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It was fall, and Aya had no option other than to venture out from her clan to seek medicine due to the sickness the members were forced to face as seasons changed. The clan's Herbalist had died those few weeks, and it was up to Aya and her Mother to find the cure from different sources. Her Mother was wary of course, after all, she was mostly the one that stood firmly at their homeland; ignorant to the others that were near them. Fortunately, Aya was much more open-minded and eventually persuaded her parent to get out of her box for just this time.
It was fall, and Aya had no option other than to venture out from her clan to seek medicine due to the sickness the members were forced to face as seasons changed. The clan's Herbalist had died those few weeks, and it was up to Aya and her Mother to find the cure from different sources. Her Mother was wary of course, after all, she was mostly the one that stood firmly at their homeland; ignorant to the others that were near them. Fortunately, Aya was much more open-minded and eventually persuaded her parent to get out of her box for just this time.
And just like that, when they met the Doctor to purify the clan's people, Aya's eyes met with his kin. He was a Hyur; a Midlander one too, unsurprisingly.  Lean built and a bit older, however much, much more smaller. But Aya and his eyes connected it was as if the Gods were telling them it was fate.  
And just like that, when they met the Doctor to purify the clan's people, Aya's eyes met with his kin. He was a Hyur; a Midlander one too, unsurprisingly.  Lean built and a bit older, however much, much more smaller. But Aya and his eyes connected it was as if the Twelves were telling them it was fate.  
So after that evening, for a while, Aya stops hunting with her Mother and spends more time with this curious race she's barely seen. She spends more time in the city, and learns of the technology they have, despite her parents negative opinion towards this. She also falls in love with the disciplines of Magic and soon picks up the ways of Thaumaturgy. It was sort of as if it was a Romeo and Juliet story, except the Elezens were too peaceful to stop her.  
So after that evening, for a while, Aya stops hunting with her Mother and spends more time with this curious race she's barely seen. She spends more time in the city, and learns of the technology they have, despite her parents negative opinion towards this. She also falls in love with the disciplines of Magic and soon picks up the ways of Thaumaturgy. It was sort of as if it was a Romeo and Juliet story, except the Elezens were too peaceful to stop her.  

Revision as of 14:03, 22 November 2015

Ul'dah-transparent.png aya young
"a lover as my worst enemy? dear... i sound like a poorly written romance novel, don't i?"
everyone's mom
Gender female
Race elezen
Clan wildwood
Citizenship ul'dah
Height 6"7
Age 34
Martial status "widowed"
occupation culinarian/explorer
children? yes
This character article or section of a character article is a stub -- a small, but growing, work in progress. If you're the creator of this character, why not consider expanding it?



Name: Aya Young, formerly Aya Runetelle
Nicknames: World's Best Mom
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bisexual
Current Residence: Ul'Dah
General Clothing Style: Modest
Voice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKdLJo2_6hQ
Japanese-counterpart: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClT_u5XP8go
Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fEL_m7MyI4


Hair Color:: Brown
Hair Length: Long
Eye Color: Very Light Blue
Height: 6"7
Weight: "How dare you ask a woman this!"
Build: Tall and Lanky
Tattoos: N/A
Scars: Some on her legs, but not visible
Piercings: Ears
Demeanor: Gentle
Skin Tone: Bright Tan


positives: caring, gentle, elegant, respectful, great listener, cunning, motherly, brave.
negatives: can choose to be heartless, gullible, easily swoon by emotions, detached, resentful.



She is defensive at first, but when things get dire her body can be completely merciless to enemies. Physically, OR Magically.



  • reading/libraries
  • art
  • cooking


  • thieves
  • the past
  • getting sick


  • loves to cook, and tends to make meals for people more unfortunate on her spare time.
  • reading
  • taking care of her daughter


  • terribly clumsy. she's a beautiful and respectable elezen, but her "grace" sadly lacks.
  • tells everyone that her husband passed away, instead of admitting the truth.
  • pays alot of young people to watch her child. usually bonds with the "babysitter".






Common Rumors

  • was raised in a forest.
  • her parents hate her. (apparently that's how people worded it)
  • hasn't dated since her husband "died".
  • husband was a hyur.

Moderate Rumors

  • aya's "dead" husband is a lie and her husband dumped her horribly which is why she covers it up.
  • brings younger folks into her wing, and acts like a mother to people who need it.
  • she has scars on her thighs, and hidden on her chest. but why..?

Rare Rumors

  • aya is more dangerous than she looks.
  • her scars are because she gets into fights, and is not the "mother" everyone thinks she is.
  • family hates other races, therefore aya looks down upon everyone else.

PC Rumors



  • "Oh, I really do miss being a child more than anything. I can tell you indefinitely that I was less stressed back then. I never did really get comfortable in the 'city' kind of enviroment. Honestly, I still don't!"

It would be a understatement for the adult Elezen to say that she only liked her years as a adolescent. Born and raised in far depths of forests, Aya Young (or Aya Runetelle before she got married), partook in a rather small Wildwood clan that dedicated most of their lifestyle towards nature. Both her Mother and Father never really was satisfied in the peace-making between Hyurs and Elezens, nevertheless it was the sounds and isolation of Eorzea's grassy lands that were able to make up for it.

Aya could remember clearly the happiness she shared with the trees and her home's clear blue skies. And above all, though the brown-haired woman was rather a elegant one, she'd never complain of the thickets her parents chose to live in. After all, what was more wonderful than living in such surroundings she thought? The idea of calling Gridania a home still felt strange as a child, and she couldn't imagine moving anytime soon. Luckily, her thought process was moreover the reason the Runetelle family didn't stray from their beloved clan. As, even if they may not have been malicious towards the ruling of Eorzea's new leaders, they still felt very conservative; following the life that they had known best from the past.

Older Child-Teenager:

  • "Mmm. My rebel years. These are both embarrassing and exciting to reminiscence again. I'd like to think my parents received the short end of the stick here, though. I mean... Me bringing a city boy home. And a HYUR, for that matter! I shouldn't have been so surprised that they were so angry."

As days go by, most of Aya's everyday life consisted of assisting the clan's needs, and learning how to handle herself alone. Thanks to her Mother's experience as one of the clan's hunters, she educates herself almost perfectly with bow and arrows now always on her side. Many of the clan enjoyed the fact that though most of their Elezen women spent their time gathering and watching the children, the Runetelle females seemed to be the ones that altered the criteria of the clan's usual course. A Mother and Daughter killing and skinning beasts for both pleasure, and necessities. It was one of the red flags at first to show that Aya Runetelle was more than just a gentle figure.

However, unfortunately, there was a event when she was around nineteen that she'd say was the day that changed her entire life. For, it was the day that Aya fell in love with all the wrong things.

It was fall, and Aya had no option other than to venture out from her clan to seek medicine due to the sickness the members were forced to face as seasons changed. The clan's Herbalist had died those few weeks, and it was up to Aya and her Mother to find the cure from different sources. Her Mother was wary of course, after all, she was mostly the one that stood firmly at their homeland; ignorant to the others that were near them. Fortunately, Aya was much more open-minded and eventually persuaded her parent to get out of her box for just this time.

And just like that, when they met the Doctor to purify the clan's people, Aya's eyes met with his kin. He was a Hyur; a Midlander one too, unsurprisingly. Lean built and a bit older, however much, much more smaller. But Aya and his eyes connected it was as if the Twelves were telling them it was fate.

So after that evening, for a while, Aya stops hunting with her Mother and spends more time with this curious race she's barely seen. She spends more time in the city, and learns of the technology they have, despite her parents negative opinion towards this. She also falls in love with the disciplines of Magic and soon picks up the ways of Thaumaturgy. It was sort of as if it was a Romeo and Juliet story, except the Elezens were too peaceful to stop her.

Aya was truly happy though, honestly. She couldn't believe someone so different (and shorter) could complete her so much.

That is, in till the boy unmasks his true nature after a year, asking the question that opens up Aya's dark side.

"Hey, Aya. That necklace over there would look so nice on you.

Let's steal it."

Young Adult-Now: Even if that request sounded kind of minor in retrospect, the persistent persuasion never stopped from the boy after Aya said yes, and soon Aya and her Hyur 'Lover' became masked thieves that stole all around Gridania. As expected, her parents were distraught of this information and completely banished their child out from their homely clan. But it was alright though, I suppose. After all the boy's Father did the same, and in the end they transformed into nomadic criminals that no longer needed the loving embrace of a parent; becoming more than just "meddling teenagers".

Aya is mostly just the sidekick of the Hyur's deceit, but as each year goes past with him it seems to get worse and worse. The Hyur picks up gambling, he drinks, and they both start becoming friends with the wrong part of town.

And though Aya knows all of this is wrong, surprisingly, at 25 she marries and even has a child with the profound malicious asshole. Their masked duo is seen as a infamous title called the "Midnight Raiders", committing ransoms and more injustices overall. Once the Calamity hit it was even worse as well, considering the advantage her group had over the vulnerability of the weaker citizens. Hell, even she injured a few people out if it. But Aya could never bring herself to murder.

But there was one night where Aya is finished with this whole "chaotic" act. She learns it the hard way too when her Hyur Husband and friends invade a small group of nomads in Gridania's forests attempting to get back on their feet from Eorzeas recent events, stealing all of their resources and even injuring to the point of near death of one of its members...

And it's Aya's very own Wildwood clan. The member was her 19 year old sister, that she forgot existed in till she had to re-visit the burning village.

  • "Why, Aya... Were we not good parents to you...?"

The Story So Far: So with that being said, Aya takes their three year old child and leaves the hell of her husband's home. And at age 32 she attempts to regain a normal life... In Ul'Dah. She runs a small bakery, giving out to the people in need, and overall bettering the impure person she once was.

She knows that one day that her and her beloved will, however. And with that information Aya trains her strength lowkey, just for that very moment.


This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea