V'yaron tia

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 V’yaron Tia
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun, V Tribe
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa, Ul’dah
Age 26
Marital Status Single
Occupation Licensed Privateer / Mercenary
Height/Weight 5’11" / 165
Orientation Heterosexual
  • V’stahn Nunh (Father)
  • V’trini Hala (Mother)
  • V’lahn Tia (Brother)
  • V’auhn Tia (Brother)
  • Arae’sae Evlo (Brother)

With an ambitious mind and adventurous heart, V’yaron Tia keeps his tribal roots close to him while adapting to the modern world that he’s set upon exploring. Born in Thanalan on the 7th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon to V’stahn Nunh and V’trini Hala, V’yaron is a skilled hunter with aspirations that extend far beyond the life his tribe could provide him. It was made clear to him at a young age that he had no desire to lead his tribe, nor did the thought ever cross his mind to challenge his father for the rights to be Nunh.

Instead, V’yaron set out to explore. A well-versed traveler and an individual quite skilled with both a bow and a blade, V’yaron now calls Limsa Lominsa and the surrounding areas his home, though he prefers the open sea by way of ship.

Basic Info


Things relating to the ocean or open water. Sailing, swimming, lounging at the beach; he seems to naturally gravitate toward the sea, and has long used that to his benefit through work. He is a talented swimmer, and considers it a skill required to thrive when on the open sea.
Coupled with his love of the sea, V'yaron quite enjoys being out in the sun. He is visibly more cheerful when the weather is good, and will often wilt when it is poor. During the day he prefers to remain outside to soak in as much sun as possible; the night time he reserves for sleep, or remaining indoors for whatever reason.
Fine foods, alcohols, and company. Life has not always been good to V'yaron, and because of this, he does his best to indulge in the finer things as often as possible. This habit has put him in considerable debt in the past, but he's learned well from his mistakes.
V’yaron has a strange fascination with the other races of Eorzea; particularly Elezen and Roegadyn.


Old traditions. Despite remaining loyal to his tribe, V'yaron holds little sentiment for his formative years and considers most old traditions to be silly or unnecessary. While his brothers prefer to fight over who may eventually be Nunh, V'yaron prefers to carve his own path that does not run through tribal life, but beside it.
Laziness. Despite appearing to be lazy himself quite often, he loathes a person with no motivation or drive to succeed in life. An individual with a poor work ethic will certainly get on his bad side, even if he's not been vaunted as incredibly professional.
Authority. There are few people that V'yaron considers above his own scope of authority. Any individuals that flaunt titles or accomplishments as a way to browbeat him will certainly earn his ire.
People that are quick to make assumptions about him based upon his race and/or standing within his tribe. He holds little affection for the idea of being inferior as a Tia.


Alignment: Chaotic Good
Vice(s): Too many to list
Favorite Food: Pineapple Ponzecake, La Noscean Toast, Fish Soup
Favorite Drink: Pineapple Juice, Whiskey, Mint Lassi
Favorite Color: Red

Appearance & Personality

V’yaron carries many of the traits typical to his tribe; dark skin, dark hair, and a long tail that grows quite furry on the end. With eyes a piercing amber in color and streaks in his hair that match, some consider him to be quite a handsome individual – a fact he uses to his advantage when the circumstances call for it.

More often than not V’yaron is found in some manner of gear befitting a trained combatant. It’s hard to tell what his occupation is just by looking at him, and things grow more confusing upon inquiring. With a flare for jewelry and a scent of the sea that lingers around him, however, it might not be hard for a more analytic individual to discern what his general occupation may be. Sometimes V'yaron happens to carry a pair of daggers at each side, and seems to often unsheathe them and play around as if they were simple toys; such an act speaks to the confidence he holds in his skills. Other times, he favors a bow and arrow - he seems to be equally skilled with both weapons, despite the two requiring quite different fighting styles.

Lately, the Seeker has seemed to favor a lance at his back - one shaped like a trident typically used at sea. With the weaponry comes a shift in appearance; V'yaron is often now found wearing heavier armor, one more appropriate for the front lines of battle or perhaps for weathering colder climates. Though it goes unadvertised, V'yaron has been training with a lance alongside his good friend and crewmate, Gliemont Daibain, for quite some time now.

V is a very enigmatic individual, in the respect that his personality varies greatly depending upon his company at a given time. He is very disciplined and respectful; this shows when he is around those he considers his superior - his parents being a prime example of such. Despite an outer-shell that might be considered abrasive or sarcastic, V'yaron is a caring individual, albeit selfish at times. Many in his tribe may consider him far more the latter, what with his extended sabbatical from home life upon reaching adulthood.

When surrounded by those he considers friends, V'yaron is far more outgoing and humorous. He is far more comfortable when he feels he can let his guard down, and this allows his true personality to shine. He is often times considered a trickster, and perhaps to some, a bully; he quite enjoys amusing himself at the expense of someone else, and will do so frequently. Despite being quite kind and loyal to those he trusts, he can be considered a contrarian that plays the Devil's advocate just for the principle of it.

V'yaron learned many skills necessary to make a good fighter early on. Growing up among his tribe, he was required to not only learn how to fight and fend for himself, but to hunt and gather so that he may be able to support his kin. Things were not always easy, but V'yaron had quite a knack for moving soundlessly amongst their homelands, stalking prey before dispatching of them. Naturally, his weapons of choice were a pair of daggers; crude at first, the pair he keeps at each side of him have evolved over the years, just as his skill and wealth have.

Yaya is considered a "Jack of All Trades," though there are few that he's truly mastered. The Seeker will use a multitude of weaponry in combat, and his style and choice of armaments vary greatly on the battle or climate. His tactics and weaponry on the open sea differ greatly from what he may wear when being sent in to actual organized combat, and V'yaron proves to be a very versatile individual because of it. He will never go down in history as one of the greatest of any particular style, or lauded for his unmatched prowess, but he is certainly unpredictable. Being trained in so many forms of combat is a skill V'yaron considers intangible; it's something that gives potential foes a great deal of issues.

The armor that he wears suggests that he may be traditionally trained, potentially by the one of the many guilds in Eorzea. Opportunities were aplenty after moving to Limsa Lominsa, and V'yaron has only honed his skills since setting off from his home many cycles ago. Very light on his feet and agile in combat, V'yaron relies on his speed and precision to dispatch a potential enemy. While he doesn't consider himself an intellectual, he does boast that he is very quick to react in such circumstances and has gathered a great deal of intelligence through experience.

Overall, however, V'yaron typically steers away from fighting - especially circumstances friendly in nature. He will decline most friendly duels; if he obliges, he will usually make a joke of it. Despite appearing to be quite an argumentative individual, he doesn't often engage in altercations of a physical nature.



Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"Good lookin' boy, that one is. I'd like to take a crack at 'em." - Patron in Ul'dah's Quicksand
"Never trust a thing that lad says. Robbed me blind, I swear it!" - Drunkard in Limsa Lominsa
"I do not begrudge him for leaving. When one finds a calling, they must answer it." - V Tribe Member, Southern Thanalan
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"That one left Thanalan and never came back. Hear he got himself in to a whole mess of trouble in Limsa, is why." - Ul'dah Merchant
"His sailing days are up, I reckon. He inherited quite the shitter, s'far as ships go. Ruined at sea in battle. Where d'ya think his Captain went? Found himself a watery grave, that one." - Shiphand in Limsa Lominsa
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"I swear I've seen him here before. Twas not long ago a Miqo'te of his size and ilk came traipsing yonder, waving a trident about. One of many that believe themselves worth noticing by the famed Dragoons of Ishgard." - Soldier in Coerthas
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
"He's really cute, I mean... I have a thing for pretty gold eyes anyway but that's besides the point! But I hear he tends to favor big strong roe ladies... which is everything opposite of what I am. My loss, right? Right..." - B'trix Niji
""He's my brother. He's an idiot, but also a wonderful sibling." - Arae'sae Evlo


Romantic Interest     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Poor Standing
Nhdava’a Lbaaloh : Longtime friend and bard. It's unclear where the two met or how long they've known each other, but the mute Keeper seems to be in good standing with V'yaron and the two occasionally hang out in Ul'dah.
Gliemont Daibain : Duskwight mercenary and member of V'yaron's crew on the Nymeia's Fury. The two have known each other for quite a long time now, and Gliemont is responsible for V'yaron's skill in using a lance. Though the two may not always agree with one another, they will likely always be in good standing.
Mek'ir Siven : Miqo'te mercenary and member of V'yaron's crew on the Nymeia's Fury. Not much is known about the Keeper, but he appears to be a good crewmate under V'yaron and a reliable blade.
B'trix Niji : A recent acquaintance that works with V'yaron's parents at Menphina's Mirror in the Mist. The two appear cordial, and V'yaron even attended her eternal bonding ceremony not long ago on behalf of his family.