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(Created page with "{{Infobox-character | name = Lafiaht Dwinani | image = framed|center | gender = Female | citizenship = Shroud born | race = Miqo’te | clan = Kee...")
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| name = Lafiaht Dwinani
| name = Lafiaht Dwinani
| image =  
| image = LafiahtDwinani.png
| imagewidth = 250
| gender = Female
| gender = Female
| citizenship = Shroud born
| citizenship = Shroud born

Revision as of 01:41, 20 November 2014

 Lafiaht Dwinani
Gender Female
Race Miqo’te
Clan Keepers of the Moon
Citizenship Shroud born
Age 21
Marital Status Single
Occupation Mage, criminal, pain in the ass.
Height 5 fulm

Basic Info


Magic in all its forms.
Desaturated colors.
Wide brim hats.
(Mostly) Friendly Fights
People opting to pay in her stead. . . With the exception of Neily.
Withholding otherwise insignificant information.
A healthy amount of trouble.
Red heads, though she's not incredibly aware of the fact.


Feeling trapped or limited.
Most Wildwoods.
Bright colors.
Perceived disrespect.
Getting caught. (See: Trouble)
Extended stays in Gridania


Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Vice(s): Fibbing. The Keeper is an incorrigible liar and like many a liar doesn’t think herself to be that bad. Apparently half truths and omission of information doesn’t count in her eyes.
Fears: Having her independence taken away in most any capacity. Concepts such as slavery or indentured servitude leave her feeling a mix of furious and frightened.
Aspirations: As it stands now Lafiaht wants to live a life of excitement and excess in hopes that she might stumble upon either wealth or fame.

Appearance & Personality

‘ ‘ ‘ Appearance ‘ ‘ ‘



Getting Lafiaht to part with information about her life prior to arriving in Limsa has the same difficulty to satisfaction ratio as trying to find a needle in a box of nails.

What she does share is that her childhood was particularly brutal and far from the cushy comforts of modern living. Considering modern living in Eorzea this should speak volumes. While it’s unclear where Lafi means by “deep in the Shroud where the sun doesn’t shine” it’s safe to assume that she lived a a ways away from Gridania in a Keeper clan.

Sometime during her early adolescent years her tribe “picked the wrong fight” and were faced with assimilating into Gridania or death. The unlawfulness of the action fell on blind eyes and deaf ears. Be it through fear or certainty things could get better Lafiaht and her more immediate family chose to stay alive where they were then placed into an indentured servitude. They’d done “damage” and needed to repay in work.


Lafiaht arrived in Limsa Lominsa with a bruised fist and a grimoire that wasn't hers.

The Keeper soaked up aetheric and arcane knowledge like a sponge, more than pleased to devote all her time to the art. Her teachers and fellow students might’ve described her as friendly if not a tad aggressive. Some might’ve said she was too ambitious. Others might’ve believed she was just the right amount. Either way she got so wrapped up in the art that she found herself flat broke and kicked out of her inn room.

It was during a brief stint with homelessness that the stray Keeper was found by Neily Frithwyck. He must have been feeling particularly generous that day. Maybe it was the dejected look on her face. Maybe it was the rain. Maybe it was because he’s inherently nicer to women. Probably all three. Either way, he took her in and set her up with a job as a waitress in a seedy Limsan bar.

A fair share of moons and shady deals later and the two decided to head out for Ul’dah in search of gold and. . . Well, mostly just gold.



◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
“The lass is flighty to the point of suicidal. You see the way she just wanders about the land like that? It’s like she don’t care at all.”
“The Keeper? Yeah, used to work for Mr. Frithwyck in a bar ‘round Limsa. Two’ve been livin’ together for a good bit’ve time now. Don’t know why the bar closed down though. . .”
“I asked her if she’d like to spend the night at mine and she told me to kill three elk! We live in the desert! Where the hell am I supposed to get three elk?”
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
“Ms. Lafiaht? Oh she’s very bright if not a bit. . . thorough. . . When interested that is. She sent us her opening thesis three times, you know. We accepted her on the first try but she sent the other two in because she didn’t think she had things ‘exactly right’.”
“For someone who has so much venom to spit about the Wildwoods she sure is mother henning after that one.”
“I knew her back when she resided in Gridania. She frequented the area near the Badger’s Gate watching merchants come in and travelers go out. Never did seem like it there. . .”
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
“Don’t fuckin’ borrow spit from her. That man she works with? Yeah, her “partner”? He’s a loanshark. If you don’t pay back your debts they’ll either put you to work or sell your papers to someone worse. I hear the last got wound up in the mines.”
“Interest in magic is all fine and good but that cat is getting her nose into things she’d be safer without.”
“You’ve not heard what she did to the Aloix boy? Well, now. . . This may be hearsay but from what I’ve been told before she left the Shroud she. . . left him all black and blue. Even went so far as to steal his grimoire.”


Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Poor Standing

Neily Frithwyck : Lafiaht’s partner. What exactly does this mean? Are they dating? Are they robbing merchants? Are they part of an elite section of the Immortal Flames? Has he employed her to do a series of odd jobs? It’s probably that one.

Marcellian Chevallier He’s upset. She’s upset. He’s a Wildwood. She’s a Keeper. He’s in indentured servitude for the rest of his life. She wanted chestnusts. It’s awkward.

Xavarian Mystrife While Lafiaht finds the Duskwight charming she also finds his lack of awareness worrying. What are the Elezen teaching their children? She’s taking it upon herself to mother hen this one, too.

Sylas Penegrine Meet a guy. Get your nose broken by a guy. Sleep with the guy. Lafiaht doesn't want to make her meetings with Sylas weird but there's nothing remotely normal about them.


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