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<div align=center><div style="font-size:55px;letter-spacing:0.2em;color:#000000;font-family:Georgia;text-shadow: 1px 1px 5px silver">Lady Feryal Arcsman</div></div>
<div align=center><div style="font-size:55px;letter-spacing:0.2em;color:#000000;font-family:Georgia;text-shadow: 1px 1px 5px silver">Lady Feryal Arcsman</div></div>
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Revision as of 16:34, 23 March 2018

Lady Feryal Arcsman

Vital Information

[ PRONUNCIATION ] Fey-ree-all

[ NICKNAMES ] Fayrielle, Fey/Fay, Lady Arcsman of House Maintigny

[RACE & CLAN ] Elezen / Wildwood


[ AGE ] Late 20's, but a lady never tells

[ NAMEDAY ] 10th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon

[ ORIENTATION ] Bisexual

[ MARITAL STATUS ] Married to Cyrilus

Other Statistics

[ NATIONALITY ] Ishgardian


[ RESIDENCE ] Ishgard and wherever her husband's work takes her

[ OCCUPATION ] Thaumaturge scholar


[ HEIGHT & WEIGHT ] 5 fulms, 11 ilms. 140 ponze.

[ ALIGNMENT ] Neutral Good

Deep Green Black Pale Lithe Prideful
The youngest of nine children, Feryal was the apple of her father's eye as she was the spitting image of his late wife. That love, was what encouraged her father to marry her off well her as an Ishgardian lady and she was married off young to a Templar knight; to him, that was security for the young girl. The marriage was one of duty but both parties developed a fondness for each other, as Feryal was under the belief that Aulaux had no great love for the war. Unfortunately, duty called and despite her husband's adamant promises that he would return to his little wife with just battle scars to boast about, said little wife had her husband delivered to her in a sheet. "He died honorably for the greater good of Ishgard," she was told, but that only left her bitter as that left her a widow and her unborn child fatherless.
Relationships & Alliances
➤ Her loyalty lies with Isghard, despite her disdain for its warring and she still loves her family. Due to her daughter, she maintains her relationship with her late husband's family.
➤She found love in her second husband, Cyrilus. When his expeditions take him away from Ishgard, she follows.
➤Caiyx/Caylie, her daughter by Aulaux is cherished more than anything. She refuses for her child to have the same cloistered upbringing she did as a child and always brings back souvenirs.
➤Her thaumeturgy mentor, Togras, whom she is infatuated with. He has opened doors for her that she never expected.
Both prideful and haughty to a near fault, Feryal will tell you that she is a born and bred lady and therefore will seldom raise her voice in public. She very much prefers things to be neat and tidy as much as possible, to the point of grooming her husband when given the chance. Underneath that biting tongue is still an enthusiastic scholar that takes interest not in just the science of aether and the void, but also in technology that may potentially harvest it for use. Those interests are likely due to her adventuring spirit stifled by her status but once she convinced her husband to allo her to come with him, he relented and showed her the world outside the safety of scholarly texts and the four walls of her library.
● Lavish clothing - even if it means just material, rather than style
● Warm food - she will reorder a dish if she feels like they're not up to standard.
● Her coeurl, Thalia - her husband doesn't see the appeal and is sometimes disgruntled that the feline eats better.
● A good basilisk steak - medium rare - with sweet hot tea, regardless of the outside temperature
● A true love for the sciences and technology she was initially only able to read about.
● The heat - perhaps she is just used to the cold winters of Ishgard
● Bad hygiene - she is guilty of packing a light floral oil with her and it's spilled in her luggage before
● Foul language - she believes (sometimes, as she has been proven wrong) it is the sign of an uneducated mind
● The dark and emo - stop that; there's always hope
● The concept of "honor" - it's a vague word thrown around in attempt to justify when they have no other reason
● Above average intelligence - she is her mentor's prized apprentice and it's not because of her money and status; in her love of learning, she's found that she enjoys teaching
● Fencing - she prefers the use of blades over firearms and tries her best to not rely on her husband for protection. She's still stronger as a caster.
● Conjury and thaumatergy - different sides of the coin but she has a keen interest and therefore is a strong wielder of both
OOC Information
● I am interested characters that stimulate her intellectually and physically. Her marriage is polyamorous and both sides do partake in discreet dalliances.
● Mages, researches, botanists and cooks type characters are most welcome. Basically, a character to be a friend.
● I am reachable through Mei Izunia#0343 on Discord to hash out any potential plotlines. Some hooks are above interests, as well as Ishgardians. Siblings are open for discussion too.
● I'm generally patient but I will not deal with flakes or the dark and emo. I try to be honest with my RP partners and expect the same.
● This is always a WIP because I am lazy. (Last edited 23 Mar 2018)
● Base template is found here