Reppu Hijiri

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Reppu Hijiri
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te / Chimaera
Clan Keepers of the Moon
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Guardian Llymlaen, the Navigator
Trades Adventurer, Housekeeper, Alchhemist, Librarian
Server Balmung



Given name: Reppu Hijiri

Pronunciation: [Rep-oo He-Jeer-Ree]

Princess - Be it legitimate 'royalty' or just a cute nickname, Reppu is often called this for one reason or another.

Nameday: 17th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon, 1558.

Age: 20

Place of birth: Othard, ???.

Current residence: The Hijiri Residence, Mist

Starting City: Limsa Lominsa

Grand Company Allegiance: The Maelstrom (Semi-Retired, working more prominently with the Rogues Guild, openly.)

Employment: Self-employed, while still working with Crystalline.

Religion/philosophy: While holding regard toward the Twelve, Reppu has no true religious view. She has value toward the Elements, as actual forces in the world. If any of the twelve see prayer, it would be mostly Llymlaen.

Laterality: Left handed.

IC Journal: Nothing yet! -Yet-.



  • Blades - With dedicated training, from and earlier age and since arriving upon Eorzea, Reppu has become further skilled in smaller, lighter blades. Along with her natural speed, she uses these to flourish around individuals, executing swift, precise strikes at key areas. Where she is further lacking in raw power, her accuracy and grace more than make up for it. She is truly a playful, beautiful sight to behold in combat, with her combination of wind based aether, fluid strikes, and dancing grace.
  • Ninjutsu - With her memories released from their seal, Reppu's knowledge of ritualistic symbols and gestures has been restored, renewing her ability to properly perform ninjutsu, but it through hand signs, or the mudra aetherically scarred on her body. This is still an awakening process, but ten years of training, forced as it were, gives her sufficient knowledge and teaching potential. However, her ninja training brings back horrid memories, and she will opt to refer to herself as 'just another Lominsan Rogue' if questioned about certain common techniques.
  • Arcany - Exposure to Limsa Lominsa, and her own knowledge, Reppu has a strong grasp of arcany. She is frequently assisted by a Carbuncle named Kuru, one she keeps around at a nigh permanency with intricate glyph use and aether infused crystals, primarily of the Wind attribute. While perhaps not the most powerful, her own insight and intelligence gives her the ability to not only swiftly unleash arcany, but also the ability to quickly modify and bring forth a surprising alteration to the craft.
  • Wind God Girl - A natural affinity to the wind, combined with her guardianship of Llymlaen, leaves Reppu a powerful conduit and practitioner of elementally attributed Wind Aether. This allows her greater application of the patron element, including brief bursts of speed, channeling it through her body, and projecting it outward in creative ways. However, the process is exhausting, and can backfire against her if she forgets that she is at the mercy of the whims of the winds.
  • Restored Soul - As a result of engineering while in the womb, Reppu's 'soul' is effectively split into two halves. However, this process has been artificially reversed through the use of a soul crystal manufactured specifically to counteract the life-threatening results. As well, since half of her soul is effectively sealed behind a soul crystal, primal influence on her is much easily resisted through sheer willpower and determination.
  • Chimaera-Blooded - Reppu's mixed blood has granted her a higher level of aetherial manipulation and a vast pool of aether as a whole. Her bestial side also is more easily revealed due to her longer, predatory fangs and claws, allowing her to live her purpose as a biological weapon.
The following assets are a direct result of Reppu's Chimaera-Blooded nature:
  • Mystic Trance - Through restoring the 'missing' half of her soul, and training, Reppu has come to harnessing some level of control over her bestial side, effectively granting herself a weapon in crisis. Although the risk of turning absolutely feral has been greatly reduced, the amount of aether burned during this state is still staggering, and can only be maintained for a short duration before expiration. While tranced, Reppu's hair takes a noticeable glow to it, the vibrancy of her eyes increases, and an aetherial wind flows about her.
The following traits are a direct result and are only active during a Mystic Trance.
Reppu's fangs and claws are honed to a razor-sharp edge, becoming deadlier than their natural state. She is more than capable of rending through lesser metals and other materials, although superior plating will still stop this dead with out some assistance.
With her affinity to wind peaked, Reppu becomes a conduit of the element itself, bringing with it the strengths behind elemental wind, but also the weaknesses there of. This, however, also sets her into a state of pure devotion to wind, denying her ability to properly channel or use other elemental forms of aether, aside from some minor water aptitude.
While in trance, Reppu is constantly burning at her own supply of aether, and will quickly tire due to the physical and spiritual strain of the state of being. This can quickly leave her incapacitated, seeing as her 'normal' body is not as adjusted to the forces flowing through her.
  • Blood(Aether) Assimilation - Reppu's chimaera nature allows her to bestow herself key traits from foes she's recently immersed herself in the blood of, be it drenched from her claws or dripping from her fangs. Effectively, this is a vampiric effect on aether, and is used to restore herself.
  • Magic Resistance - Due to her ten years of constant exposure, Reppu is highly resistant to aether-derived abilities. Although stronger applications of it will harm her, she is capable of almost brushing aside weaker uses of it. She is also borderline immune to typical cases of toxic levels of aether, having grown such a resistance and pool of it, herself. Her mixed blood nature also has a factor into this.
  • Aethereyes - Reppu's aether awareness is quite superb, and sometimes troublesome in areas of heavy amounts of aether. To that end, she can see aether apparitions, ghosts, and can focus on it enough to see the exact moment of death in vivid detail. Although, with out some knowledge of the person, an item that belonged to them, she is not able to identify the individual properly. If the individual was directly killed by another, she will be able to view the scene in front of her, although the same requirement to identify is still in effect.


  • Cursed Fate - Although Reppu is borderline immune to standard aetherial sickness, high concentrations of it will give her momentary headaches, and prove an annoying distraction until adjusted. As well, aether apparitions constantly 'haunt' her, especially while alone. As a result, functions poorly alone, unless fueled by adrenaline or desire. Some nightmares, you never get over. Additionally, Reppu does slowly become 'drunk' off the substance, slowly becoming more uncontrollable and erratic. Severe cases will case a sadistic personality to emerge, as her lusts to dominate and subjugate begin to overwhelm her normally kind and considerate nature. She did not emerge from her ten years of 'training' with out deep scars.
  • Aetherbeast - Reppu quickly burns through aether as she utilizes her talents, due to never having truly honed her ill-given 'birth rite'. As a result, she is easily exhausted, and must rejuvenate her aether through the use of draughts, or siphoning it from living or freshly killed individuals. This practice can be seemed as borderline vampirism, but it is a do or die sort of thing. However, it does further bring her closer to her sadistic charisma break. While in the state of trance, this process becomes far more brutal and demanding, and while she has since learned to control her tranced state, she is still at risk of flying into a fit of insanity.
  • Light Sensitivity - Sudden, intense light will render Reppu blinded for a short duration. She has adjusted well to natural light, but anything beyond that is painful to say the least. However, repeated attempts to blind her will only prove to piss her off.
  • Naive Youth - Due to a pampered upbringing, and utter hell following, Reppu is poorly conditioned against natural weather conditions, and operates worse in extreme heat or cold. She absolutely loves the rain, however. Her gullibility has been tamed somewhat, however.
  • Mental Conditioning - As a result of nearly having her individuality beaten out of her, Reppu is extremely submissive and obedient to anyone she views as her 'greater', and will accept orders and fealty with out question. Her egotism and 'royal' standing helps keep this in some check, however.
  • Umbral Wane - Although with her soul 'restored' to some extent, Reppu is still unable to properly utilize umbral application to aether with out assistance, thus weakening her grip on the elements naturally slanted toward it.
  • Flashback - Due to experiencing immense loneliness and betrayal at a young age, Reppu experiences immense nightmares even while not sleeping. At times of great stress, weakness, or utter loneliness, Reppu is wrought by hallucinations, effectively disabling her and rendering her unable to function until the situation clears up. Unless in the company of another, this will always come to pass while sleeping.
  • Loss - Having lost nearly her whole family, her home, and everything else, the loss of so many people has affected her and haunts her to this day. At any point an individual in her presence is in danger of death, she must control an ingrained urge to intervene, regardless of consequence. Should this individual be someone she knows personally, this urge is almost incapable of being resisted.
  • Border Between Life and Death - With her bloodline tamed, to an extent, Reppu is not at the same risk of losing herself into a berserker frenzy. However, this power, having been accepted by her, runs the constant risk of corrupting her mindset and personality, throwing her into something that may come off as even worse than uncontrollable beast; a self-aware and ambitious one. The death of one life brings about the birth of another, one far more disastrous as a whole.


Height: ~5 fulms 1 ilms.

Weight: Reppu weighs 'a bit less than average for her height'. An actual number would be around the 100 ponze mark.

Body: A modestly athletic build, showing she does try to keep in shape, but not more than a daily jog and some target practice. Often shows strength abnormal or just plain absurd for her frame and build.

Hair: Mid-back, neat, and very pink.

Eyes: Large and green, and glow faintly.

Skin: Fair/Pale.

Scars/Markings: Light grey/blue marks on her cheek, which are not traditional 'tribal' markings. They are actually aether 'scars' from the 'training', or 'torture' of her youth. When calm and not pushed into combat, they can pass as permanent tattoos. When using extensive amounts of aether, these being 'scars' becomes more noticeable, as they begin to pulse and flow with aether. In effect, this is a marking of her true heritage. She has pierced ears, used to house earrings for linkpearls. Her fangs are quite long for even a Keeper, and her nails resemble claws more often than not. Those with higher levels of aetherial awareness will notice that, beneath everything, her body has numerous 'scars' wrought through aether, although some form elaborate patterns and symbols, for one reason or another.

Clothes: Although eastern fashion is at a premium in Eorzea, Reppu does her best to fit in. Although she is noted to wear exotic clothing from time to time (in terms of origin), she is often seen in some form of light armor, generally skirted or dressed. Skirting for comfort and ease of movement, dress for that feminine touch and added questionable footwork.

Voice: Feminine, with a very light 'Far East' accent, that is mostly abolished through countless practice. Not entirely removed, but someone would have to be familiar to catch her on it. Reppu is not afraid to be animated in her tone, but and often speaks with a very 'proper' tone, and speaks with no contractions. She is very much nobility in that regard.



  • Windy plains and cliffs (La Noscea)
  • Company, often
  • Rain
  • Hot Tea with spices
  • Eastern beverages, by that we mean liquor
  • Sweets (pastries, hard candies with sour flavour)
  • Fish, Far East prepared
  • Fencing
  • Reading
  • Nights with a nice breeze and lots of stars
  • A shoulder to lean on
  • Horses
  • Raw Meats
  • Blood
  • Female Keeepers of the Moon, so long as they are amicable


  • Being alone.
  • No. Seriously. Being alone!
  • Her hair being messed with, unless with permission
  • Male Seekers of the Sun who think being a Nunh means anything more than just 'preferred breeding stock'.
  • Female Seekers of the Sun who feed the egotism of a Nunh, or are overly arrogant and crass.
  • Male Keepers of the Moon who do not 'know their place'.
  • Overly 'ambitious' males and females.



Initially, Reppu is neutral to most people. She is often more amicable to female Miqo'te, especially Keepers of the Moon. Seekers of the Sun have high potential to be warmed up to, but often they fall into her 'disliked' category. However, she is quick to try to make friends, and is one to swiftly earn the undying loyalty of. However, if scorned, she does not overlook a grudge, and is extremely vengeful against people who are just flat-out idiotically bad.
Reppu attempts to play mediator in conflicts between friends, and otherwise will speak her mind in a diplomatic manner. As a 'princess', she is well versed in honeyed words and diplomacy, hoping to avoid conflict with such skills. She can try to be intimidating, but her soft appeal makes it difficult to do so, resulting in people not taking her threats seriously.
Although often calm, collected, and charismatic, Reppu's charisma is not immune to breaking, and her inner aggressions and rage can surface quite easily. She can be quick to judge an individual, and often will play jury and executioner as needed. Once her ire is earned, it will take sufficient effort and coaxing to calm her down. However, when she is collected, she is unquestionably charismatic and appealing to converse with.
Enjoying liquor, Reppu does not have the constitution for the more potent of brews, and thus where her charisma breaks. She loses her 'noble' tone, and speaks like 'any other girl' would. She often drops her inhibitors, and is very friendly with people she genuinely cares for when intoxicated. Although she is still aware of personal boundaries, this will not stop her from hugging and snuggling a close friend.


Few things are as precious as family. If you must do wrong, do it in the name of good for your loved ones. If you must do wrong, do it for a higher purpose. While the high ground is preferred, only cowards will refuse the embrace of the dark. Nothing is beyond your reach, especially with someone who can help you stretch just a little bit further. And for that person, nothing is 'too wrong', and always 'just right'.
In the end, Reppu will do what she has to do to survive, and ensure her beloved few are kept safe, secure, and happy. She is fiercely loyal, and observes the big picture, even if she must shroud herself in chaos. Do what you can, as long as you tried.
Alignment: Neutral Good


Intelligent, but lacking in experience. Reppu was 'sheltered' from the world, and has much to learn by her own experiences. She is very book smart, though, and is quick to learn. She is open minded, and accepting of new ideas. She is very analytical, and will take her time in any situation. However, her passionate fury can get the better of her at times, but that in itself is it's own strength.


  • Reppu suffers greatly when alone, and is generally increasingly nervous and paranoid unless able to distract herself from this state of being. She is also a bit of a ticking time bomb...


Reppu was born in the Far East, in a location with out much note. The first five years of her life were nice. A pampered princess. She had everything she could dream of, servants waiting and serving her with love and adoration. A caring family.
All of this would flip upside-down upon her fifth nameday.
Taken from her little throne, the miqo'te would be subject to horrifying experiments of aether, a would-be ceremony of her family, used for generations. A cell that had seen many failed, filled with toxic levels of the gaseous substance. Crystals erect from the walls, floor, and ceiling. Over time, the essence would be absorbed naturally. Her family line was bred specifically for this purpose. For a true heir to master it.
Through the process, Reppu's aether awareness of natural supply grew. She could greater perceive the apparitions of the fallen. She could make out more details than most, seeing beyond. How they died. Where they died. What killed them. For ten years straight, she saw the countless members of her family, those years and years apart, that failed to survive. Poisoned to death.
The events scarred her, physically and mentally. But her resolve grew. They all had one message; 'Stop this'. She could not be tempted by the power she was born with, awakened through a decade of torment. Upon her fifteenth set of moons, Reppu was finally released from hell, and soon would be attempted to be converted by her grandmother, the head of the family, into taking the mantle of tyranny wrought through generations of power absolute.
When she took the throne as queen, her decree was simple; an utter deconstruction of the monarchy. Her word was absolute, and her grandmother could do nothing to stop her, but curse her name. Reppu was stronger, and had the title absolute. So long as she lived, the decree was through. Her family was powerless.
And thus, why the princess became forsaken. Anything to have her killed, her grandmother pooled influence, money, and power into. To that end, Reppu knew that her life was more precious, and fled. She hid in slums, forests, caves. A pampered life, turned into a prison. She had little to no survival instinct...
But, some of the apparitions knew. Those who had fallen, who still held semblance of their good selves. She learned by watching, how to take care of herself. Basic hunting, basic medicine, basic survival. Four years of someone with no life experience, helped to shape her into someone just a bit more capable.
Everything was closing in, though. With some money to her name, she fled to a boat. A kind captain willing to help her spite the old queen one more time. She fled to Eorzea, a place where she felt she could be safe, and live. As long as she lived, she was doing something, anything, to make up for the horrors her name had wrought. Her name abandoned, and Hijiri accepted. To further hide herself. But, she would not forsaken the name Reppu, given to her by her loving mother. To forever honor her, even if it would risk everything.
As luck would have it, Llymlaen's guiding winds brought her to Limsa Lominsa, where a new opportunity would await her...
A new beginning to be had, Reppu took the odd choice of becoming an adventurer. It paid, and she had to learn the land. La Noscea first, and everywhere else to follow. Through this, she met friends, gathered allies, and was soon 'someone' if not so very minor, in Eorzea. But, dark shadows are in the Far East, and growing ever closer...



Rika ???
Location: ???

Location: ???

Honou Hijiri
Location: Probably dead!

Rin ???
Location: ???

Bonus Stuff

RP style (light, casual, moderate, or heavy)?

Moderate/Heavy preferred. The more to do, the better! Happy to run into plots, or run them!

What kind of RP relationships are you seeking? (family ties, etc)

Friendships, Enemies, Randomness. Although primarily working with Crystalline now, a few individual plots are fine. Drama, RP Instances, and so on are appreciated, too!

How far from the actual lore are you willing to stray?

Lore is very important. When I roleplay, I dive right in. I do not mind a little fauxing of Classes/Jobs (Reppu IS a Mystic Knight, after all), but more than just a little flavour is asking for it. A little bending can be fine, but snapping it over one's knee is too much.


Hydaelyn Roleplayers (RPC)

And a Big Thank You to Aysun for letting me steal this template <3!