Eulalie Jasvinder

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Work In Progress
Eulalie Jasvinder
Little Lightning Bolt


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BIRTH NAME... Eulhalie Jasvhinder (ooh-la-lee yas-vin-dare)

RACE & CLAN... Miqo'te - Keepers of the Moon

GENDER... Female

AGE... 18

NAMEDAY... 14th sun of the 4th Umbral Moon






CLASS... Archer, Leatherworker

OCCUPATION... Hunter & Leatherworker

PATRON DEITY... Rhalgr, The Destroyer

HEIGHT... 4'11

ALIGNMENT... Chaotic Good


☼ I prefer not to roleplay with people under 18. Please respect that.

☼ The opinions of my characters do not necessarily reflect my opinions OOC. i.e. If one of my characters develops a crush on yours, I promise I'm not going to get my feelings hurt if your characters don't reciprocate. (Some of my characters are flirtatious, please don't feel as if I'm forcing anything on you!)

☼ I absolutely love roleplaying platonic relationships like friendships or rivalries, backstory relationships, and temporary or unrequited romantic relationships. OTP type romance is fun, too, but not my only interest.

☼ I don't have many boundaries in roleplay. Mature themes like drugs/alcohol, graphic violence, abuse, and sexual themes are all fine with me given logical plot or character driven reason. Just please discuss with me beforehand if you want to roleplay serious injury or abusive or sexual themes. Note: I don't do pointless smut. I'm okay roleplaying sexual themes to further plot, character, or relationship development and that's pretty much it. Out of respect for FFXIV's rating and other players, I won't roleplay certain mature content in public spaces (like /say).

☼ If at any point in our roleplay you feel uncomfortable or I overstep any bounds, please don't be afraid to let me know.

☼ Paragraph style roleplay is my favorite. I also enjoy roleplaying on forums, tumblr, or skype. I'm willing to give out my skype handle, if you want it.

☼ I'm in a happy relationship OOC. I won't appreciate OOC romantic advances and OOC sexual advances are liable to get you blocked and possibly reported.




Hunting. There's a definite satisfaction in being able to bring down beasts that could tear you to pieces if given the chance.
Food. Some say that once a person has been to the brink of starvation, an insatiable hunger is born inside them. If nothing else, this certainly holds true for her.
Heights. In general, she loves to climb all over everything, but she particularly enjoys tall things. Trees, cliffs, buildings, you name it. A bird's eye view can really lend an advantage.


Beastkin. As much as she works to hide it, she is terrified of the beast tribes; the Ixali in particular.
Tradition. She has never been able to hold well to many Gridanian traditions, and trying to has been a constant exercise in futility, serving only to foster inner turmoil.
Heritage. Spending a good portion of her life attempting to distance herself from both her Ala Mhigan and Miqo'te heritage, she doesn't enjoy reminders of who she was and where she came from. She particularly despises her name being pronounced with the proper Miqo'te inflections.


Eft Steak. The blacker and more charred, the better.
Stingbrew. She can drink men four times her size under the table, granted most men can't stomach a mouthful of the potent liquor.
Sky Blue & Iris Purple. The colors match her eyes.


Repetition. She has a silly habit of doubling up her words or sentences.
Taste. She has a strong inclination to what some might consider bland or just plain vile foods, although in the city-state of Gridania these kinds of foods are less strange and more of a staple.


City of Shadows
Her life began in secret, in a hidden resistance niche within Ala Mhigo, two years after the Garlean invasion. She doesn't remember much about those days other than the constant sense of urgency. The hiding in the dark, creeping through alleys and keeping to bunkers for months at a time, being shushed, seeing her parents brave and determined. Before she was old enough to really understand what was happening in the world, the Garleans had discovered their pocket of resistance and all hell was soon to break loose. Luckily, there were some who had caught wind of the discovery before the Garleans reached them, her and her parents included, and they managed to narrowly escape a no doubt gruesome death at the hands of the empire.

Into The Wild
With their safe haven now overrun by the wolves themselves, they were forced to flee past the borders and into the Black Shroud, where they managed to regroup with some of the other refugees from their resistance who had also managed to get away. The displaced Ala Mhigans were hesitant to attempt approaching any Gridanian settlement, but even aside from that, the Black Shroud was massive and wild and they could hardly navigate it. So, for a time the small group simply set up a camp and lived in the wood.

Well, they tried to, at least. Though the Ala Mhigans were battle-hardened and robust, they were also accustomed to the luxuries of technology. They didn't know the first thing about hunting or foraging. Ironically, food was scarce in a forest that flourished so fully. There was a period when a few of their numbers died from eating poisonous fruit. The rest went hungry for days for fear of meeting the same fate. She can still remember how the hunger felt; her stomach gnawing at itself, the pain and desperation. As if the elementals themselves disapproved of their presence in the wood-- and they very well may have-- disease also took hold of their already quickly dwindling group, dropping nearly a dozen Hyurs in a fortnight. The situation became so dire that it was soon apparent that their only hope was to to find Gridanian civilization and pray they allowed them sanctuary. Her parents packed what little food they had and delved deeper into the unforgiving forest.

They walked for days, growing weaker with each step. First she stumbled, then she fell and could move no more, then her father carried her for a time, until even he no longer had the strength. Too late, they came to realize they were being hunted. Like vultures, the Ixali beastkin had stalked them until the moment was right, until they no longer had the means to fight. She wishes she could say her parents weren't afraid, that they had died valiantly, that they had went out swinging their blades. She wishes she could rewrite her memory into something more like that. At the very least, she can say they went quickly.

After the Ixali were through with her parents, they of course turned to her. They didn't plan to make a meal of her right away, however. Instead they bound her and made to take her back to their camp. Maybe it was then that the guardians of the Twelveswood finally decided to show her some mercy. As it turns out, her family had wandered unknowingly close to a Gridanian hamlet and a party of patrolling God's Quiver happened upon the tracks of the beastkin, tracing them back to the troupe. The first arrow seemed to strike from nowhere, and a flurry followed while the Ixali were just realizing what was happening. As the creatures fell one by one, an Elezen archer scooped her from the fray. She had been saved, though it hardly felt like it.

Not of These Lands
After her rescue, she was escorted back to Gridania by the God's Quiver, where they debated on what to do with her. They asked her many questions; what was her name, where she was from, where was her family? They knew nothing about her, and so she decided to tell nothing but her name, hoping maybe she could somehow forget the pain of it all.

Life from then on was much less eventful. One of the kind Elezen archers who had helped her decided to take her under their wing. Although she kept a tight lid on the details of her past, it was quickly obvious that she wasn't from Gridania. She wasn't as diligent as other children, she knew nothing of the elementals, or how the people of the Twelveswood strived for harmony. Some guessed that she was a refugee from Ala Mhigo, which often resulted in disdain. That coupled with her being a Miqo'te led to difficulties in blending in with the conservative and sometimes xenophobic Gridanians.

She was ostracized and teased for her differences by other children. She struggled to change herself to be more suited to the Gridanian culture-- trying to walk like them, talk like them, think like them. She even dropped the traditional Miqo'te aitches in her name so that it might sound more Elezen. It was a painstaking and slow progressing process, to unlearn herself. Her Elezen guardian tried to teach her the ways of the Twelveswood the best they could, but she had a crass spirit and the blood of militants running through her veins. The only thing she had a particular talent for was the art of the archery and hunting. Still, her methods, although highly effective, were considered unorthodox and frowned upon by many.

Predator and Prey
Time passed and soon the Calamity was upon them. Being only 13 at the time, she didn't fight at the Battle of Carteneau, but her Elezen guardian did. Like many others, they disappeared in the carnage, fate unknown yet presumed dead. Despite being consumed by grief, afterwards things became marginally easier for her. With the tragedy, Gridanians became more accepting of their fellow Eorzeans, in some ways. They needed each other now more than ever, after all.

In the years beyond the Calamity, she ardently continued her teachings with the bow, mostly under no supervision. She grew to truly excel and it was only a matter of time before she was able to earn her keep as a full fledged hunter. Doing everything from delivering meat and skins to population control, she tries to keep to the Gridanian way of hunting only as much as she needs to. However, there is a certain dangerous thrill to it that may yet prove to tempt her too far.


Template adapted from Bancroft Gairn & Xheja Rajhera.