, and is thin. He has shoulder length light grey hair with silver streaks, most often worn in a braid at the back of his head with a loose fringe, though on occasion is loose. He possesses a set of large yellow eyes and small fangs. He possesses small facial markings denoted to males underneath both eyes, and a lunar symbol upon his forehead. His features are small, and his tail is long. Between his shoulders a brand can be seen which marks him as one of the original Warriors of Light.


Miir'a is a quiet individual who prefers to keep to himself. While good natured, he prefers to give people of all nationalities, creeds, or races an extremely wide berth and actively avoids all contact whenever he can - even going as far as to change course based on proximity to others. For this reason, Miir'a does not call anywhere home. He is nomadic, and travels Eorzea alone, conducting research on varying aetherial phenomena. His travels do bring him back to Ul'dah on occasion, usually to restock or to earn money to supplement his travels.

If forced into interaction, Miir'a remains mostly silent, and when conversation is forced from him he responds awkwardly and tends to stammer, often unto the point of seeming idiotic. In all actuality, Miir'a possesses an intelligence far beyond that of most. He pours himself into all manner of study, and as a result excels in all fields of aether manipulation (thaumaturgy, conjury, and arcanima) and some sciences such as alchemy.

Driven and focused, Miir'a juggles service to the scions of the seventh dawn and his research, though spends his life pursuing an unknown power.


Foreword: huge.

Miir'a is a legacy character, so 1.0 activity (THM storyline, 1.0 main scenario, end of an era storyline) is shown within his history section.


Originally named Fari, Miir'a was born to Ain Lahfinah, an extremely prominent matriarch of a Thavnarian group of nomadic desert huntresses. Born the youngest, and dwarfed by seven siblings, Fari struggled with her training as a huntress. Put simply, she had no aptitude for hunting, archery, or any of the disciples of war. She was a disappointment to her mother, who decided to instruct her siblings and wayside Fari. Fari herself made use of herself to the clan by fletching arrows for her sisters and generally busying herself with other chores while the others spent their time hunting. As the group travelled, fought and defeated rival groups looking to hunt on lands Ain declared her territory, Fari's elder brother Miir'a gifted her a book on thaumaturgy plundered from a defeated enemy unit. In her spare time she absorbed everything from the tome she could. She found that she was able to grasp the basic concepts of aether manipulation easily. Seeing the fact that her youngest daughter was not entirely useless, Ain plundered more reading material for her youngest daughter, eventually entrusting the task of star reading to her.

As per Keeper of the Moon custom, Fari was forced to leave her home and seek her fortune when she came of age, alongside her siblings. As such, she decided to travel to Eorzea and pursue the life of an adventurer.


The sixth Astral Era

Arriving in Ul'dah in the Sixth Astral Era, Fari bore witness to an Ul'dahn parade gone wrong when a magically fettered Goobue escaped and rampaged. Alongside the elezen goldsmith Niellfresne and a strange hyur named Thancred, she subdued the Goobue - not before it severely injured a man named Warburton as he sought to protect his daughter, Ascilia, from the creature.

Enrolling in the Adventurer's Guild, Fari was taken under the wing of the proprietress, Momodi Modi, and performed odd jobs for Momodi in exchange for a roof under her head. She saw Momodi as a mother figure in the absence of Ain Semih quickly, and worked with Thancred to uncover the truth behind the parade's accident, as well as find truth behind the rumours that Ul'dah sought to war with the invading Garlean Empire - finding eventually that the incident at the parade was no accident.

The sons and daughters of the Syndicate - the most powerful faction in Ul'dah comprised of the wealthiest benefactors - staged the parade's accident in order to both defame their mothers and fathers and fan the flames of war against the Empire by swaying public opinion. They set the goobue escape up and planned to use a local gladiator, Grienfarr, to take the goobue down and win both the respect and support of the people so they could go to war against the Empire. At this point Fari and Thancred learn that Warburton died from his injuries, and his daughter is orphaned. At this point as well, Fari learns that Warburton was not an Ul'dahn citizen. He was, in fact, rumoured to be an Imperial spy - and the heirs of the Syndicate wish to reanimate his body to learn of any future attack by the Empire upon Ul'dah - goaded by the words "Something worse than the Empire is coming" by his daughter, Ascilia.

Fari and Thancred attempt to stop Niellfresne before he can reanimate Warburton's body, but find they are too late as they stumble upon Niellfresne's dying form at the Ossuary - which only points to Ascilia nearby when Thancred asks who killed him.

Fari watches, horrified, as something happens. She is transported back to the murder; watching Niellfresne's attempts to reanimate Warburton's body. She and Thancred watch as a hooded assailant stabs him in the back. Transported back to the present moment with Thancred, she realizes that Niellfrene has died. Thancred stares at Fari in fear, and tells her that the "Something worse than the Empire" is already at hand. Telling her that they must leave, He, Fari, and Ascilia escape the Ossuary before bearing witness to a meteor shower outside. It is then that Fari passes out; and wakes with Momodi.

Fari enrolls in the Order of Nald'thal and becomes an accomplished Thaumaturge, though the mentality of the guild leaves her unhappy with her path. Her uncertainties begin when she is informed that Thal, the god of the dead, judges all with his scales; to determine the virtue of all those which have died. Virtue is defined by birth, station, knowledge, wisdom, power and above all; not one's deeds. One's wealth. She is assigned to study under Prelate Illofii and shortly begins her first assignment.

Fari learns that a wealthy merchant has died, and that he leaves a third of his total estate to the Order of Nald'thal at Arrzaneth Ossuary - and that in exchange for the donation, his will requests that his death is avenged. Prelate Illofii informs Fari that life can only pay for life, and a large part of a thaumaturge's duties involve vengeance orders. Fari is told that the merchant died in a freak accident where a caravan fell over the edge of some cliffs. The perpetrator has been found and she is expected to take vengeance and is horrified; until she is told that the perpetrator is believed to be a billygoat which merely moved into the road. She takes "vengeance" on the poor creature and returns to the Ossuary, where Prelate Illofii informs her that the merchant's soul should surely find peace, as she has taken it's sin upon her.

Her next assignment sends her to Limsa Lominsa, the city of pirates. She is instructed to spread word of the Ossuaries teachings and "invite" suitably scared into paying patrons to be interred at the Ossuary when they die. In short, she's to be selling graves. Before she departs, she meets an unnamed thaumaturge which informs her, point blank, that the Limsans will never listen to Fari. The thaumaturge remarks that the Lominsans feel the special benefits and rites promised with the Ossuaries burials are never carried out; further remarking that Limsa Lominsa isn't worth the time. That as they're pirates; more people are lost to sea than anything. Without a body, what burial could there be?

The thaumaturge finally tells Fari that they are to be judged against one another in all respects, and that she has every intention of showing the superiors within the Order that she is far superior. In Limsa Lominsa, Fari uses the echo and notices the thaumaturge seems to be putting much more effort into selling trinkets than actually working on behalf of the Order to sell graves; and observes the sale of a particular ring. A hyur, Bodemolf, observes the sale as well and places the ring to a friend of his which was murdered by the Sahagin - and interred into the Ossuary with it. He, and Fari, realize that the thaumaturge has plundered the girl's grave. Unbeknownst that Fari used the echo to see what had transpired, Fari is told by Bodemolf that the Order won't be doing any more business in Limsa till they've got rid of their graverobbers.

When back at the Ossuary, Fari informs the thaumaturge of what she has seen; and is asked by the thaumaturge for proof of her claim. Finally, the thaumaturge asks Fari if stealing from the graves of the dead is even such a bad thing - That the Order itself teaches that the dead must leave behind all it's worldly wealth to become virtuous. The thaumaturge also tells Keeper Yayake of Fari's accusation; and Yayake punishes Fari as a result - sending her to Prelate Illofii to commence her next lesson afterward. Fari's next task is to investigate a recent accident involving yet another caravan which had fallen over the edge of a mountain; and that the Thaumaturge Fari accused of graverobbing would be dealing with the funerary rites - and Fari is saddled with the vengeance orders. Yayake even mentions in closing that Fari could stand to learn much from the thaumaturge.

Fari reports to Prelate Illofii and starts investigating the accident, and uses the Echo to see a vision of the past. She sees the thaumaturge hypnotize the coach driver and cause the accident; yet in the Echo she is seen - which forces her out of it and with the angered thaumaturge who engages her to conceal her secret. Fari defeats the thaumaturge and is told by Prelate Illofii that the Order's doctrine prohibits vengeance against it's own members. Prelate Illofii then tells Fari to return to the guild. It is then that Fari decides to leave the guild, deciding that she can have no part in further profit from the dead.

Fari decides to seek out Thancred, and learns that the man no longer resides in Ul'dah. She is told that everything she has encountered thus far actually happened 15 years ago - that there is no Thancred; no Ascilia, and no reanimations of the dead. At least, not in present time. Confused, (After all, to her, it's simply been a matter of months since she witnessed the murder of Niellfresne) she refuses to take the fact as truth.

Momodi also has a message for her; that she is directed to go to the Path of the Twelve in Ul'dah by the woman which collected her when she was unconscious on the street - a woman named Minfilia.

Arriving at the Path of the Twelve, Fari is greeted by Minfilia herself; and realizes quickly that Minfilia is Ascilia plus 15 years. Minfilia informs Fari of her ability - the Echo - and it's intricacies - including the ability to travel through time and experience events first hand though be unable to change the outcome of said events. Furthermore, the Echo grants the bearer the ability to understand any language, written or spoken. The Echo can manifest at any time - Minfilia gained hers from Fari 15 years ago at Niellfresne's death - and that the passage of the Echo is always marked via meteor shower... which also signifies the birth of a primal.

Fari learns that the Path of the Twelve exists for those gifted with the Echo, as they are not safe elsewhere - as they are seen as Beastmen by the Empire and the citystates of Ul'dah, Limsa Lominsa, and Gridania. However, Minfilia firmly believes that those with the Echo are tasked with saving Eorzea from the Primals and from the Empire.

Minfilia partners Fari with Rurune - a Lalafell who lost her home to the Empire. Together, Fari and Rurune attempt to treat with the Amal'jaa beast tribe to ask them to cease their aggression against Ul'dah and prevent them from summoning their deity Ifrit; but are taken as captives. Ifrit attempts to Temper Rurune and Fari but fails; revealing that those with the Echo cannot be tempered - and that they are to leave his people immediately. Fari learns that those which summon Primals are changed in mind, body and heart - transformed and souls darkened. Rurune and Fari eventually return to the Path of the Twelve and commence aiding a distress call by the Slyphs - another Beast tribe.

The pair of them are powerless to stop the Garlean Empire from destroying most of the Sylph by burning the Twelveswood, though they manage to save some Podlings (young Sylph) to serve as the tribe's next generation.

Rurune becomes acquainted and eventually accepted into a resistance organization from her lost homeland, and goes against Minfilia's wishes to strike at the Empire alongside the Ala Mihgan resistance. Fari follows out of concern; and ends up engaging a Garlean squadron and their Magitek Vanguard while trying to find Rurune in Mor Dhona. Fari manages to survive thanks to quick thinking in turning the Vanguard's Magitek cannon onto itself and the soldiers; and is eventually found, injured, by Rurune. The pair move to meet up with the resistance, but are greeted to the horrifying sight of all of the members sprawled dead at Silvertear Falls.

Through the heavy fog, Fari notices the resistance leader moving toward them, and Rurune runs to greet him. However, it is a trap. It is not the leader; merely his body held aloft by the legatus of the XIVth legion of the Garlean Army's invasion force - Gaius van Baelsar - the Black Wolf. He shoots Rurune and moves to shoot Fari, though his attack is intercepted by Thancred, back, 15 years into the future but looking no different from the day Fari met him. Thancred and his associates engage van Baelsar and teleport Rurune and Fari away when Baelsar launches a nuclear blast from an overhead Imperial Dreadnaught. It becomes plain that Rurune and Fari were supposed to die that day at van Baelsar's hand- though have been saved by Thancred using the Echo or something very like it alongside the rest of the Circle of Knowing in order to save them.

Thancred remarks that Rurune should learn patience if she wishes to stay alive long enough to get revenge on the Empire, and throws Fari a Linkpearl. He also mentions in passing that if Fari and Rurune need to gain more strength that they need to find the one which gave them the Echo, and ask for more power. He then teleports away.

Confused, Fari returns to the path of the Twelve to learn that Rurune has left the organization in search of the power Thancred spoke of already. Rurune and Fari are never reunited.

End of the sixth Astral Era

It is around this time that words of a prophecy that speaks certain doom for Eorzea comes to light. As such, the Grand Companies of each city state are hastily reassembled, with leaders reinstated which take control of all military protocol. For Fari, an Ul'dahn - despite being courted by members of each citystate's Grand Company, her loyalty led to her choosing to serve within the Immortal Flames of Ul'dah. Fari learns of an "Archon" by the name of Urianger which travels from Aetheryte to Aetheryte preaching this dark prophecy, and is tasked to bring him to a merchant named Taylor within Ul'dah. Upon meeting Urianger, listening to his words and saying (lying) that she will fight alongside him, the arcanist summons a monster upon her and disappears. Having defeated the creature, Fari is surprised to see the presence of Thancred after such a long time.

The bard tells Fari that he's pleased to see her again, and tells her of the prophet, Mezaya Thousand Eyes. He then tells Fari that a thousand years before, a great calamity befell Eorzea, and the Twelve destroyed it all a great flood - indicating the start of the Sixth Umbral Era of Water. He asks Fari if she has the strength to fight against the coming of the Seventh Umbral Era, and informs her that the strength must come from within herself. Fari wholeheartedly agrees to help in any way she can. Thancred seems pleased, and tells her that their paths will meet again. Fari reports to Taylor that Urianger has escaped, and because of her conversation with Thancred, does not go after him.

Fari's first mission for the Immortal Flames involves her destroying a Garlean blockade at Little Ala Mihgo. Stunned, and seeing the grievousness of the Garlean Empire reaching Thanalan already, Fari leaves immediately for Little Ala Mihgo, There, she defeats the Garlean unit holding the road. She learns that the Garleans were there because the sellswords they hired to hold the border were bought for a higher price by Lolorito of the Ul'dahn syndicate, and the unit she took down was an extermination unit, looking for the sellswords. As a result, the Flames must deal with Limsa Lominsa's Maelstrom for an alternative route, though the empire are starting to take control of the sea as well. She is then tasked with brokering the deal between the Flames and arms merchants in Limsa Lominsa. Successful, she returns to the Immortal Flames and is immediately given a new task.

Members of the Immortal Flames had been ambushed at the ferry docks Northwest of Camp Horizon. Fari makes her way there, tasked with delivering the Flames' vengeance to the perpetrators. Having defeated the (Lominsan?!) pirates responsible, she is surprised to see Urianger and Thancred appear again. They state to her that they work together, are both the "Archons" spoken of so lowly by the general citizenry of Eorzea, and assure her that the rumours of the Archons bringing about the last Umbral era is falsehood. It's merely hearsay and rumour that the Empire spreads, in order to sow seeds of discord in Eorzea -- and make people turn in Urianger, who they are currently hunting. Reassured, Fari takes her leave and returns to the Immortal Flames.

Fari is then told to witness an address by the Flame General and does so, noting that Thancred is watching as well. She finds him in the crowd and speaks with him, learning that Thancred himself put Raubahn back into Ul'dah in order to reestablish the Grand Company to unite the Ul'dahns, in order to prevent the Seventh Umbral Era from coming.

The Immortal flames then task Fari with another task; finding an engineer of the Garlond Ironworks which has gone missing. Fari learns that this engineer was actually a Garlean spy sent to infiltrate the Ironworks, and report back on Cid nan Garlond. After having his identity revealed, he fled - after stealing a wealth of secret documents. Fari understands that the documents cannot be permitted to reach the empire, and persues the engineer. Unfortunately, he jumps off a cliff before she can capture him. She's troubled by his last words of Cid being a traitor, the mention of Dalamud, and van Darnus, and returns to Ul'dah to question Cid. She then learns that Cid fled the empire, in order to stop Dalamud - something the Garlean Empire are going to call down onto Eorzea in order to annihilate everything upon it after years of a stalemate.

After returning to the Flames, Fari learns that the thaumaturges of Azzurath Ossuary have made a breakthrough. According to them, the fact Dalamud is getting bigger in the sky doesn't mean that the distance between it and the world is lessening. Or that it's falling! It means that Ifrit is simply making it bigger. Somehow. Despite her reservations, Fari agrees to defeat Ifrit in order to halt Dalamud's... growth spurt. She is told a native of Sharlayan is currently within Gridania, and he holds the key to defeating Ifrit. Upon arriving in Gridania, Fari makes the acquaintance of an elderly elezen named Louisoix. She learns that he is the head of the Circle of Knowing, Thancred's organization, and that the Primals are draining the land of aether by simply existing. Aether is lifeblood - the very life of the planet. Louisoix points out a way that Fari might be able to reach Ifrit, and tasks her with finding six Echo crystals in order to do so.

Louisoix then uses his magicks to merge the six crystals and creates a harmonizing crystal, which is used for making way into the Bowl of Embers - Ifrit's sanctuary. He then asks Fari to find the Inferno Flambeau - a sacred relic used for calling Ifrit. Fari does; and then faces him. Despite overwhelming odds, Fari manages to defeat Ifrit, but her celebration is cut short by the appearance of Nael van Darnus of the Garlean Empire's VIIth Imperial Legion. He congratulates Fari on her victory, but warns her of the prophecy before attacking her with power which even stuns his subordinates. Fari escapes Darnus and returns to Gridania, only to learn that Darnuses' attack spilled Aether across the land. And, that Ifrit can, and will return made even stronger than before when he is resummoned.

Dejected, Fari returns to the Immortal Flames. Upon visiting the Hall of Flames, First Lieutenant Aubrey entrusted her with an important task. Reports indicated that Garleans at Silvertear Falls in Mor Dhona have begun to mobilize their forces. The Free Brigade of the Immortal Flames, led by High Commander Jakys Ryder, had already been dispatched to intercept an imperial troop marching for Thanalan. Fari was ordered to travel to the vicinity of Camp Black Brush in central Thanalan and find them before they reached Ul'dah.

Free Brigade High Commander Ryder ordered Fari to travel to a cave located to the northwest of Camp Black Brush and put down any Garleans she encountered. To protect against the new magitek weaponry they are rumored to have, he provides Fari with an imperial disruptor--an instrument devised by the genius that is the Garlond Ironworks. Using the disruptor, she defeats the Garleans and witnesses an Echo detailing Cid's last days as a Garlean - and van Darnus almost killing him for deserting the empire.

Returning to the Flames, Fari is given a mission to see Louisoix, who has asked for her by name. He informs Fari of Garuda's summoning, and tasks her to destroy the lady of the vortex in order to stop more Aether being drained from the land. Fari manages to do so, after collecting six vortex totems in order to open the way into the Howling Eye. Fari learns that the Beast tribes as well fear the coming of the Empire and the Seventh Umbral era, and their options of fighting against it involve the calling of their Primals. Disconcertingly, Fari notices at Garuda's downfall her essence and her Aether floating upward, toward Dalamud. In the light of this, all three Grand Companies decide to work together in order to take on the Empire, who are, by now, on each nation's doorstep. Van Darnus has built Castrum Novum within Mor Dhona, upon ground the Empire have won.

While investigating, Fari notices a destroyed Imperial Dreadnaught burning down a Mor Dhonan canyon. She is accosted by Gaius van Baelsar, who does not attack her. Instead, he seems to recognize her from 15 years ago, and states that all of Eorzea will be reduced to a flaming husk if Van Darnus succeeds with calling Dalamud down. He goes on to state that van Darnus' manner is altered, changed, by the close proximity of Dalamud, and that he no longer acts on behalf of the Empire. He then gives Fari the blueprints for a device, a Lunar Transmitter, which is calling Dalamud down, and tells her the location of it. He states that they are both after the same thing, and that only Cid can save Eorzea now. Fari hurries back to the Immortal Flames, and gives them the blueprints -- to meet a familiar face.

Fari is reintroduced to her brother Miir'a, whom alongside his twin sister Mihl, has enlisted within the Immortal Flames. Their reunion is cut short however as an offensive against Castrum Novum, the location of the transmitter, is made - and predictably, the Eorzean alliance is massacred by the VIIth legion, leaving the whereabouts of Miir'a and Mihl unknown. Fari manages to get inside, and disables the Lunar Transmitter.

What she doesn't expect is Nael van Darnus arriving. Indeed, he's changed, and speaks of the races of Eorzea as "animals", "filthy and corrupted" and that he will gift to them the purity of nothingness. He severely injures Fari in a blast with his gunhalbard, and then appears to address the moon itself, calling it his master and he it's servant. He seems to absorb power from it, and destroys the Lunar transmitter himself. He tells Fari that the destruction of the instrument means nothing, and leaves, walking through the resulting flames engulfing the transmission room, leaving Fari to burn alive.

Fari manages to escape, and from that moment on is plagued by the (infamous) Nightmare; (which was actually a 1.0 cutscene for people which got this far, when they rested in the inn room!) of all about her- soldiers, the Grand Company leaders, even the Sharlayans, dead around her and fading into nothing. Over the corpse of a black wolf, Nael van Darnus comes toward her, and she crouches down covering her head with her hands. He moves his spear back, holds it there for a sickening moment and-

-she wakes up.

At Thancred's behest, Fari takes time to recover from her injuries and manages to answer a summons which comes a few weeks later. True to what van Darnus said, the destruction of the Lunar Transmitter meant nothing. The world itself is going mad with the very real possibility of Dalamud hitting, since all options have long expired, and Dalamud is close enough now to shower debris upon Eorzea. Furthermore, cults have rose which worship Dalamud (in the belief worship means they will not die) and a creature named Atomos has risen, sapping the Aether from the Aetheryte crystals upon Eorzea. Teleportation is no longer possible, and the camps themselves are plagued by monsters and Atomos and therefore not safe.

In the Black Shroud, the elementals have risen, declaring this calamity mankind's fault and indiscriminately slaughtering travellers and Gridanians both. Furthermore, it's raining in Thanalan. It has been raining for weeks, and Ul'dah is beset by qiqirn venturing in from Thanalan, forming circles, and attacking all that would attack them before leaving. All is in despair. It is revealed van Darnus has constructed a floating island in Coerthas in order to meet Dalamud, and Fari is charged with the only thing left - to kill van Darnus on this island. Though fearful, she accepts, and forges a bond with Cid, who pilots her there.

Cid asks Fari why she's even bothering, and it becomes clear the pair of them fear Darnus as much as the other. Upon the floating island, Fari and her allies engage van Darnus, and appear to have defeated him in an extremely difficult battle. However, van Darnus is not defeated. He accepts more power from Dalamud, and his form changes into Nael Deus Darnus - and he attacks again. Finally defeated, Fari watches silently, injured herself, as his body fades into Aether as it is absorbed by the moon. The floating island starts to fall, and Fari accepts her death. However - Cid, aboard the Enterprise, saves her and bears her safely back to Gridania.

After she is recovered, she is hailed as a hero and entrusted with one more task. Despite Darnus' death, Dalamud still continues to fall. Yet with his death, runestones bearing the mark of the Twelve appear upon Eorzea. She is tasked to travel to each, and pray to the Twelve at each rune, that they might save Eorzea. Fari does so, and meets again with Thancred. He tells her that the summoning of the Twelve will happen, that the Circle of Knowing will do so themselves. But he admits to her that the Twelve are like the Primals. They have an Aetheric cost of being summoned, and that the cost might very well destroy Eorzea before Dalamud does - thanks to the Primals. He states that they have to take that risk in order to have some possible way of saving Eorzea though, and Fari agrees with him.

Fari prays to all of the Twelve at each specified location and returns, readying herself for the final battle with the VIIth Imperial Legion (who still target Eorzea, even without a leader) alongside the three Grand Companies, Cid, those with the Echo, and every other Eorzean adventurer. The last stand is brutal, and only stopped by one thing - Dalamud falling apart above their heads. Garleans, Adventurers, Immortal Flame and Magitek alike all turn and flee at what exactly happens next. Dalamud was not a moon. It's actually a carrying device. From the device comes Bahamut; an enormous Primal. It razes all of Mor Dhona, Coerthas, even the distant nations of Ul'dah, Gridania, and Limsa Lominsa in seconds. And the Twelve are summoned.

Shielded from a blast by Louisoix, Fari watches the Elezen evoke the Twelve in an incantation. A new holding device is formed around Bahamut, and it appears the Twelve were able to contain the Primal - though Bahamut breaks loose. Angered, the Primal attacks Louisoix and his shields falter. Fari finds herself, and others, engulfed within a bright light from Louisoix's broken staff. Louisoix's final act was to save those with the Echo - and Fari disappears just as soon as Louisoix is killed by Bahamut's Mega Flare.

She has no idea where she is.

If she's even alive. She's held in stasis for seven years, not in her body and not capable of even dreaming, or feeling the passage of time. Suddenly, there's a bright flash, and Fari finds herself... changed. She isn't herself, not at all, instead in the body of a male -- the body of her brother, Miir'a. She doesn't understand why, but Atomos and the general corruption of aether meant that some of the "saved" (...Literally.) adventurers in stasis could not be restored properly. Fari is one of those. She bears the body of her brother, though remains herself. She does all that she can. She returns to Ul'dah in her new body, and calls herself Miir'a from that point.


[in progress]


● Mir is the son of a Thavnairian matriarch, and as a result has a unique (In Eorzea, anyway) mother’s name, but hates bringing up the point. He’ll actively lie about it to non-keepers of the moon, and even more so avoids talking about it to keepers, whom all find the name strange.
● Petrified of Eorzean keepers of the moon. Avoids whenever possible. Attempts to avoid even when impossible.
● Adores spriggans.
● He occasionally visits Raincatcher gully when he feels burdened or stressed. And he kills fly clouds on behalf of the Imperial stranded there- because he feels guilty over being the sole cause of his predicament. If he ever can be found, it's at Raincatcher Gully.


◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
There’s another male Keeper poking around Urth’s Gift, as if one wasn’t enough. At first we assumed he was after the Couerlking’s seat and decided to sit back and let them at each other. The new male’s avoided any kind of scuffle. Now the padjal are saying to leave him to whatever he’s doing around the Fount. Elemental’s blessing or not - No good can come of it. (South Shroud Wood Wailers)
Miir’a? Bless you. What? A person? No, I’ve never — Oh, Mir? That’s the one. Young lad. Dark skin. He’s guildmaster Severian’s favourite. The guildmaster’s changed so much since he came here! He does a damn sight more than making natron like the rest of us, though. Odd, that a heir of the Syndicate and a known Royalist work so closely together… The love of alchemy, maybe? What are they even making? (Ul’dahn alchemist)
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
That one. He might be the favourite of the guildmasters, but he reminds me of someone… Someone that left the guild in disgrace almost six years ago when Mumepo was in charge. The form is different. The one that left was a young lass, but the energy… it’s the same. (Ul’dahn Thaumaturge)
Him? Comes frequently, actually! Keeps looking for tomes related to the power of darkness. Kind of strange, isn't it? That a warrior of light is after darkness, of all things. (Ul'dahn merchant)
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
Another male? Of course we’ve seen him. A shadow here, some skulking about there. He’s a hag - or a male version of a hag. Useless when it comes to hunting, likely only good for star readings. And he knows it. Probably why he hasn’t made a move on the King. He keeps well away from the camp. (Couerlclaw)
--But if that halfwit ever got to know about the other male, he’d make an example of him. Haven’t you seen? That male’s collar is the same as the Shikaree’s. They must be working together. I doubt our idiot of a “king” would notice, so the ladies all know. Fire first and ask questions later. (Coeurlclaw)

◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
Miir'a Ain? He's dead. Died in the Calamity alongside so many other idiots that put their faith in the Grand Companies and got fed to the magitek at Novum like the idiots they are. Whoever's took his name, they'll be dead shortly. Dead as the real Miir'a - As dead as my brother. Mihl Ain


Lover Blood relative Good Standing Poor Standing
Garrett Slater : An old acquaintance from Ul'dah. Miir'a spoke to Garrett at length in regard to the battle of Carteneau, and listened to Garrett's tale of his father's death within it. Sees the paladin as something like a friend, though hasn't conceded any information about himself to him.
Mihl Ain : Blood sister. While it is unknown to Miir'a whether or not she is still alive following the unified attack upon Castrum Novum, Miir'a will do anything to avoid her given the fact he's in her dead twin's body.

Footnotes / Credits

Miir'a's backstory is largely defined by being the player character through FFXIV 1.0 and 2.0.
Template by Bancroft Gairn


All drawings are by the player, and should not be used by anyone else.