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! <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px; font-variant:small-caps;"><b>[[Madison Brookstone]]</b>.  <b>(</b><font style="color:#6B8E23;" size="2">✔</font><font style="color:#CD950C;" size="2">$</font><b>)</b> - <b>The Gentle Leader</b></div>
! <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px; font-variant:small-caps;"><b>[[Madison Brookstone]]</b>.  <b>(</b><font style="color:#6B8E23;" size="2">✔</font><font style="color:#000000;" size="2">�</font><font style="color:#CD950C;" size="2">$</font><b>)</b> - <b>The Gentle Leader</b></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px;"><b>Character's Thoughts:</b> <i>"She seems awfully level headed for a leader of mercenaries, I get the feeling though it kind of keeps her set apart from the others though."</i></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px;"><b>Character's Thoughts:</b> <i>"She seems awfully level headed for a leader of mercenaries, I get the feeling though it kind of keeps her set apart from the others though."</i></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px;">Gaston's first introduction to Madison involved the woman instigating a drinking competition between him and a highlander of her company. Needless to say the man was thoroughly amused by that and held a good opinion of her from the start. Since then he has run into her two more times, once during his interview which she did and the second while she took him on a tour of the estate. During the tour the two had a chance to talk and it only seemed to solidify his opinion of her. He finds her approach to things similar to his own and he is glad to have someone like that in charge, especially with her being Ishgardian as well.</div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px;">Gaston's first introduction to Madison involved the woman instigating a drinking competition between him and a highlander of her company. Needless to say the man was thoroughly amused by that and held a good opinion of her from the start. Since then he has run into her two more times, once during his interview which she did and the second while she took him on a tour of the estate. During the tour the two had a chance to talk and it only seemed to solidify his opinion of her. He finds her approach to things similar to his own and he is glad to have someone like that in charge, especially with her being Ishgardian as well.
With her coma and following memory problems after a job gone south in the Shroud Gaston seemed to get closer to Madison. Supporting and helping her out as she started to reorient herself with everything that was going on. This of course began to make him feel like he could trust her as a friend until recently when she has seemingly distanced herself to him. As a result this caused him to avoid telling her the truth of his past like he did to Lahn and Ethie, even if she knew before she lost her memories. Honoring the distance she has made he remains professional though has taken issue with her stance on the leader of the Masked Roses.</div>
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Revision as of 23:55, 3 March 2017

~ "I've looked at the world for quite a few years now and I've found that if I don't laugh, I'll probably end up crying." ~


Hailing from the now frozen land of Coerthas and the Holy See of Ishgard, Gaston was a Temple Knight who always did what he thought was right now matter what. This of course led to his eventual exile from Ishgard five years ago, leaving behind everything and everyone he knew for the sake of saving a family from certain death at the hands of an Inquisitor. Now on the run from the Church in Ishgard and believed to be dead by his family Gaston makes a living as best as he can. For a time he made do by working with the family that he had rescued so they could all start a new life, yet the death of Siohoix left him in a pit of grief. Unable to bear the loss of someone close to him he threw himself on to the Bloodsands for a year in a thinly concealed attempt to get himself killed. Yet when he finally woke from that grief he was disgusted by what he had been doing and left the sands behind him. Since then he's been taking on odd jobs at the Adventurer's Guild in all Gridania, Ul'dah, and Limsa Lominsa. He spent most of the time in La Noscea due to also taking an apprenticeship in smithing. Three years of living like that passed before he finally took on with a free company and has most recently applied and joined the ranks of the Pathfinders.





Helping Others.

Class Ranking.

Cool headed.
Protection of others.

Over Analyzes.
Over Confident.


Gaston was born on the 4th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon in the year 1549 of the Sixth Astral Era. He is the first born to a retired Temple Knight and Weaver and was born in the Hamlet of Falcon's Watch. Not having grown up in Ishgard itself he did not have to deal with some of the issues low born hyurs in the Holy See did. His childhood was fairly calm as he helped around the house and eventually helped his parents with his younger brother and sister when he was old enough. During his childhood his father taught him how to fight as he showed absolutely not talent at the loom to be able to help his mother in that regard. He did seem to take to the sword rather well and as he grew older he started to accustom himself with the greatsword as his weapon choice. Anytime that was not spent training with his father or helping out around the house he spent watching the Temple Knights themselves in action, often sneaking off to watch the local garrison train and would even often spar with his brother for amusement after seeing it in his teen years. These are years that he remembers fondly and cherishes greatly, even if he at times found his siblings to be an utter pain in the rear.

Upon his eighteenth year he left the hamlet of Falcon's Nest and went to Ishgard itself to try and make his way in to the Temple Knights. At first he found himself in service to a minor noble family as a man at arms. The two years spent there though worked out quite well for him as he often trained with the household knights who rather enjoyed his sense of humor in light of how rather stuck up and strick the noble they worked for was. Eventually though Gaston moved on from there after passing the trials to be allowed in to the Temple Knights themselves. He was proud to be able to defend his city with those he had always looked up to, and for several years he lived that dream quite well. He was well respected by his comrades after he proved himself to be trustworthy and reliable, and for those that weren't won over by his dedication or charm he just ignored as they more often than not simply disliked him for his race. When Coerthas froze over he took a brief period of leave from the Knights to assist his family in relocating to Ishgard when Falcon's nest abandoned to the freeze. His father was at that time retired and they only had his mother's ability as a weaver to rely on, though both of his siblings were proving rather up to the challenge and assisted her. It was due to that that they were able to make it in Ishgard after having survived on assistance from Gaston's pay as a knight for a time. After he had been with the Knights for five years he was asigned as an augment to an Inquisitor's personal guard as he made his rounds through Coerthas. Yet the Inquisitor himself was completely over zealous in his drive to stamp out Heresy and sentenced whole families to death. When given the order to assist in throwing the families over the edge of Witchdrop Gaston's sense of wrong and right took over the desire to follow the orders of those above him. There was not even a hint of hesitation in his eyes as he stepped between the Inquisitor and the family before gutting the man with his greatsword. He immediately turned on the Inquisitor's guards and killed each one of them, most of whom were still in shock at what they had seen and couldn't even draw a weapon.

He quickly took flight with the family in the after math of the bloody mess, fleeing straight to Gridania as they avoided the patrols and garrisons in Central Coerthas. Even to this day his fate is still unknown to those back in Ishgard and he was presumed to have been slain. Still despite that even having been a possibility Gaston began to roam between the three other City-States of Eorzea in search of work. Often he took on mercenary or guard work, but he also did a period of time on the Bloodsands in Ul'dah to earn coin. When he grew tired of fighting for sport, despite the gil he earned for it, he looked into something to keep him busy. While horrible with a needle after some searching he found that he felt quite comfortable with a smith's hammer in his hand and took to working and learning at the Forges in Limsa. While in no way rich Gaston does not actually want for much. He spends a great deal of time putting his sword to work and taking jobs on in the various cities, only to return to Limsa when funds are running low to work at the forges.



Gaston is jovial and social by nature and never turns down a challenge of any kind, especially if it results in some form of amusement for him. That said he never laughs at ones expense unless he is very well aquainted with them and know they will take no offense to it. He is generally more oft than not rather kind and gentle to most people and hates to ever be thought of as rude, the man is actually quite accomodating and will even lie for others to help them save face. Having been born to the lower class in Ishgard he is very accepting of everyone and while he holds a few racial biases he mostly tries to work past them. When it comes to times of strife his is marked by the ability to remain calm and not give in to anger or any other emotion in the heat of battle. This allows him to stay loyal to his cause no matter the cost. His voice itself is gentle but rough and holds a slight accent to it. Voice claim: Sean Bean
Gaston is on the tall side for most midlanders standing at just a little over 5 fulms and 11 ilms allowing him a bit more advantage with his weapon of choice. Due to said weapon he boasts a rather muscular appearance born from using the greatsword and the muscles required to do so have been worked heavily. This is also furthered by the fact that he is used to having to be mobile while in armor and wielding such a large weapon. Despite his time fighting on the Bloodsands and his time with the Temple Knights prior to that he has managed to avoid any scaring on his face and would like to keep it that way. He is not completely free of scars though as he has a long jagged one from the outside of his upper left thigh all the way down to his calf. In addition he has a clean scar from his sword going up his back as well. His red hair is kept in a rather shaggy looking appearance and he doesn't bother too much with it as he sees no need to. One of his biggest defining features is his fair skin, easily making him as being from further north, which despite his time spent in Thanalan has not picked up a hint of a tan. At this point he just figures such a thing is impossible for him.
Aspects That Stand Out:
Callused Hands.
Pale skin.
Large scar across his back.


Family Involved

Romantic Platonic Physical Friend

Acquaintance $Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure


Delmont Legrand , Father. () - Faithful Knight.
Character's Thoughts: "If I could even be half the man he is than I will be content with my life."
Gaston's father was always a source of strength for him as well as a role model. He envied his father's strength and courage while still be able to enjoy life no matter the things he saw. He enjoyed the time spent with his father as a child and would always pester him to take to the practice field to teach him more swordsmanship. The man was always proud of Gaston's desire to protect his home and those that lived there. He still lives today in Ishgard, though he has no idea whether or not Gaston lives. He was devastated when he learned that his son might have died in the events that led to the Inquisitor's death, but he never once entertained the thought of him doing anything wrong. He knew even if he lived that he chose to do what he thought was right and that is why he has remained missing.
Blanche Legrand, Mother. () - Practiced Weaver.
Character's Thoughts: "She always smiled, even when we were in trouble. In fact we prefered for her to yell at us as that smile could be quite terrifying at times."
Gaston's mother was an accomplished weaver and handled many things for the hamlet when it came to mending clothes and the like. She was a bit dissapointed when Gaston had absolutely no talent at all for it, but she never once criticized her son. In her eyes it was balanced out by his ability to help around the house and care for his younger siblings. They often drove her crazy though with the antics they would all get into but at the same time she always expected it from them. In her minds it was a a kids will be kids sort of situation. Today she is the family's main source of income though Gaston's brother Soren has been taking on more and more of the work and is taking over the business for her. She still wonders what became of Gaston and just wants closure in her life, and though she would accept the proof of his death she cannot deny she would prefer to have her son come home.
Soren Legrand, Brother. ( ) - Cry Baby
Character's Thoughts: "Twelve I do love my brother but the fits he throws when things don't go his way always get on my last nerve."
Soren is almost an opposite image of Gaston. Unlike Gaston he is slim and unathletic, having no skills with any weapons at all. He was the one to inherit their mother's skill at the loom and easily took to learning weaving. Still the two did often run off and play alot, and any time Gaston convinced him to spar with him it always ended up with Soren going home in tears as well as a rather impressive bruise. He now helps his mother run the family weaving business in Ishgard and has slowly begun to take it over for her so she can rest more. He views his brother's disappearance as selfish and unexcusable. In many ways he hopes his brother died a proper death rather than run off in a selfish way.
Amarante Legrand, Sister. ( ) - Little Flower
Character's Thoughts: "There is nothing I want more for her in this world than for her to smile and be happy."
Gaston has always doted on his younger sister and she always enjoyed the attention he gave her. He took his duties as an older brother rather serious with her especially as she got older. Like their mother Amarante was radiant and drew attention of all those around her as she laughed at Gaston's constant jokes. So it was that Gaston ended up having to rearrange a few faces of those seeking her out that didn't seem to understand the phrase 'not interested.' As of today she is currently married and has gave birth to a neice that Gaston has never met nor does he know of. She greatly wishes for her brother to return or at least let them all know that he is alive. Like their father she knows where ever he is off to he is doing what his heart tells him to.
Kiri Rokuyari. ( ) - The Soft Spoken
Character's Thoughts: "She intrigues me greatly. Every time I run into her she never fails to amaze me with the things she is capable of. If I didn't know better there would be times I wouldn't be sure she is blind."
Gaston has recently gotten to know Kiri quite well since their first encounter at a bar in the Lavender Beds. Since that first meeting and their eventual joining of the Pathfinders Free Company he has grown to consider the woman a friend. It had been awhile since he found someone who could consider as such given his constant moving around over the last five years. Still the way she talks and acts intrigues him and he has gotten to understand her odd speech pattern quite well, now even to the point that he actually knows when she is intentionally saying something in sheer amusement. He is also forced to admit that he actually finds her rather attractive with her almost ethereal features, though he has been finding ways at times to avoid acknowledging this. With their closeness he thinks he has been a bit of a bad influence as he has now seen her actually more than just tipsy and has the suspicion that she is a clingy drunk, not that he seemed to mind for some reason even if it caused him to turn a rather deep shade of red. The two attempted to start dating once before, but after a talk between the two it was agreed to break it off so things didn't feel rushed or forced. Though the time apart seemed to have only served to show them that it wasn't such and they soon ended up dating once more. The two seem quite close for the most part and Gaston is constantly trying to show Kiri new ways of enjoying life, which just makes him a bad influence since he know has her scheming for drinking games that go on during Tavern Night.
Isone Flaval. () - Mistress of Liquor
Character's Thoughts: "I refuse to believe that her tolerance for liquor is completely natural, though she is amusing to be around."
Gaston's first and only meeting so far with Isone was more than enough to etch itself forever in his mind. As one who has always been confident and proud at his ability to hold his drink he was taken by surprise when the woman easily out drank everyone there. Her rather smug attitude at being able to do so amused him and upon hearing more about the woman he figures she is trouble, but so long as she is causing it for others he will just enjoy himself by watching the entertainment at the sidelines.
Etherie Etoluna. ($) - Pant-less Thief
Character's Thoughts: "I don't think I have ever seen her wear pants, not once. Then again I don't anyone tells her to put some on..."
Ethie was one of the few Pathfinders that actually seemed to be someone Gaston easily understood. This probably has a lot to do with the fact that they seem to be quite similar in a lot of ways all the way down to their fondness for alcohol. That along with them both seemingly hiding something behind their smiles and playful demeanor has helped Gaston quickly learn to trust the elezen woman. Doesn't hurt that when he initially met her he considered someone worth his interest and had a slight crush at the start. As of now he considers her a close friend and someone he would help no matter what, a fact he hopes he has gotten across with forcing the issue when it came to helping when the Masked Roses started after her and others again.
Madison Brookstone. ($) - The Gentle Leader
Character's Thoughts: "She seems awfully level headed for a leader of mercenaries, I get the feeling though it kind of keeps her set apart from the others though."
Gaston's first introduction to Madison involved the woman instigating a drinking competition between him and a highlander of her company. Needless to say the man was thoroughly amused by that and held a good opinion of her from the start. Since then he has run into her two more times, once during his interview which she did and the second while she took him on a tour of the estate. During the tour the two had a chance to talk and it only seemed to solidify his opinion of her. He finds her approach to things similar to his own and he is glad to have someone like that in charge, especially with her being Ishgardian as well. With her coma and following memory problems after a job gone south in the Shroud Gaston seemed to get closer to Madison. Supporting and helping her out as she started to reorient herself with everything that was going on. This of course began to make him feel like he could trust her as a friend until recently when she has seemingly distanced herself to him. As a result this caused him to avoid telling her the truth of his past like he did to Lahn and Ethie, even if she knew before she lost her memories. Honoring the distance she has made he remains professional though has taken issue with her stance on the leader of the Masked Roses.


"No one's as slick as Gaston, no one's quick as Gaston, No one's sword is as quick as Gaston's; For there's no man in town as gifted . .Alluring . .a true paragon! You can ask any Geralt, Keigan, or Stanley and they'll tell you whose team they prefer to be on . . .! " — Kiri Rokuyari.
"He's a lot of fun to mess with. It's too easy! He's a good sort though. He's very helpful, not to mention a formidable drinker. I respect that." — Eaubront Shopont.


Gaston Legrand


Race: Hyur
Clan: Midlander
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Dating
Nameday: 4th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon
Citizenship: Ishgard
Occupation: Mercenary/Smith
Free Company: Pathfinders


Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5 fulms 11 ilms
Weight: 190 ponze
Complexion: Fair
Age: 30
Piercings: None
Marks or Tattoos: None
Alignment: Chaotic Good


Server: Balmung
Timezone: PST

What I Will Roleplay

Grim and Dark: I enjoy grim and dark story lines and have no issue with some of the more mature aspects of roleplay.
Combat: Combat RP is always okay for me whether its full on combat or just a simple spar.

What I Won't Roleplay

Character Death: I am not okay with any situation that would kill or maim my character without extensive talks before hand and even then I may decline it.
Straight-up ERP: I am a fan of a character having a reason for everything, and there for just no reason ERP is not something I will ever partake in.


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