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! <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px; font-variant:small-caps;"><b>[[Siegfried Blutritter]]</b>. <i>Friend</i>. <b>(</b><font style="color:#6B8E23;" size="2">✔</font><font style="color:#b72a78;" size="2">♦</font><font style="color:#ae0016;"size="2">♥</font>  <b>)</b> - <b>The Masked</b></div>
! <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px; font-variant:small-caps;"><b>[[Siegfried Blutritter]]</b>. <i>Friend</i>. <b>(</b><font style="color:#6B8E23;" size="2">✔</font><font style="color:#b72a78;" size="2">♦</font><font style="color:#ae0016;"size="2">♥ (Involved)</font>  <b>)</b> - <b>The Masked</b></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px;"><b>Character's Thoughts:</b> <i>"He has such lovely eyes..."</i></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px;"><b>Character's Thoughts:</b> <i>"He has such lovely eyes..."</i></div>
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! <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px; font-variant:small-caps;"><b>[[Dubus Hydrae]]</b>. <i>Acquaintance</i>. <b>(</b><font style="color:#692ab7;" size="2"></font><font style="color:#000000;" size="2">♥</font> <b>)</b> - <b>The Womanizer</b></div>
! <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px; font-variant:small-caps;"><b>[[Dubus Hydrae]]</b>. <i>Acquaintance</i>. <b>(</b><font style="color:#b72a78;" size="2"></font><font style="color:#000000;" size="2">♥ (Physical)</font> <b>)</b> - <b>The Womanizer</b></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px;"><b>Character's Thoughts:</b> <i>"Such a lovely tail..."</i></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px;"><b>Character's Thoughts:</b> <i>"Such a lovely tail..."</i></div>

Revision as of 08:32, 15 October 2018

Find me on Tumblr adellennehocoleux.tumblr.com This information is so you can figure out if you'd like to write with this character - NOT METAGAMING.




Born as the youngest of six children, Adellenne was the prized daughter in a family swarming with sons. Curious, chatty and as annoying as any littlest sister could possibly be, she found an early love for aetheric manipulations that was almost encouraged. Unfortunately, a near-fatal accident left her with permanent brain damage, and those plans were put on hold. Instead, Adellenne's legal guardianship was given to the Conjurers Guild. There she learned what she could, and did what she could, while they struggled in vain to find a remedy to fix her.

After twenty cycles, her guardianship was given to an excommunicated Hearer. Her recovery was his ticket to rejoin the fold and fall back into their good graces. While such a recovery was eventually realized, it didn't come without complications. Hallucinations, seizures and an inability to cope with most things left her needing both a service dog and a mammet to keep things in line. More than a cycle later she has become the Co-Owner, Chief Medical Officer and Clerical Officer of the Free Company known as E.R.A. and is making an independent life for herself.


Standing at 6' 6" puts Adelle above most people she encounters. Adelle’s height is mostly in her legs, although they do not seem blatantly disproportionate to the rest of her body. Long, slender and graceful, they lack things like blemishes or scars simply because she’s never had time to acquire them. On the back of her left thigh is a darker blue shape she says is a birthmark, even if she has no real way of knowing. Her figure is willowy, with toned arms from working the garden or lifting heavy boxes of medications. While not considered curvy or soft, she has a slight hourglass figure made more prominent by certain dresses or blouses. Her gloves, however, and the long sleeves she wears even in the warmer months hide the puckered and warped scars from dragon-fire. The marks curl up to nearly the middle of her bicep. Her left hand appears mostly fine, although her right boasts the scars of a skin graft and a lack of viable nailbeds, leaving her without nails as well.
Aspects That Stand Out:
Adelle wears gloves almost constantly.
Her glasses are not just for looks. She has a difficult time seeing things at a distance.
When blushing, her coloring deepens to a navy over the bridge of her nose and her cheeks.


Adelle greets any first impression like an interview: formal, stiff, and with every ilm of polite docorum she can muster. While personable, she is incredibly reserved about giving out too much information and would much rather have someone else discuss themselves than give any insight. This generally lasts until she feels comfortable enough to relax, and share her thoughts. Depending on the person, this can take anywhere from a few suns to a moon or more. On the field, when working, or in her infirmary is another matter entirely. Proud, demanding, and with a firm 'take charge' attitude to any given situation makes her appear to be more confident than she appears. When overwhelmed, she'll often politely excuse herself from whatever duties she might have and flee to the Shroud. Above all else, meeting her there will reveal her true nature. Relaxed, curious, and perfectly at ease. The three sides to her make her a bit difficult to get to know, but she turns down company less and less.


Literature. Old books, new ideas, scrolls or novels...She really doesn't mind what knowledge she's been handed, and is as happy with a book on anatomy as she is a fairytale.
Nature. She is never happier than when she's trekking barefoot through the Shroud.


Stubborness. Somewhat hypocritical, Adelle cannot stand when someone is so set in their ways they refuse help or healing.
The Void. It unsettles her immensely, and after a few unfortunate run-ins she still suffers from nightmares.
Dragons. The cause of the scarring over her hands and arms.


Reading. Anything and everything.
Gardening. Tending to small plots in the yard, pots in her room or elsewhere brings her no small amount of joy. She also grows things for her friends, like personalized strains of Moko or rolanberries.


Memory. Adelle's memory allows her to recall details of her patients or coworkers that could easily save their lives, or defuse an argument.
Patience. Even if she's privately upset, Adelle's patience and bedside manner never falters in front of those she is caring for.


Physical Touch. Beyond family or lovers (and only then in private), Adelle is easily flustered by physical intimacy of any kind, even friendly hugs.


Being Useful' - Adelle only ever wants to be of use. It drives every motivation she has.
Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure
Madelline Hocoleux, Mother. () - The Matriarch.
Character's Thoughts: "If she wanted to know me, nothing would stop her."
Adelle and her mother were close before her accident. While she didn't have the proficiency the older woman did with a bow, she followed in her footsteps with musical talent. Unknown to the youngest of the family, Madelline often shadows her in the Twelveswood.
Alfredoux Hocoleux, Father. () - The Cripple.
Character's Thoughts: "Fathers are meant to protect their daughters. Mine failed quite spectacularly."
Although never overly close, Alfred had a fondness for his daughter until she was sent away. Were he to see her now, his own pride over the loss of his leg and the scarring from the Calamity would likely keep him from identifying himself.
Sebastiont Hocoleux, Brother. () - The Widow Maker.
Character's Thoughts: "He was kind. I hope he is doing well,"
Unaware of her oldest brother's death, Adelle only sometimes speculates about him. They were not overly close, although they had a loving relationship in her younger cycles. He left when she was eleven, and after receiving word of his marriage she didn't hear from him again. He perished in the Calamity, leaving behind a devastated wife. Adelle has never met the woman.
Adrieneux Hocoleux, Brother. () - The Beach Bum.
Character's Thoughts: "I think if you stretched out his jobs on a roll of parchment, the list would be taller than me!"
Adrien has only ever been the protective older brother. Although she has no recollection of his coming to see her while she was in the Conjury guild, he never forgot her. He was raising money for a small house for the both of them, and now works as her retainer. They are exceptionally close, and one will never not defend the other.
Elfreux Hocoleux, Brother. () - The Meek.
Character's Thoughts: "Elfreux was always nervous..."
Still living at home, Elfreux always leaned his decision making toward his younger brother's ideas. This meant Adelle never looked kindly on him, as said ideas usually meant she was kept out of games or bullied.
Gasparmont Hocoleux, Brother. () - The Stereotype.
Character's Thoughts: "He taught me the sort of person I should never be."
A cruel and selfish individual, Gasparmont loathed that he had a little sister he was meant to look out for. Instead, he made her life miserable. Emotionally abusive out of sight of his parents, and not below pulling her hair or shoving her, she steadily became a shrinking wall flower under his behavior. He was the key voice for sending her away after her accident. She was a hallway away from him at the time of his death, and was able to hear his screams. They sometimes haunt her dreams.
Briereux Hocoleux, Brother. () - The Husband.
Character's Thoughts: "Why did he let me fall?"
Likely the sibling Adellenne has the least ties with. Now that he is married, and entirely separated from his family, she would probably not be able to recognize him if she stumbled across him in the street.
Bexy Amalaryssia Coworker. ( ) - The Field Commander.
Character's Thoughts: "I admire her passion. Maybe one sun I can have her confidence as well."
One of Adelle's closer friends. The two share a dislike of working in the kitchen, and enjoy having breakfasts together in the mornings. Since Bexy's accident however, the two have not spent much time with one another.
Cicero Fortescue. Acquaintance. () - The Hearer
Character's Thoughts: "Maybe it would have been better if he stayed away..."
After confessing feelings that neither can act on, the divide between them stretched into a canyon. After learning of his departure her thoughts about him have settled, but mention of his makes her immediately defensive.
Mistienne Aurloix. ( ) - The Ishgardian
Character's Thoughts: "So long as she keeps her opinions of my brother favorable..."
Mist and Adelle support each other rather well within the Company, although sometimes they tend to butt heads over personal problems. Considering their siblings are dating it's only to be expected. Adelle highly respects her, and will generally agree with her opinions, although she's not of a mind to let Mist walk all over everything.
Sylvia Channing. Friend. ( ) - The Mech Mender
Character's Thoughts: "Just because she wants to share everything, does not mean I have to!"
One of Adelle's closer friends. She and Sylvia tend to butt heads almost too regularly to be as close as they are. Opposites attract in everything however, and the two women find themselves more often than not bonding over shared ideals.
Siegfried Blutritter. Friend. (♥ (Involved) ) - The Masked
Character's Thoughts: "He has such lovely eyes..."
After sparring with one another on one of Adelle's rare participations in Limsa's Fight Club, the two have connected in a very sweet and slow way. It's clear there's something growing between them. Time will tell how far it blossoms.
Ariawyn Ferrand. Friend. ( ) - The Mama
Character's Thoughts: "I fear she knows me much greater than I know her..."
Aria and Adelle's history began when the two women were both at the Conjury guild. The younger woman encouraged the Padjal to accept Adelle into training, and personally saw to much of her tutoring. The two were cautious friends, as it was a struggle for the Duskwight to keep up with the friendship. After she ripped two years of her memories out of her journal, all knowledge of their friendship was lost. Although they have reconnected, Aria has yet to tell her how much she knows.
Dubus Hydrae. Acquaintance. (♥ (Physical) ) - The Womanizer
Character's Thoughts: "Such a lovely tail..."
One of the few people she can relax with, the two seem to pick up right from where they left off no matter how long it's been since they last saw the other. Although they once vowed to keep things purely physical, and never to involve personal matters, it's certainly proving to be a difficult promise they're both ignoring.
Moengeim Bhalnwyn. ( ) - The Artistic Brawler
Character's Thoughts: "Can we -not- discuss her, please?"
Previously Adelle's art instructor, the roegadyn was the one to begin dating the man she'd had feelings for for some time. While Adelle hadn't actually admitted these feelings to anyone, it still soured her opinion of the giantess and the two are on tense terms.



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"She orders the exact same thing every sennight! Can't she do something new?" - Delivery Girl
"I could have sworn I heard her speaking some other language, but she insists she only knows common!" - Merchant in Kugane
"I got a tea from her to help me sleep, and now I don't even dream!" - Sailor in Limsa
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"I thought she used to live here in Gridania...not too many Duskwights walking around as spacey as she did." - Wood Wailer
"Hocoleux? Like those con-artists who used to live off trail in the Shroud?" - Gridanian Resident
"I hate the way she hovers when I'm working! Is she memorizing what I do?" - Volunteer in Ul'dahn Clinic
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"You know, the Captain swears he didn't have anyone bring me a notice from him, but it was in his handwriting!"
"Aye, she's got an apartment in The Mists! Don't remember right where...she seems private."
"Oi! Aren't half these plants she's askin' for poisonous?"


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Rumor." — Rumormonger.



Player Note
Adelle is one of four characters I play. I would LOVE to plot, plan and do a scene with you but please be advised that I am extremely slow to reply over Discord. In game is the best way to get something rolling. I'm generally available from 7pm to 2am EST, Monday through Friday, as well as mornings until about noon. Ask about my weekends, they vary!
Personal RP Limits
My limits vary person to person and scene to scene. Just ask, and I'll be happy to figure something out.
I will play medical care, surgical scenes, mature and darker themes including character death. I'm not fond of immortal characters in mortal peril - it loses some of the thrill.
I won't play anything that goes straight to the bedroom. Exceptional gore for no other reason than the shock factor. Non-consensual scenes are a no-go.
Little Tidbits.
Please, please, please don't get in touch with me for starting a thread if your only goal is ERP. I'm not down for that, and since I get really uncomfortable explaining myself I'll ghost you.
I have FOUR characters, including this one. That means my time is limited, and precious.


Potential Plot Hooks
Just poke me on Tumblr, and we can figure something out!
She sometimes travels to Limsa Lominsa for a drink in the evenings, and to linger to watch the sunsets. Her usual is honey brandy, or white wine. She'll usually be found on the upper docks in Costa del Sol, or tucked at a table with a book in the Drowning Wench.
Have a bump? Her name and face is well known by several clinics in Ul’dah, and she's been seen tending the odd patient here and there from her apartment in The Mists. She's recently taken up residency in Ward six, and is a mostly quiet neighbor.
She’s been seen hanging around the Alchemists guild, and spends a surprising amount of time just wandering the market. Maybe you've seen her ferrying messages to several of the merchants. They're all official...aren't they?
Adelle can often be found wandering off the beaten path in the Black Shroud, or bathing in the rivers. Maybe you've found one of her labeled tea satchels, or she forgot her glasses and she's coming back to find them. Maybe you spend just as much time in the Shroud, and somehow you've managed to cross paths.
Character Lore Adherence
While I do try to adhere to lore, there's only so much I know for sure. Since this is the case, I will say I bend lore as I need to. Before IC healing I will always ask your preference, as Adelle is also skilled in mundane healing methods that don't use aether.

[[Image: Tumblr oko9erJ9o11qe417to1 1280.jpg
Name - Adellenne Lavande Hocoleux
Race - Duskwight Elezen
Age - Thirty-seven
Name Day - 20th Sun of the Sixth Umbral Moon
Deity - Nophica / The Elementals

Alias: Adelle / Blueberry / Softsharp / Delle / Sapphire
Citizenship: Gridanian
Occupation: Co-owner of E.R.A. | Chief Medical & Clerical Officer
Hair color: Hunter green. A dark, stand out color in comparison to even her navy skin.
Eye color: Sapphire
Complexion: Dark blue
Piercings: Ears
Marks or tattoos: Puckered scar on left temple, not really noticeable. Severe burn scars from wrists to biceps, as well as skin graft scarring on her right hand. She also lacks fingernails on her right hand.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Key Items: Gold, mosaic fountain pen / Conjury Focus / Decorative throwing knife
Favorite Food: Sugar Cookies or Eel Pie
Favorite Drink: Honey Brandy
Favorite Color: Green
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