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<div align=center><div style="font-size:55px;letter-spacing:0.2em;color:#e0a32e;font-family:Palatino;text-shadow: 1px 1px 5px white">Cullen West</div></div>
<div align=center><div style="font-size:55px;letter-spacing:0.2em;color:#e0a32e;font-family:Palatino;text-shadow: 1px 1px 5px white">Cullen "Kid" West</div></div>
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| name = Cullen West
| name = Cullen West
| image =  
| image = Cullen.jpg
| imagewidth = 400
| imagewidth = 300
| gender = Male
| gender = Male
| citizenship = Ul'dah
| citizenship = Unknown
| race = Hyur
| race = Hyur
| clan = Midlander
| clan = Midlander
| stat_1 = Age
| stat_1 = Age
| stat_1_value =  19
| stat_1_value =  Unknown
| stat_2 = Occupation
| stat_2 = Occupation
| stat_2_value = Pathfinder
| stat_2_value = Unknown
| stat_3 = Marital Status
| stat_3 = Marital Status
| stat_3_value = Single
| stat_3_value = Single
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==<div style="padding:10px 15px; background: #e0a32e;font-size:14px;color:#000000;">'''Basic Info'''</div>==
==<div style="padding:10px 15px; background: #e0a32e;font-size:14px;color:#000000;">'''Basic Info'''</div>==
<table style="position:center;" width="75%">
<table style="position:center;" width="75%">
:Born as the only child into a Noble House of Ishgard, Dacein was to follow a destined path. To continue his family's legacy by serving under House Haillenarte as his family did before him. To marry and to raise a family, to push the name Vallerimont further into Ishgard Nobility.
:Not much is known about this young sailor. It is often wondered if he himself even knows who he is. He claims to be from Limsa Lominsa, but no record of birth, nor any known family ties exist to verify this claim. He insists that he is 19 years of age, though even this is cause for speculation with some saying younger, and a few saying older.
:His mother passed away at childbirth and his father upon viewing him as the last gift his wife would leave him, took excellent care of Dacein in his infant & toddler years. After some years had passed, around his 8th birthday, Dacein's father was killed on patrol in Northern Coerthas. It wasn't fully known on who perpetrated the attack on his Fathers patrol, but the wounds and the scars on the lifeless bodies pointed to man made weapons. It wasn't long before rumors of dragon worshippers and heretics as the responsible ones for the attack began to circle.
:It would appear he has a knack for sailing though as bookshelves upon bookshelves containing articles of naval warfare and other sea related literature line his room at a Free Company house in Ul'dah. If one where to examine his desk, they would find nautical charts and star maps. Wind & tide reports over the last few weeks, log books of ships arriving to and from different ports, even a few Supply Request and official looking documents from Maelstrom command, though he has never professed to have been in their ranks.
:Dacein was now 8yrs old and the sole survivor of the Vallerimonts. A loyal friend of his Father whom Dacein knew only as Knight Fauletion, took care of liquidating Dacein's family assets and kept it safe until Dacein would reach 18, at which point the money would be given back to Dacein to secure his future. He became a second father to Dacein, constantly checking in on him from time to time, usually with new treats and stories to regale the young boy with.
:Several lockboxes are found within his room. A heavy steel safe with a combination lock is tucked beside the desk. It's contents remain unknown and when asked about them, he would simply laugh and ask why you are so curious. A larger locker with a heavy padlock sits to one side of his room. As before, contents unknown and none have pried an answer from him.  
:During this time, and in memory of decades of service to their Family, the Haillenarte House took him in to their ranks and trained him to follow in his father footsteps. Dacein welcomed the chance to busy himself. Finding joy in learning new weapons, running combat drills and talking to veteran soldiers of stories of war and travelling the world. On his 18th birthday Dacein received the money from his aged father figure Fauletion who had grown ill and frail. He was granted leave from his duties to attend to the mans side until he passed some days later. Dacein didn't know to much about the mans past, only that Fauletion loved him like a son, and had no family to speak of. At his passing Dacein reflected on being the only known Vallerimont in Ishgard and refused to let his family name die out with him.
:He does not seem to have many friends, though he can often be seeing hanging out at bars and taverns chatting to various people. He is also seen communicating to the Free Company members that he is currently a part of. If any where to ask his Free Company mates about him, they would not be able to tell you much about the man.
:Dacein began to volunteer for the toughest assignments he could obtain and soon obtained the status of Knight and was on his way to restoring his family name.
===<div style="padding:10px 15px; background: #e0a32e;font-size:14px;color:#000000;">Looks</div>===
===<div style="padding:10px 15px; background: #e0a32e;font-size:14px;color:#000000;">Looks</div>===
:Short for an Elezen male, he refuses to let his size be the determining factor of his character. His lighter colored skin makes dark colored eyes seem even darker as they peer out from jet black hair that hangs down into his forehead. A large gash adorns his right cheek and he wears it proudly, it serving as a testament to his dedication to House Haillenarte. His body is lean and well toned and lacks particular un-needed muscle as fits the needs of a Lancer.
:He is young and tanned, he is in good health and excellent shape though he lacks in muscle mass.
:His armor of choice is a black & white Scale & Chain set that has been passed down through generations of his family. Special tailoring was required for the needed re-adjusting to match his smaller size. It is well maintained and lacks rust of any kind. The dings, scratches and dents his armor may receive while on duty on soon melded out by professional tailors and armors. His weapons are properly oiled and sharp. He keeps fresh leather wrapped around the hilts of his weapons for needed grip during combat.
:He can be seen wearing earthtoned colors. Browns, Blacks, Greens.
:When not on duty he can be seen wearing casual, but finely made clothing. These are kept pressed and neatly folded when not in use. He keeps himself well cleaned and manicured. He's often clean shaven and smells of the finest colognes and soaps that Eorzea has to offer.
:He is pretty tall for a Midlander. His brown eyes peer out from shaggy sandy blonde hair.
:His body lacks any major damage, save for a few minor scars and scratches that are seldom noticed
===<div style="padding:10px 15px; background: #e0a32e;font-size:14px;color:#000000;">Mannerisms</div>===
===<div style="padding:10px 15px; background: #e0a32e;font-size:14px;color:#000000;">Mannerisms</div>===
:Quite, polite and professional, well taught in manners and tactfulness. He speaks softly, seldom raises his voice or expresses when something angers him. His emotions can be hard to figure most sometimes. His heart hardened by years of combat serving under House Haillenarte against the Dragon Horde. He has not opened up to anyone about what he feels on the inside and keeps a shell around any painful or hurtful emotions. He has an unspoken soft spot for new recruits in the Military. Often lending a helping hand in their training, knowing that in the current disarray of Ishgard they will need to be combat effective as soon as possible and he does not wish to see unprepared lives thrown away.
:He is often drunk, and on more than one occasion, seen staggering about in the Free Compant yard, though he always seems to lack a hangover the next day. When drunk, he can be overly friendly, often annoying those around him. He can be incredibly flirtatious at times, while also blushing at the slightest compliment someone would pay him. Even when he is drunk, he manages to keep his lips sealed and his secrets about himself are not pried from him.
:In combat he is a rock, standing brave against the dragons that face him and those of his company. He is often the first into battle and the last to leave. He does not fear death, nor does he welcome it. He would simply see the dragon horde defeated and fortune be restored to Ishgard and honor to it's patron diety, Halone. His foray into battle is prepared for on his knees in prayer, praying that his Goddess would grant his speed be quick, and his strike be strong. Upon the battles conclusion to his knees again, thanking her for her blessing of life she's granted him again to continue his work for Her, and for Ishgard
:When he is not drunk, he usually keeps to himself. However, if addressed he will respond with a friendly smile and usually will treat the person with kindness and patience.
===<div style="padding:10px 15px; background: #e0a32e;font-size:14px;color:#000000;">Combat/Abilities</div>===
===<div style="padding:10px 15px; background: #e0a32e;font-size:14px;color:#000000;">Combat/Abilities</div>===
:From childhood up he walked in his fore-fathers footsteps, becoming a Knight under House Haillenarte. Long hours each day was spent in their training camp. He was taught to find his mark with an arrow, how to defend with sword and shield, he learned to wield 2 smaller daggers in conjunction with each other, how to defend himself if left unarmed. But above all these, he excelled with a lance in his hands. He learned how to properly thrust, parry, to retort and canter. To find balance with it and to have it become second hand to him. It wasn't long before it became his weapon of choice.
:Not much is known about his combat ability yet. He does carry a longbow, and a quiver full of arrows, claiming to have made both himself. When asked about his combat experience he will deny having ever killed a man, though some would wonder if that is true. He does seem to be incredibly agile, once clearing a countertop in an effortless vault over the top of it.
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<div style="padding:10px 35px;background: #006400;font-size:14px;color:#000000;font-weight:bold"><center>''Likes''</center></div>
<div style="padding:10px 35px;background: #006400;font-size:14px;color:#000000;font-weight:bold"><center>''Likes''</center></div>
: <font style="color:#ECCA67;" size="3">■</font> '''His Homeland of Ishgard'''
: <font style="color:#ECCA67;" size="3">■</font> '''Has a fondness for women, but will seldom approach them unless spoken to'''
: <font style="color:#ECCA67;" size="3">■</font> '''Goddess Halone, the Fury'''
: <font style="color:#ECCA67;" size="3">■</font> '''He is often in his Free Company yard shooting at various targets with his bow'''
: <font style="color:#ECCA67;" size="3">■</font> '''Girls of Noble Houses, especially Elezen Girls'''
: <font style="color:#ECCA67;" size="3">■</font> '''In a Tavern or Bar is where he is usually found'''
: <font style="color:#ECCA67;" size="3">■</font> '''Attending Social Events with Friends'''
: <font style="color:#ECCA67;" size="3">■</font> '''He loves a good drink, and occasionally sample a smoke of some unknown substance '''
: <font style="color:#ECCA67;" size="3">■</font> '''Seeing to his Weapons & Armor'''
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<div style="padding:10px 35px; background: #FFAA1D;font-size:14px;color:#000000;font-weight:bold"><center>''Dislikes''</center></div></span>
<div style="padding:10px 35px; background: #FFAA1D;font-size:14px;color:#000000;font-weight:bold"><center>''Dislikes''</center></div></span>
: <font style="color:#DFD59E;" size="3">■</font> '''Cheap Wine or Food, as well as cheap Clothing'''
: <font style="color:#DFD59E;" size="3">■</font> '''People entering his room unless they have been invited'''
: <font style="color:#DFD59E;" size="3">■</font> '''The current state of Ishgard'''
: <font style="color:#DFD59E;" size="3">■</font> '''Being dirty, smelly or ungroomed'''
: <font style="color:#DFD59E;" size="3">■</font> '''The arid desert landscape of Ul'dah'''
: <font style="color:#DFD59E;" size="3">■</font> '''Is certainly afraid of heights. When on an airship, he remains seated directly in the middle'''
: <font style="color:#DFD59E;" size="3">■</font> '''Those who speak ill of Ishgard'''
: <font style="color:#DFD59E;" size="3">■</font> '''Has a fear of Water dwelling monsters'''  
: <font style="color:#DFD59E;" size="3">■</font> '''Strong Whiskey or Alcohol'''
<td style="padding: 10px 1px;vertical-align: top;font-size:9pt;font-family:Helvetica;"><span class="mw-headline">
<div style="padding:10px 35px; background:#FF0000;font-size:14px;color:#000000;font-weight:bold"><center>''Hates''</center></div></span>
: <font style="color:#DFD59E;" size="3">■</font> '''Heretics & Blasphemers'''
: <font style="color:#DFD59E;" size="3">■</font> '''Foreigners swarming into Ishgard'''
: <font style="color:#DFD59E;" size="3">■</font> '''The Dravanian Horde'''
: <font style="color:#DFD59E;" size="3">■</font> '''Those who oppose House Vallerimont or House Haillenarte'''
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<div style="padding:10px 35px; background: #FFFFFF;font-size:14px;color:#000000;font-weight:bold"><center>''Other''</center></div></span>
<div style="padding:10px 35px; background: #FFFFFF;font-size:14px;color:#000000;font-weight:bold"><center>''Other''</center></div></span>
: <font style="color:#CACFA5;" size="3">■</font> Alignment: '''Honorable - Pure - Good'''
: <font style="color:#CACFA5;" size="3">■</font> Alignment: '''Unknown'''
: <font style="color:#CACFA5;" size="3">■</font> Favorite Food: '''Roast Canard'''
: <font style="color:#CACFA5;" size="3">■</font> Favorite Food: '''Eft steak'''
: <font style="color:#CACFA5;" size="3">■</font> Favorite Drink: '''Ishgardian Tea'''
: <font style="color:#CACFA5;" size="3">■</font> Favorite Drink: '''Whiskey or beer'''
: <font style="color:#CACFA5;" size="3">■</font> Favorite Color: '''Black - White'''
: <font style="color:#CACFA5;" size="3">■</font> Favorite Color: '''Earth-tone colors'''
: <font style="color:#CACFA5;" size="3">■</font> Hobbies: '''Training - Hunting - Fishing'''
: <font style="color:#CACFA5;" size="3">■</font> Hobbies: '''Training - Hunting - Fishing'''

Latest revision as of 14:10, 11 November 2015

Cullen "Kid" West

 Cullen West
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Unknown
Age Unknown
Occupation Unknown
Marital Status Single
Sexuality Straight
This character article or section of a character article is a stub -- a small, but growing, work in progress. If you're the creator of this character, why not consider expanding it?

Basic Info

Not much is known about this young sailor. It is often wondered if he himself even knows who he is. He claims to be from Limsa Lominsa, but no record of birth, nor any known family ties exist to verify this claim. He insists that he is 19 years of age, though even this is cause for speculation with some saying younger, and a few saying older.
It would appear he has a knack for sailing though as bookshelves upon bookshelves containing articles of naval warfare and other sea related literature line his room at a Free Company house in Ul'dah. If one where to examine his desk, they would find nautical charts and star maps. Wind & tide reports over the last few weeks, log books of ships arriving to and from different ports, even a few Supply Request and official looking documents from Maelstrom command, though he has never professed to have been in their ranks.
Several lockboxes are found within his room. A heavy steel safe with a combination lock is tucked beside the desk. It's contents remain unknown and when asked about them, he would simply laugh and ask why you are so curious. A larger locker with a heavy padlock sits to one side of his room. As before, contents unknown and none have pried an answer from him.
He does not seem to have many friends, though he can often be seeing hanging out at bars and taverns chatting to various people. He is also seen communicating to the Free Company members that he is currently a part of. If any where to ask his Free Company mates about him, they would not be able to tell you much about the man.


He is young and tanned, he is in good health and excellent shape though he lacks in muscle mass.
He can be seen wearing earthtoned colors. Browns, Blacks, Greens.
He is pretty tall for a Midlander. His brown eyes peer out from shaggy sandy blonde hair.
His body lacks any major damage, save for a few minor scars and scratches that are seldom noticed


He is often drunk, and on more than one occasion, seen staggering about in the Free Compant yard, though he always seems to lack a hangover the next day. When drunk, he can be overly friendly, often annoying those around him. He can be incredibly flirtatious at times, while also blushing at the slightest compliment someone would pay him. Even when he is drunk, he manages to keep his lips sealed and his secrets about himself are not pried from him.
When he is not drunk, he usually keeps to himself. However, if addressed he will respond with a friendly smile and usually will treat the person with kindness and patience.


Not much is known about his combat ability yet. He does carry a longbow, and a quiver full of arrows, claiming to have made both himself. When asked about his combat experience he will deny having ever killed a man, though some would wonder if that is true. He does seem to be incredibly agile, once clearing a countertop in an effortless vault over the top of it.

Has a fondness for women, but will seldom approach them unless spoken to
He is often in his Free Company yard shooting at various targets with his bow
In a Tavern or Bar is where he is usually found
He loves a good drink, and occasionally sample a smoke of some unknown substance

People entering his room unless they have been invited
Being dirty, smelly or ungroomed
Is certainly afraid of heights. When on an airship, he remains seated directly in the middle
Has a fear of Water dwelling monsters

Alignment: Unknown
Favorite Food: Eft steak
Favorite Drink: Whiskey or beer
Favorite Color: Earth-tone colors
Hobbies: Training - Hunting - Fishing