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| '''Height'''  - 5' 8"
| '''Height'''  - 5' 8"
| '''Weight'''  - 107pz
| '''Weight'''  - 117pz
| '''Name Day''' - 19th Sun, 5th Astral Moon
| '''Name Day''' - 19th Sun, 5th Astral Moon

Revision as of 09:01, 9 March 2017

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✧ Rhali Zhujo ✧

♫"There is a song; you're tremblin' to it's tune,"♫
♫"At the request of the moon."♫




Rhali is, first and foremost, what some might call a "sea cat": she was raised in a sea-faring tribe, and is most comfortable on a ship or on water in some way. She is tall, and is fairly trim and lithe, but she somehow bears a surprisingly fair complexion that some might even say looks somewhat sickly. The most striking, of course, are the tight dreadlocks she keeps, various bits and baubles hanging from them, ranging from sea charms to jewellery. She is a highly skilled navigator, having learned Astrology through the Zhuja tribe's trade with their Sharlayan neighbours, their homeland having been on the isles of Old Sharlayan for generations. As such, not only is she a skilled navigator, but she is a healer and a bit of a novice fortune-teller in her off hours. She is confident, snarky, and somewhat mouthy, but can switch to respectful in the blink of an idea when needed, and is fiercely loyal to her crew-mates and peers. She loves the open ocean and always endeavours to be as near it as possible.

"Better 'ope the fates favour ye."
"'Til sea swallows all... an' ever after."
"The stars're me guide."
"Care t'getcher fortune told?"


Rhali ranges amongst the taller of most miqo'te, and is incredibly active, lending her enough of a toned build to give her a lithe appearance, but not one which might be overly stringy or lanky. Despite her time sailing, even during the odd daylight hours, her complexion remains quite fair - in fact, almost a sickly pale in the right light - and seems to never tan or darken. She has long, pale-blue dreadlocks than match her eyes, and upon them, she often keeps baubles and jewellery such as good luck charms, gems, and other things, some for decoration, some for a purpose. Her hair, however, often seems to have a bit of a greenish tinge near the ends, though the cause of this green may just be dye or some kind for variety. She bears a mark on her forehead - a commonly-seen mark amongst Keepers of the Moon, though it has a special significance to those of the Zhuja tribe, marking them as having departed from the tribe's homeland as honoured emissaries - that looks to be a black teardrop shape. She bears a deep scar up the left side of her face which can sometimes be seen through her hair.

Aspects That Stand Out:
Dreadlocks are long, tipped in green, and covered in baubles/jewellery.
Deathly pale complexion.
Particularly tall and lithe.


Rhali is a very confident woman, and it often shows in her posture and attitude. She tends toward a lot of slang and sarcasm despite her fairly-learned past, giving the illusion oftentimes that she is not entirely bright. She is incredibly mischievous and loves to play pranks and practical jokes. These can sometimes go too far, but she is rarely apologetic for such a thing, claiming people should have thicker skins. As evidenced by her attitude toward those she sometimes hurts, she is sometimes callous, brash, and arrogant, often refusing to accept blame or apologise for any wrong or offence she has committed to another, regardless of the offended party. The only exception tends to be figures of authority: She seldom pranks those of much higher ranking or with direct command over her, and is as respectful of authority as possible. Her sincerity in doing so is something of a dubious thing, however.


Water. Rhali is happiest around water. The open ocean is where she is especially happy.
Astrology. The stars of particular interest to Rhali, and she enjoys reading them, both for navigation and for interpreting the fates.
Fortune-Telling. Tying into her love of Astrology, Rhali loves to tell people's fortunes, and always welcomes the practice.
Brawling. Rhali enjoys fighting hand-to-hand, and is never wont to rely just upon magic in a fight.
Mischief. Pranks, practical jokes, sarcasm, and a some light-hearted (sometimes) bullying are all part of Rhali's repertoire.


Party-Poopers. People who ruin Rhali's fun are often wont to get it far worse in the future out of spite.
Getting Lost. Though she's not one to do so, being lost with few ways to find her way will cause Rhali no end of anguish.
Dry Land. Though not averse to hanging about on coasts or in ports, if too far from the sea for too long, Rhali often becomes very uncomfortable.
The Maelstrom. Though she used to work very loyally for them, Rhali now despises the ignorant nature of Limsa Lominsa's leadership and of its protectors.


Swimming. Rhali is most often found in the water. She loves to swim, and the feel of the water around her is comforting.
Pranks. Rhali's pranks and practical jokes are the stuff of legend - or would be, if such mean-spirited things were worthy of such - and she loves to mess with people.
Sparring. To keep herself in good shape for the inevitable fights and conflicts in her line of work, Rhali likes to spar in hand-to-hand combat to complement her magic.


Navigation. Rhali is almost never lost. No matter where she is, she can almost always find her way.
Astrology. Skilled in the Sharlayan art, Rhali is skilled with the manipulation of the fates and stars to her advantage.
Fighter. Rhali is always ready to drop everything and go toe-to-toe with about anyone, and often has the experience and skill to win.
Devoted. Rhali's devotion to her crew, and especially to her god, is unmatched. She will do anything and overcome any obstacle for them.
Drowned. Given Rhali's having already died once when she was drowned by the Serpent Reavers as part of her forced "initiation", if killed, she will usually come back later.


Headstrong. Rhali is good at making enemies, as she frequently and unapologetically angers and insults people for fun.
Overconfident. Despite her well-earned and -deserved confidence, Rhali often gets in over her head due to a somewhat-inflated ego.
Headstrong. Rhali is good at making enemies, as she frequently and unapologetically angers and insults people for fun.
Drowned. Devotion can be helpful, but for one under the sway of a primal, it can often be blinding for reason and sense.


Devotion. Rhali, being a drowned Serpent Reaver, will do whatever she must either to summon or to maintain her lord, Leviathan, and to support her crew in their effort to do the same.
Amusement. Rhali will do anything she finds amusing, though that usually amounts to generally being an intolerable jerk.


Chaste ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡ Lustful
Energetic ♡❤♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Lazy        
Forgiving ♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡ Vengeful  
Generous ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡ Selfish    
    Honest ♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡ Deceitful
          Just ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡ Arbitrary
Merciful ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡ Cruel    
Modest ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡ Proud
      Pious ❤♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Worldly
  Prudent ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡ Reckless
Temperate ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡ Indulgent
      Trusting ♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡ Suspicious
  Valorous ♡♡❤♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Cowardly


Rhali was a navigator aboard the former Maelstrom Vessel, Braver. The ship, however, was attacked by Serpent Reavers, and its crew, including Rahli, is presumed dead or worse.


This information may or may not be known. If you're not sure, feel free to ask!

The Zhujo Tribe: Childhood

Stuff stuff stuff.

Life at Sea: Early Adulthood

Stuff and things!

Into the Maelstrom: Adulthood


ಌ Technique/Weapons ಌ

Rhali's primary means of engaging in combat is through Sharlayan Astrological magic, which she learned from her youth. She is particularly skilled in manipulating the fates to bring herself and her allies good fortune, or to muddy and corrupt the fates of others. However, she is very skilled, as well, in hand-to-hand combat, and will often dive right into the thick of things, fists flying.
Astrology: Rhali's generally employs her cards and starglobe in order to support allies and hamper foes.
Starglobe - The focus for all Astrology, and a relic from Rhali's old home, modified to fit her new life in the Serpent Reavers.
Fate Cards - Rhali carries a few more, and some entirely different, cards than a typical Astrologian, as befits her focus on the fates.

Brawler: Though she tends to focus on magic, Rhali is no stranger to delivering a good, old-fashioned beatdown.
Bareknuckle - Obviously the most accessible for her, Rhali loves few things more than landing a solid punch to the face.
Grappling - Though she isn't entirely wont to it, Rhali is good in a wrestling match, and can incapacitate foes quickly with skillful manoeuvres.
Dirty Fighting - No rules, no petty honour, no scruples. Rhali will use anything at her disposal to gain the upper hand, be it object or low blow.

ಌ OOC Combat Info ಌ

I am generally open to any and all combat situations, but prefer that limits are established or understood beforehand - otherwise, I am open to very nearly anything but character perma-death! I am willing to engage in just about any system so long as it is explained to me and I have time to understand it.
Tier 1 Combat: This system is my preferred method, and uses detailed posts to explain actions that are being placed in combat. It uses a roll system which the person playing the attack will roll and the defender will need to roll higher to defend. Critical hits are welcomed in this system and often are considered if the difference between rolls are over 700 (using ingame /random rolls). Explanation swiped from Abagail Graves along with her layout.
Designated Personal Systems: Everyone has their own system for group combat RP which they themselves made or they made for their Free Company. I am open to discovering, learning, and uses all kinds!
Freeform/Honour System: I am not a fan of the honour system unless it is established and agreed upon as to who will win the fight beforehand on an OOC basis and there is a mutual trust on the same level. I will not often do this with strangers for any reason.

Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure



Some of these rumours are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumours - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Heard she drank her captain under the table once." -- Sailor
"Pretty sure she's part fish. Cat-nothin'." -- Maelstrom Soldier
"Don't challenge 'er. It don't end well for nobody." -- Pirate
◢ Uncommon Rumours - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"She don't tan, no ma'er how long she's in the sun." -- Dockworker
"She ain't dead. She's drowned now. I swear it - I saw her!" -- Maelstrom Soldier
"'Parently the crew she came over with from Sharlayan ain't ever come back." -- Registrar
◢ Rare Rumours - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Bet you she had something to do with the attack on the Braver." -- Anonymous
"Original crew from Sharlayan actually left'er. Never meant to dock in Limsa." -- Anonymous
"She'll eat yer 'eart in front o'ye just for kicks." -- Anonymous


Feel free to add your own rumours to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumours - Some of these are more rare than others!
"A rumour." -- A Person???.


Songs used to set a mood; lyrics may not reflect the views of my character. The following links will take you to Youtube. Please mind your speakers.

Character Theme
"I'm Only Joking"
Artist: KONGOS
Ambient Theme
Artist: Gustavo Santaolalla
Combat Theme
"No Quarter"
Artist: Alestorm



Player Note
Rhali is portrayed in-game by the player character for Hali Naras, but the two have absolutely no relation to one another whatsoever in-character.
Personal RP Limits
I will always refrain from these things and ask all people do the same when engaged with my characters. I am incredibly open to most things, so talk to me OOCly about what you would like to do.
■ No godmoding.
■ No powerplay.
■ No rape.
■ No violating the IC/OOC divide.
The views and mannerisms of this character do not always align with those of the player and are never meant to offend, belittle, or do intentional harm to any one person or their character on an OOC basis. All actions taken by this character are as the character would be written and will not be tailored to OOC influences except as absolutely needed to continue playing the character as I like.


Potential Plot Hooks
■ Drowned Serpent Reaver.
■ Former Maelstrom navigator.
■ Grew out of seafaring tribe."
■ Astrologian.
■ Likes to fistfight.
■ Will tell your fortune for cheap!
Character Lore Adherence
This character will always adhere as closely as possible to established lore as possible. Small deviations into territory not fully covered may be possible, but never without solid logic and reasoning, as well and will always be researched as thoroughly as possible before implementation. Non-lore-friendly aspects present are subject to retcon at any time as they are brought to light for any reason.


Name - Rhali Zhujo
Pronounced - (RAH-lee SHOO-joh)
Race - Miqo'te (Keeper of the Moon)
Age - 23
Height - 5' 8"
Weight - 117pz
Name Day - 19th Sun, 5th Astral Moon
Deity - Leviathan
Orientation - Bisexual
Status - Single

Alias: None.
Citizenship: Sharlayan (Formerly), Limsa Lominsa (Formerly)
Occupation: Navigator, Serpent Reaver, Astrologian
Voice Claim: Jaye Jacobs
Hair color: Pale blue with green tips.
Eye color: Icy blue.
Complexion: Pale.
Piercings: Several in each ear.
Marks or tattoos: Scar on left side of face, black teardrop tattoo on forehead.
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Key Items: Starglobe, Fate Deck
Favorite Food: TBD
Favorite Drink: TBD
Favorite Color: Violet


Rhali is a former Maelstrom navigator, whose ship, the Braver, was attacked and scuttled by Serpent Reavers, its crew slaughtered, and her kidnapped. After becoming one of the Drowned, she now serves the Serpent Reavers and Leviathan as she once had the Maelstrom.

===== Template is Abelia's Template! =====