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| name = Korin Relanah
| name = Korin Relanah
| image = Korinprofile.png
| image = Korinedit.png
| imagewidth = 300
| imagewidth = 342
| imageheight = 425
| title = "Korin Relanah"
| gender = Male
| gender = Male
| citizenship = Ul'dah
| race = Miqo'te
| race = Miqo'te
| clan = Keepers of the Moon
| clan = Keeper of the Moon
| stat_1 = Age
| stat_1 = Age
| stat_1_value = Twenty-six
| stat_1_value = 27
| stat_2 =  
| stat_2 = Occupation
| stat_2_value =  
| stat_2_value = Alchemist
| stat_3 =
| stat_3_value =
| stat_4 =
| stat_4_value =
| stat_5 =
| stat_5_value =
| stat_6 =
| stat_6_value =
===<div style="padding:10px 15px; background: #BEC3BC;font-size:14px;color:#5F5F5F;">Basic Info</div>===
Korin is a relatively average miqo'te. His skin is a pale, almost unhealthy hue and he has no particularly notable features to speak of. His face is more often than not concealed by a mess of blueish-grey hair - He clearly makes little effort to keep it in check, aside from occasionally tying it back when he feels the need to do so. Should one actually see beneath it, his eyes are a pale orange colour. For the most part, he just looks tired and somewhat grouchy, despite his otherwise polite attitude towards people.
<table style="position:center;" width="75%">
<td style="vertical-align: top;font-size:9pt;font-family:Helvetica;"><h3>
<div style="padding:10px 35px;background: #ECCA67;font-size:14px;color:#5F5F5F;"><center>''LIKES''</center></div></h3>
: <font style="color:#ECCA67;" size="3">■ </font> Solitude
: <font style="color:#ECCA67;" size="3">■ </font> Wandering, with no specific destination
: <font style="color:#ECCA67;" size="3">■ </font> Rain - Usually if he isn't caught in it
He is slightly taller than average, and despite the fact that he does try to keep himself in shape it's noticeable that he's a little on the thin side. His tail is oddly short, for a keeper. It's quite a sore point for him, and he often chooses to ignore any comments on it.
<td style="vertical-align: top;font-size:9pt;font-family:Helvetica;"><h3><span class="mw-headline">
<div style="padding:10px 35px; background: #DFD59E;font-size:14px;color:#5F5F5F;"><center>''DISLIKES''</center></div></span></h3>
: <font style="color:#DFD59E;" size="3">■ </font> Crowded areas
: <font style="color:#DFD59E;" size="3">■ </font> Swimming
: <font style="color:#DFD59E;" size="3">■ </font> Violence
: <font style="color:#DFD59E;" size="3">■ </font> Physical Contact
<td style="vertical-align: top;font-size:9pt;font-family:Helvetica;"><h3><span class="mw-headline">
<div style="padding:10px 35px; background: #CACFA5;font-size:14px;color:#5F5F5F;"><center>''OTHER''</center></div></span></h3>
: <font style="color:#CACFA5;" size="3">■</font> Favorite Food: Lowland Grapes
In a word, Korin is introverted. He's somewhat timid, and reluctant to approach. However, when he is approached he often takes it well and appreciates the company. When dealing with larger groups of people he tends to fall silent unless he is spoken to. There are few things that can actually provoke a reaction out of the miqo'te - And when he does react, his otherwise calm and level-headed demeanour can dissolve and leave him quite flustered.
: <font style="color:#CACFA5;" size="3">■</font> Favorite Drink: Chamomile Tea
Korin often chooses to take a more observant role, preferring to take neutral ground in a debate and rarely bothering to interject unless he feels it necessary.
: <font style="color:#CACFA5;" size="3">■</font> Favourite Colour: Despite the abundance of greys - Probably red!
Despite his best efforts to keep people at arm's length, upon joining The Traveller's Guild he started to warm up to people and often finds himself concerned for their wellbeing over his own. Even after the guild dispersed, he discovered that this trait has lingered and very rarely turns down people who are in need of aid.
Unfortunately, his reclusive lifestyle still leaves him inexperienced in social situatons and even with the few friends that he has, he struggles to keep up any real conversation and prefers to avoid any sensitive subjects that he should ideally be let out into the open.
===<div style="padding:10px 15px; background: #BEC3BC;font-size:14px;color:#5F5F5F;">The Character</div>===
Korin rarely engages in combat. When he does, he opts for a polearm - One might notice that he uses a left-handed stance. He clearly isn't a novice, however his skills are unpolished and likely self-taught.
====<div style="padding:0px 30px; font-size:14px;color:#5F5F5F;">Appearance</div>====
While his entire character might suggest it's better for him to stay out of the battle - At the very most to just stay back and use a bow, or fling fireballs at his enemies - He seems to find the entire subject rather sensitive.
: Korin is a somewhat bland character to speak of. His skin is a pale, almost unhealthy hue and he has no particularly notable features to speak of. His face is more often than not concealed by a mess of blueish-grey hair - He clearly makes little effort to keep it in check, aside from occasionally tying it back when he feels the need to do so. Should one actually see beneath it, his eyes are a pale orange colour. For the most part, he just looks tired and somewhat grouchy, despite his otherwise polite attitude towards people.
:He is slightly taller than average, and despite the fact that he does try to keep himself in shape it's noticeable that he's a fair bit underweight. His tail is oddly short and fluffy by keeper standards, and should one choose to point this out he's likely to pretend he never heard it.
::* Peace and quiet
::* Scenery
::* Reading
::* Wandering
::* Rain, in some circumstances
====<div style="padding:0px 30px; font-size:14px;color:#5F5F5F;">Behaviour</div>====
::* Crowds
::* Swimming
::* Needless violence
::* Physical contact
: Korin is a quiet, shy individual with very little social experience. He's somewhat timid, and reluctant to approach people - Occasionally even the ones he's already acquainted with, out of a constant fear that he probably isn't wanted there. However, when he is approached he often takes it well and appreciates the company - At least it would seem so, and on occasion his politeness can show as being somewhat false. When dealing with larger groups of people he tends to fall silent unless he is spoken to.  
::* He can occasionally be caught sketching if the view is good enough.
:Despite his best efforts to keep people at arm's length, upon joining The Traveller's Guild he started to warm up to people and often finds himself concerned for their wellbeing over his own - A trait that has lingered on, even after the guild's eventual disband.
::* He seems to enjoy walking - Though it seems more of an escape than an actual interest.
===<div style="padding:10px 15px; background: #BEC3BC;font-size:14px;color:#5F5F5F;">Background</div>===
Korin was the firstborn male to a small Keeper family. His mother - Also known as Korin - was a particularly eccentric woman and chose something of an isolationist lifestyle away from any particular community. His father played a very small role in his upbringing. Aside from his parents, he also had three younger sisters, though he appears somewhat bitter about the subject when it is brought up.
Being the only son of the family, his given name would be Korin'a, but he tends to introduce himself as Korin for the sake of convenience, among other things.
====<div style="padding:0px 30px; font-size:13px;color:#5F5F5F;">Early Life in the Shroud</div>====
Due to Korin's personality he has very few friends to speak of, however following his introduction into the Traveller's Guild he seems to have opened up a little and occasionally takes it upon himself to try and strike up conversation at the very least.
[[Otte Dreamwalker]] - Originally he pushed Korin into being his assistant with research, however the unlikely pair became friends. Korin is often there to listen to Otte's troubles and offer advice for them, despite the fact that he is much more inexperienced in such matters than Otte himself.
====<div style="padding:0px 30px; font-size:13px;color:#5F5F5F;">Entering Ul'dah</div>====
[[Momori Nonori]] - A lalafell who is persistent enough to try and break down Korin's carefully constructed walls. He manages to be successful, from time to time.
[[S'meoh Keeneye]] - Korin considers the exciteable seeker to be a friend, despite his constant invasion of Korin's personal space. He tends to think of him as a younger brother, though he would never admit that he's more grateful for his company than it might seem.
====<div style="padding:0px 30px; font-size:13px;color:#5F5F5F;">The Travellers Guild</div>====
[[Octavel Loreaux]] - As with S'meoh, Korin is much more grateful for the elezen's company than he would admit.
[[Mal Sionis]] - Another miqo'te who Korin met by chance. He seems to enjoy his company, and surprisingly finds himself with a lot more to speak to him about than expected.
====<div style="padding:0px 30px; font-size:13px;color:#5F5F5F;">Moving Forwards</div>====
[[Sarcire Sinclair]] - Korin isn't really sure what to make of the hyur woman, but he considers her a friend regardless and is grateful for the company she provides. Even if she happens to enjoy teasing  him and invading his personal space.
[[Z'shakka Tia]] - An ex-Nunh who Korin stumbled upon by chance. After running into the miqo'te a few times, he decided to help him start a new life and hired him instead.
====<div style="padding:0px 30px; font-size:13px;color:#5F5F5F;">Recent Events</div>====
===Common Rumors===
::* "Who?"
::* "Panics every time you do so much as brush past him! Weird, that one."
::* "That guy? I've seen him wandering Ul'dah from time to time. He usually looks lost, though. I mean, all the time. He's been coming back here for weeks now."
===Moderate Rumors===
::* "Looks like he's being followed by this huge miqo'te. I wonder why?"
::* "Seen him leaving the alchemist's guild once or twice...And looking like a disaster struck in the process."
===Rare Rumours===
<h3><span class="mw-headline">
::* "Can't hold his drink. At all. Don't even risk it."
<div style="padding:10px 35px; background: #BEC3BC;font-size:14px;color:#5F5F5F;"><center>''RUMORS''</center></div></span></h3>
''Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!''
<div style="border:0px solid; padding:8px;"><b>
<div style="padding:10px 25px; background: #90AB76;">◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)</div></b>
: <font style="color:#90AB76;" size="3">■ "Who?"</font>
: <font style="color:#90AB76;" size="3">■ "Seems to panic if you do so much as brush past him. Odd fella, to say the least."</font>
== Art stuff! ==
<b><div style="padding:10px 25px; background: #F37E1D;">◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)</div></b>
: <font style="color:#F37E1D;" size="3">■ "Haven't seen him in Ul'dah that much, lately. I thought he lived near there?"</font>
: <font style="color:#F37E1D;" size="3">■ "Used to work at the Alchemists' Guild, right? Yeah...Used to."</font>
<b><div style="padding:10px 25px; background: #D83018;">◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)</div></b>
: <font style="color:#D83018;" size="3">■ "Apparently, he's willing to try anything for the right price. What? No, no, not ''that'' kind of anything!"</font>
: <font style="color:#D83018;" size="3">■ "Somethin' went down at the alchemists' guild, and I heard he was involved."</font>
: <font style="color:#D83018;" size="3">■ </font>
This Template was created by [[Deirdre Ta'ea]]
<b><div style="padding:10px 25px; background: #aac5b4;">◢ PC Rumors </div></b>
: <font style="color:#aac5b4;" size="3">■ "More impatient than he lets on."</font>
: <font style="color:#aac5b4;" size="3">■ "Comes and goes as he pleases, and then feels bad about it afterwards."</font>
: <font style="color:#aac5b4;" size="3">■</font> 
: <font style="color:#aac5b4;" size="3">■ "Who? Ohh Blushy! He's cute, panics and flails whenever he's poked or picked up. Makes ya want to tease 'im some more."</font>
: <font style="color:#aac5b4;" size="3">■ "K... Korin? He's really k.. kind and sweet, helps people who are in n... need."</font>
<h3><span class="mw-headline">
<div style="padding:10px 35px; background: #BEC3BC;font-size:14px;color:#5F5F5F;"><center>''RELATIONS''</center></div></span></h3>
: <center><font style="color:#F02311;" size="3">♥</font> Romantic Interest    <font style="color:#FA70BC;" size="3">♥</font> Platonic Love      <font style="color:#9EC60B;" size="3">●</font> Good Standing    <font style="color:#8f8377" size="3"> ● </font> Neutral Standing    <font style="color:#C24640;" size="3">●</font> Poor Standing</center>
:  <font style="color:#9EC60B;" size="3">●</font> [[Otte Dreamwalker]] : A small, effeminate miqo'te who originally nudged Korin into becoming his "research assistant". Korin is often there to lend his ear to Otte's troubles and, despite his own lack of experience, offer some advice on how to deal with them. He considers Otte to be one of his closest friends.
: <font style="color:#9EC60B;" size="3">●</font> [[Mal Sionis]] : Another miqo'te who Korin met by chance. He seems to appreciate the seeker's company - And much to his own surprise, found that they had much more in common that he had first assumed.
: <font style="color:#9EC60B;" size="3">●</font> [[S'meoh Keeneye]] : Korin considers the exciteable seeker to be a friend, despite his constant invasion of Korin's personal space. He tends to think of him as a younger brother, though he would never admit that he's more grateful for his company than it might seem.
: <font style="color:#9EC60B;" size="3">●</font>  [[Sarcire Sinclair]] : Korin isn't really sure what to make of the woman, but he considers her a friend regardless and often finds her company to be a refreshing change of pace. Even if that company happens to involve teasing him and invading his personal space.
: <font style="color:#FA70BC;" size="3">♥</font>  [[Z'Shakka Tia]] : An ex-Nunh who Korin stumbled upon by chance. After running into the miqo'te a few times, he decided to help him start a new life and hired him instead - However, due to Shakka's unrequited feelings towards the Keeper, their relationship took an uncomfortable turn. Despite this, time heals all wounds-- And their interactions are usually pleasant.
: <font style="color:#9EC60B;" size="3">●</font>  [[Momori Nonori]] : A suspected demonspawn of a lalafell who attempts to 'help' Korin with his problems. It doesn't usually end well, but Korin appreciates the effort...Sometimes.
: <font style="color:#8f8377" size="3">●</font> [[Octavel Loreaux]] : Korin was much more grateful for the elezen's company than he would admit. Despite his initial attempts to shrug off anything further than friendship, Octavel's persistence eventually won through and they were considered a couple...Until certain unforeseen circumstances led to the pair parting ways, leaving Korin himself relatively bitter about the subject and leading him to retreat back into his shell, to an extent.
: <font style="color:#F02311;" size="3">♥</font> [[Neyha'li Nujuun]] : A fellow keeper that Korin, for better or for worse, plucked from his home in the shroud and took back to Ul'dah with the promise of a better life...Only for Korin to return to the Shroud, leaving Ney to his fate. After reuniting, their relationship seemed strained, but now the pair are near-inseparable.
===<div style="padding:10px 35px; background: #BEC3BC;font-size:14px;color:#5F5F5F;">Artwork</div>===
===<div style="padding:10px 35px; background: #BEC3BC;font-size:14px;color:#5F5F5F;">Footnotes</div>===
: Template by [[Bancroft Gairn]]

Latest revision as of 10:09, 29 December 2016

Ul'dah-transparent.png Korin Relanah
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age 27
Occupation Alchemist

Basic Info


Wandering, with no specific destination
Rain - Usually if he isn't caught in it


Crowded areas
Physical Contact


Favorite Food: Lowland Grapes
Favorite Drink: Chamomile Tea
Favourite Colour: Despite the abundance of greys - Probably red!

The Character


Korin is a somewhat bland character to speak of. His skin is a pale, almost unhealthy hue and he has no particularly notable features to speak of. His face is more often than not concealed by a mess of blueish-grey hair - He clearly makes little effort to keep it in check, aside from occasionally tying it back when he feels the need to do so. Should one actually see beneath it, his eyes are a pale orange colour. For the most part, he just looks tired and somewhat grouchy, despite his otherwise polite attitude towards people.
He is slightly taller than average, and despite the fact that he does try to keep himself in shape it's noticeable that he's a fair bit underweight. His tail is oddly short and fluffy by keeper standards, and should one choose to point this out he's likely to pretend he never heard it.


Korin is a quiet, shy individual with very little social experience. He's somewhat timid, and reluctant to approach people - Occasionally even the ones he's already acquainted with, out of a constant fear that he probably isn't wanted there. However, when he is approached he often takes it well and appreciates the company - At least it would seem so, and on occasion his politeness can show as being somewhat false. When dealing with larger groups of people he tends to fall silent unless he is spoken to.
Despite his best efforts to keep people at arm's length, upon joining The Traveller's Guild he started to warm up to people and often finds himself concerned for their wellbeing over his own - A trait that has lingered on, even after the guild's eventual disband.


Early Life in the Shroud

Entering Ul'dah

The Travellers Guild

Moving Forwards

Recent Events


Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
■ "Who?"
■ "Seems to panic if you do so much as brush past him. Odd fella, to say the least."
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
■ "Haven't seen him in Ul'dah that much, lately. I thought he lived near there?"
■ "Used to work at the Alchemists' Guild, right? Yeah...Used to."
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
■ "Apparently, he's willing to try anything for the right price. What? No, no, not that kind of anything!"
■ "Somethin' went down at the alchemists' guild, and I heard he was involved."
◢ PC Rumors
■ "More impatient than he lets on."
■ "Comes and goes as he pleases, and then feels bad about it afterwards."
■ "Who? Ohh Blushy! He's cute, panics and flails whenever he's poked or picked up. Makes ya want to tease 'im some more."
■ "K... Korin? He's really k.. kind and sweet, helps people who are in n... need."


Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Neutral Standing Poor Standing
Otte Dreamwalker : A small, effeminate miqo'te who originally nudged Korin into becoming his "research assistant". Korin is often there to lend his ear to Otte's troubles and, despite his own lack of experience, offer some advice on how to deal with them. He considers Otte to be one of his closest friends.
Mal Sionis : Another miqo'te who Korin met by chance. He seems to appreciate the seeker's company - And much to his own surprise, found that they had much more in common that he had first assumed.
S'meoh Keeneye : Korin considers the exciteable seeker to be a friend, despite his constant invasion of Korin's personal space. He tends to think of him as a younger brother, though he would never admit that he's more grateful for his company than it might seem.
Sarcire Sinclair : Korin isn't really sure what to make of the woman, but he considers her a friend regardless and often finds her company to be a refreshing change of pace. Even if that company happens to involve teasing him and invading his personal space.
Z'Shakka Tia : An ex-Nunh who Korin stumbled upon by chance. After running into the miqo'te a few times, he decided to help him start a new life and hired him instead - However, due to Shakka's unrequited feelings towards the Keeper, their relationship took an uncomfortable turn. Despite this, time heals all wounds-- And their interactions are usually pleasant.
Momori Nonori : A suspected demonspawn of a lalafell who attempts to 'help' Korin with his problems. It doesn't usually end well, but Korin appreciates the effort...Sometimes.
Octavel Loreaux : Korin was much more grateful for the elezen's company than he would admit. Despite his initial attempts to shrug off anything further than friendship, Octavel's persistence eventually won through and they were considered a couple...Until certain unforeseen circumstances led to the pair parting ways, leaving Korin himself relatively bitter about the subject and leading him to retreat back into his shell, to an extent.
Neyha'li Nujuun : A fellow keeper that Korin, for better or for worse, plucked from his home in the shroud and took back to Ul'dah with the promise of a better life...Only for Korin to return to the Shroud, leaving Ney to his fate. After reuniting, their relationship seemed strained, but now the pair are near-inseparable.



Template by Bancroft Gairn