Evien mal Sheol
Evien mal Sheol is a Miqo'te originally from Sharlayan who betrayed Eorzea to join the Garlean Empire.
Originally X'Evien Tia and hailing from Sharlayan, when he was younger had attended the Studium and graduated as an Archon. X'Evien quickly became a renowned expert in aetherology and the manipulation of souls. When he met a young woman named Celhi Sheol, he moved with her the the Shroud and changed his name, loving her enough to embrace the Keeper of the Moon culture. Their daughter Invia was born shortly after in the South Shroud.
Celhi died when Invia was young, and Evien fell into his work as a coping mechanism, and perhaps a desperate home to try and revive her. It wasn't long before his aetherology research on the soul seemed to have become all he cared about. Eventually it came to a head five years ago, when lamenting the lack of research resources that Gridania could provide to him and Sharlayan's refusal to let him back in after leaving them, Evien turned to a third option: the Garlean Empire. This caused a terrible argument and falling-out between father and daughter, but all Evien seemed to care for was the opportunity to further his research. In the dead of night he crossed Baelsar's Wall to betray Eorzea for the Empire, and from his already existing reputation and skill, he quickly saw himself rise through the ranks to mal. Invia stayed behind in Eorzea and became an adventurer to fulfill her childhood dream of being a hero.
During the Eorzean Alliance's siege of Ala Mhigo, Invia temporarily split off from the rest of the group to locate her father in his laboratory. During their emotional confrontation the battling throughout the city caused ceruleum tanks to detonate and bring down the laboratory, and despite everything that had happened, Invia shielded her father from the explosions and raining debris. Though on the verge of death, Invia knew she had saved someone she loved...only for him to do shortly the same. Using the fruits of his research into the soul, Evien used forbidden magicks to give his life for his daughter's. Invia was brought back from the other side at the cost of her father's life, and as his last act of love toward his daughter, saved from the destruction and spirited her to safety.
Tall, thin, and with facial features that can only be described as 'bony', Evien is probably the dictionary image of a Garlean scientist. His clothing and greying blond hair are always kept impeccably clean. He carries a pocket chronometer on his person, and the inside cover has a portrait of his daughter when she was young.
While consumed by his research since Celhi's death, ultimately everything he has done was for Invia and his late wife.
Evien has a surprising love for theater despite his cold exterior. Even more oddly, he has a taste for pickles.
Evien is not a fighter, though he is skilled in manipulating aether, especially that of the soul.
- Evien truly does love his daughter, even if they had a large falling out.
- Pickles.
- Theater.
- Aether manipulation.
- His daughter Invia Sheol is estranged after Evien's decision to join Garlemald.
- Evien's wife Celhi Sheol died when Invia was young.
This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea and slightly modified.