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===<div style="padding:10px 15px; background: #BEC3BC;font-size:14px;color:#5F5F5F;">History</div>===
===<div style="padding:10px 15px; background: #BEC3BC;font-size:14px;color:#5F5F5F;">History</div>===
Betrayal, exile, depression, crime, whiskey, immortality, love triangles, banishment, cakes.
Born and raised as part of a traditional tribe in La Noscea, along with his twin brother, J'sahr. Their lives were fairly typical up until the point where J'sahr tried to challenge the current Nunh, and used underhanded means to try and gain an advantage. J'sahr was caught, and expelled from the tribe, and Tak ended up following him, since the two were very close. However, it wasn't more than a few months of living in the real world before the pair started to grow apart, a rift forming in their relationship over a totally ridiculous reason. (J'sahr started noticing guys more often, and Tak is a massive closeted homophobe.)
The brothers ended up fighting, and went their separate ways.  Instead of returning to his tribe, J'takra decided to strike out on his own, and ended up living in Limsa Lominsa for a good while. He had many different jobs there, from bar tending, to working on ships, to stealing and drug dealing. He didn't hold any for very long, due to having a hard time playing nice with others, and it was during this time that he turned into a terrible alcoholic.
Eventually he came to work at a trading company called the Ruby Carbuncle. It was his longest lasting job (even if he technically got fired once, for trying to shoot some idiot.) up until the company itself was taken over by someone else, and they became sky pirates! Sky pirating suited Tak pretty well, he'd started learning Thaumaturgy from Oyuu by this point, and had sobered up a lot. Unfortunately, however, Tak came to learn the hard way that stealing from your own crew mates, especially the admiral, is not a very good idea. What Tak ended up stealing was a person, after a long and drawn out love-triangle fiasco, and in turn, they were both exiled from the pirate crew.
Currently, Tak and his exile partner, Oyuu Dataq, are wandering the world, getting into all sorts of trouble and half-assedly looking for work, or somewhere to live.
===<div style="padding:10px 15px; background: #BEC3BC;font-size:14px;color:#5F5F5F;">Miscellaneous</div>===
===<div style="padding:10px 15px; background: #BEC3BC;font-size:14px;color:#5F5F5F;">Miscellaneous</div>===

Revision as of 07:58, 27 December 2015

Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png J'takra Tia
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the sun, Jackal tribe
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age 18
Marital Status In a Relationship
Orientation Highly questionable
Server Balmung
Nameday 23rd sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon
Occupation Gunmage!

Basic Info

J'takra is a recovering alcoholic, with an abrasive attitude, a large ego, and a chip on his shoulder over many different things. Once resigned to drinking his life away, he has since made something of a turnaround, and is slowly becoming a practiced Thaumaturge. After getting banished from his long-term job, he now wanders with his lover Oyuu, getting into all sorts of trouble.


Lean, wiry, and perhaps even a little slim from infrequent eating, J'takra is rather light on his feet. Typically armed with either a cocky smirk, or an unamused frown, you can be sure that he's never seen without a handmade cigarette between his lips. Previously unwilling to use them except for reading, he has started to wear his glasses in a more permanent capacity.

He is a couple of inches taller than average, which doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things, since he's still a tiny miqo'te. His skin is pale, and his face framed with long, brilliantly red hair that reaches down to just below his shoulders. His ears are particularly fluffy towards their base, and his tail moreso towards the tip, both ending in a few darker red stripes.

His voice is quite smooth, perhaps from the years of drinking, and has a certain sensual quality to it, at least when he's not spouting insults. He once had a slight Lominsan accent, though it has all but faded now, due to much time spent away from the city state.


Something of a semi-sociopath, J'takra finds it highly difficult to relate to other people's feelings. Because of this, he often comes off as incredibly selfish and inconsiderate to those around him. He has a tendency to just say things without any thought given to how it may impact someone else, and it takes a lot of effort on his part to force himself into not being a total jackass.

In spite of his many shortcomings, he has a lot of pride, and usually refuses to accept the fact that his opinion -might- not be right. Apologising isn't something he does often, either, since that also constitutes as admitting he was wrong. On top of that, he has a short temper, especially now that he is trying to be sober. At least he tends to express himself with harsh, abrasive words rather than actual violence.

Tak possesses a rather addictive personality, and as such, can get hooked on things for extended periods of time. When he is focused on something he wants, he tends to do whatever it takes to get that thing, not caring if it involves lying to or manipulating the people he calls his friends. He is incredibly stubborn, very selfish, and has a smartass answer for just about everything.

He has some good qualities, though finding them tends to require digging through the layers of bullshit. He's smarter than he usually lets on, and likes to plan far ahead. He puts up a 'not giving a shit about anything' front, but can actually be quite fiercely loyal if he has the right incentive to be so. He is also very much a determined, goal driven person, and will relentlessly work towards things that he wants, even if the whole world seems to be against him.


J'takra is a novice Thaumaturge, one who knows most of the basics by now, and is just starting to move on to some slightly more advanced magicks. Always greedy to improve, Tak has been learning new things, while working on strengthening the spells he already knows. He's found that he has quite an affinity for fire and lightning, and focuses much more strongly on those.

Instead of a staff, he possesses a slightly more unique weapon. A custom made gun that has been built with Aether conducting materials and a crystal foci set into the second barrel. The seeker always had a thing for guns, and having one that could double as a staff to channel his Thaumaturgy was something he had to pester and nag for months to acquire. It can also fire bullets, just like a regular gun, but that is really just a secondary feature. It's main job is to just be a cooler looking staff.

As far as strength goes, his spells are becoming increasingly potent, but a little crude. He is still getting a full grip on the manipulation of Aether, and could be overwhelmed by someone of greater skill. He has only just started to explore defensive magic, and is still a little shaky on that front.


Born and raised as part of a traditional tribe in La Noscea, along with his twin brother, J'sahr. Their lives were fairly typical up until the point where J'sahr tried to challenge the current Nunh, and used underhanded means to try and gain an advantage. J'sahr was caught, and expelled from the tribe, and Tak ended up following him, since the two were very close. However, it wasn't more than a few months of living in the real world before the pair started to grow apart, a rift forming in their relationship over a totally ridiculous reason. (J'sahr started noticing guys more often, and Tak is a massive closeted homophobe.)

The brothers ended up fighting, and went their separate ways. Instead of returning to his tribe, J'takra decided to strike out on his own, and ended up living in Limsa Lominsa for a good while. He had many different jobs there, from bar tending, to working on ships, to stealing and drug dealing. He didn't hold any for very long, due to having a hard time playing nice with others, and it was during this time that he turned into a terrible alcoholic.

Eventually he came to work at a trading company called the Ruby Carbuncle. It was his longest lasting job (even if he technically got fired once, for trying to shoot some idiot.) up until the company itself was taken over by someone else, and they became sky pirates! Sky pirating suited Tak pretty well, he'd started learning Thaumaturgy from Oyuu by this point, and had sobered up a lot. Unfortunately, however, Tak came to learn the hard way that stealing from your own crew mates, especially the admiral, is not a very good idea. What Tak ended up stealing was a person, after a long and drawn out love-triangle fiasco, and in turn, they were both exiled from the pirate crew.

Currently, Tak and his exile partner, Oyuu Dataq, are wandering the world, getting into all sorts of trouble and half-assedly looking for work, or somewhere to live.



Ear rubs
Getting away with things


People taller than himself
Cold, gloomy weather
Cats and most animals
Cake and cake accessories


Crying people
Strong cheese


Alignment: Is chaotic selfish a thing?
Vices: Smoking, gambling, lying, stealing
Favorite Food: Fish
Favorite Drink: Whiskey! Milk
Favorite Color: Black
Will answer to: Snurble, Cheshire, Tak, Red tail, Slut
Can play the fiddle like a damn champion!
Often lets his pride get in the way, and rarely apologizes or admits to being wrong


Romantic Interest / Platonic Love / Trusted / Good Standing / Neutral / Wary / Hated

Oyuu Dataq : A tall, slightly imposing Xaela who has been teaching Tak thaumaturgy. The two didn't get along at first, but after going through quite a lot together, the pair have formed a very firm bond. Even though Oyuu was with K'hatos originally, Tak ended up falling in love with him, and in the end, the pair of them sacrificed just about everything to be together. Currently, the two are homeless, jobless, and wandering together as they recover from the aftermath of the explosion they caused.

K'hatos : With a dynamic that has been a rollercoaster of ups and downs since the beginning,these two finally clashed for the final time, and the fallout was not pretty. Tak once harbored a lot of feelings for the seeker, but now the only things left are hatred and resentment. It's likely that he'll never get along with the dreadwyrm admiral ever again.

Shiori Eikitaika : The only member of the dreadwyrms that Tak still considers a friend, though he's not totally sure how she sees him, now. Since being banished, it's likely that the pair will never see one another again, but he still thinks of her fondly.

J'sahr Tia : Tak's twin brother. Once close, the two haven't spoken since a difference in opinion led to a massive fight, and a rather wide rift formed between them. They went their separate ways after leaving the tribe two years ago, and are still on terrible terms. Perhaps one day they will speak again, but both are stubborn and unwilling to make the first move.

OOC notes

Anything said or done while in character is just that, purely the character. I like to let RP pan out naturally and that can sometimes lead to all kinds of crazy situations. I'm very casual about these things OOCly, and seeing as I play a rather abrasive character, would just like to note that nothing said or done by him reflects my personal feelings.

Something I don't condone is tying up someone's character in RP, and then leaving them hanging. That's just not cool, man. The same goes for stealing RP away from others. I very much like to let my character do what he would do, but if it ends up stepping on any toes OOCly, I will back out. It's meant to be fun, after all!