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<div style="padding:0px 15px; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px 1px 1px; border-color:#808080; border-radius:10px;background: #aac5b4;"><h4>PC Rumors (written by other players)</h4></div>
<div style="padding:0px 15px; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px 1px 1px; border-color:#808080; border-radius:10px;background: #aac5b4;"><h4>PC Rumors (written by other players)</h4></div>
: <font style="color:#aac5b4;" size="3">■</font> "Don't let him fool you, he's a far kinder soul than he lets on."  - ''[[Ahelissa Savaliere]]''
: <font style="color:#aac5b4;" size="3">■</font> "Don't let him fool you, he's a far kinder soul than he lets on."  - ''[[Ahelissa Savaliere]]''
: <font style="color:#aac5b4;" size="3">■</font>  "RUMOR 2"  - ''[[CHARACTER NAME]]''
: <font style="color:#aac5b4;" size="3">■</font>  "He dragged my sisters heart through the fucking shredder."  - ''[[Taluca Okamura]]''
: <font style="color:#aac5b4;" size="3">■</font> "RUMOR 3"  - ''[[CHARACTER NAME]]''
: <font style="color:#aac5b4;" size="3">■</font> "RUMOR 3"  - ''[[CHARACTER NAME]]''

Revision as of 15:42, 15 March 2018

 Domhnall Gerard Ainfean
Domhnall FFXIV.jpg
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship None
Server Mateus
Nameday 18th Sun of Fifth Astral Moon
Age 29
Orientation Straight
Guardian Rhalgr
Alias Dom
Marital Status Taken

My Name is Domhnall. Some have called me Dom, though the proper pronunciation of my name is doom-ull. My first instructor called me Quick-Fingers, on account of the nimbleness of my hands. My first real lover liked to call me Thief, on account of how she claimed I stole her heart. I have been called Dragon-Puncher, Shadow-Slayer, Assassin, Murderer, Seeker and Soldier. I've earned each of these titles, bought and paid for them in blood.

But I was brought up as Domhnall, which my father told me meant: Wanderer. I have of course been called many other things in my life, most of them uncouth, though very few unearned.

I have walked paths by moonlight others fear to speak of during the day, seen the skies split asunder by the fury of a waking God. I've battled demons, spoken with Wyrms, loved women, and have lived a life that would make the minstrels weep.

You may have heard of me.'



  • A Good Fight
  • Loyalty
  • Challenges


  • Arrogance
  • Hoarding Information
  • Garleans


Foods: Sushi, Any Roasted Meat, Fresh Baked Bread, Honey
Drinks: Metheglin, Rum, Water
Colors: Blue, White, Black


  • Sailing
  • Playing the Lute
  • Learning


Hair/Fur: Black
Skin: Fair
Eyes: Dark Green
Height: Six Feet
Weight: One Hundred and Eighty Pounds
Build: Lean and Wiry

Tall and Dark, with eyes like the green of the deepest forests of the North. Domhnall's frame is lean, much like a runners, yet he possesses a wiry sort of strength. His body possesses many scars from his time as a Seeker, including one prominent one along his right cheek. Domhnall's fair skin loudly proclaims him to be a Hyur from the Northern regions, and what remains of his accent marks him as coming from the Isle of Sharlayan.
Mercurial and slow to trust, people either hate Domhnall or would follow him to the pits of hells; there tends to be little middle ground. Due to the conflicting nature of the traits he was born with and the traits he was trained to have, Domhnall is a bit of a walking paradox. He appreciates honesty, but often has to tell lies. He craves loyalty, but has both abandoned and been abandoned in the past. All in all, most who know him would say that Domhnall is a complicated man with a complicated past.


  • Alignment

    Chaotic Good
  • Motivation

  • Disposition

  • Outlook

    Do all the Good you can, and what Evil you must.
  • Positive personality traits

    Adventurous, Adaptable, Contemplative, Perceptive
  • Negative personality traits

    Suspicious, Secretive, Emotionally Damaged, Willful
  • Miscellaneous quirks

    Aetherial Healing Rejection, Hates Needles


Born the only son of Lord Gerard Ainfean and Lady Madeline Ainfean, Domhnall would have grown up in the lifestyle typical of Sharlayan youth had his father not been murdered when he was but six years old. Hardly interested in him at the best of times, Domhnall's mother had a lapse in sanity and began to brutally train her son to become a member of Sharlayan's Order of the Seekers, like his Father before him. Trained to be part Adventurer, Soldier, and Spy, Domhnall's childhood was not happy. Time and time again he was driven to the brink by his mother as she put him through the sort of regimens that no child ought to be exposed to; including torture. It was during these years that Domhnall developed his sensitivity to Aetherial Healing. If he was being particularily uncooperative his mother would have the household menders 'over-heal' the boy, causing his body considerable pain as it tried to repair damage that didn't exist. Now his body reacts to healing magics as if they are something to be purged; causing him considerable discomfort and illness.
Once he completed his training and came of age, he was formally inducted into the Seeker Order and assigned to Eorzea to assist others in his order in the monitoring of Louisoix Levellieur and Sharlayan exiles like him, in order to prevent them from sharing Sharlayan secrets and committing the highest treason. To do this Domhnall joined the Maelstrom and routinely sent reports on the Elderly Elezen's activities in the Limsan region as well as sending back information and working pieces of Garlean Technology. Eventually he would meet Faedan Ashran and fall in love with the woman, causing him to commit the very treason he had been sent to prevent when he shared Sharlayan Airship technology with Faedan who went on to use that information to found the Humanitarian Organization Notre Ciel.
After serving in a great many battles with the Maelstrom, including the infamous battle of Carteneau Plains, Domhnall was recalled to Sharlayan with the death and sacrifice of Louisoix. His mother, acting as his handler, debriefed him violently in order to get the truth of his several years he spent undercover. After three days, he eventually told his mother of his treason which for reasons of her own she decided to bury. Domhnall would continue to operate as a Seeker for several more years until a mission in Ul'dah led to the accidental slaying of a child. Returning home a wreck, he found his mother callous and uncaring which made him lash out in rage. In response, Lady Madeline shot her son, which caused the man to kill her in self defense. Wanted for murder he returned to Eorzea and stayed underground for several months until he learned that he was wanted not only for murder but for treason as well. With his mother's death, details of his treason were discovered when her logs were brought to the Sharlayan Forum's attention.
Hunted on both sides of the Sea, Domhnall would join Notre Ciel for the purpose of protecting Faedan. Eventually, he came to trust members of the Company and when his pursuers eventually caught up with him, it was the Company who cleared his name. Since then, he has sworn his Blood-Oath to the Company's benefactor; Baron Killian Savaliere, and to this day remains a loyal captain in his service.


Romantic Interest, Sexual Interest, Platonic Love, Good Standing, Neutral Standing, Poor Standing

Romantic Interest

T'Karra Mhasi - Domhnall's significant other. Time and Circumstance have prevented either of them from putting a label on what exactly they are, but it is clear to all who see the two together that they care quite deeply about one another. T'karra initially thought Domhnall to be a spoiled, rude, self-righteous prig when he recruited her, but eventually warmed to his charms when he showed her the man he could potentially be.

Platonic Love

Taela Zo'ran - Domhnall's best friend. Taela and Domhnall weren't especially close to begin with, often times arguing when their respective tempers hit their boiling points. Taela however was corrupted by the Ancient Sword Hygnxar, Wielded by her then Paramour Kyo Kuza. During this time she repeatedly haunted Domhnall both in the waking world and the sleeping one. Managing to capture her in single combat, he returned her to the Embassy for cleansing and has since developed an empathic bond with her as a side effect of both the hauntings and cleansing process. This has revealed his interest in Taela, but has thus far led to nothing.
Ahelissa Savaliere - A former Paramour of Domhnall's. The two's romance was fated to end however as they walked distinctly different paths. Ahelissa holds the dubious honor of being the first person Domhnall has told his life's story to. Since then he has come to trust her implicitly and would do just about anything to see her safe. The two are now related via marriage and adoption; Domhnall and Killian Savaliere having adopted one another as brothers, with Ahelissa having married the Baron's younger brother Jarek.
Killian Savaliere - Adoptive Brother, Employer, and Liege Lord. Domhnall's relationship with the Baron is complicated, but at the end of the day Domhnall has faith in Killian's ability to set right the wrongs of the world. Thusly he would follow the man he swore his blood oath to most anywhere in the world.
Hope Savaliere - Killian's Wife, and adoptive sister in Law of Domhnall. Having seen through Domhnall's initially abrasive exterior, Hope has always been kind to Domhnall, regardless of whether he's deserved it or not. Since joining her family, Hope has gone out of her way to make the Hyur feel welcome.

Good Standing

Ylaziel Thel Al'Qamar - A Mercenary hired by Domhnall during the Hygnxar crisis to help him investigate the threat. Yla, as she is affectionately known, was also corrupted by the ancient sword and upon the destruction of the blade grew to trust Domhnall. Eventually she would be one of the most involved in the process of clearing his name. She has since joined Domhnall's Squad in Notre Ciel and operates under the code-name: Snow.
Deamon Tituef - An amnesiac brought to the organization's clinic with a chronic case of sword through the chest, Domhnall and Deamon eventually became fast friends. Domhnall has pledged to assist Deamon in learning about his previous life should he wish it, and in return the man has pledged loyalty to Domhnall and joined his team. Deamon operates under the call-sign: Valor.

Neutral Standing

Kaine Fatalis - Kyo Kuza's adoptive brother. Once considered amongst Domhnall's friends, he has begun to consider just how he feels about the Elezen-Dragon Hybrid. Changes in the attitudes of both men have left bitter tastes in both mouths, with the relationship having the potential to go either way.
Faedan Ashran - Domhnall's first love. For Faedan, Domhnall betrayed his entire nation, lied to his squad-mates in the Maelstrom about his relationship with his superior officer, and pushed her away when she got too close. Having been presumed lost at sea, Domhnall has mourned her death and moved on with his life, though he holds out hope she could yet be alive. No body was ever found.

Poor Standing

Kyo Kuza - A fellow Captain in Notre Ciel. Domhnall and Kyo have never really seen eye to eye, much of their encounters having had significant friction attached to them. Kyo's involvement in the Hygnxar incident has also caused him to withdrawal any trust he might have in the man's judgement. Despite this, Domhnall respects Kyo's skills as both a warrior and a former spy. A pronouncement from the Baron Savaliere decreeing that Domhnall not antagonize the man may spell a reverse for the relationship.


Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC Rumors! Instructions on how: Show text

Commonly heard

"He was just acquitted of murder up in Ishgard, a little girl I hear." - Eorzean Citizen
"Him? He's trained with the Samurai over in Doma." - Eorzean Soldier
"I think he fights in the Arena sometimes." - Ul'dah Citizen

Occasionally heard

"I hear he's one of them Sharlayan boogie-men: Seekers they're called." - Eorzean Citizen
"They say he can kill Dragons by punching them!" - Ishgardian Soldier
"Ain't he a noble?" - Commoner

Rarely heard

"Served with him during the War: Wouldn't want to get on his bad side." - Maelstrom officer

PC Rumors (written by other players)

"Don't let him fool you, he's a far kinder soul than he lets on." - Ahelissa Savaliere
"He dragged my sisters heart through the fucking shredder." - Taluca Okamura



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