Kodama Tatsuya
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Kodama Tatsuya
Kodama Tatsuya is, like many other of his people from the villages around Doma. He grew up on a farm until his early teenage years where he was sent to Kugane to train under the Samurai to better learn discipline. He spent most of his time training, meditating and focusing on his skills. It was during the Garlean invasions of Doma that he chose to depart from his brothers in arms in order to seek out the fate of the family he was sent away from. Overall he is not quite as serious as he looks when he's relaxed, usually the first to make an off-color joke or poke fun at those around him, but once outside of his home or workplace he is a deadly weapon with a focus on completing his task.
Kodama is not as tall as some of his Auri kin. He does stand at 6 Fulm 7 Ilm he still manages to tower over a great deal of those around him. His skin is a creamy mocha color that contrasts against his pearly scales. His skin has its fair share of scars from one under his eye to the many around his back, legs and chest. His eyes are a silvery-grey color, His left seeming a bit darker than his right.
His body is very well toned, years spent training with the Samurai of Kugane has payed off for the man, leaving him agile and ready for combat at a moment's notice.
Kodama is as what one would expect for a man of his profession, he is usually fairly calm and collected and not easy to temper unless something threatens the balance. When he's with his family and friends he is quite relaxed, teasing and taunting those around them, even getting into light sparring matches when the time comes.