Jino'ya Traore

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Jino'ya Traore
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keepers of the Moon
Citizenship Limsa lominsa
Age 18
Marital Status Single
Occupation Physician
Height/Weight 5 fulms 2 ilms - 121 ponze
Orientation Unknown
Server Balmung

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Basic Info


Star Gazing.
The Sea.
Helping people.


Yarzon, Morbols/stropers and anything else that has more teeth than his family combined.
Cruel/Rude/Forceful people.
Extreme heat.
letting others down.
Burial Sites.
His brother Jino'a Traore.


Alignment: Neutral Good
Vice(s): Addiction - Apples
Favorite Food: Apple Pie
Favorite Drink: Apple Tea
Favorite Color: Blue

Appearance & Personality


Jino'ya is a short Miqo'te of lean build standing at 5 fulms and 2 ilms, weighing at 121 ponze. Pale skinned with delicate, lightly freckled features that border on almost feminine, his dark hair is kept short with a single braid at the back resting on the nape of his neck and a long fringe parted to the side of his face. No scars are found on his body, instead he has a small number of piercings, with two silvery rings adorn his right ear as well as a labret stud beneath his lower lip.

He prefers to dress in simplistic clothing for the most part and would feel uncomfortable wearing something fancy or extravagant. His day to day clothes are often worn and tattered as he has little to no coin to pay for new clothes and has to make do patching up his old ones.


Soft Spoken, shy and naive to a fault. Jino'ya is possessed of a low opinion of himself and often tries to prove himself by helping others out which often ends with disastrous results due to his clumsy nature. As a result he can be best described as awkward and extremely nervy. He is often prone to daydreaming which makes him come across as a bit of an airhead at times, While deep in thought he has a habit of messing with the parting of his fringe.

He is prone to stammering when talking, which can improve or worsen depending on who he is talking to or how he is feeling. When under a great deal of stress he has been known to speak in an almost rapid-fire manner which makes it very difficult for people to understand him. Due to his extreme shyness he will never actually look someone directly, unless he feels completely at ease with them, and instead will settle for looking at the space behind them.

Jino'ya has a great fondness for stories (and apples, but the word fondness can be swapped with something more appropriate... like "addiction") of all kinds, finding himself completely enraptured by the stories told by authors and playwrights as well as those told by adventurers and can often be found trawling through collections offered by book paddlers or listening to the grand tales told by adventurers passing through the city of Limsa Lominsa. He often dreams of becoming an adventurer himself so that he one day might be able to share stories like the ones that so enamoured him for so many years.







Jino'ya possesses next to no combat abilities and has very little way in the experience of battle other than running away and hoping that who or whatever it is that is chasing him will loose interest eventually. He does however appear to have a natural gift for healing and protective magic, possibly borne from his desire to help people rather than harm them, as a result he is more of a danger to himself than anyone else when utilising offensive magic and many times those kinds of spells will backfire on him.


Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"The little Miqo'te with the funny red hat? Always turns up at my stall bright n' early and damn near buys every apple I have... odd really" - Hyur Merchant from East Hawkwers Alley.
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"'Es a bloody menace! 'E answers me calls fer a farm 'and n' the klutzy little sod demolished more than 'alf me bloody farm, stammering like a moron!" - Disgruntled Roegadyn Farmer.
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"Jino'ya? I am sorry but there were only ever seven sons of Jino Traore, two of them did not make it past birth and three of them were claimed by the calamity. There is no eighth son of Jino" - Jino'a Traore
"'was out on patrol when I 'eard some lass singin' in a cave. Voice like an angel she had. I went to have a look an' when I gets to where the singin' was comin from all I find is a panicking Miqo'te lad with a funny little red hat and no lass in sight. Lad must have been lookin' for her as well" - Patrolling Yellowjacket
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
"Gin is awesome! I'm gonna make my best to support and encourage him! Because he deserves it, because he's teaching me how to do healing magic. He's gonna be one of the best Jackasses ever! He recently became my brother too, I'm very honored he asked." - Xivrez'to Ithaka
Jino's a sweet lad. Dunno why 'e's so scared'a everythin' though. 'e's proved 'imself wiv 'is 'ealin' so ah'm glad we took 'im on. - J'inarah Marad
He is cute, that one. I hope we wont spoil his innocence. - Z'thara Dhen
"I've never met someone who has so little awareness of how much he matters. And how much people love him. I guess all I can do is try to make him understand that." - Cassandra Lachance


Significant Other     Romantic Interest     Familial    Trusted    
Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing

(Names are alphabetical according to color.)

J'inarah Marad : Jino'yas current employer alongside J'killid Tia. He doesn't know her all that well but from his interactions with her she seems nice enough. He tries to stay out of her way for the most part where work is involved, however he remains anxious to prove himself to her as worthy of being a member of Jackal and Hide.
J'kilid Tia : Jino'yas current employer alongside J'inarah Marad. As with Inarah, he doesn't know much about Kilid and is of a similar opinion of him. He wants to make himself appear useful to his employer and will follow any orders issued by him unquestioningly as evidenced one night when he was asked to gather bee's.
Myra Tyra : Fellow colleague in Jackal and Hide. For one so small she manages to inspire a great deal of fear in him, often chiding him for slacking off whenever he's in one of his daydreams. He still endeavours to be her friend.
Bert Brewforge : Fellow colleague in Jackal and Hide and friend. Jino is of the belief that beneath his gruff exterior is a gentle being, however he would never tell him that to his face for fear of being shouted at.
Xivrez'to Ithaka : One of his first friends. Jino looks up to him with a great deal of admiration and trusts him implicitly. Xiv has also served as a mentor to him, often imparting his wisdom onto the little Miqo'te as well as teaching him how to defend himself from would-be attackers (even if it is just pushing them away) and how to swim. Jino thinks of him as a family and has even asked him if he could be his brother.
Yoral Porral : Fellow colleague in Jackal and Hide. A strange little Lalafell who has a strange obsession with Salt. Jino thinks he seems harmless enough, however he has heard rumours about what happens when someone says "no".
Romimo Romi : While he does not know much of the Lalafellen Woman, he has a great deal of respect for her. He has promised to provide her with any information he can find on the Sharlayan art of Astromancy.
Cassandra Lachance : A Midlander working for the company. Jino refers to her as Miss Cassandra out of respect and counts her as one of his friends. He values her advice greatly however he constantly worries about her after she told him one of the things that stresses her out the most.
Miir Raj'ar : A rather blunt Seeker of the Sun, whom Jino looks up to. Like Xiv she is a Monk who lived in Ul'dah. He admires her conviction to do the right thing as well as her honesty. She is probably the only person in the company to make him blush constantly through to her constant teasing.
Thya Kahzuun : A quiet little Keeper who works with the company. Despite being intimidated by the silent stares she often employs as well as her prowess in combat, he has found himself developing feelings for her and wishes to get to know her better, however he is unsure as to how to go about doing so. After confessing his feelings to her she has told him of her past which he has promised never to tell anyone. He feels honoured that she trusts him enough with her past and has told her that knowing what he knows does not change how he feels.
Zhyalyhe Loeshaksyn : A rather Peculiar Roegadyn pirate who seems intent on giving him sea cucumbers as a gift whenever he see's him.
Platinum Mountain : Dragon Hunter extraordinaire and fellow healer in the company. As he refers to Cassandra as Miss, he refers to the Lalafell as Mr. Platinum out of respect. He always offers Jino words of encouragement and has even offered to help him learn different forms of protective spells such as bindings and sleeping spells. Jino would love nothing more than to hear the stories of his dragon hunting days. He is also of the wrong impression that Platinum used to be a Dragoon.
Ludivine Goultard : He does not know much about the Duskwight however she seems pleasant enough to him. He had gifted his toy Moogle to her in the hopes that it would make her feel better after finding her in a state of depression.
Z'thara Dhen : A rather pleasant Miqo'te Seeker whom Jino does not know much about, he enjoys her company although he always feels bad for not knowing what to say despite her efforts to make conversation with him.



Template by Bancroft Gairn
Adopted Theme Song: Blue Birds Lament
TV Tropes:Big Eater The Klutz Lethal Chef The Woobie