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Revision as of 18:20, 3 May 2014

 Orumloix Pahjin
Gender Male
Race Miqo’te
Clan Keeper/Seeker
Citizenship None
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“Mother gave me a ‘proper’ name. Told me it was secret. Told me it was a gift from her and my sire. Told me lots of things, most of it nothin’ but piss and wind to be honest. Sand in a desert. Names people give you don’t mean anything at all. Tribe called me brother, called me son, nephew. Called me a wretch too. Called me a lot worse to be honest. Cost me more than a bit of flesh to find out why. Tell you something true hm? I call myself Orumloix Pahjin. You can call me Orum. That’s all that really matters.”


Age: 29 Height: 5’ 9” Weight: 168 Ponze

Appearance and Behavior

Languid yet vicious, Orum is truly a predator in both appearance and manner. There is a fire about his gaze, a length to his too white fangs that give all his smiles a devious almost menacing edge. Such is not aided by the dark stripes about his features or narrow pupils. His skin is the color of thick smoke. A forest fire, the length of his braided hair a moonless night and yet the void of it all is set off by miss matched eyes: one the icy green of frosted leaves and the other the amber of hardening sap. His voice is often low, a bit too lewd for anyone’s good and quick to rumble with a purr or a growl depending on the occasion. Tall for one of his kind, he bears his height and long limbs with the grace and poise of one who was raised in the wilds, able to be silent and still just as easily as he can snap into motion. His lifestyle has left him toned and lean but also scarred. Across his brow and nose, the corner of his jaw, his temple and numerous others on his knuckles, chest, back. Some places look to have been savaged rather violently, raised and slightly lighter than his dark complexion.

In the end, while striking, there is something disconcerting in his manner. As much a beast as a man, one should beware the half lidded stares and smiles of Orum Pahjin


Someone once said that the dark Miqo’te was all piss and honey: infuriating, overpowering, delectable when he so choses and yet seeming to offend some simply by smiling in that peculiar way of his. Truly he is as apt to start a tavern brawl as he is to garner affection. Sometimes he aims for such and in other moments it is his own nature that condemns him. Orum is a painfully honest creature, blunt, unfiltered and with very little care for social norms and obligations. There is a steadiness to him, an often unshakable calm that seems almost impervious. However for all the poise and elegance about him, there is an equal part that is primal, a bit that is apt to rise rather like a coiling snake, if he is prodded too hard or in the wrong fashion. Still, he holds within him old roots and reservoirs of moons past that take to aching on occasion, scars that were never tended to properly. An ever turning mind and a wild heart have melted his core into a passionate, deeply empathetic sort of existence but he shies from such earnest interactions despite a loneliness that creeps in about him through the walls he has created to keep himself apart. Armor he has forgotten how to remove.



By nature, he is not apt to start fights or enter into warfare but if forced he is first and foremost a ranged combatant, preferring to rely on prudent planning and stealth rather than an all-out confrontation. Trained from a very young age with the long bow of the Elezen, he is a superb shot and can redraw the powerful weapon almost without fail and in swift succession if necessary. Should he find himself pressed for space, he is well trained in hand to hand combat. One should be wary for he is as agile and precise as he is vicious and unrelenting when forced into close quarters. A man with a plan and an ace always tucked up his sleeve somewhere, his mind is as great an asset to him in combat as his fists or arrows. On the other hand, Orum has almost no training with melee weapons and wears very little in the way of actual armor on most occasions. While he has enough talent with a knife to skin prey or end an unsuspecting life if necessary he is near to worthless with a sword and anything much heavier would only slow him down to the point of becoming an easy target.



  • Camping
  • The woods
  • A challenge
  • Peaches
  • A good smoke
  • Interesting conversation
  • Needle point in the nude
  • Cuddling (It’s a secret)


  • Dishonesty
  • Fast currents or deep water
  • Thunder and storms
  • Buildings and walls
  • Entitlement
  • Raised voices
  • General stupidity
  • Abandonment


  • Archery
  • Surviving off the land
  • Dancing
  • Hand to Hand combat
  • Silver tongued
  • Lock picking and burglary
  • Needle/Leatherwork
  • Wood and bone carving


  • He travels with a rather large and ornery Chocobo named Peaches and a small but keen rodent named Lur.
  • He fakes a 'civil' speech pattern pretty well but when angered or overly tired, he ends up reverting to a brassy twang.



Mother: A Keeper huntress whose last name he bears. He rarely speaks of her fondly. In fact he often calls her a coward. Often it seems clear that she did not truly raise him and is likely dead.

Sire: Orum only knows he is or was a Tia of the Jackel tribe. He does not know if he ever even met him.

Siblings: Orum had three older brothers, two older sisters and one younger. All half, parented by his mother and her mate within the Tribe but there is little contact between them now. What became of them is hard to say but the archer seems rather loathe to speak of it.

Father: If asked of his family, he will speak of a Duskwight Elezen who raised him with great adoration. He would say he saved him and that he is dead, even quotes bits of wisdom he left behind but his death is a touchy subject.


Orum doesn’t stay in one place for very long and so has many acquaintances but few friends to speak of. The closest thing he has acquired are his animal companions.

R’tali Tia: What they are to one another is hard to say. They are not blood. One only need look at them to discern as much. More often than not they are nearly at one another’s throats, locked in some confrontation that only the truly stupid or brave would dare seek to break up. How they came to meet is uncertain but he travels with the younger Miqo’te at his side constantly and despite their hostilities, Orum holds a great, possessive affection for the other.


Though not a wanted man per say, there are some appointed individuals and unsavory sorts alike who would gladly take him in or put him down if they could ever manage to scrounge up a proper description, let alone a location. Orum has a habit of targeting the vile and disreputable when undertaking any sort of illegal activity but as often as such has won him admirers, it has made him enemies.


Common Rumors

  • “That beast is a menace! N-nearly took my finger off for raising my voice a bit at that funny lookin’ wench. Wait. Was it a girl or…Ngh. Don’t matter. Just make sure you stand well clear of her bird before you go pointin’ anythin’ your fond of, that’s all I’m sayin’.” –Drunken vagrant.
  • “Passed through here once or twice. He’s always real kind to my father. He’s getting up in his years and really just likes to talk your ear off with all his old stories. Half the time he can’t even remember them himself. Not that he ever seemed to mind. Shared a few of his own after a while I think. Not sure what he said really but it was good to hear my father laugh again.” –Daughter of an inn keeper in Ul’dah.
  • “How many times do I have to tell you? When I woke up my whole stock was ransacked and I just know that rodent of his stole my keys!...Look like? Well…Furry, kinda cute. It had the most delicate little…Oh…you mean him.” –Rich Merchant reporting a theft.

Moderate Rumors

  • “Not gonna talk about it. Captain says he’ll throw me overboard if he finds me runnin’ my mouth bout that again. But it’s all unfair really. His mistake afterall, gettin’ all cozy with a stranger. Lost us a fine sum we’d just got for a shipment. Then made us go about getting’ all new furniture after that Seeker tied him up to the headboard and…Oh. You didn’t hear that from me, got it?” –Deck Hand aboard the newly renovated Silver Maiden.
  • A few scattered notices are hidden beneath newer ones in Gridania. They read: Wanted for questioning in regards to several ongoing investigations: Miqo’te of dark complexion, average height, carrying a bow of Elezen make. Last seen passing through the Blue Badger gate in a ladies dressing gown and reportedly stolen pants. Any information should be delivered to Twin Adders headquarters immediately. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Rare Rumors

  • “Pahjin? Yeah. I heard of it. Tribe used to come through here pretty regular like. One of the largest Keeper groups I’d seen in years. Quite a few of them carried that name. Last time I saw them, the elder was trying to convince me to post these notices she had. Seems like they were trying to put a price on the head of one of their own. Odd thing was, no sooner did I put them up, somebody came in saying he’d tracked down the man in question. So I took them down again and wouldn’t you know it the old crone passed through a few weeks later all ears and teeth, calling me names I never heard of in all my years. Described the man for her but I think she may have been feeling ill. She looked awful pale.” –Owner of a little known inn.
  • “You mean that Keeper boy he traveled with? Not sure really. I’ve not heard heads or tails of him since the poor man died. Tragic really. Heard they were after-What was his name? Orin? Orlo? Anyroad. I heard they were after him in the first place but you know how he was. Never could convince him that boy was trouble.” –Old merchant in Ul’dah


Orums profile will be tended to and updated. In depth historical information will come out IC. This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea
