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(Appearance & Personality)
(Arc 2 - Family Obligations)
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The Machinist clambers over the rocks and crosses the carnage, stopping when suddenly there was a rifle pointed at his head, the Au Ra was still staring at the dead Garlean, "...More blood...not...not enough...will it ever be enough..." he chuckles a little bit and shakes his head, appearing to regain his sense of self. The rifle is holstered and the Au Ra looks to the Machinist, "Stephanivien sent me to back you up...Lead me to the garlean camp, we'll clear them out..." the Au Ra smiles warmly at the Machinist, "Don't worry, we can get this done."
The Machinist clambers over the rocks and crosses the carnage, stopping when suddenly there was a rifle pointed at his head, the Au Ra was still staring at the dead Garlean, "...More blood...not...not enough...will it ever be enough..." he chuckles a little bit and shakes his head, appearing to regain his sense of self. The rifle is holstered and the Au Ra looks to the Machinist, "Stephanivien sent me to back you up...Lead me to the garlean camp, we'll clear them out..." the Au Ra smiles warmly at the Machinist, "Don't worry, we can get this done."
'''End Game'''
Aiswynd sat on the ground not far from the Aetheryte in Camp Cloudtop, near him a Griffin was reseting, waiting for what was coming. He got up and started pacing again, watching the sky above, it would be daybreak soon, and he was hoping to use the dawning light at their back to mask their approach.
Kasumi was the first to arrive, they exchanged glances but neither felt ready to speak, she just moved to stand by him before the next two, the black mage Xanadu Noire, currently going by the name Rune appears, and not long after, L'Koana arrives, adjusting a quiver and bow. Aiswynd steps up to greet L'koana and explain the situation. They were there to kill Aiswynd's parents who have put out assassination contracts on all of Aiswynd's friends, as Garlean commanders no less, and upon a mutual friend of theirs as well. This sombers L'koana who only nods and they are soon off across the skies on various flying mounts.
No one spoke for the flight, and at the edges of the Aether currents they found the island, a decent sized camp was set up upon it, with a small garrison's worth of Garleans. They set down on the far edge and bid their mounts to stay close. Weapons drawn and at the ready the moved in, ready to make use of the surprise they had hoped to gain. This however was not to be though, as they approached the camp, the could see a pair of chairs set up and facing towards them. In one sat a massive Au Ra in armor, an Axe resting in his hands, next to him was an Au Ra woman in the garb of a monk with garlean colors.
The Warrior stands up and rests the axe against his shoulder as he starts walking up to them, the Monk following a few steps behind. As they approach Aiswynd's grip on his rifle tenses a bit, "So I hear tell from your letters...you're my parents then." his eyes watching them sharply. The Warrior stops and lifts his visor, the face looked a lot like Aiswynd's however older, and with purple eyes, hints of black hair peeking down, "Yes, you've come to join us or die?"
The Monk smiles far to cheerfully at the two of them, even going so far as to wave, one glance at her showed where Aiswynd got his eyes and hair, "I really do hope your here to join us sweetie, Garlemald has everything you could ever want." She looks at his gathered friends and sighs, her shoulders slumping, "It doesn't look like that though, unless you brought them here to kill them as a show of loyalty. If that is the case though, you must really have a Garlean heart, spare not women or children and...you brought us a doman? Oh! I so look forward to crushing her like the rest!" The Monk waves in a far too cheerful manner at Kasumi, "Don't worry, you'll get to see the rest of your unloyal scum soon!"
Kasumi tightens the grip on her knives, the look on her face said she was ready to go after the Monk in a moment. It was Aiswynd that spoke up as he took a couple steps forward and leveled his rifle at the Warrior, "Aisugei Quo Kha, Altaniwyn Eir Arulaq...On behalf of Eorzea, my friends and Coe. You die today." and with that shots fired and battle is joined.
The Warrior flips the visor down as the shell passes by his head, behind him one of the many Garlean soldiers pouring out of the tents takes the shot in the chest and doesn't get back up. Aisugei, the Warrior, grins and charges Aiswynd, the axe swings down and Aiswynd twists to the side to bury the barrel into the Warrior's side and launch him sideways with a blank.
The Monk, Altaniwyn, tsks before she launches at Kasumi, a right jab that is parried by a dagger pushing the gauntlet aside, Kasumi giving the crazed grin of Aiswynd's mother a cold look before suddenly disappearing. The Monk quickly recovers from the missing Kasumi, spinning around only to twist as a Fuma Shuriken grazes her arm, and seconds later the two are joined again, the fight swift. Punches, kicks, slashes, dodge, parry, twist, stab, strike, as the seconds pass the battle between the two picks up in intensity and speed, gauntlet and knife crashing in a cacophony of metal.
The first of the soldiers however to join the battle field attempts to go for Aiswynd, stumbling backwards to the ground with a pair of arrow shafts sticking from his chest, others move to encircle the whole battle field before trying to make it in, the first few that go for L'Koana end up taking arrows until they decide to charge in groups. L'Koana dives through one group, the weapons missing as he rolls up behind them, firing arrow after arrow quickly and accurately, taking the group down before they have a chance to recover. Moments later he is up and fires one off at Aisugei, causing the latest axe swing to veer off course, completely missing Aiswynd.
Other Garleans go for Xanadu, she hesitates for a moment, but then sweeps her cane forward and the group is engulfed in flames, she sweeps the staff in and begins to channel once more the first one out of the inferno created by the Fire 2 is struck full force in the chest by a blast of thunder that is swiftly followed by a bolt of Fire that takes his compatriot down. She shifts to another group that comes charge to her and before they make it far a Blizzard of ice erupts about them, binding them to place. One of them managed to stay out of range only to be struck by a singular Blizzard from Xanadu, a transposition and the bound group are all set a blaze as well.
Aiswynd and the Warrior part from thier latest pass at each other. The Warrior, Aisugei, lets out a whistle that is cut short by a shot winging past his head and leaving a gouge in his helmet. The goal was done and airships began to rise from the clouds below as Aisugei drops the broken helmet on the ground. Without a word, everyone acted, while Aiswynd and Kasumi were still embattled with their duels, L'koana began to fire arrows at one Airship, taking out several lead soldiers before ending the pilot with a well aimed shot, the airship veering off with screams of terror and an explosion soon after. Xanadu's response was to first create a blast of Fire 2 upon the deck, this was then followed up with a mass of Ice forming upon the moving parts caused by a Blizzard 2. The burning, frozen mass collapsed, some jumping for the island, but few made it to land, only to be met with arrows.
More and more airships began to arrive, forcing even Kasumi and Aiswynd to throw in a cheap shot when they can, A blasting pillar of fire erupts from one, another has a bishop turret thrown in, clocking one of the Garleans in the head before deployment. The Garleans scream as they are electrocuted, the airship careens suddenly, to the side, crashing into the island and sending debris raining. One singular airship, out classing the others begins to rise, and with it, a load of Magitek Reapers ready to join the fray. Xanadu acted faster than any to this having seen it first. Quickly spell upon spell were layered, enochian, sure cast, swift cast, all of them bound into one single spell. A Massive pillar of fire tears through the airship with such force that the flames tear through the bottom as well. There was a moment of silence after before the entire thing fell apart, pieces raining down upon the land below the clouds.
With the flaming wreckage falling apart behind him, Aiswynd looks right at Aisugei, no words, just a look and they are engaged in battle again. An axe swings, and Aiswynd ducks it and dodges to the side, fires a split, spins to the side narrowly avoiding a chop, and fires a slug. There is a shift and Aiswynd is flung by a flat slap from the Axe. He rolls to his feet as he lands, standing and the two start pacing towards one another, sizing up the next move.
"So you thought what, a gun? A couple friends? would win you the day? I have my axe, I have an army!" Aiswynd grins and pulls a device out from his pouch, his eyes not betraying the spots on the horizon heading their way from the direction of Ishgard. "Yep." is all he says, Aisugei launches himself at Aiswynd, only to catch the device in the face from a fast ball pitch. Aiswynd jumps to the side as Aisugei tumbles by, further disoriented by the deployment of the Rook that begins to fire at him. A single swing takes out the turret and Aisugei turns back to Aiswynd, staring down a Gauss Barrel, "What?"
"Eorzean Magitek." Aiswynd answers, energy arcs about the rifle, and in turn Aiswynd, kicking up a faint wind of static as a result. A hum emits from the Aetherotransformer, and Aiswynd fires a blank shot, energy blasting Aisugei backwards several yalms. The Warrior stands only to have another blast graze his foot, pinning it to the ground and forcing him back to his knee. Aiswynd quick loads an ammunition cartridge, a hum of energy and a burning blast slams into Aisugei's armor. The binding ends and Aisugei is on the charge again, only to take another shot, this time to the chest. The wind blasted out of him as he crumpled over, however Aiswynd did not relent, a charge and split shot, followed in quick succession by a slug shot. Aiswynd takes a moment to reassemble his focus before he fires a last clean shot, the round connecting as Aisugei bull rushes Aiswynd.
The two end up tumbling, weapons lost from hand and reach. There is no hesitation in either of them as they climb back to their feet, no reason at this point, just murderous hatred. The Warrior's armor is cast off as he rises and they start swinging, blow for blow they go, however Aisugei has experience, and strength over Aiswynd who starts being driven back. When Aiswynd finally begins to falter, Aisugei capitalizes on it and grabs him about the throat, lifting him up and slamming him there, "You know your folly boy? Thinking we didn't know best! Your brother and sister are far better than you in everything!" He lifts Aiswynd up only to slam him down again, "You are nothing but a stupid, weak failure! You do not deserve to be Garl-urk!"
Aisugei stumbles backwards, hand clasping at his throat a look of panic upon his face. Aiswynd climbs to his feet slowly, blood dripping down his face. He stumbles over to his rifle and picks it up. A few stumbling steps and he bumps into his father, the barrel leveled at the man's stomach, "Your mistake...is...under estimating Eorzeans." Aisugei clutches at the barrel fumbling in his attempt to crush or push it away, "And forgetting...that I have needles..." Aiswynd pulls the trigger, fingers drag across the barrel, and tear a piece of the Gauss barrel off before disappearing over the side of the island and into the clouds below.
With a heavy sigh he collapses to the ground and lies there for a bit, his everything hurting, an odd noise comes to him from the rifle. He lifts it up to look at it.
The battle over, the garleans either fled on the remaining airships or surrended with the arrival of the Machinist's guild on Chocobo with a pair of Airships hauling Adders, and a squad of Immortal Flames. With her fight with Altaniwyn finally at a fatal end, Kasumi turns to Aiswynd from across the island in time to watch him shoot his father off the island and collapse, as she runs to him, terrified that he had died too, she watches him raise the rifle up, relief flooding into her moments before the Gauss barrel overloads and sets off the ammunition.
===Side Stories===
===Side Stories===
'''Gaining a Menagerie: Clarence the Chocobo'''
'''Gaining a Menagerie: Clarence the Chocobo'''

Revision as of 20:19, 3 November 2015

Gridania-transparent.png Aiswynd Drakareus
Gender Male
Race Au Ra
Clan Xaela
Citizenship Gridania
Age 33
Nameday 7th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon (9th of September)
Occupation Honorary Adder, sky Steel Manufactory Apprentice
Guardian Azeyma, the Warden
Alignment Neutral Good
Relationship? Single

Appearance & Personality

He is short for an Au Ra male, however this does not change the fact that he is solid with an athletic build. While his face has little marring upon it, his body does show signs of extensive conflict, however few of the scars are noticeable upon a glance, there are a couple that are typically hidden by his clothing. His expressions tend towards being intense and focused when he is idling around. His limbal rings tend to dance like fire when he is intrigued or attracted. People who get physically close will notice that he smells of Cinnamon and Vanilla constantly.

As his time in Eorzea has gone along, this once shy and calm person has come into their own self. While still capable of exuding a deep calm when focused or fighting, other times he tends towards being open emotionally. Odd for a former rogue, he has developed the horrible habit of not being able to hide secrets about himself, but never falters to keep the confidence of his friends and loved ones. Garleans continue to be a hot point, and he still sometimes goes into a battle frenzy regarding them. There is something else burgeoning beneath the frenzy, a calculating, tactical mind that is slowly gaining it's legs, fed by a thirst for knowledge.

He has an obsession with fish and felines, to the point that some people in his tribe used to jokingly call him a Coeurl, and a few people in his tribe believed it had to do with the fact that he was cared for by a Coeurl for a few weeks after the flood. He shows a general distaste towards people that flit from partner to partner, non-fish meats and alcohol. He will in some rare occasions drink, but typically goes for wines or fermented buffalo milk.


Rainy Days


Feline haters


Alignment: Neutral Good
Vice(s): Physical affection, Fish
Favorite Color(s): Blacks, Reds, Oranges and Yellows
Mood Music: Satellite by Rise Against

Skill Set


Feline Affinity
Knife Fighting (Down from Mastery due to loss of mobility with his left arm)







Feel free to add your own under the 'Player Character' section.
◢ Common
"I usually see him being followed around by a Coeurl kitten as if he was its mother"
"He used to be around Gridania a lot, now I've heard he is an Ishgardian?"
"He's been favoring his left arm a lot, and it moves like it's stiff, I wonder why that is"
◢ Uncommon
"I heard the Adders kicked him out 'cause his parents are both Garlean soldiers, if it wasn't for the Padjals they would have had him either banished or executed as a spy."
"The Leader of the Wood Wailers keeps petitioning to have him detained and executed as a Garlean spy, but I hear he's had it out for Aiswynd the entire time"
◢ Rare
"I saw some blue flames from a rooftop the other night, and there Aiswynd was, and I swear there was a small wyvern on his shoulder"
◢ Player Character
"Master Aiswynd. He has a lot of confidence! He was kind enough to speak of his journey and the hope Azeyma gave. He must be lonely, though, looking for any of his kin that has survived. He also turns quite red if you get close to him; one of the most bashful men I have met." - Jancis Milburga


Romantic Love     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing
Aisugei Quo Kha - Father of Aiswynd Drakareus, his parents were accepted as full citizens of the Garlean empire. He had left with his wife to join the Drakareus tribe, disappearing in a flood some years after his son's birth. Presumed dead, but recently discovered to be alive.
Altaniwyn Eir Arulaq - Mother of Aiswynd Drakareus, she had earned her status as a citizen of the Garlean empire by working as a spy for them since she was a young child, eventually she met Aisugei and they decided to raise Aiswynd among the Drakareus tribe before being lost in a flood. Presumed dead, but recently discovered to be alive.
Xanadu Hotgo - Recently made friend that is hiding a secret of studying black magics, has given this in confidence to Aiswynd, as of late however she has been distancing herself from Aiswynd due to the issues with his parents
Akino Naeuri - An Au Ra Raen that Aiswynd befriended when she was having problems, they've become good friends since.
Kira Yugari - The Au Ra Raen head manager for the Quicksand of Ul'dah, though they have only become friends recently, it was a fast friendship.
L'Koana Rayen - A Miqo'te that Aiswynd met through Kira and they have become equally fast friends.
Kasumi Fujikawa - A Raen that is the Co-Founder of Wandering Horizons with Aiswynd, recently they have gotten close, but have not as of yet officially claimed to be a couple.

Story Arcs

Arc 0 - Before Eorzea

Aiswynd grew up as part of the Drakareus Tribe, a Tribe of Xaela that were not renown for anything in particular other than the Elders insistence that everyone be well educated for a wandering people. Aside from the occasional clashes with other tribes, life for Aiswynd was peaceful as a young child and he made friends easily. It was not long before things began to go sour in his life. He was barely the human equivalent of 8 when a river flood while gathering food along the banks swept him and his parents away. The tribe had given up on him and his family, only finding him by chance among a Coeurl den by Scouts of the tribe as the whole tribe migrated down river.

His isolation began there, while the tribe took over raising him, he began to feel disconnected, the only strong connection he had was Koertha, another like him who had lost his parents. The two of them became good friends, brothers even as they grew into adult hood. Koertha learning to be a warrior that fought with nothing but his fists, while Aiswynd took up daggers and aided the tribe as a scout and hunter.

Koertha and Shinsui

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Tribal Calamity

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Arc 1 - Arrival

Adder Struck

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Sagolii Rondo

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Letters & Fates

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Arc 2 - Family Obligations

Nightmarish Battles

Warning: Graphical Depictions

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End Game

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Side Stories

Gaining a Menagerie: Clarence the Chocobo

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Gaining a Menagerie: Vern the Wyvern

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