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: <font style="padding:0px 5px; font-size:12px;color:#454D6E;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">■</font> <b>Clan:</b> Midlander
: <font style="padding:0px 5px; font-size:12px;color:#454D6E;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">■</font> <b>Clan:</b> Midlander
: <font style="padding:0px 5px; font-size:12px;color:#454D6E;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">■</font> <b>Gender:</b> Male
: <font style="padding:0px 5px; font-size:12px;color:#454D6E;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">■</font> <b>Gender:</b> Male
: <font style="padding:0px 5px; font-size:12px;color:#454D6E;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">■</font> <b>Marital Status:</b> In a Relationship
: <font style="padding:0px 5px; font-size:12px;color:#454D6E;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">■</font> <b>Marital Status:</b> -
: <font style="padding:0px 5px; font-size:12px;color:#454D6E;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">■</font> <b>Nameday:</b> 6th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon
: <font style="padding:0px 5px; font-size:12px;color:#454D6E;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">■</font> <b>Nameday:</b> 6th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon
: <font style="padding:0px 5px; font-size:12px;color:#454D6E;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">■</font> <b>Citizenship:</b> Sharlayan
: <font style="padding:0px 5px; font-size:12px;color:#454D6E;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">■</font> <b>Citizenship:</b> Sharlayan
: <font style="padding:0px 5px; font-size:12px;color:#454D6E;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">■</font> <b>Occupation:</b> Archaeologist/Researcher
: <font style="padding:0px 5px; font-size:12px;color:#454D6E;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">■</font> <b>Occupation:</b> Archaeologist/Researcher
: <font style="padding:0px 5px; font-size:12px;color:#454D6E;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">■</font> <b>Free Company:</b> The Arcane Circle
: <font style="padding:0px 5px; font-size:12px;color:#454D6E;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">■</font> <b>Free Company:</b> The Arcane Circle
===<div style="padding:10px 35px; background: #092E09;font-size:14px;color:#e0dcce;font-family:Georgia;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px black;letter-spacing:0.15em;">PHYSICAL INFORMATION</div>===
===<div style="padding:10px 35px; background: #092E09;font-size:14px;color:#e0dcce;font-family:Georgia;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px black;letter-spacing:0.15em;">PHYSICAL INFORMATION</div>===
: <font style="padding:0px 5px; font-size:12px;color:#454D6E;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">■</font> <b>Hair Color:</b> Platinum Blonde
: <font style="padding:0px 5px; font-size:12px;color:#454D6E;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">■</font> <b>Hair Color:</b> Platinum Blonde

Revision as of 20:25, 11 June 2018

~ “Not all those who wander are lost” - J.R.R Tolkien, Lord of the Rings ~


Having abandoned his home land of Sharlayan Emrys has been wandering the whole of Eorzea for the last eight years. During this time he made extensive notes on his observation of the people of Eorzea and the events that he witnessed, not to mention all of his notes of the ruins he spent time exploring. In fact if there was one thing he made sure to do during his time on the road it was to explore every ruin he could get permission to enter. Yet he never once let any of this deter him from his real reason for abandoning his home and guardian back in the Old World. For all his curiosity about Eorzea and its history his main purpose even to this day remains the same. He wishes to find out what happened to his father when he disappeared nearly two and a half decades ago when leaving for Ala Mhigo to witness the events unfolding around the King of Ruin and the fall of Ala Mhigo. The most recent of his leads led him to come into contact with a small group of Sharlayans living in La Noscea, which was a rather dreadful first meeting. Yet this set into motion a series of events that has led to him once more reintegrating himself back into society and giving up his wandering ways. Many things have happened since then, and those who know him best have seen a steady change in the man. Smiling more often than he did before Emrys is quite content with his life that he leads out of the small home he shares with Y'avery Tryska in the Lavender Beds. Now the proud father of twins Emrys is trying to adjust to the life of a father while balancing his duties as the Head Curator for The Arcane Circle's Collegia.





Ruin Diving.
Arcane Arts.
Witnessing events.

Denying access to knowledge.
Belittling others.

Self Sacrificing.

Emotionally Detached.
Self Doubting.
Stage Fright.
Over Analyzing.



The simplest way to describe Emrys' personality would be to say that it's refined. There seems to almost always be an air on unnerving calm around him, a calm that is rather difficult to break. When reacting to things that shock or surprise him there are only small tells to show such, as normally only his eyes react and he ends up looking more intrigued or curious instead. Even things that amuse him or make him happy get small reactions at first, especially when around people he doesn't quite know. The only exception to this is when he is around those he knows and trusts, and only then will he let go to actually laugh fully. Every possible emotion appears to go through a foggy window of sorts, hints and small reactions but nothing like what one would normally expect of someone. This can often lead to those who don't know him to assume that he is giving them a cold shoulder, but in reality he is just used to keeping himself distant.

To those he trusts Emrys tends to be an almost different person altogether. Warm, loyal, happy, and insatiably curious Emrys holds very little back from his closest friends. Of course this can lead to these same people becoming slightly confused when they hear others call him cold and distant, for while some may have witnessed that initial stage some slipped right by it. With these people he is quick to smile and laugh, and even relentlessly tease them, though he generally knows when to stop so as to not push too far. When in social situations with the ones he trusts Emrys becomes a bit more open and willing to talk to others and engage in light hearted discussions. Should he be without one such person, though, then Emrys tends to be quieter and keeps to himself unless a serious discussion comes up with which he is intimately familiar with.

For all the ways he reacts positively and strives to help others, Emrys also has a far darker side. While not prone to violent or anger induced outbursts, he can still be accused of suddenly acting on anger without any previous warning. This is due to the same reason why he is considered distant, he does not actively show anger through emotional cues. Those who have earned his ire tend to be dealt with severely, for it takes a great deal to make him truly angry. The only ways to achieve such a thing would be through harming those he cares about, innocents, or destroying ruins. The last one, while it angers him, does not cause him to react too harshly though he will drag the person to the proper authorities by force if need be. On the other hand, the other two things can easily result in Emrys attacking the person and possibly even taking their life. Twelve have mercy on any who brings harm to his family, for in the event that happens Emrys could easily lose control of himself as he is not used to dealing with such feelings of anger.

Emrys takes more after his mother’s family and is on the taller side at five fulms ten ilms tall with an almost athletic build, which stands out when he isn’t completely covered in robes as is the normal habit for him. This scholarly appearance though is a bit hampered by an almost hawkish and intense gaze that he holds most times. It’s the sort of gaze that feels almost judging and piercing, as if he can see a person’s inner secrets. This causes his mint green eyes to always seem like he is searching for something, analyzing everything that comes before him. He does his best to keep his appearance as well kept as possible with his near platinum blonde hair often kept in a ponytail to keep it out of the way, and always appearing very clean.

Scars & Markings: Emrys has scars on the palm of his left hand, remnants of the times he has cut open his own hand to use his blood as a catalyst. In addition to the scars on his hand Emrys also now has a trio of scars running from shoulder to elbow on his right arm, looking like a claw had been dragged down his arm.

Voice: Ben Foster

Clothing: Emrys can usually be found wearing some form of robe or jacket on a daily basis, and failing that he seems to prefer finer clothes. His more common jackets are a black jacket that he uses while diving into ruins, and while most will usually see it in some form of disarray he always keeps it clean. Another one that he keeps on hand a lot is a formal green jacket that came along with him from Sharlayan, though until recently he had kept it stored away he has taken to wearing it once more now that he seems to be staying put in Limsa. Aside from those two the rest are varying in style though they are usually blue or green in color and always presentable. Most recently he seems to have relaxed some and there has been a slight shift in his wardrobe. While he does still always wear gloves he has taken to wearing some looser shirts as of late, an indication to how comfortable he has gotten..



While Emrys detests meaningless fights he has no issues taking up arms when the situation arises. In fact one of the things he laments the most is that all of his knowledge and skills are honed for use in battle. He's light on his feet allowing him to navigate a battlefield without any real issue, making him prefer fighting up close and personal. This holds true even while he is casting spells, in fact he specializes in being able to cast spells at point blank rage for a much harsher level of damage. In addition he almost always fights in tandem with his carbuncle, Aodh, and the pair work together flawlessly. The combination of the two makes Emrys a force to be reckoned with even though many seem to doubt the strength of arcanima for reasons beyond his knowing.

Arcanima: Arcanima is what Emrys will always rely on when things become violent. Having been trained in this art from a young age, and even then would have been considered a prodigy if his heritage wouldn't have been holding him back. When in a fight Emrys will always begin by chipping away at his opponent, slowing them down and making them weaker before he begins to drive the bigger hits home. This is done through a combination of using spells that inflict illness, as well as draining away his opponent's aether. If it is someone who has truly earned his ire this will take even longer as he starts to toy with them until they can no longer move, and only then will he finish them off. There are times though where he will use spells that seem to have for more strength to them than one would assume to see coming from an Arcanist, though such are far fewer than a Thaumaturge would have on hand.

Thaumaturgy: While he will never readily admit it Emrys is actually fairly familiar with Thaumaturgy to the point he actively wears a focus he never uses. This is a result of his upbringing as his Guardian is a thaumaturge of considerable strength and made certain that his charge was trained in its use. Due to the fact that he doesn't utilize it often, nor did he dedicate much time to learning it he is no where near as capable with it as he is his arcanima. In fact this is something that is used in emergencies as an absolute last resource.

Fencing: During his childhood years Emrys took up fencing as a means of physical conditioning, as well as just a hobby for the moments he wasn't in class. His skill with a rapier is lacking and it remains a completely impractical form of combat for him to use in a serious fight. That said he is able to fall back on it if there ever is a need for him to do so, he'll just end up getting extremely injured in the process.



Many who meet Emrys will inevitably run into his carbuncle Aodh at some point or another. In fact the carbuncle is in the man's presence more often than not which makes him a rather important part of of Emrys' life. Emrys has had Aodh since his early days of arcanima when he was a child, having summoned the creature while messing around with a tome that his guardian had. Adoh is strong willed, protective, and quite a bit on the violent side of things when he needs to be. There is no doubt this carbuncle can easily be seen as a small seething red ball of fury when the moment calls for it, and that normally ends up in something being mauled or slaughtered. Normally he prefers not to be the center of attention and is very distrustful of people at first. The other very noticeable thing is that where Emrys is very guarded with his emotions Aodh tends to be very open and helps keep his caster in check on that particular front.

Ways to Earn Approval: While he may seem hard to befriend, getting on Aodh's good side is actually quite easy. The first and foremost way to do so is to feed into his rather considerable ego, this gives one a very good impression in the carbuncle's eyes. Another one is to assist him in any mischief he may be up to which is quite often. Whether it is offering him liquor that he can't handle, playing along with pranks he is playing on Emrys, or just letting him get into things he shouldn't be. There is also an even bigger bonus for those that share their sweets with him.

Ways to Earn Ire: This is far easier to do than it is to actually win him over as he is very temperamental. Anyone treating him like nothing more than a pet or a stuffed animal will swiftly find out how bad of an idea that is, or how much he dislikes it. Also treating him like he is something that is weak and fragile will also cause this as pride is something that he is extremely big on. Aside from this mistreating Emrys, those close to Emrys, or picking on those unable to defend themselves.

Combat: Aodh's way of fighting is very forward and completely brutal. True to the gem he is summoned for he exudes massive amounts of strength and can easily take down anything quite larger than himself or even Emrys just by using said strength. He will quite literally rip chunks out of whatever it is he is fighting, though he prefers to go for the eyes or the throat right away. In addition to the pure physical strength he can utilize he also is able to use fire based aether, though this is far less common but still extremely effective. Normal use of this kind of aether is generally by accenting his own attacks with it.


Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure


Weylin Bennett , Father. () - Wandering Scholar.
Character's Thoughts: "Why did he never come back?"
Weylin was a scholar and chronicler living in the Sharlayan Colony in Dravania when he met Allene for the first time. He was taken by her beauty and how she saw the world, though any feelings he felt for her he kept to himself. When it came to Allene is biggest regret was not keeping her there at his side, a regret that became overwhelming upon learning of her death when his son was brought to him. Despite this Weylin never held any negative feelings for his son, and while he wasn't the best father he did love and care for Emrys. Knowing that he was one to be sent out to oversee events or relics that would be found he quickly asked his friend Annan to look after Emrys whenever he was away. Yet when he was sent to Gyr Abania to witness the events surrounding the King of Ruin Weylin seemingly vanished from knowledge, never to return again. To this day Emrys still searches to find out what actually became of his father.
Allene Fletcher, Mother. () - The Hunter.
Character's Thoughts: "I only wish I could have just one memory of who she was."
Allene Fletcher was a hunter making a living in the Chocobo Forest for a large portion of her life. It was during a trip to sell what goods she had at the Sharlayan Colony that she met Emrys' father and fell in love with him. Though unaware that he fostered similar feelings for him she took solace in the short time where they were together before it came time for her to go back to the Forest. Unknown to his father Allene returned to her life pregnant with Emrys, and she continued to keep this from him as she didn't want to interfere with the life the man she loved had built for himself. Not long though after Emrys was born in the Chocobo Forest Allene resumed her trade in order to support the both of them, but while chasing a chocobo that ran out from under the cover of the trees she was killed by a Dravanian.
Annan Chambers, Guardian. ( ) - Patient Teacher
Character's Thoughts: "With every step I take I just hope that he will remain proud of the choices I make."
Annan Chambers was a close friend of Weylin's and a teacher at the colony. He often looked after Emrys when his father was away, and when his father vanished he became the sole caretaker of the child. Emrys loved his time with Annan, who went out of his way to teach the boy everything he knew and fostered a great love of knowledge in him. The day when Emrys managed to summon Aodh, his grandfather's carbuncle was perhaps one of the happiest days in Annan's life. To Emrys his guardian was loving and caring, and he always did his best to make him proud. So when he did summon the carbuncle he gave his all to learn the arts of arcanima. There was nothing that pleased Emrys more than knowing that his guardian would never have to worry about him so long as he did the best he could. There was a period where Annan fell gravely ill and was perhaps one of the worst moon's in Emrys' life up to that point. He cared for his guardian in the same way the man had cared for him when he was young. During this time Annan recounted what he knew of Allene and Weylin and lit the desire Emrys has to find out more about his family. While leaving Annan and the Old World was hard, he knew his mentor would remain proud of the path that he walked.
Y'avery Tryska. ( ) - The Philisophical Mind
Character's Thoughts: "What can one truly say about the one who opened my eyes and stole my heart? No words can ever express fully how I feel, but needless to say if she but asked I'd stop time itself for her."
Long has been the road these two have taken, now having known each other for nearly a year. The couple met at a single's night at the Wayferer's Rest that Emrys had been dragged to by a his friend Rowena. Having approached him out of concern over suppressed emotions that he seemed to be giving off in a way she could sense Avery made an impression. Then, after giving her a tour of La Noscea a few suns later she had his attention. The next few sennights were turbulent ones as Emrys was placed in a position he'd never been in before, starting to genuinely develop feelings for someone. However the steadfast Avery stuck by his side after he promised to be faithful to her and her alone, even if he didn't believe himself worth it after his mismanagement of the situation. Following this the two started seriously dating and even moved in together when the Free company he worked for collapsed. During this time Avery also became pregnant which in the end only brought them closer. Now the two live together in the Lavender Beds with their newborn twins Eawyn and Aaric. Even now Emrys can't begin to describe what Avery means to him as she is everything to him. It is his only hope that he can make her as happy as she has made him. Just about the only thing he catches himself worrying over in regards to their relationship is that he feels like he fumbled something since despite having children they have not been bonded. Whether this will change soon or not is a story for another time.
Aodh: In regards to Aodh Avery is someone he is supposed to protect with every fiber of his being. While he is influenced slightly by Emrys' feelings for her the carbuncle also has taken a liking to her. Never one to overtly impose she always gave him his space, and of course spoiled him with sweets whenever she got the chance. She is the only person he will ever allow treat him like a pet, and in some ways seems to enjoy it. ((Updated as of 3/18))
Eawyn Bennett. ( ) - Daughter
Character's Thoughts: "Though they were just born, the twins are everything to me."
Eawyn and her brother were recently born to Emrys and Avery. Initially at the start of the pregnancy Emrys had doubted his ability to be a father, and it took time for him to accept the idea. However with Avery at his side he made peace with the idea and began to look forward to it. Despite the increasing exhaustion from dealing with twins, he wonders how he was okay with life before the family he has now was built.
Aaric Bennett. ( ) - Son
Character's Thoughts: "Though they were just born, the twins are everything to me."
Aaric and his sister were recently born to Emrys and Avery. Initially at the start of the pregnancy Emrys had doubted his ability to be a father, and it took time for him to accept the idea. However with Avery at his side he made peace with the idea and began to look forward to it. Despite the increasing exhaustion from dealing with twins, he wonders how he was okay with life before the family he has now was built.
Janelle Colbernoux. ( $ ) - The Headmistress
Character's Thoughts: "Reserved, proper, and ambitious. She is one to watch out for, and most likely one you should not cross."
Emrys had only met Janelle once during his brief tenure with Aethertide, but has come to know a bit more about her since agreeing to work for her when she founded The Arcane Circle. He respects her greatly for the decision to create such an institute, and even more so the vision she has in doing so. Between that and the debt of gratitude he owes her for giving him a way to earn his keep in Eorzea once more, he is loyal to her and the school she has created.
Defiant Bride. ( $ ) - The Shy Jeweler
Character's Thoughts: "A kind woman with more to her than most might assume at first because of her stutter. She's a talented goldsmith and someone who seems to always be there should you need to talk."
Emrys first encountered Defiant at Overseer Vi's wedding reception when she was handing out drinks, and the interaction was brief. Their first in depth meeting wasn't until suns later when he had stopped by the Company Mansion to ask Madison something, and ended up staying later. Since the tour she gave he's spoken with her on several occasions, and while she insists it seems to call him Mister Emrys he's found himself considering her a friend. Especially now that she is one of two people in all of Hydalen that actually know about his ability to play the violin. She even managed to earn a measure of respect from Aodh despite having to work around her holding him like a stuffed animal the eve the carbuncle drank.
Bridgit Ramsey. ( $ ) - The Blind Mage
Character's Thoughts: "Bridgit is a bit of a mystery. She never seems to really say too much about herself at times, but after working with her back in Aethertide and now in The Arcane Circle I know she is quite a formidable mage."
During his time employed with Aethertide Emrys worked alongside Bridgit as a member of the STOP division. While he didn't get to know her very well he always saw her as a rather reserved and uptight individual. Not much has actually changed that opinion of her, which makes it even more amusing when she has to try to hold a discussion with Seye. Yet he has also grown to respect her as a fellow scholar and mage, having now witnessed her abilities on several occasions.
Seye Qhesu. ( $ ) - The Door Salesman
Character's Thoughts: "I'm not exactly sure how she survives without any supervision at all.."
Emrys met Seye when she was making her rounds selling her goods by going door to door to each house in the Lavender Beds. He quickly took pity on the Keeper as he realized she couldn't speak, nor did she seem to be able to afford food on her own. This led him to buy goods from her, even if they weren't actually as needed as he let on. Though he hasn't had many encounters with her they now both work for the same company, which allows him a small measure of amusement every time he sees Seye trying to talk to Bridgit. He will never admit it but it is quite entertaining in his mind to watch a mute person and a blind person trying to converse.
Nilima Azure. ( $ ) - The Good Doctor
Character's Thoughts: "She's easy to talk to and easy to trust, which allows her to do her job far easier. I'll admit, I have no issues disclosing things I'd normally hide from healers."
Nilima is someone who Emrys both trusts, and is slightly afraid of. The fear is born out of the subtle hints that have been dropped now and then about what happens to those who fail to follow her instructions. Whether there is anything to actually fear he knows not, and to be honest he'd like to keep it that way. That said he does trust her enough to have brought Avery to give her a check up during Avery's pregnancy. He finds her presence soothing, a quality that he believes she has most likely cultivated as a result of her chosen profession.
Zazanther Rerenther. ( $ ) - An Inquisitive Mind
Character's Thoughts: "I find him a bit peculiar. He has a decent grasp of history and how to handle artifacts, and yet the fact that he seems to possess no other arcane skill outside the forgotten arts of the Nymian Scholars is perplexing."
Zazanther is an odd one to Emrys. It's not every day Emrys comes in contact with someone who also has taken an interest in Nym, but this connection is tempered by the fact that Emrys is keenly aware that Zazanther is in possession of a Nymian soulstone. This combined with how little he knows of the man keeps Emrys at bay for the most part, and keeps his curiosity completely in check. He does at least respect Zan, after having seen him in action and having been healed by his spells. For now Emrys has decided to indulge in his curiousness slightly, but still remains completely on edge.
Gentle Willow. ( $ ) - The Conflicted Researcher
Character's Thoughts: "I do not envy her, caught up in a way between tradition and desire. Eventually something must give, but what it will be I cannot say at this time."
While Willow is one of the newest additions to the Circle she managed to garner a measure of interest from him. Like with Zazanther she holds an interest in Nym, or more specifically the Nymian stratagems utilized by Scholars to weave their spells. Seeking a way to improve her skills, she is still unsure of how she should proceed. Though he obviously could not make a decision for her he did offer his knowledge should she decide the path she wanted to pursue, when she was ready to pursue it. Until then he has taken to keeping an eye on her as a way to study how she wields aether to get a better handle on the problems she faces should his skills as a mentor be needed.


"He always seems so shut off or distant from everyone but I'm sure he merely does it as a means to protect himself from others. After all, he has been traveling alone for so long. I just hope he will be able to open up to others in time." Rowena Everstone
The Keeper's eyes seemed to brighten as her ears perked upwards in a joyous motion. Her hand moved to point at her mouth before patting at her stomach happily. Seye Qhesu



Emrys Bennett


Race: Hyur
Clan: Midlander
Gender: Male
Marital Status: -
Nameday: 6th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon
Citizenship: Sharlayan
Occupation: Archaeologist/Researcher
Free Company: The Arcane Circle


Hair Color: Platinum Blonde
Eye Color: Mint Green
Height: 5 fulms 10 ilms
Weight: 180 ponze
Complexion: Fair
Age: 35
Piercings: None
Marks or Tattoos: None
Alignment: Neutral Good


Server: Balmung
Timezone: PST

What I Will Roleplay

Grim and Dark: I enjoy grim and dark story lines and have no issue with some of the more mature aspects of roleplay.
Combat: Combat RP is always okay for me whether its full on combat or just a simple spar.

What I Won't Roleplay

Character Death: I am not okay with any situation that would kill or maim my character without extensive talks before hand and even then I may decline it.
Straight-up ERP: I am a fan of a character having a reason for everything, and there for just no reason ERP is not something I will ever partake in.


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