Sarcire Sinclair
[hide]Basic Introduction
Hidden deep in the heart of Dravanian territory, the ever elusive mage aspires to remain free of her former notoriety. No longer the well-known hyur of years gone by, she casts her gaze towards greater heights and more exotic adventures. A reborn explorer, she now drags her hapless companion across ever changing environs.
A capable business woman, Sarcire has a talent for numbers and is more than happy to barter her way to a bargain. She can recognise an individual's potential at a glance; and their value with a small amount of observation. Shrewd, she isn't one to be crossed or tricked, granted it isn't impossible to trick her, but you will be subject to her ire should you succeed! A woman who formerly would have been loathe to get her hands dirty, she has now found benefit in rolling up her own sleeves.
Bound by logic, Sarcire is not one who permits herself to be ruled by emotion. It is a very rare day indeed when this woman submits herself to the whims of the heart, and does not give thorough consideration to the circumstances she might find herself in.
On the surface; Sarcire appears to favour wealth, vanity and status above all else. However, should you be 'worthy' by her standards, you may gain her respect and with it her loyalty - a 'status' that promises more warmth than most consider possible.
Sarcire was once known for her tall, lithe Hyurian frame. However, fortune did not favour her in the years she has explored alongside various companions, and that once Hyurian form has been twisted and transformed into something quite different. Resembling an Au'Ra of the Xaelan tribes in form, it would be wrong to assume that this is entirely accurate. That aside, she is perfectly content to allow those around her to assume that this is in fact what she is.
Perhaps somewhat taller than the average Xaelan female, she has nothing of note in her physical appearance that would set her apart from any other Au'Ra and as such, this is the cover she has deemed appropriate to adopt.
She favours ornate attire, something that gives a 'statement' and reinforces her status. However, while it might be ornate it must also fall into line with a number of other requirements - it must be form fitting, it mustn't be to garish and it mustn't blind the eyes. For this reason she will rarely go sunny colours, favouring a darker attire with accents or trimmings.
Basic Features:
- Height: 5'6"
- Hair Colour: Black with white tips.
- Eye Colour: Grey (with a blue tint)
- Skin Tone: Exceedingly pale, fails to burn in direct sunlight but doesn't appear to gain any colour either.
Temporary/Abnormal Features There will be periods during roleplay where Sarcire might exhibit unusual markings due to a subsequent part of her plot line. These markings are harmless and are for display only. Her Xaelan scales are furry, rather than soft, though this is not something that an onlooker could determine without having the opportunity to touch them.
If you wish to touch her scales please ask for permission first.
Sarcire is inclined to keep her notoriety low following previous interactions with certain individuals, as such, there are only a select few remaining individuals who are currently aware of who (and what) she is. Some have a deeper understanding of her than others.
- Ganbataar Kha
- Korin Relanah
- Vyncent Fields
- Kale Aideron
- Reena Quinn
- Qunbish Malqir
- Yunegin Malqir
- Ryuuren Ko
- Major Bear
The Story So Far...
In the last few years following her resurgence, the now established business woman has spent a large portion of her time in Ul'dah renegotiating various trade routes and establishing others. Her particular focus has been on Ishgard, though there have been stirrings that she may be the sort who would be unscrupulous enough to pursue links with the Garlean empire for certain goods and services. Never one to turn away a good opportunity, she has been keeping her ears and eyes open for individuals who might be of benefit to her economic empire.
Alas, while she may have been in pursuit of a growing merchant empire, Sarcire did not anticipate that she would find herself enamoured by a wandering adventurer from 'a far off land'; frankly, she found the entire concept to be cliche and utterly ridiculous. Regardless, against her better judgement she found herself overwhelmed by her own inclinations towards the adventurer and soon found herself deliberately pursuing him. She would be loathe to admit that she had been stalking him, on the contrary, she had been conveniently placing herself in all the locations that he was liable to appear in... After that, everything just fell in to place (or so her story goes).
What initially began as a largely one-sided affection, developed in to a peculiar friendship. Spurred on by her determination that this 'ridiculous' adventurer refrained from killing himself through noble, or ignoble, pursuits; she set about providing him with the necessary tools and knowledge to achieve the goals he had set out for himself. Courtesy of his own skill, alongside a small manner of assistance from the enigmatic mage, he managed to gain ground. However, when the time came for him to part ways, his stay in Eorzea now complete, Sarcire was somewhat distressed to realise that she might find herself without the individual she had become unreasonably attached to - it was a realisation that led to much hostility on her part in a dire attempt to return her to her own senses.
...This was not received well.
On the contrary, this one-sided affection had developed in to something more on the part of her wayward adventurer and rather than seek to leave Eorzea, he elected to stay. Fortune favours the brave, as they say, and he was particularly brave for choosing this particularly enigmatic mage.
As time drew on, both settled in to normalcy, or they would have done had they been given the opportunity to do so... but things never quite work out the way you plan. No sooner had they settled, than their differences came to light, spiraling the pair into an argument that would lead to revelations in regards to who both were and the consequences. It was an argument that would set the adventurer and his new companion, on a 'quest' to quell the unrest in them both, and thus, they set off for Dravania.
Welcomed RP Scenarios
- New Business Partners
She favours wholesalers, those who can provide materials, live stock and finished products for shipping. She has particular interest in clothing, shoes and rare livestock, but has a tendency to avoid delicacies and perishables.
She is interested in funding, or part funding individuals who wish to start their own businesses in industries she can utilise such as tailoring or carpentry.
She rarely works in conjunction with additional merchant shipping companies, but may do so for large scale projects.
- New Employees
She never has enough employees and traditionally hires the sea-worthy (sailors, captains etc) and protective guards for her fleet, caravans and wares. She is also an individual who considers hiring those of crafting and gathering professions to assist in her smaller scale projects.
Please note that hazard pay is paid on safe return of the individual employee, not before! 8D
- New Customers
Need goods shipped to another region? She can provide that for you. Need the latest, high fashions, for your upcoming party? She can provide it. Need that odd artefact that may technically only be available on the black market? She can source it, though at a cost.
Additional services are available for the purchase of temporary guards if you wish to transport your own goods, however these goods will not be underwritten and ensured by Sarcire.
- Mercenary Contracts
On occasions, Sarcire has been known to source our mercenaries for contracts of a sensitive nature. She may also seek out contracted mercenaries for much larger shipments where she may not necessarily have the manpower to protect them with her existing employees.
- Old Friends
Sarcire was on hiatus for a long time (raiding) and many of her friends have moved on or passed away. If you know her and would like to say hello again, just give me a nudge. Please note that she has hints of her former self and might be recognisable to some, but it's not always immediately clear who she is until she introduces herself.
- Old Enemies
Begrudingly letting this stay up, I'd sooner keep the drama levels at a lower level this time so please don't try to kill her again. x_X;
I am more than open to her making amends with some of those she crossed as well.
All previous rumours have long since settled following her self-imposed exile. Her lack of notoriety following her decision to resurface is something she has regarded as extremely refreshing.