A'sraha Sallit

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From hemorrhage to herpes, contact your local healer for assistance!




With an innate love for healing and the calmness of spirit, A'sraha Sallit left the comforts of her home in Limsa Lominsa to Stillglade Fane at a young age. She dutifully studied the arts of healing, and connecting with the Elementals in earnest heart. Years of honest toiling and effort led the Shroud to speak to her, marking the girl as a Hearer of the Fane, with wind elementals favouring her the most.

When the Seventh Umbral Calamity struck, A'sraha was amongst those sent to aid, sent to either the farthest reaches of the Shroud to re-stablize Gridania’s thinning forces against threats, or assist in Stillglade Fane's neverending list of conjurers in need. In strife and battle, she came to mature as a fierce healer of great skill, capable to both maim and mend.

As Gelmorra exploded into activity with monsters of another world, A'sraha was among the first few healers assigned to Quarrymill, aiding adventureres in the Palace of the Dead. Despite needing to be dragged to Quarrymill between shifts, she is certainly one of the longest few to stay at the site, aiding adventurers and often seeking the lost from the crypt. With time and effort, she and a handful of her other allies of Gelmorra earned their Kinna Weapons, marking her as one of the Lightbringers.


Standing at 5 fulms and often wearing a cloak baggier than a tent, A'sraha does not strike an intimidating figure at first glance. With an aim to look approachable at all times, A'sraha is rarely seen in anything other than her Hearer robes. Even when off-duty, she dresses in work-appropriate clothing. Her textured hair is sometimes unbound, and is always scented with lavender and lemon.

She dresses conservatively and humbly, as to not draw attention to herself in the heat of battle, or be a target for pickpockets. Any enchantments are done on the inseams, or wherever it will not be noticed. As such, her Kinna Cane, which she materializes when needed, is often not displayed on her person.

Aspects That Stand Out:
Scar on the right cheek, which lights up in a warm smile.
Highlights match the colour of her eyes.
To aether-sensitive characters, they will sense corruption in her.


A healer first and foremost, A'sraha prides herself in being work-oriented and wasting no time for formalities before getting her hands dirty. Even should the worst happen and a patient dies on her watch, she pulls herself together cleanly, and continues to work. Trained to be resilient and to not be easily put down by failure, A'sraha eventually gets back on her feet. She takes trials and tribulations as they come, with a heart both firmly planted in faith and thrown to the wind.

Raised by a father best described as a fatalist, A'sraha often says things as they are, veiled only by a calculated measure of tact. A foreigner does not thrive in the capital of Gridania spouting her mind, and therefore A'sraha learnt to carefully chooses her words to appear amiable and unbiased, regardless of what she really thought of them. Though level-headed and mature, she often so comes off as a tad eccentric, spouting odd things with a childish glee. After all, if the world is cruel and everything one does is a futile shout into the abyss, one might as well enjoy shouting.


Good days. Nothing's going wrong, Charline's not asking her to work overtime.
Tea. Soothes the tonsils and the soul, preferrably with either honey, lemon or mint.


Overtime. Is Charline barking about double shift? Everything happens so much.
Poor manners. If one doesn't reciprocate good manners, she will not hesitate to leave the person's side immediately.


Herb-mixing. In her downtime, she makes tea blends for any and all occasion, and jots the recipe down.


Conjury. After years of study and diligent practice, A'sraha is able speak to the wind elementals and draw power from her surroundings with relative ease.
Quick reflexes. Raised amongst pirates and thieves, they taught her the importance of keeping one's limbs limber.


Strength. Athletic in built and not intended for combat, she is often at a disadvantage when the enemy either gets too close for comfort, or where her staff is not in hand.


Life itself - Aims simply to keep on keeping on. Troubles spill like a fount unto anyone's life, and A'sraha is content in seeing it spent in relative peace and harmony.

Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure
Person Name, relationship. ( ) - Title.
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.
Person Name, relationship. ( ) - Title.
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!

"Sallit? The daughter of that one researcher in Mor Dhona? She's a decent healer, I heard. Hardworking, but nothing special to write home about." --A patron of the Rising Stones.

"Oh! Sister A'sraha? She makes the best tea, picks the leaves herself!' --A youthful Conjurer in training.

"Aye, th' lass an'er family've been loyal an'most welcome customers t' th' resturant. Most of th' staff know 'er!" --A chef at the Bismarck.

"If you want your guts shoved back in your belly with a smile, go to the Miqo'te girl. I don't have time for your whining about my horrible bedside manners." -- A rather grumpy older Miqo'te.
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!

"Bloody foreigner wants a seat at the Seedseer's Forum to voice revisionist nonsense. Someone should put that foreign dog in its place." --An angry hiss in a corner of the Carline Canopy.

"Lest ye wish The Ironeater t' nibble yer fingers righ' off, keep yer fingers t' yerself. 'E dotes on that one like she was 'is own." --From the docks of Limsa Lominsa.
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!

"I suspect Sister A'sraha has strayed from the true path. Something taints her aether. It's not void magic, but it's impure all the same." --A concerned conjurer.

"That little eyesore was born when A'sallit was a Tia. It's a wonder why no one put that runt out of its misery sooner. But hey, one day, eh?" --A huntress of the Antelope Tribe, stopping over Gridania for supplies.


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Rumor." — Rumormonger.



Player Note
I'm an rper from Singapore! I'm not usually found online, as time is a luxury I can't afford, but I'm usually on tumblr. <a href="http://asraha.tumblr.com>This is her blog.</a>
Personal RP Limits
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
I will playLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
I won't play Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
Little Tidbits.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.


Potential Plot Hooks
A'sraha is usually stationed in the South Shroud, in the town of Quarrymill. Is usually assigned into Gelmorra’s depths, either to assist adventurers with succor or to find the lost.
If your character has been to the Palace of the Dead, it is very likely you will have met her either in its depths, or at the surface, tending to wounds.
If your character frequents the Fane, or has studied there, chances are that your paths have crossed several times. Before Gelmorra, she was an avid worker of the Fane, taking up contracts in the Guild's name.
Character Lore Adherence
No changes required.

Name - A'sraha Murshidah Sallit
Race - Miqo'te, Seeker of the Sun
Age - 26
Name Day - Undisclosed.
Deity - Oschon, the Wanderer.

Alias: Sister Lightbringer, Palace Gatekeeper.
Citizenship: Gridanian, Permanent Resident
Occupation: Hearer of Stillglade Fane, keeper of SWORD's clinic, designated healer of the Lightbringers of Gelmorra.
Hair color: Dark brown, growing blonde at the tips.
Eye color: Gold, shimmering with aether.
Complexion: Golden beige.
Piercings: One on her right ear.
Marks or tattoos: Long, rugged scar across her right cheek.
Alignment: True Neutral.
Key Items: Kinna Cane, moonlet earring.
Favorite Food: Bismark Sandwich Special.
Favorite Drink: Black tea with Thanalan mint.
Favorite Color: Neutral tones, or pastel purple.
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