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Revision as of 16:54, 22 June 2016

Nolanel Feran
Name... Nolanel Feran
Nickname... Ser, Nol
Age... 19
Gender... Male
Race... Elezen
Clan... Wildwood
Orientation... Bisexual
Marital... Single
Deity... Halone
Nationality... Ishgardian
Occupation... Dragoon
Birthday... 12/32

Nolanel Feran was born to a poor household in the Coerthan lowlands. His father, Ruelle, was a milquetoast blacksmith and armorer who provided for the family single-handedly. Meanwhile, his mother Luciane was a shrewd and unforgiving woman with zero inclination to work. She tyranized Nolanel and his father every living moment in order to punish them for her own misfortunes: namely "being married to such a dumb man, with a dreary child, in a dull world."

Following the Calamity, Luciane decided it was time to move to the city. In order to force the family into a new home that they couldn't afford, she sabotaged a portion of their current house. The Ferans moved to a spot in the Brume when Nolanel was fourteen. Using the trade-skills his father instilled in him, he bolstered their income to support the move.

However, Nolanel long admired the knights of the Holy See and desired to join their ranks. Enraptured by the idea of service to the church and the freedom to "fly" like the dragoons, Nolanel enlisted in the Ishgardian army a year later despite vehement opposition from his mother.

"Admiration leads to imitation, not mastery." The words of his mentor took time to sink in, and it was a while before he could escape training without being boxed in the ear or becoming the brunt of accusations and slanders. Nevertheless, unwavering passion and the blessing of natural talent allowed him to excel and earn the attention of higher commanders. Trained to be a soldier, temple knight, and finally a dragoon, Nolanel was set to earn his drachen armor and spurs at nineteen years old.

Months before his knighting, Nolanel participated on a dive into the Aurum Vale. The Goldbile that pained his eyes and stopped his breath nearly stole his right leg, left hand, and chance of becoming a soldier. Traumatized by the creatures of the cavern, Nolanel left with no small fear of nature and burns.

While dragoon of House Durendaire, Nolanel searched for any ways he may assist the people of the Foundation. Strife concerning retaining the image of a proper dragoon by not affiliating with the commoners he once derived from brought him discontent over his lifestyle. Previously, he fancied himself the hero of the people for visiting to contribute coin and food to the unfortunate, cloaked to conceal himself.

Nolanel has since participated in a number of Ishgard's most momentous battles. From reclaiming the Stone Vigil to defending the Steps of Faith, he has bled, lost, and wept for the crusade. Following the end of the Dragonsong War and the degradation of the Order of the Knights dragoon, he finds his ties in the army to be waning.


Nolanel stands at 6 fulms and 6 ilms. His skin, almost pale enough to be mistakenly Duskwight in hue, is dotted with scars from his toils against the Dravanian Horde. He bears long scars on both his right cheek and forehead. Sometimes he may consider them as displays of his resilience, but more often he regards them as grotesque.

The flesh on his left hand to nearly the elbow, right foot, and right calf is burned from Goldbile in the Aurum Vale. He will always wear gloves and boots to cover these since they are a shameful reminder of how close he came to losing everything. He prioritizes movement and warmth as he dresses. For the most part, he wears dark blue as a symbol of his sworn High House, Durendaire. Otherwise, he takes up dull and demure colors.

Generally unconcerned with looks, he keeps his raven blue hair combed in the same unimaginative way: short and with bangs framing his face. He will wear earrings for more formal events but rarely any other accessories but the clip on his right ear. In his childhood, he crafted the ornament to hide a scar from one of his mother's swipes.

After training himself to keep a normal pace, his voice is light, balanced, and sophisticated. Due to his experience in the Aurum Vale, Nolanel’s throat is damaged and he may hurt himself if he yells too much or too loudly. This doesn’t pose much a problem for him, because he constantly murmurs and mumbles his words. As a whole, his voice is even and light with a slight Coerthan accent. His voice claim is Arnor Dan. This does create issues while singing, however, yet since Nolanel only sings in church it doesn't effect him much.


  • Food: Nolanel enjoys eating with others. Also meat.
  • Sleep: He often goes to bed and wakes early.
  • Music: Pianos are his favorite.
  • Smithing: Although he may lose inspiration and not finish.
  • Church: One of the only places he feels safe.
  • Stories: Parables and knights get bonus points.


  • Dravanians: For obvious reasons. Includes heresy of course.
  • Books: Other than the Enchiridion, they confuse him.
  • Family: At least, he dislikes and avoids his own.
  • Drugs: He despises the smoke and considers them unjust.
  • Contact: Nolanel hates being touched anywhere.
  • Politics: He has a great fear over corruption in the Church.



  • A nervous hand usually touches his lips or nose as he speaks.
  • He likes domesticated chocobos and sheep, but not many other animals.
  • His chocobo's is Marcasite, named after a mineral used in Ishgardian white steel.
  • Other than letters, he doesn't read or write oftem.
  • He may use an incensory or tapir to sleep sometimes.
  • When stressed, his legs tense and curl when he lays down.
  • Nolanel loves soup like rosemary and lentil, bread, shepard's pie, and cinnamon.
  • He doesn't enjoy alcohol, tea, or seafood very much.
  • The Starlight Celebration is his favorite holiday.
  • Nolanel gets sick often but only for a day or two.
  • Nolanel has little tolerance for the heat or cold.
  • He carries around a small piece of coal for good luck.



Basic: Solemn, introverted, shy, reticent, deliberate, cautious, caring, restrained, devoted, anxious, fearful.

Nolanel is a serious man with a polite and reserved attitude. He has a gentle heart and calm demeanor, and tries to be respectful whenever possible. His morality is resilient and he always strives to help others. By nature and by occupation, Nolanel is more comfortable obeying orders. He usually relies on his superiors to make decisions for him until he is driven to act on his own. Solemn and soft-spoken, he says only what he needs to say. Nolanel keeps his emotions and thoughts to himself until someone steps out of line to hurt others. Coming from an impoverished family, he has a bias towards the lower class. Utterly charitable when he can, he is unable to tell if certain people are taking advantage of his kindness.

Nolanel suffers from severe fear and anxiety over most aspects of his life. Towards the war, he fears draconic tempering, freezing, and being burned to death by either fire or acid. He treads carefully concerning his faith due to the allegations of corruption within the Holy See. Nolanel remains devoted to Halone and attempts to ignore any and all doubts he contains towards Her. Although he spares no mercy to confessed or possible heretics, Nolanel tries not to preach to outsiders and stays polite with them. Oftentimes he is more concerned in remaining in Halone’s good graces that of his peers and may eschew them for Her.

Nolanel can be distrusting and distant, with a special dislike of foreigners until they prove themselves worthy to his challenges. He also has an arrogance stemming from his pride in Ishgard and the knights. Some people may be surprised about his sudden bouts of sharp sarcasm and apathy, but he ends up berating himself over these things later. He primarily harbors an unhealthy amount of self-reproach where he considers himself incapable of high thought and unworthy of attention or concern.

Skills & Abilities

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nec varius est. Nunc at est imperdiet, venenatis risus id, lacinia lacus. Donec vel magna eget odio varius venenatis eget eu leo. Suspendisse vel vehicula nibh. Integer condimentum justo id placerat tristique. Donec a pretium magna. Nulla volutpat viverra metus, at imperdiet sem vulputate non. Donec auctor, est sit amet mollis condimentum, arcu justo tincidunt lectus, quis convallis purus ante a est. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Maecenas non suscipit magna. Proin laoreet dolor eget commodo mattis.

S- Strength- where they find their strength: Simply, his passion towards the dragoons. Although it is untrue, Nolanel may occasionally claim that the Order is all he has; he would do anything to make his comrades proud.

Nolanel spent three years in general training and two additional years practicing to become a dragoon. He is incredibly skilled, although his youth and lack of experience dwarfs him. He is also slightly skilled with firearms, and is capable of operating most of Ishgard’s dragonfighting technology. Additionally, Nolanel is able to conduct a small amount of black magic and conjury - but only simple and weak spells for battlefield ease.

♥♥ Romantic Relationship
Romantic Interest



Luciane Feran ( ) - Mother

Luciane came from a family with many children. As the second youngest of seven, she had pittance to do other than take care of her little brother. When their families decided on her marriage to Ruelle at the age of 19, she took on a victim complex for being married to such a dumb man in a dull world. She refuses to work and instead contributes nothing but pain to her household.

She has an astounding complex that she is better than everybody else. This, of course, prevents her from making many friends. To fill her life with something interesting, she hounds gossip and adores opulence. She once pressured Ruelle into expanding his little trade network to the city. This way, she can fritter Ruelle’s money away on chinchilla fur that's actually wool.

Nolanel is born, and Luciane is forced to actually work to take care of him. She considered herself quite the saint for taking care of him. As soon as possible, she threw Nolanel into Ruelle's hands to teach him to smith. She never learned that Nolanel was out playing instead. Life was fairly good until the Calamity hit. The Lowlands turned to ice and Luciane was NOT happy. After all, the ladies in Ishgard get to smoke pipes to keep warm and she can't! Luciane soon learns of a vacant house in the city and is hellbent on moving there -- even if she couldn't afford it yet.

Luciane destroyed a part of their house and claimed it was damage from the Calamity. She also put a down payment on the house in the Brume. Left with no choice, the Ferans swept out of the Lowlands towards the city. The house came fully furnished with cheap and old yet classy amenities. Luciane is fond of lounging in the ornate parlor and fingering through books that she can't read. She vehemently forbid Nolanel from joining the army, and now makes him pay rent to use their forge and keep his room.

Ruelle Feran (
) - Father

Ruelle and Luciane have known each other forever thanks to their families. Although they were friends while young, they soon realized each other's worst traits and split. However, it was too late by that time because an arranged marriage was proposed and the couple was shoved away to live on their own. In the Lowlands, Ruelle made good friends with several other families. He traded tools in exchange for food, allowing both families to live comfortably enough.

Ruelle smithed for the surrounding village and mined to keep materials cheap. Eventually, Luciane drove him to expand this network to the city. This kept him busy for a while until he acclimated himself to the increased workload. Around this time, Nolanel was born. Eager to be rid of the child, Luciane insisted that Ruelle start teaching Nolanel as soon as he turned five. Ruelle plopped Nolanel outside instead. There, Nolanel met other kids; sometimes Ruelle would procrastinate and be embarrassing by playing with them.

Following the Calamity, Luciane decided that it was time to move to Ishgard. Ruelle refused because he enjoyed his friends and the country, but after the house was damaged, he was forced to submit. Nolanel supplemented Ruelle's absurd workload in order to pay off their "exorbitant" mortgage. A year later, Nolanel left to join the army. Ruelle was abandoned to Luciane's tyranny and was effectively brainwashed to see no way out of his position.

Ruelle genuinely cares for his son but Nolanel finds it extremely hard to forgive anyone. Even when Nolanel comes to use the forge, he talks little with his father and may lock his door. Since Ruelle is illiterate, he's unable to send letters to anyone either. However, he's an extraordinary artist. He uses charcoal to draw since he's forbidden from buying real art supplies other than precision tools. Ruelle sends out drawings for congratulations and such, but again, there's not much of a way to reply to these things.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nec varius est. Nunc at est imperdiet, venenatis risus id, lacinia lacus. Donec vel magna eget odio varius venenatis eget eu leo. Suspendisse vel vehicula nibh.
Common rumors & quotes

  • "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nec varius est. Nunc at est imperdiet, venenatis risus id, lacinia lacus. " -- Aliquam
  • "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit." -- Aliquam
  • "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit." -- Aliquam

Rare rumors & quotes

  • "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit." -- Aliquam
  • "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit." -- Aliquam
  • "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit." -- Aliquam

Players rumors & quotes

  • "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit." -- Aliquam
  • "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit." -- Aliquam
  • "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit." -- Aliquam

OOC Information

I am new to RP so please keep this in mind. I am open to constructive criticism as I need all the help I can get! I have fairly severe anxiety when it comes to RPing, so please be patient with me. Thank you.

Player Info: US player, EST (GMT-5). Balmung server.

I will: RP whenever I can and am comfortable to. I am fine with violence, but please ask about injuries.

I will not: participate in ERP. Nolanel is not open for death, maiming, or romantic shipping.

Links: Tumblr | Pictures | 30 Day Dev Challenge | Misc. Info

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My template is inspired and adapted from Suen Shyu and D'lyhhia Lhuil's pages. Thank you so much!