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(Heavensward: Character is defunct for the time being. May be revived in the future.)
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<div class="usermessage" style="padding-bottom:8px;font-size:24px;background-color:transparent;margin-top:-75px;text-align:right;border-color:#aaa;border-width:0px 0px 1px 0px">Balmung</div>
<div class="usermessage" style="padding-bottom:8px;font-size:24px;background-color:transparent;margin-top:-75px;text-align:right;border-color:#aaa;border-width:0px 0px 1px 0px">Balmung</div>
| name = Lucradia Valeri
| name = Lucradia Valeri

Latest revision as of 02:31, 17 December 2015

This article is now defunct. The character in question is no longer active, and has been retired by the player.

Ishgard.jpg Lucradia Valeri
Placeholder person.gif
Prepare thyself, my bosom awaits.
Gender Female
Race Elezen
Clan Duskwight
Citizenship Ishgard
Age 31
Marital Status Single
Occupation Unknown
Height/Weight ? fulm ??.? ilms / ??? ponze
Affiliations None
Guardian Halone, the Fury

Basic Info

Lucradia Valeri is Caucasian or "White" in skin color, slightly pale/pallid. Her eyes are green-blue, dark/semi-vivid. Her personality is Icy, sometimes physically so. If one is to attempt to hit on her, she will likely ignore them passively at first, but may freeze them solid if they become too pushy, or if she wants them for herself. She handles poisons, shrinking spells, and ice spells the best. While she doesn't always use her Black Mage / Thaumaturge powers, she prefers the ease of use of a Summoner / Arcanist. When approaching her for the first time, it's preferred you bring a female friend, if male. It is also wise to strike up a conversation about things like spells, summoning, etc. She usually will not respond to strangers, but may respond given time and effort. (IE: If you come back another time, again and again. She will also respond to mentions of Ian Carlson, near-immediately, sometimes enthusiastically, though possibly because she'd like him back as a play-thing.) WARNING/CAUTION: She is into Mature/Fetish Content. Please be advised that she is always in-character, even in duties.


Female Lovers
Shrinking Males
Snow / Winter / Ice


Being the Leader
Male Miqo'te / Male Au Ra
Strict Religions


Alignment: Neutral/Chaos
Vice(s): ???
Favorite Food: Ice Cream
Favorite Drink: Iced Tea
Favorite Color: Ice Blue


Childhood + Teenage

She was a young, beautiful female when she decided it was time to take hold of her own life. She cast aside her parents rather abruptly, freezing them and their entire house solid before abandoning them. She cast a permanent hex/curse on her father, to keep him shrunken for all eternity... while her mother didn't object to her father's... new size, her father attempted to seek justice. When he confronted her in his shrunken state, Lucradia nearly ate the man in front of his wife years later. She studied poisons, summoning, thaumaturgy and alchemy. She loves handling poisons, ice spells ever since that day. She is a bit of a trickster at times, and when she sees a man she wants for herself, she will often shrink them down, carry them in her cleavage back to her home (or school) and forget about them usually until she desires to acknowledge them.

A Realm Reborn

She currently is studying magic summoning, and re-learning alchemy after having forgotten a lot of it. She is often found in Gridania, at the Thaumaturge's Guild, Arcanist's Guild or at the Library in Ishgard. She prefers women over men nowadays, though sometimes can be found harboring them in her cleavage rarely, though no one knows if they ever come back alive, or sane.


She recently came into contact with the Vana'diel Task Force Free Company, and has vowed to help them. However, she has gotten word of something in far off lands, and decided to follow a lead pertaining to something once lost to her, she heads for foreign lands, leaving behind Eorzea.


💑 Significant Other    💋 Sexual/Lust Interest    💘 Romantic Interest     🏠 Family
Trusted     Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing

Family, Enemies and Acquaintances

🏠 ??? : Mother, Unknown.
🏠 ??? : Father, Play thing.
Ian Carlson : Met one day while traveling, he was shrunken and taken home with her for a few days before being released back into Eorzea, normal sized. Play-thing, weak-willed, and doesn't mind her playing with him, or shrinking him multiple times. He vanished one day, causing her to have ill-will toward him.

Friends and Allies

 ??? : ???


Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)

"Sometimes, I see her gazing at her grimoires, as if planning her next motive." -- Unknown (???)
"While she can alchemize, she tends to shy away from higher tiered work in the Disciples of the Hand." -- Unknown (???)
"..." -- ???

◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)

"I've seen her return to the city a few times while she held her bosom slightly, before quickly walking off. Strange woman she is." -- Ishgard Guard

◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)

"I've heard that she fancies the voidsent known as Succubi from time to time. She may be trying to make deals with them for rare materials, etc. For some reason, the Succubi don't really harm her, or even go after her, unless she's with other people, or in territory they are normally guarding." -- Unknown (Old Gridania)
"Some say she studies higher tiers of thaumaturgy, and may be a black mage. Though she recently shrunk me for reasons unknown... I worry for my safety every time I get near the Missing Member, while shrunken like this." -- Shrunken Male Citizen (Limsa Lominsa)

◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)


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