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Shiiverlene Oronir

Birth Name: Shiiverlene Oronir

Gender: Female

Race & Clan: Au Ra, Xaela

Age: Twenty-two

Height 4 fulms 6 ilms

Weight: 100ish ponzes

Nameday: 4th Sun of the Second Umbral Moon

Guardian deity: Oschon, the Wanderer, Azim


Birth Place: Azim Steppe, The Dawn Throne

Citizenship: Ul'dahn

FC and residence: Wandering independent

Marital Status: Single

Sexual Orientation: Uncertain

Job: Hired Mercenary, prizefighter

Hobbies: Reading, drawing, punching things

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral / Neutral Evil

Latest activities (RP hooks): Shiiverlene has recently returned to Eorzea seeking work and purpose.

Shiiverlene is a Xaela Au Ra fresh out of the Azim Steppe.

She doesn't care for people, and isn't very trustworthy. While still slightly naive, she keeps better track of her surroundings than she used to.

Shiiv comes off as shy to most, but mostly she doesn't like talking, and she's relatively jaded.


Rather small in size, even for a female Au Ra, Shiiverlene stands at about 4 fulms tall, but she isn't lacking in muscle-tone, most of which being located in her arms and legs due to being a professional pugilist and an amateur lancer. Even physically, she keeps to herself, typically not wearing flashy clothing or anything that would draw attention to herself. Her eyes are a dark purple with pinkish limbal rings surrounding them, brown freckles dotting her face, and a light pink tone adorning her lips. Her skin is a light mixture of pink and grey, and her scales are the normal color of dark blue. Her posture shows someone who doesn't want to be bothered, and upon being approached, she'll probably roll her eyes.

Scars & Markings: Shiiverlene has a a good amount of scars scattering her body likely from battles and wars within the Steppe. Her knuckles are almost always red, due to her profession. Cute freckles are scattered from cheek to cheek, across her nose.

Voice: Shiiverlene has more of a far eastern accent, mixed with one of the Steppe. Her voice is rather high, normally, but even more so when excited about something. Clear and child-like.

Clothing: Shiiverlene often wears whatever she feels most comfortable in at the time, usually long coats, cloaks, or robes. Though when doing jobs and fighting in rings, she wears looser, freer clothing, usually sleeveless.

Jaded, Apathetic, Kind, Independent, Loyal, Pessimistic

  • People
  • Sheep
  • Moogles
  • Other cute things
  • Fighting
  • Bounty and mercenary work
  • Making bad people suffer
  • Touching things
  • Azim
  • Rain


  • People
  • Anxiety
  • Relationships
  • Yelling
  • Her lack of confidence

Distinctive Features

  • Losing close people
  • Spiders
  • Personal attachment


  • Favorite food: sweets, apple pie
  • Favorite drink: whiskey, orange juice
  • Favorite colour: red
  • Vices: alcoholism, depressive, jealousy, malice
  • Possible alignment: chaotic neutral / neutral evil


Shiiverlene has been run over by the world twice over, and it shows. She lacks care in larger, more important things, rarely getting excited. Bounty jobs excite her, however only because she gets to let out her anger and get paid for it. She has a lot of anger and sadness bottled up inside, a result of her past and personality.

She's always been on the quieter side, ever since she was a young warrior of the Oronir. Her time is much rather spent alone, away from people, and with her thoughts. Even so, she's quite imaginative, and enjoys drawing during her own time. Her drawings are typically landscapes, but sometimes she draws people and characters. Sometimes her art is smutty, but that's something she'll never show or tell anyone.

Her views on people are bitter, and she's far from an optimist.

Skills & Abilities

   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

Shiiverlene is particularly skilled with hand-to-hand, knuckle weapons, and claws. She's alright with two-handed weapons, namely spears and battleaxes. Before taking up hand-to-hand, her main weapon in the Steppe as a warrior were battleaxes, and her raw rage.

Her arms and legs are toned, despite her small stature. She likes fighting, but will try avoid unnecessary battles against other people.

Her aetheric abilities are limited, and she briefly dabbled in magic during her first trip to Eorzea, studying Sharlayan Astrology. However, she never learned enough to be able to heal or use magical abilities without a focus.

Weaponry (Shiiv collects a lot of claws.)
Hellfire Claws
A fire-y set of claws resembling Ifrit.
Talons of the Vortex
A set of claws resembling Garuda's talons.
Claws of the Crimson Lotus
A pair of sharp claws.
Portable inventory
Personal Ring
A simple ring Shiiv keeps in her pocket. It has an engraving on the inside.
A small sketchpad Shiiv keeps on her to draw whenever she gets inspiration.

💗 Romantic Relationship
Romantic Interest
💗 Casual Promiscuity
Sexual Desire
💘 Crush
Trusted Friend
Lost contact


Khuvi Oronir ( ) - Mother
A skilled huntress of the Oronir, and Shiiv's mother. She was soft-spoken and mostly kept to herself, and it was her idea to set Shiiv up with Tsarai. She was felled in the Naadam prior to the most recent Doman uprising.
Zursetgel Oronir ( ) - Father
A proud and strong Oroniri warrior, and Shiiv's father. She never liked him. He was aggressive towards Shiiverlene, and borderline abusive. He was also felled in the Naadam prior to the most recent Doman uprising.
Sheepy ( ) - Companion
Shiiv's childhood sheep companion. Assumed to be dead and eaten.


Tsarai Oronir (NPC) 💗

Tsarai has been in a relationship with Shiiverlene two different times; once before she fled from him and the Steppe, and once after. Shiiv still thinks she loves him, but she knows how terrible and abusive he is to her, forcing endless training upon her, using her body, physical punishments, and the like. She believe he's dead, but doesn't know for sure. She misses him, yet she hates him. She feels as though she needs him.
Zaya Borlaaq
Partner in Revenge

Shiiv has known Zaya since her first trip to Eorzea, the two of them being employed with under the same company. Zaya knows full well what Shiiv dealt with with Tsarai, even saw it firsthand. Zaya has dealt with something similar herself, as Shiiv now knows, and she trusts her fully, listening to her advice and encouraging words.
Bardam Dotharl
Cheesy Idiot

Shiiv met Bardam in the Quicksand, wishing to beat him up. As they went to a friend of Shiiv's to fix her up after her horrible loss, something clicked between the two. Something confusing, something Shiiv wasn't prepared to deal with yet. They hang out more now, bond, spar, and things are only getting more confusing for Shiiv as she worries for her friend far more than she's used to.


Common rumours & quotes

  • "I've seen her face before, but I haven't heard the name." Quicksand goer
  • "Does she realize how much of a bitch she is?" Drunken patron of the Drowning Wench

Rare rumours & quotes

  • "A fool for leaving her home the way she did. I'll track her down if it's the last thing I do." Tsarai Oronir, a moon before supposedly falling in battle.

Players rumours & quotes

  • "Rumor..." Rumormonger.

The Azim Steppe

Shiiverlene was never a social butterfly, not even when she was little. This isn't terribly uncommon, every person is different, however, she had a standard to live up to: A fierce, and proud Oronir warrior. Summers pass, and no change. At least, none for the better. Shiiverlene is afraid of everyone and everything, and she can't even seem to hold a normal conversation as a Xaela her age should be able to. There was only one little Xaela boy who seemed interested in trying with her, and he certainly tried his best. His name was Tsarai, and he was the only 'friend' Shiiverlene had, aside from the sheep she freed from it's pen, who she appropriately named Sheepy.

At first, Tsarai was kind to her. Granted, Shiiv never really reacted to most of his conversation attempts, however, when it grew time, he began to train her, already being so far ahead of her in skill. Her parents, of course, set this up, wanted it. They scheduled certain days for training and certain days for hunting.

This was the way it was for the years to come. Training, hunting every day, but still with little progress. She talked more, but only to Tsarai, who grew to only barely tolerate her lack of hunting and people skills. He would snap at her, yell, and, at times, physically punish her for making mistakes. Her parents saw nothing wrong with this- she needed it, they thought. She also needed a sun of her own, and who better than Tsarai? He's her best bet. So her parents arranged the two for the future. Neither of them had a problem with this. They did have strong feelings for one another, despite the aggression and frustration. Past training, they clicked surprisingly well.

However, one night Shiiverlene awoke from slumber in a cold sweat, having suffered a horrid nightmare. Tsarai didn't care for her. He abused and manipulated her solely because he enjoyed owning someone. There was no love from him after all, or so her dream went on. Her mind wanders endlessly, unable to return to sleep. She doesn't belong here. No one, not even those who brought her into this world, cared for her. She's a statistic. She has to grow into a powerful Oronir, so her parents, and now Tsarai, don't look like fools. And really, what is there to be so proud of? Being descended from Azim? What does that even mean to her? She doesn't know. Everything is so confusing, she doesn't know what to think. The only thing that seems clear in her mind is that she doesn't belong here. She should just leave. She'll leap off of the Dawn Throne if it means she's free of her failures and disappointments. So she runs.

Her very limited social skills at least get her from the Steppe to Kugane, where she begs on the streets, sells her muscle and pretty face, anything to get her coin. She idly listens to two Hyruan folk chatter up a storm about a place called Eorzea, a place of hope and freedom from the Empire. The latter she cared little for, however... Hope. The word is soothing.

Determined, she makes enough money for a ferry ride and sets her course to Eorzea, across the sea...


Shiiverlene first arrived in Ul'dah with but an old axe and a bit of coin, as well as the clothes at her back, of course. Her time is spent wandering the streets and partaking in drinks at the Quicksand, naive and full of glee. This is the happiest she’s ever been. Leaving the Steppe was the right decision.

Over time, as she’s not being physically forced to train, she picks up the axe again, training on her own, on her own time and with her own encouragements and inspiration. Gathering enough confidence, she takes her first hunting job from the bounty board at the Quicksand. She’s full of excitement.

One dead morbol later, she’s full of gil, confidence, and happiness. She’s finally making something of herself. It just wasn’t in the Steppe.

During one of her dallies into the Quicksand, she grabbed a drink and sat down. She was joined by a hooded, yet horned, fellow, who seemed interested in her attire. At this point, she’s still shy, but able to hold a conversation. She’s come a long way on her own.

“I would offer to buy you a drink, but it seems you’ve already gotten one yourself. A pity.” He seems charming.

Shiiverlene only giggles, leaning against as she sips her stein. She nearly spits out her drink when the stranger pulls down his hood, though.

Tsarai. He followed her. Why wouldn’t he? Gods, she’s an idiot. Fear is plastered on her face, silent in shock. But the man offers her a soft smile, perhaps slightly amused.

“You didn’t think I would just let you leave, did you, pup? Did you think I wouldn’t miss you dearly? Because I did.”

Unfortunately, Shiiverlene is incredibly naive and very trustworthy, especially with Tsarai, for some reason. She loves him. Wants desperately to trust him.

A heartfelt chat over some drinks later, and they’re one again, even going so far as to consummate their love that night. Tsarai was always a smooth talker, just as Shiiverlene was always easy to take advantage of. Somethings never change.

Weeks pass, and they’re still together. They find a company of privateers, both of them joining. Tsarai is distant with people, yet charismatic, having a cold air around him. Shiiverlene has second thoughts about the company, however; it’s a lot of people she doesn’t know. Tsarai soothes her, tells her not to worry. So she doesn’t.

Over time, she only worries more, causing Tsarai to lash out in front of a few of the privateers. He leaves and doesn’t come back.

Shiiverlene manages to find him, and the leave the company together, never returning. They spend their time together, alone, Tsarai returning to his old ways. Unnecessarily possessive of Shiiverlene, aggressive in his words and actions, cruel to her, twisting her perception of things and other people. He still believes she’s weak, and he believes she’s much less than he is, however he wants her as his own and no one else’s.

One grab and jerk by the jaw wakes her up.

She’s had enough. She doesn’t need this. She was so much happier without him. She can do so much better without him, she can be her own person without him. He’s not good for her, she needs to be rid of him.

So she waits until he’s out one night, and flees once again.

This time, back to the Steppe.

Shiiverlene’s time at the Steppe was much better this time, without Tsarai and without the pressure. Her parents had passed in battle, and, to her surprise, it didn’t affect Shiiverlene at all. She spends her time learning hand-to-hand techniques, growing proficient in them. She grows to be a fantastic hunter, despite what people think of her. Battles between other tribes is invigorating for her, like she never imagined. She loved the blood on her claws, the screams. So new, and she feels alive. What she wouldn’t do to be able to do this to Tsarai.

However, it comes to her knowledge that he has yet to return from Eorzea. Some believe he died at sea. Some are distraught, others don’t care.

Shiiverlene cares, though. Despite that feeling of bloodlust and want for revenge, she feels as though she were stabbed in the heart to hear he may have perished. Oh, how she misses him, already. All of the terrible things he did to her, she either comes up with an excuse for, or doesn’t think about.

Over time, Shiiverlene realizes that she really did fit better among the Eorzeans. She got what she came for when she returned to the Steppe, confidence and a sense of pride, as well as some newfound skills.

She takes to Eorzea once again...


Come on, Carolina
Artist: Jeff Williams
Origin: RVB Season 10
"why don't you give me a break
why do you make it so hard for me to love you?
i'm gonna do what it takes
but could please stop kicking me?"

I Don't Want to Hurt You
Artist: Aviators
Origin: Dystopian Fiction
i don't have the strength to know myself and keep you safe
so wherever you are now
i hope you will forget
the flaws i had before because i haven't lost them yet
No More Heroes
Artist: Aviators
Origin: Dystopian Fiction
no more heroes left to save you
just the keepers of the bleeding sun
when the sky above us fell
we descended into hell
into kingdom come

Artist: Heathers: The Musical
Origin: Heathers: The Musical
i'm hugging my knees
and the captain is pointing
well who made her captain?
still, the weakest must go
the tiniest lifeboat
full of people i know
The Stand
Artist: Mother Mother
Origin: Eureka
"tell me your fears"
okay, it's everyone here
"you mean just all of the people?"
yeah, and all of their peers
and all of their pets, and their chandeliers
and their cigarettes, i haven't smoked in years

Shine a Light (Reprise)
Artist: Heathers: The Musical
Origin: Heathers: The Musical
aw look, heather's going to
whine, whine, whine all night
you don't deserve to live
why not kill yourself?
here, have a sedative
whine, whine, whine, like there's no santa clause
you're pathetic because you whine,
you whine all night!


OOC Information

I will play most mature content. Violence, alcohol/drugs, language A-OK! Everything is fine as long as it fits well into the story. This includes darker themes.

Ask about long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. Long-term captivity or imprisonment.

I won't play permanent character death or rape plots. I do not do straight ERP, however I'm all for developing relationships, and ERP that fits into the context of the story/plot. Shiiv is not a sexual person, however. Courtesans and the like will be turned down.

Miscellaneous: That wiki page is pure OOC knowledge unless your character specifically knows or learned about it.

Important! If anything that my character does or says unsettles you in an OOC manner, or if suddenly you are not okay with something in my RP, please let me know right away! Communication is key! I am also very embarrassed and anxious when it comes to reach people out ingame repeatedly, so.. don't hesitate to tell me if I'm being intrusive or anything.

Server and Timezone

Player Info: US player, CST. Usually online in the evening to late night.

Server: Mateus

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Wiki Templates: Layout by Suen Shyu and can be found here. Using the skill stats window from Fancy Template and my layout is inspired by Rixo and Nanagi's template for its simplicity and clarity. Thanks to the authors!

"You can use this wiki page layout at will and I will be glad if people actually do, but please try to change the colour theme at least - yes, mine is not just gray...! Thanks." in Suen Shyu's footnotes.