Lilithium Altair
Born Lilithium Amal'thea Altair to Reiko and Andromeda Altair, Lili spent her earlier years of life traveling with her parents until they settled with their botany research in La Noscea. Not far from them was a small family who had just relocated from Ala Mhigo with children that were Lili's age. One of these children was Ghislan Nightwing who later became Lili's first husband. The years following brought much happiness and sorrow between joining companies, disbanding from them, starting one of her own, and then retiring. Lili has lost two husbands and a daughter while still having two daughters and four sons by either adoption, blood, or marriage. Character is now deceased.
Lilithium Altair The Motherly Alchemist Contents[hide][edit]
Appearance Even as a child Lili was always short. Even her adopted sister, a Seeker, was taller than her by a few ilms. Standing at five fulms and four ilms, Lili kept the same height from the time she was thirteen until the day of her death. Though her parents had darker hair colors of either black or auburn, Lili sported a wonderful mane of blonde hair that straightened over the years after starting off as little ringlets when she was small. She was found frequently styling her hair in everything from a shorter bob to ponytails and half braids. She had a small nose, large lips, and pale green eyes beneath arched brows with the proportions complimenting the sleek lines of her jaw.
Rumors Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!
Stories Text, text, text, text.
Music Various musical pieces describing points in Lili's life, her children, her lost loves, and her journey.
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