Regulus Heartnet

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 Regulus Heartnet
Placeholder person.gif
Race Unknown
Clan Unknown
Citizenship Unaffiliated

Class Gladiator

Sex M

Race seek of the sun

Age 24  9th of the second astarl moon 1552

Religion Azeyma



 Regulus is a Miqo te swordsman n trianing who dreams of becomeing a great warrior like his adopted father and master to make Eorzea a safer place he lives his life with Honor and pride although he his from the  Miqo te clan he doesnt see himself as such or should i say he doesnt share in there views of the world Regulus act more like  a Hyur then anything but now he leaves Gridania for Ul Dah to become a Gladiator


 Regulus is from the Miqo te race his hair color is blood red with darklights with light tan skin with bright color eyes he's 58


  Regulus has very friendly personaity who loves to have fun but he also know when to get serious and when he see someone being bullied or in danger regulus goes out his way to help them out but hes abte  racklness and stubbren



 Regulus is a swordman he loves the sword but h also wants use other weapons like the lance and  axe he knows who to use a bow do to hunting but he also can use healing spells which helps when hes alone



  • meat, loud music, girls in swim  wear, starkight ,night hanging with friends, training


  •  Drama, heights  any thing green food and to much sweet


  •   fishing hunting camping weapon collector and armor collector training and cooking





 Regulus used to live with Father named Marick the silver  a highlander from the city of Gridiania his father is a bounty hunter and his adopted mother named Anora heartnet she and house wife but she was oncea mage haed ran a guild in her youth she gave that up to  raise regulus they coulnt have kids and they fround him on the battel field where his tribe was hit had been attacked and his birht mother shielded him them the arrows so the couple bought him home not knowing the miqo te history to well and not knowing what to call him they desided to call him Regulus which means lion his mom was his school teacher and his magic had awaken she taught him how to us it his father was a massive man with strong arms he would sit in his lap and listen to his story of his adventures   


 His friends or Vash and Shep his his leader of the Echo Knights who helped him when he was out number by beastmen




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