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Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Unknown
Citizenship Unaffiliated
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A long time ago, in a land far, far away (unless you’re in the Shroud, then it’s right there), I was born. My mother was an unwed seamstress, who was already living hand to mouth before she had another mouth to feed. To supplement her income, she started turning tricks at night. I assume that my devastating intellect comes from my father, because my mother was not a smart woman. She took no precautions, and her brief foray into prostitution ended at the bottom of a river.

When I was a boy, living in Amdapor, destitute orphans were claimed by the State and sold as chattel. Most wound up working the fields or the mines. I went to the latter. As you might imagine, forced labor didn’t agree with me, and at some point in my teen years, I gave notice of my resignation in the form of a pickaxe to my overseer’s left temple. I fled the mines in dead of night, but my freedom was short lived. Despite my well crafted escape plan, of running as fast as I could, the authorities quickly apprehended me. Did I mention that I was covered in blood at the time? That may have had something to do with it. If you’ve never split open a man’s head with a large, heavy digging implement, it is very messy. I was sentenced to death, naturally. But thanks to a little good ol’ fashioned government corruption, a local magister snatched me up from the stockades. She liked my face, and wasn’t overly concerned with how I had come to be in the stockades awaiting execution.

As I mentioned previously, this was Amdapor. As one might expect, my new captor had a penchant for conjuring and binding voidsent. If you weren’t expecting that well… I don’t know, pick up a history book. I can’t be expected to supplement your poor education. Anyway, I spent a number of years in her “employ”, and compared to my previous vocations, this was the least disagreeable. Daily baths, regular meals, and I even learned to read. If mother could have seen me, she’d have been pleased. Because she was an idiot. Fate made a terrible mistake when it cast me in the role of a servant. A mistake I readily corrected when the opportunity presented itself.

All of the Magister’s demon summoning caused a terrible strain on the aetheric fabric around her estate. Drawn by the weakened divide between our world and the void plane, demons flocked, and their voices could be heard all around by careful ears. Most of the other servants were severely perturbed by these voices, but it never really bothered me. As I grew more accustomed to deciphering the voidsent whispers from the rustling of leaves and the sounds of distant footsteps, one voice in particular began to stick out. Every night as I lay in bed, it promised me wealth, power, love, acclaim, anything I might want. All for the low price of my soul. While most would shrink from such a bargain, I decided to at least attempt to haggle. I questioned the demon, probed it, peeled back the layers of its intent, and discovered its true motive. The Magister had imprisoned one of the demon’s concubines, and it sought dominion over me, that I might be used to secure this lesser demon’s release. Armed with this information, I proposed a new bargain. In exchange for the Magister’s life, I requested the power of a voidsent.

For whatever reason, I won’t attempt to decipher the creature’s thinking, the voidsent agreed. Before the blood was dry on our contract, I’d slit the Magister’s throat from ear to ear, and smashed the vessel containing my new benefactor’s disembodied paramour.

I fled the estate as I’d fled the mine, armed with the lessons of my previous failure. With clean clothes, an education, and a few sprinkles of immortality, I left Amdapor, and have been wandering ever since.


I am a golden god. Silken tresses cascade off my shoulders, framing my face in luscious threads like spun starlight. My eyes glimmer like rubies, the jewels of my crown. Flawless skin from head to toe, devoid of wrinkles and blemishes. My muscles are long, and lean, the picture of elegance.




Yes please.


Admittedly, I'm a bit of a masochist. I lust for combat. The more punishing, the better. Burn me, shoot me, stab me, beat me; I will not relent. Not until the last onze of my strength is spent will I yield. I live to find the worthy.



  • Being better than you.
  • Being challenged
  • Desserts


  • You. If we haven't met, it's a safe bet that I'm not a fan.
  • Futile resistance
  • False bravado
  • Astral magic


  • Spellcraft
  • Getting into fights
  • Dancing

The Pecking Order

  • K'hatos
  • K'hatos' Mate
  • Powerful Mages
  • Exceptional Non-Mages
  • Adequate Mages
  • The Dirt
  • The Vox Populi
  • The Infirm
  • Lalafells
  • Weak Mages



Dead. Good riddance.


Friends? Oh, right, those people I don't hate. Yes, I have a few of those.


I don't have enemies, only murdertunities.


Common Rumors

  • He's begun dancing at the Ruby Carbucle
  • He killed that one guy who used to come around here.
  • He ate an entire wedding cake in one sitting.

Moderate Rumors

  • He dislikes female miqo'te.
  • He can drink a roegadyn under the table.
  • He's not so bad, once you get to know him.

Rare Rumors

  • He will grant you any wish in exchange for your soul.



This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea