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Revision as of 17:29, 23 March 2015

"Mal: "Mercy is the mark of a great man."
[stabs Atherton Wing]
Mal: "Guess I'm just a good man."
[stabs Atherton Wing]
Mal: "Well, I'm all right.""
Captain Malcolm Reynolds - Firefly
Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Kaine Merloup
Gender Male
Race Elezen
Clan Wildwood
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa

Basic Info

Full Name : Kaine Merloup
Aliases : Zart'ir Arashi
Namesday : 7th Day, 6th Astral Moon, year 1551
Age : 27
Marital Status : Single
Current Residence :
Occupation : Pirate / Black Sails Captain


Complexion : Tan
Hair Color : Auburn
Eyes Color : Green
Height : 6'7"
Weight : 250 lbs.
Voice : Masculine, slightly deep
Clothing Style : Casual
Armor : Heavy or Leather
Preferred Weapon(s) : Sword and shield, though he is also proficient with martial arts, spear, bow and axe


Alignment : Chaotic Good (CG)
Motivations : To have fun, build a fortune, and have a good time doing it
Disposition : Casual, laid back
Outlook : Practical
Intelligence : Is fairly logically minded, and a decent strategist
Religion/Philosophy : The Twelve; Llymlaen

Sexuality : Heterosexual
Strengths : Witty, Strategic, Thoughtful
Flaws : Has been known to drink too much on occasion, has a weakness for a pretty face, not to swift when it comes to magic
Fears: Fading in anonymity and leaving no legacy.
Misc. Quirks : Bit of a flirt, always has a soft spot for the down trodden


A fast ship
A fine sword
A good drink
A pretty lady
A good meal
Rude/Obnoxious people
Those who take advantage of the innocent
An empty hold
Is a talented martial fighter, able to master several disciplines
Fairly Athletic and muscular
Focused, though can be prone to tunnel vision
Experienced Sailor
Intimate knowledge of Garlean trade routes in and around Eorzea.
Is versed in the workings of armor and weapons craft
Rum sampling
Experimenting with and collecting stolen Garlean magitek.
Favorite Food/Drink: Steak, a good Ale
Favorite Scent: Metal
Favorite Color: Dark Blue
Favorite Place: Twelve's Wood
Favorite Fesitval: All Saint's Wake



Zart'ir Arashi was originally born Kaine Merloup to a small family in Ishgard. He had an older brother and younger sister. They lead a simple life on the outskirts of the capital. His family were hunters for one of the noble families. Their father would go out and hunt wild game for the various feasts and special occasions. They were not a rich family but they did well for themselves. When not supplying food for the noble family they would earn a bit of extra coin selling the pelts and meat at market.

When the brothers were a little older they would often go out hunting with their father, leaning how to track and hunt the various game that lived about the highlands. Both boys showed early promise with both bow and spear.

When Zart'ir / Kaine was about 13 his life was changed forever. Early that fateful morning his father had left the house as he normally would to sell his pelts and meats in the markets of the capital, but had not returned. Zar could see his mother's face grow with worry as the sun crept lower to the mountains. As it just began to touch the frosty caps a knock came to the door. His mother answered it, speaking to a close friend of the family who often traveled with his father to town. Their mother thanked the man at the door then quickly gathered her children and a few meager possessions. "Children, we must leave, now hurry", she said to them. They hurried away into the twilight, never to see their old home again. They traveled for what seemed like forever to the children, always heading south, and worry clearly visable on their mother's face. When the children asked where their father was, and what they were doing the only answer they got was, "We are going to see an old friend of mine, in Gridania."

The three children and their mother eventually reached the safety of the Shroud and the city of Gridania. They moved in and lived with their mother's friend and her daughter, Arianne Beaudonet, for a few years till their mother was able to secure work and a home of their own. Durring this time their mother came clean as to the reason for their exodus from Ishgard. While their father had been in town he had been arrested by the Holy See's guard on the charge of Heresy and Treason. It had been exposed that secretly their father had been working with the Dravanian heretics supplying spies embedded within Ishgard with supplies and information, and was accused of being Dravanian himself. He had been tried and executed, with an active warrant issued for his family for possible conspiracy. Their mother's only option was to flee Ishgard with her children into self-imposed exile.

Before Dalamud's Fall

Kaine and his brother enjoyed a couple more years of peace in their new home in Gridania, before the world began to call to them. The boys began to grow restless with their mundane life and Marceau and Kaine began to look around them. After a fair amount of comforting and assuring their mother, the boys managed to get her blessing to set off to make lives of their own. With no real set plan and only the few skills as hunters to their name the boys looked to Ul'dah as their destination. They heard the stories of traveling merchants of brave fighters, the sultansworn, and fortunes to be made. So with that the boys secured a job as caravan guards and set out to the jewel of the sands.

Once they arrived though they quickly came to realize the famous city was not all it was made out to be. The rich elite wielded all he power as everyone else fought for scraps. The boys managed to eke out a living as mercenaries, often offering their services to merchants and various caravans. They also had taken new names, per their mother's urging. Kaine took the name Zart'ir Arashi, and Marceau took the name Aric Arashi. There was not much worry of the Ishgardians finding them this far away from their old home, but it never hurt to be cautious. The boys spent their off time training in various forms of combat, swords, hand to hand, and with the bow. Eventually they found themselves spending a lot of their time in Vesper Bay. This often was a prime spot to find a merchant heading to the capital in need of a guard detail and the sea called to them.

Eventually the call grew too great to ignore for the young men. They saved their money and soon hooked up with a "merchant ship" looking to fill out her crew.

The men soon discovered the "merchant ship" was not at all what it appeared to be. In actuality it was a pirate ship. The two men were quickly trained and brought up to speed on how to manage the ship. They took to it like fish to water. Much to their surprise they found they had quite an aptitude for life at sea. in the couple years leading up to Dalamud's Fall, the two men quickly became indispensable to their new captain, moving up the ranks. Aric quickly moved into becoming the captain's first mate and right hand man. They sailed, they plundered, and grew quite rich.

After Dalamud's Fall

As Dalmund's Fall and the Battle of Carteneau grew closer, the Captain and his crew noticed the increased Garlean traffic in the waters. They had heard rumors of a growing conflict on the mainland, and decided to take advantage of the situation. They went to battle in their own private war against the Garleans, not for any great cause, but simply the advanced ships were heavy with plunder and supplies as they ferried it from the Empire to the mainland Castrums. The ships were far from being easy prey and fought hard to keep their treasure. The crew often sustained injuries when capturing them, until sadly one such skirmish took the lives of their captain and a few of the crew.

With their Captain fallen, Aric quickly took command and of the ship and withdrew from the failed mission. As they sailed beck into Limsa Lominsa, Aric named Zart'ir as his first mate. Once back in port, proper, they heard the call from the Admiral to all of the pirates to join her Maelstrom or face her wrath. After much discussion the new captain and his crew decided to sign on with the Maelstrom and with all the experiance already under their belt, they were commissioned into the Black Sails.

With renewed purpose the crew rallied around their new captain and set off to exact their pound of flesh from the Garelan Fleet. Much to their new Captain's credit the ship began to grow a repuation among the Garlean captains for their ruthlessness on the waves, and soon struggled to avoid the infamous black sails of the ship known as the Raven's Claw.

After the moon fell and the dins of the battle faded. The Raven's Claw set back about their usual business, with the restrictions that Limsan ships were no longer allowed to be targeted, but the Garleans were already filling that void since even though they were defeated, they still maintained open shipping lanes and supply lines to their remaining strongholds. Life at sea began to settle for the captain and his crew. They still plundered the Garlean fleet from time to time but often spent much of their time fencing the loot they took from the ships.

It was in this time that while in port Aric courted and later wed his wife, Alyanissa Devereux. A fiery young maiden with a wit and fire as sharp as his own. She soon joined the crew and the sea fairing family enjoyed several years of prosperity and plunder on the seas.

Recent History

Sadly the crew of the Raven's Claw saw their run of luck and prosperity end within the last year. The ship and her crew had set out on a rumor of a large shipment being carried by a Garlean Fleet leaving the Empire for Eorzea shores. The temptation of the plunder alone had the crew anxious of this run, as it could possibly set them up for life. Fortune though was not smiling on them that day, cause little did they know the rumor had been deliberately placed to lure the Raven's Claw and it's crew into a trap.

They found it easy enough, a goliath of a ship slowly lurching it's way over the waves in the open seas. Easy prey, or so they thought. As they approached all seemed normal, a few vollies were exchanged between the ships, the Raven's Claw taking little to no damage due to it's usual quick hit and run tactics it quickly ran circles around the enemy ship. Soon the enemy ship's engine's died and it lay floundering on the waves, appearing to be dead in the water. Confidant they had immobilized the ship and only needed to board her and mop up the motley crew these ships usually had. They went about moving beside the ship and securing the lines to board. Aric lead the charge onto the ship and quickly dispatched the few hands on deck. They had just begun to cacth their breath and let down their guard as an entire company of trained soldiers poured out from everywhere on the ship like fire ants. They were even joined by 2 large vanguard mechs tha came up on lifts onto the deck. Surrounded, the crew panicked, every member drawing steel and fighting with all they had. As hard as they fought they could not beat the numbers and firepower they faced, and Aric saw this. He called for his brother Zart'ir to take Alyanissa and what crew they could grab back to the ship and flee. Shortly there after Aric's shouts fell silent among the gunfire and rattling of blades. Zart'ir, with much difficulty managed to wrestle the distraught widow back to the ship and with only a hand full of the original crew still alive cut lines and fled over the waves. The Vanguard's firing on them as they left leaving not only the crew but the ship battered and beaten as they retreated.

A few days later they limped back into Limsa Lominsa, defeated. Zart'ir reported to the Admiral what had transpired and a warning was issued to all ships in the Maelstrom of the Garlean's new tactic. The Admiral thanked Zart'ir and his crew for their sacrifice that day, and named him the new captain of the Raven's Claw. Though it was several months before the ship would be fully repaired and sea worthy again. Alynissa set off back to land to mourn her husband and mend her broken heart. Some of the crew left as well, and others soon came to fill their spots. Ever since that day, the ship was never the same again.

After a few months shore leave, awaiting the repair of his ship, Zart'ir took his new crew and set out once again, vowing never to let another Garlean or ship cross his path and live. To this day the Raven's Claw's flag bears a red stripe in memory of those who had fallen in her service, and as a warning to any who cross her path.

Character Relations

Mother - Alive, Last known whereabouts Gridania
Father - Deceased, Convicted of heresy and executed
Sister - Alive, whereabouts unknown
Brother - Aric - Deceased, died at sea.
Romantic Interest     Sexual Desire     Platonic Love     
Friends / Allies     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing    ! Recent Standing Change
 : Arianne Beaudonet - Dear family friend, spent some of his younger years growing up together
 : Ciel Wulfe - A lovely lass and talented bard, and songstress. Recently have spent some time chatting with her and becoming good friends.
 : J'Maaira Tuhl - a nice lass, met her in the Harbingers. Her mate's a bit of a hot head though.
 : Alyanissa Devereux - Former sister-in-law and a good lass. I check in on her from time to time to make sure she is holding up well, and chat with her. I think she enjoys the company.

Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
He is a pirate.
He still takes the odd smuggling job from time to time, if the price is right.
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
He melt's the armor of his foes down to use as cannon balls.
He has a wealth of cash and magitek seized from the Garleans buried somewhere.
He once slept with the Admiral
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
He resembles the description of someone wanted by the authorities in Ishgard
He once resided in Ishgard
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
"Zart's a great guy. He seems very dependable and I'd like the chance to speak with him more." -J'Maaira Tuhl
((Feel free to edit and add, what you may have heard ))
((Feel free to edit and add, what you may have heard ))

Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png



Character Comparisons: Final Fantasy Characters: Zidane (IX), Snow (XIII), Auron (X); Other Game Characters: Miroku (Inuyasha), Shunsui Kyōraku (Bleach)
Played by What Famous Person: David Tennant
Theme Song: Van Canto - Last Night of the Kings; Five Finger Deathpunch - Battle Born; Pirates of the Caribbean - Hoist the Colours
TV Tropes: Cross between Jack Sparrow and Robin Hood
Template credit goes to Arianne Beaudonet, visit her wiki for further credits