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m (Basic Info)
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: <font style="color:#ECCA67;" size="3">■</font> Various alcoholic beverages.
: <font style="color:#ECCA67;" size="3">■</font> Various alcoholic beverages.
: <font style="color:#ECCA67;" size="3">■</font> Aggression.
: <font style="color:#ECCA67;" size="3">■</font> Aggression.
: <font style="color:#ECCA67;" size="3">■</font> Research, namely into relatively untouched areas.
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: <font style="color:#DFD59E;" size="3">■</font> Weakness.
: <font style="color:#DFD59E;" size="3">■</font> Weakness.
: <font style="color:#DFD59E;" size="3">■</font> Childish behaviour.
: <font style="color:#DFD59E;" size="3">■</font> Childish behaviour.
: <font style="color:#DFD59E;" size="3">■</font> Overly 'cute' miqo'te.
<td style="vertical-align: top;font-size:9pt;font-family:Helvetica;"><h3><span class="mw-headline">
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Revision as of 03:36, 14 October 2014

 Liandri Mei
"You scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours with adamantite claws."
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seekers of the Sun
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Age Speculated between 19 and 20
Given Nameday 31st Sun of the Fifth Umbral Moon
Occupation Freelancer
Free Company Free Wing Society
Orientation Bisexual. Though predominantly prefers men.
Server Balmung

Liandri Mei (Lee-ann-dree May) is a young Miqo'te Seeker of the Sun that is void-touched, somewhat overtly so. She is affectionately known as "Li" although her real name is V'lanya Mei, despite being exiled from the clan at the age of six due to a number of mishaps with magic. She is currently employed under the Free Wing Society. A lewd, manipulative woman, with rather ambitious ideals that do not concern Eorzea.

Please Note: The majority of this information is out of character, only. Please refrain from bringing up anything unless the character has been informed IC'ly. And this is still under major construction, keep that in mind!

Basic Info

Liandri was born V'lanya Mei, of the Vulture tribe. She always had a thirst for knowledge, and if any trade caravans were around, she’d likely trade whatever she could for some books. Inevitably enough, she became fascinated with the void and black magic, beginning to practice what she had learned in the books in her spare time. After a number of mishaps concerning her new found pastime, Liandri was exiled from her clan at a young age – and thus began a life of solitude.
During her time in solitude, Liandri managed to pinpoint an aetheric tear within the Shroud, choosing to place her new, poorly constructed home on top of it.

The young miqo'te unwittingly discovered what lies beyond. Liandri found secrets of the kind she'll likely never share, making her shake with fear over the potential visions of what was to come. The power of the void threatened to consume her forever, therefore she took the only route available to escape -- she let the void inside of her. Miraculously, she was able to overcome the alien urges that went with the change; emerging as something 'less than human'. Though a part of her obviously died that day, she knows she must protect those worthy from the creatures scratching at the door, waiting to get in and act upon their torments they wish on Eorzea.

Due to her disruptions, however, a small Legion of Lohengarde has found her practices to be rather unnerving, and tried to destroy all her progress. However her sheer size, and child-like attitude saved her from a swift death, causing one of the individuals to bind her aether and will, to ensure she could never reach that capacity again – or did he? Thus, her mind was fragmented into two parts – one being an innocent child she once embodied, and the other being the body's original proprietor. Kaelaesoix and Liandri managed to slay the majority of the unit, though paid a large price.
After travelling through Eorzea for quite some time, the two found a place to stay. After a few moons had passed, the voidtouched found herself kidnapped and tortured with experimental Garlean methods. Through this, the corruption within her, and her aetheric abilities were stunted, leaving her combat and healing prowess useless. Due to the significant lack of aether, she began training in lancing, managing to acquire another individual's old armour that is forged with Dragon's blood.
Through forging another life-long debt and contract, Liandri managed to regain the powers she lost through the Garlean torture. Remaining headstrong and rather reckless as a voidtouched, she picked a fight with a rather strange Elezen that set her up on a job. Their encounter left the Elezen dead, but Liandri cursed through a blood ritual - leaving her with no access to her aether, and at the time of writing - with four moons to live.

While her motives to protect Eorzea from the void may seem righteous, many would potentially note that there is something a little more sinister at hand. While she does actively hunt voidsent, and voidtouched that would potentially tarnish the rapport she feels she has gathered to those of the same name. Her main motives in Eorzea lies in gathering power, biding her time and staying alive until she can delve back into the void and give the beings within a purpose. Granted, she may be far too ambitious, but she is willing to amount as much potential power she can garner to conquer those that may rule such an enigmatic plane of existence.


Various alcoholic beverages.
Research, namely into relatively untouched areas.


Childish behaviour.
Overly 'cute' miqo'te.


Alignment: Neutral Evil.
Vice(s): Sex, Alcohol, Violence, Dark-skinned miqo'te.
Favorite Food: Lightly cooked meat.
Favorite Drink: Red Wine.
Favorite Color: Red.


Liandri stands at 4 fulms 11 ilms, somewhat short for a miqo'te, she has a rather pale skin tone due to the fact she lived inside for her research for a number of years. Her fierce and fiery red eyes are only complimented by her sickly pale complexion -- akin to an oasis in a dull desert. From her eyes usually emanates a piercing gaze, many describing lingering gazes as if it may pierce their very soul. Her facial features show little wear and tear, from the outset, she's obviously quite proud of her appearance, which has been cared for over the years. Aside from the very few, faint scars that appear on her face, her skin seems plush, and smoothed to perfection. On the left side of her face lies a previous aetheric tattoo that once glowed purple during the manipulation of void powers, since then is has burned into her face, leaving it to look like a tribal branding. From first glance,her hair, which perfectly match her eyes, is usually the first thing that stands out. Currently dyed black with hints of the deep tones of red flushing out at various points. Lying atop of her perfectly kept hair are two knife-like ears that appear perfectly groomed, the pink flesh of the inside well kept, only complimenting the way they rest.

She has a slender frame, lithe and curvaceous, perfectly toned from hours of training each and every day, only partially hid by two voluptuous breasts that seem somewhat disproportionate to her body. Across her torso, however, are two large battle-scars; the first being a long, thin scar that spans from the bottom of her neck, stopping at her navel; stopped merely by a black, ornate looking tattoo-like mark; spouting tiny tendrils that seem grow the more time continues.



Liandri is commonly described as being a fiery individual, and it shows through her actions and temper. She's a very flirtatious individual, especially when concerning attractive male miqo'te. After a life in solitude, and consistent shunning, she's taken to playing with individual's - particularly using them for her own amusement and manipulation purposes. She's ever one to play Devil's advocate, especially when it comes to sexual endeavours and drinking. She has a low tolerance for childish people, despite showing some of those traits herself. She usually wears a rather devious or wry smirk, and is considered a troublemaker. She is known to currently fly off the handle within aggressive situations, becoming strangely entranced in somewhat of a frenzy of rage, and unrelenting.
She has a lot of trouble concerning her lust for power, and believes for that to be her only purpose in life. Despite being drained of the majority of her aether and void corruption, she finds herself still drawn to the void in times of trouble. She is considered a neutral evil in terms of character alignment. She is extremely self-centered and has been known to engage in relationships to better advance herself in terms of power and hierarchy. Although she has an undeniable lust for power, she is willing to work with others, should they not impede her progress or advancement. She is willing to engage in illegal and legal activities, and a practiced liar. She is generally hard to read as a person, and her motives somewhat unknown.
Usually a closed off individual, many do not know her true 'emotions', nor past. She consistently spins tales of lies and deceit to ensure people do not get close to her, as a relatively closed-off and emotionally numb individual, usually. She believes she has suffered enough without her lust for power, and does not wish for others to get close to her to bring her down further. In that regard, the only individual she would trust with any matter whatsoever, is Kaohastraal - the only individual she would even consider relaying her emotions to.
Liandri is never one to forget a face, nor many of the spells she used on occasion as a youth - in this regard she has an eidetic memory. Many of her 'disposable' allies are used to drain aether - namely choosing voidtouched. She uses the guise of 'helping' them rid of their curse, thus only fueling her power for when she can pursue her ambitions. If in a frenzy when draining aether, it could be fatal to the other, and perhaps even herself.


Quite apt with lacing weapons, Liandri currently carries a rather ornate and deadly looking harpoon that can ignite with flames. The harpoon is also known for being coated in a bladewash that paralyses her victims. She is shown to be very proficient with her weapon, and have excellent lancing skills - usually fueled by the Dragoon armour she is wearing. It is shown that Liandri doesn't rely on her lance alone. She is a capable and powerful fighter with remarkable speed and reflexes, easily dodging and counter-attacking with deadly results. Despite her general feelings in battle, she gives off no intent to kill when she fights, making it somewhat difficult for the enemy to sense her presence.

She generally tends to favour incorporating a rather acrobatic style that enables her to be somewhat evasive, yet aggressive. She favours to drain the enemies she may encounter of aether, weakening them to a state where she can absorb their aether into her own - thus powering herself.She thrives in sowing fear and confusion with her enemies, and will rarely force a fight that's able to withstand her; preferring to attack the weak and frightened. She very rarely gives quarter to her enemies, and will rarely show any signs of mercy. Anyone that pleads for mercy are usually answered with mutilation and potentially painful death. There are no concepts of martial honour within her mind.

Li's fighting style.



Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"Despite being mentally unstable, she can hold quite the intellectual conversation. If she wasn't carrying the harpoon, I'd assume she was a scholar." -- Resident of The Goblet.
"She often comes here to check on her mate. They're relatively sweet together, actually. Though her cooking is absolutely atrocious." -- Apprentice Blacksmith.
"I often see her travel past here, deep into The Shroud. Some kids followed her once, said she was talking to herself or something." -- Shopkeep at Quarrymill.
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"Quite affectionate around male miqo'te, and male hyur. In fact, just men in general. I sometimes get the feeling she wants something from them." -- Ul'dahn Trader.
"The voidsent? Oh seven hells, bad news that one. Don't go near her." -- Traveling Bard.
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"I saw her walk out of the room with eyes that rivaled Ifrit's inferno's, the man that went into the room with her never returned." -- Quicksand Regular.
"Mean miqo'te lady was talking to herself against a wall, and then loads of really weird stuff happened. I ran away but it felt really scary, and I thought I might die." -- Child from Quarrymill.
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
"Oh aye, her. 'Course I bloody know 'er. She's my wee kitten, despite the bitchy attitude. Someone y'can rely on if ye' manage befriend her! Buhahahaha! -IF- ye' befriend her!" - Kaohastraal vas Aeseroix
"If you speak of Liandri.. I hope, for your sake, it is something good. She is not a woman to cross. Yet from what I have seen, she can be quite considerate and caring." - Azeiox Nelles
"I find her attitude refreshing, honestly. She's one of the people I believe I can count on to give me a forthright answer or opinion, even if it may not be what I want to hear." - Lilithium Altair


Mated/Lovers/Dating    Romantic Interest/Crush/Affectionate     Sexual Desire    Friendly     Neutral     Hostile

Kaohstraal vas Aeseroix - Liandri's trusty companion. Likely the only individual that knows everything about her. He's there when she needs him, though recently their relationship feels somewhat strained. She's skeptical of his current goals and ambitions, and for once is in complete disagreement with him -- namely on the subject of Ascians.
U'zhan Tia - U'zhan is currently Li's mate. She met him during a drinking game with some associates from the Morbolvine Clan. They spent a lot of time tip-toeing around being with each other, until the opportunity arose. He's oddly supportive of her behaviour, and while this not be necessarily the best thing to happen -- the two bring out sides of each other that may not be overt, or even exist among others. They currently live together within the Goblet.
R'shenn Tia - A man Liandri met through Kaohastraal, the two sparred and she was impressed by his fighting style. The two have a very good relationship, despite having a one-night stand, and many comment on how much they look alike. R'shenn is likely one of the only individual's Liandri truly trusts, and has grown to have quite strong romantic feelings towards him, though will never act upon them. They are actually half-siblings, though have no idea of such.
Azeiox Nelles - A strange Elezen Li met through her Free Company. While initially apprehensive of his motives, she enjoys his company and intelligent conversation of various 'arts' that she would not be able to get elsewhere. She finds him incredibly attractive, though has learnt to keep her hands to herself.
Mizore Dorne - Although skeptical of her behaviour, Li finds Mizore strangely entrancing. If it wasn't her, then it was surely the artifact she seems to have on her at all times. While not overly interested in the circumstances of her personal life, yet, she's sure to poke her nose into business to do with the dagger more often than not.
Lilithium Altair - Despite not having the opportunity to talk to Lili in great depth, Li has a great respect for her ability to tolerate her presence. She shocked Liandri by showing a strange ability, though she hasn't had the opportunity to question it - though would like to know more.
Graeldelon Bloodrage - While Liandri has an apparent distaste for the way the Hyur handles situations, she cannot help but have some respect for him. Despite stepping on each others' toes almost constantly, she knows for a fact he has her back whenever it may be needed.
Xao Ganajai
Ryo Sanada
Rhashi Zahra
Locke Rinannis - A rather attractive Hyur that Liandri hasn't had the pleasure of speaking to all that much. Despite this, she finds him strangely interesting, noticing rather odd traits in his demeanour.
O'rahn Kevelan - Liandri's ex-lover has done enough to cross her at this point - spouting needless lies and half-truths across the Quicksand for all to hear. She dislikes the company he decides to keep, and believes the young miqo'te needs to be taught a lesson about keeping one's mouth shut tightly regarding others' personal lives.


Template by Bancroft Gairn
Theme Songs:

Mastodon - Blasteroid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yr8tgjtSpQ8
The End - And Always... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOgb1OOgKrM
The Seatbelts - Gotta Knock a Little Harder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGi8LvE9Afk
Deftones - Graphic Nature https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1ZUzRMixGk

TV Tropes:

I Have Brothers | Soft Spoken Sadist | The Sociopath | Not Cheating Unless You Get Caught | In Love With Your Carnage | The Corrupter | Psycho For Hire

OOC Notes:

- Character inspiration, established through RP: Syndra - League of Legends - I'm interested in roleplay with voidtouched/voidsent. Feel free to /tell me in-game if you'd like to start some plot, or random RP!