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<div style="float:right; margin: 10px 10px 10px 0px;"><font style="color: #000000; letter-spacing: 0em;"><div style="margin: 10px 0px; padding: 5px 0px; background: #000000; font-size:14px; color:#FFFFFF; font-family:tahoma; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px black; letter-spacing:0.25em;border-radius:15px;"><center>'''Relationships'''</center></div>
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Generally, any character Myara has interacted with on three+ separation occasions or she has known ICly for an extended amount of time is added here when I remember. If you would like your character removed for any reason (or no reason at all!), please just let me know! As always, IC is IC, and opinions this character has of others do not reflect my OOC opinions of these characters (spoilers: they're amazing).  
Generally, any character Ekhram has interacted with on three+ separation occasions or she has known ICly for an extended amount of time is added here when I remember. If you would like your character removed for any reason (or no reason at all!), please just let me know! As always, IC is IC, and opinions this character has of others do not reflect my OOC opinions of these characters.
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Revision as of 04:55, 9 May 2018

Ekhram Almasi
“If you're going to maintain any kind of self-respect, you're going to have to keep some secrets from yourself.” -David Eddings


■ Name: Ekhram Almasi
■ Alias/Sobriquet: Hornet
■ Age: 26

■ Gender: Male
■ Race: Hyur
■ Clan: Highlander

■ Orientation: Heterosexual
■ Marital: Dating Myara Portwine
■ Deity: Byregot

■ Nationality: Ala Mhigan
■ Occupation: Dark Knight (secretly) / Carpenter (openly)
■ Alignment: Neutral Good

Ekhram's story is one of family in every respect, so it is only fitting that it begins not with him, but his grandparents.

Some twenty-five years before its fall, Eadwin Blackstone and Godard Fiske enjoyed a small amount of fame in the Highlander capital of Ala Mhigo. Having served in the military in their youth, they put their skills together as private contractors, founding a company that leased mercenaries to those who needed their expeditions supplemented by experienced muscle. Through the deployment of their well-trained sellswords, they were gradually able to expand their purview into everything from mining to armorsmithing, becoming increasingly self-sufficient over time.

More than just business partners, Eadwin and Godard were extremely close friends; so close in fact that they were intent on matchmaking their children so that they could become family. To their great amusement and pleasure, Eadwin's son Halgrim and Godard's daughter Malena needed little encouragement on this front; friends since childhood, they became lovers by the time they were in their early teens, hours spent assisting their parents with menial tasks and playing in the springs of Gyr Abania forging an unbreakable bond.

Unfortunately, this bond was put to the test more than any should be.

The Garlean invasion of Ala Mhigo rolled in like a thunderstorm. Eadwin and Godard had vigorously tried to instill the virtues of dignity and pride in their children, but when the time came, they proved that they had very different ideals themselves. Without hesitation, the men offered their services to the invaders in order to lessen the chances of their business being dismantled. The Garleans provided a suitable reward, commandeering leadership of the mercenary corps and hiring its founders as consultants - stealing their status and power but allowing them at least a modicum of autonomy.

Meanwhile, Halgrim and Malena fled. Disgusted by the actions of their parents, the pair cast off their former names, deciding on a new one together: Almasi. Like many refugees they were forced to wander, offering what services they could in exchange for food and a temporary roof over their heads. Complicating matters were their three children they had to provide for: Bartram, Imali, and Ekhram.

For the next decade, the family traveled, their numbers expanding as Malena bore four more children: Bonhart, Ezera, Ivala, and Sigrun. Though money was scarce and luxury even moreso, they were mostly happy together, traveling as a caravan performing odd jobs. Still, Bartram was not content. Burdened by a self-imposed need to provide for his family as the eldest of the children, he left for Limsa Lominsa once he became of age.

Halgrim and Malena received a letter six weeks later from their son and rejoiced. He told them that he had found a company of privateers in dire need of staff. They seemingly even had work for the youngest of the children.

Sadly, things that seem too good to be true often are. The privateers were actually pirates and human traffickers, having fooled Bartram in hopes of an easy payday. As their ship arrived in the dead of night, the Almasi family was seized by the slavers. In an attempt to escape the raid, Ekhram took one of his little sisters and attempted to abandon the boat, but was caught when he called after her too loudly to get her attention, a mistake that would drive him to silence for years.

To ensure complacency, the family was split apart. Unaware of the fate of his siblings and parents, Ekhram was forced to focus on his own survival. Due to his prodigious size and fitness from manual labor, he was sold to a noblewoman named Selene Collier.

He spent ten years under Selene's yoke as an arena fighter and manservant, and at times as an unwilling lover - whether to her or to those she sought to curry the favor of. Retreating further into himself, Ekhram complied without question performing all but the most abhorrent tasks. When he faltered in those, Selene proved herself a creative woman. She made art with him as her canvas, and there were those who would pay good money to see the scars.

Shortly before his twenty-sixth birthday, Ekhram finally had his chance at escape. Just after he'd finished a fight in the arena, a maddened Roegadyn infamous for his raw strength went berserk and began attacking his handlers. The sight inspired other gladiators to break out into fighting. Opting to flee over taking revenge on his captors, Ekhram fled, taking a stray arrow. In a turn of good fortune, he happened to pass out at the doorstep of a kindly alchemist who helped nurse him back to health.

After spending a few weeks performing chores for his benefactor - and staying out of sight in case he was being sought after - Ekhram left Ul'dah, sickened just by the sight of the city that had unknowingly hosted his bondage.

He had his freedom, but what else? Without family, it meant nothing. So he began to search.


Physically, Ekhram is a creature of contrasts and ornamentation. Dark-skinned and blue-eyed, he sports a black and blonde mohawk that falls in places all the way to his waist when unpinned, though it's far more often tied up in an elaborate knot. For all his social shyness, he shows little of it regarding his many scars, gouges, and gashes that litter him all over; most heavily on his arms, hands, and face. Though often soft of expression, he's physically a very hawkish-looking man, with small eyes and a straight, long nose. His broad jaw is usually adorned with a thick but very short beard.

Of the many habits he picked up during his time in slavery, a fondness for fashion was one of the few that truly stuck. Not used to having many options in what he wears, he often likes to experiment. He's generally free with colors and favors comfortable, flowing gear that at least provides some protection while traveling. Most unusually, he seems to very much favor wearing as much jewelry as he's comfortably able, rarely seen without earrings, as well as bracelets and rings when available. While these often vary, most consistent is a simple brass amulet worn over his throat no matter what else he might be sporting.


On first meetings, Ekhram can either seem unfailingly polite or standoffish and wary depending on the venue. In privacy, the Highlander is a curious and enthusiastic man, an eager listener who struggles at times to speak clearly but always likes to share his experiences as well. To those who meet him alone, he can be very nearly gregarious after some initial hesitation, social when given a little time to open up.

In public, one might get a very different impression of the adventurer. Uncomfortable in greater numbers than one can count on a single hand, he often withdraws into paranoid silence, his attention focused on his surroundings to the point of being unable to participate in a conversation. Among trusted friends, these habits can be less dominant, but when too many people are about, the truth is obvious: he is like a cornered animal, always seeking an exit and expecting the worst.

Aware of these instincts and not pleased by them, Ekhram often makes a conscious attempt to overcome them. How successful he varies by many factors; he tends to shy away from aggressive or loud people, while he gravitates towards those who are pleasant or gentle. Humor and music, in particular, seem to help crack open the man's shell; he likes to laugh and to dance, and those talented in the arts can typically expect an entranced audience in him.


- Exploring
- Training and martial arts
- Animals and nature
- Music
- Trying new foods
- Swimming


- Loud noises
- Aggression and threats
- Rudeness or poor manners
- Ul'dah
- Controlling or domineering types
- Hot weather


Generally, any character Ekhram has interacted with on three+ separation occasions or she has known ICly for an extended amount of time is added here when I remember. If you would like your character removed for any reason (or no reason at all!), please just let me know! As always, IC is IC, and opinions this character has of others do not reflect my OOC opinions of these characters.

Color Key
In A Relationship
Romantic Attraction
Sexual Attraction

Platonic Love
Friendly Acquaintance: Name considers this person mostly friendly, or as an ally.

Good Standing: Name has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a good impression.
Bad Standing


Family Member / Related by Blood
? Hidden Feelings/Unknown


Hannah Bannis
Myara's mother. A hard worker, though in the opinion of certain family members, selfless to the point of ridiculousness, known to give so much of herself to helping the world at her large that her family was left to contend with scraps of motherly selflessness. As the old adage goes, the shoemaker's son goes barefoot. However, for Mya, independent-minded at a young age, it only furthered her fondness for her mother, viewed as tentative without being overbearing.
Rodrik Bannis
Myara's father and keeper of her midlander genes, which she favored. Rodrik is everything you'd expect a bard to be, lyrical, laid back, and full of sagacity when the mood strikes. His amendable demeanor often made him seem more a friend than a parent to his children, occasionally the source of tension between he and his wife, but it has served him well in adulthood as he maintains tight-knit relationships with both his daughters.
Arina Bannis :
Myara's younger sister by two years. Aside from occasional bouts of sibling rivalry and typical quarrels, they maintained a close sisterhood growing up that has tapered off some in adulthood by way of them both being so busy in such different parts of the world, doing such different things.


Ekhram Almasi
A Highlander Myara met in Lavender Beds, subsequently sparred, then eventually started dating. The relationship is still new, with past traumas that need wading through, and only time will tell if Mya is equipped to handle the journey. For the time being, she is tentatively smitten, if not at times a little overwhelmed with how candidly affection the man can be. Also, he's hot.
Severina Edenwood
A woman whose presence is as charismatic as her name. Severina is Myara's best friend of several years, dearly beloved not in spite of her odd quirks but because of them, yet at the same time subject of many internal struggles on Mya's end: Severina is not only significantly prettier than Mya in particular, but gorgeous by her own standing, which can lead to Myara feeling herself thrust into the role of the sympathetic 'ugly friend,' regardless of it not being the other woman's intent.
Huho Sopoho
A friend from Gridanian, possibly Myara's oldest one, whose family shared a farm near her own's (prior to her mother selling it). They lost touch after Myara left to pursue her Monk training and reunited again in Ul'dah, picking up right where they left off.
Rumors / RP Hooks

Some rumors are simply speculation, greatly exaggerated, or not true in the slightest. Anything listed here is free use IC within reason.


- "They say those marks on her face are just birthmarks, but if you ask me, it's some sort of disease."

- "Who?"


- While not one to engage in idle chatter with strangers often, those with key things in common will find a conversation partner verbose as any other. Primarily, other Monks can always count on her engaging them in conversation, as she is ever on the lookout to vet new potential sparring partners.

- Did your character grow up in Gridania? Perhaps they know each other!

- Need your shield repaired? A new suit of armor? Myara comes recommended and highly trained in her field. Alternatively, she is always willing to apprentice to someone more experienced in certain niches than she is.

RP Limits & Info

■ Mature content and themes, up to and including coarse language, violence, sexuality, drugs / alcohol are all fine as long as they fit within the narrative. I do not do random ERP or godmoded fight scenes. Above all, the line between OOC and IC must be adhered to. I will discontinue any RP and cut ties with those who OOC bleed and/or godmode. Ain't nobody got time for that.
■ Any romances, with very few exceptions, must meet one of two requirements: the characters have known each other for at least a month, minimum, or the players have known each other for at least six months. Going on a casual date is one thing, but I will not tie characters down to anyone / anyone's character who doesn't meet this prerequisite.

■ Template based off the work ofBancroft Gairn.
■ Tabs based off the work of Suen Shyu.