Highland Condor Tribe

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The Highland Condor Tribe is a particular sect of the T tribe that makes its home in Outer La Noscea, nestled in the breeding grounds of its totem. Its people are characteristically hostile to outsiders and known for their tendency to plunder, leading to conflict with neighboring civilizations.

Highland Condor Totem

Tribal Details

Location: Upper to Outer La Noscea
Race: Miqo'te
Clan: Seekers of the Sun
Tribe Indicator: T' (Pronounced tuh)
Tribe Beast: The Highland Condor
Tribe Leaders: The Throned
Tribe Size: est. 35 individuals
Breeding Nunh: T'khan

Tribal Structure


The Throned


The Flock




Rituals and Superstitions

Birth and Naming

Unique Traditions

Music and Dance

Hunting Techniques

Relationship with Neighboring Communities


Before the Great Migration

Exodus and Tribal Schism

The Calamity

The Seventh Astral Era



T'khan Nunh -

The Throned

T'koh Tia -

T'nasha Koh -

T'ohto Koh -

T'kihin Khan -


T'kehe Tia -