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Ragi'zi Jiube was born underneath the Shroud to a matriarchal Miqo'te tribe of Keepers of the Moon. He is, true to his namesake, the ninth son of Ragi which is a particularly unusual development, for the mothers of his race rarely bear males unto the world. Indeed, it was said in hushed whispers and within the privacy of yurt that Ragi was curse to bear no female heir, fecund though she was an eager for the attempt. Ragi'zi was viewed as a veritable final failure, an avatar of disappointment, for as far as he knew she never succeeded in birthing her precious daughter and he was her last attempt. If yet he has a sister, he knows not, for he departed his tribe as a young age. Before such a time he was a hunter who procured sustenance for his kin, as with so many sons it was reasonable to expect that the matriarch Ragi would put them to use. The hunt fostered associations with the outside world, mainly the various hunting clans though not one so prestigious as Centurio, and led him to become an adventurer and escape his undesirable lot as a laborer for a birthplace that did not want him. It wasn't long before that adventuring life led him to the Path of the Twelve.
Ragi'zi Jiube was born underneath the Shroud to a matriarchal Miqo'te tribe of Keepers of the Moon. He is, true to his namesake, the ninth son of Ragi which is a particularly unusual development, for the mothers of his race rarely bear males unto the world. Indeed, it was said in hushed whispers and within the privacy of yurt that Ragi was curse to bear no female heir, fecund though she was an eager for the attempt. Ragi'zi was viewed as a veritable final failure, an avatar of disappointment, for as far as he knew she never succeeded in birthing her precious daughter and he was her last attempt. If yet he has a sister, he knows not, for he departed his tribe as a young age. Before such a time he was a hunter who procured sustenance for his kin, as with so many sons it was reasonable to expect that the matriarch Ragi would put them to use. The hunt fostered associations with the outside world, mainly the various hunting clans though not one so prestigious as Centurio, and led him to become an adventurer and escape his undesirable lot as a laborer for a birthplace that did not want him. It wasn't long before that adventuring life led him to the Path of the Twelve.
Ragi'zi held great potential, this much was clear. He was sent to Sharlayan to be formally educated. There he became acquainted with two important elements of his life - his thirst for knowledge, and his adoration for a young woman by the name of Willow Evinar.
Ragi'zi held great potential, this much was clear. He was sent to the Sharlayan colony in Dravania to be formally educated. There he became acquainted with two important elements of his life - his thirst for knowledge, and his adoration for a young woman by the name of Willow Evinar. During the few short years he spent among the Sharlayan he studied rigorously and procured reading material from any possible source he could find. He taught himself to read while riding a chocobo so he could become an envoy and ride between settlements, where he would barter between his duties for more material to read. Once he rode to the Observatorium in Coerthas and attempted to trade some tomes of his for theirs own, but they refused - so he instead asked if he might transcribe their tomes, and they agreed. It was two decades later when a fire broke out in the Observatorium and many volumes were lost did he return those transcriptions which he still held, and made himself a friend in Ishgard during a time where those were rare indeed to possess. His studies primarily centered on history, philosophy, theology, and magick most of all. He took up thaumaturgy, arcanism, and even the basic principles of conjury that he might protect himself and his kinsmen. Torn between his duties to himself, to the Path of the Twelve, and to Sharlayan, he found a motivation to push forward - his adoration for Willow.
Ten years his younger, she was a youth who too possessed the Echo and studied in Sharlayan on behalf of the Path of the Twelve. Among their peers, the two of them remained inseparable until such a time that Ragi'zi's adoration turned to affection. The sentiment however was not mutual, and it became taxing for Ragi'zi to witness her as she was targeted by the advances of younger men - to her, he was as an older brother. He internalized that pain, lingering in Eorzea after Sharlayan abandoned their colony in Dravania as her guardian, a student of Thaliak, and a fellow in the Path of the Twelve. Those days came to an abrupt end after the Battle of Carteneau when they were separated.  

Revision as of 14:27, 22 June 2018

Latest activities: A mishap at the Ishgardian rally for the grand melee led Rageant to a spiritual journey to his old training grounds in Coerthas, to further master his Beast. Neither he nor Calliope have been seen in weeks.

Name: Rageant Lacordaire

Gender: Male

Race & Clan: Miqo'te Keeper of the Moon

Height 5 fulms 8 ilms

Weight: 183 ponzes

Guardian deity: Althyk Icon.png Althyk, the Keeper


Birth Place: The Black Shroud

Association: House De'bayle, Long Climb Trading Co

Former Association: Black Sun Covenant, Obsidian Coterie

Occupation: Squire

Residence: The Dawn Vigil, Lavender Beds, The Black Shroud


VISAGE: The distinct centerpiece of Rageant's face is the ever-present frown he wears. Smiles seem to come rarely to the Miqo'te, and one might glean from his often distant stare that he has little to smile about indeed. He has but his left eye, as his right is disfigured and concealed by an eyepatch, but his remaining eye is striking with a vibrant shade of brown. There is pain in that eye, mixed with something else; something like an intolerance, a loathing for his lot. He has a dark complexion and the face of a Miqo'te in his thirties who has aged too quickly, but it is difficult to tell due to the tribal tattoos that adorn his face, camouflaging what may be creases or wrinkles developing.

His hair is an oily mane of black, from his hair which slicks back at nearly neck-length to his scraggly black beard, which is either neatly trimmed and content to grow no further at his chin. He has an angular chin, a somewhat large nose, and large lips; a man of unconventional attractiveness (or none at all by certain measure.) He has two large ears by the standards of his race, and a silver hoop dangles from each one of them.

PHYSIQUE & MARKINGS: As far as members of his species go, Rageant is quite tall but more notable is how broad-shouldered he is, giving him somewhat of a stocky silhouette. He stands at eight-and-sixty ilms thereabouts without count for his long ears, and he holds himself in a formidable posture with his shoulders drawn back and his head held high. His physique is impressive; he is lean and muscular from down at his feet to up as far as his neck, retaining a certain Miqo'te grace but appearing to possess formidable strength that can be leveraged in any posture. A bushy black tail sways behind him, of somewhat exaggerated length just as his ears. While he possesses no bodily tattoos, he does bear a scar on his chest over his heart where he appears to have been victim of a bladed weapon.

VOICE: Rageant has a fairly deep voice which seems to usher forth from his very breast and out from his lips when he speaks. His dialect is an eclectic combination of Gridanian, Ishgardian, Sharlayan, and something else altogether unfamiliar to the untrained ear.

ATTIRE: Despite the apparent discomfort it might appear to bring, Rageant is armored at nearly all times, often even while exercising. Accordingly he can be heard before he is seen, as his preference is any mixture of plate and chain armor. The exception is a helmet - rare are those adapted to his ears, rarer still those he would suffer to impede his already compromised vision. Instead he wears his eye patch and his earrings and endeavors to protect his head, except when he chooses to wear a helmet during Ishgardian rallies and jousting events to show national pride on behalf of his House. Halonic and Ishgardian iconography are a common sight upon his armor and weaponry, and their clothing was his choice on the rare occasion that he isn't girded for war. His attire is often crudely adapted to permit his tail and ears, modified thusly since few Ishgardians craft their clothing for members of his race. His color preferences black to honor his fallen friends and loved ones, or the earthly golden hue of Althyk, as per his designation by Hestia De'Bayle.

Being on the road as is often the case, Rageant's hygiene can be in a varied state when opportunities to groom are rare, particularly given as he is to wearing armor and carrying a large battle-axe on his back, an effort that works a welcome sweat upon his brow. When nested by duty or choice, he keeps himself well bathed but avoids perfumes or colognes that offend his senses and only modestly grooms his hair, beard, and the fur of his tail. By necessity he keeps his finger and toe nails clipped - how best to ensure a snug fit within gauntlet and greaves?


Rageant Lacordaire volunteers little and so it is difficult to be certain which facets of his personality define him versus those which enslave him. Most notable is his temper which earned his somewhat of a questionable reputation during his time in Sharlayan and Ishgard alike. He was impatient, impertinent, and sarcastic; he maintained decorum and utilized honorifics as if they stood on uncertain ground like to crumble beneath a tirade of criticism. Age has smoothened his demeanor however; his temper is concealed though perhaps visible through the window of his single, critical eye. As his rage has become tempered, hostility and offense are not easily elicited of him but still he responds poorly to continuous disrespect.

He is intelligent and given to philosophical and scientific discussion, and also eager to learn anything that dwells beyond the boundaries of his own concrete knowledge. This can include anything from martial arts to magitechnology to folk magic though his willingness to learn is often proportionate to his expectation that the individual from which he is given to learn might possess adequate prowess. While he is endowed with wisdom and common sense that is often freely given, the longer he speaks the more nonsensical his ramblings tend to become as he becomes bogged down by the trifles of abstraction.

Rageant will readily claim his appreciation for the utility of violence. He is not eager to face an unworthy foe, and indeed isn't given to sparring for her takes combat far too seriously. In the event he faces a truly threatening beast or foe, he is ruthless, cunning, relentless, fearless, and above all enraptured. Rageant's love for the thrill of combat has matured over the years and he has acquired a precious modicum of self-control and self-awareness. Still, his Beast is strong and difficult to tame, and only by aligning his interests with it can he often keep it in check. Thus, Rageant craves war. Conflict is a hunger he must sate.

Romantically he is a brick wall. Any perceived demonstration of attraction could be dismissed as misunderstanding or misidentification. As an individual he is "all-business," and scarcely indulges in flirtations or even recreation, but for recreation that pertains directly to broadening his knowledge and skills - martial training, study, or recreational reading. Historical volumes and philosophical ruminations seem to be his preference, as well as any practical topic such as manuals of war or medicine.


  • The unknown. Rageant relishes the opportunity to face something new with a bold attitude, and to return with new wisdom and experience.
  • Intellectually simulating topics, such as theology, magick, history, and philosophy.
  • Tradition.
  • Art, music, and general culture as it pertains to Ishgard and Sharlayan.
  • Literature, especially in a well-stocked library.


  • Alcohol.
  • Insufferable accents and speech patterns, particularly if the speaker is loud or petulant.
  • The free-spirited, or those who bear too little responsibility.
  • Those whom act without clearly defined ethics.
  • Hotter climates, particularly Thanalan and Gyr Abania..
  • Linguistic profanity.


  • Rageant is practically minded, preferring things that serve a purpose to interacting with people.
  • He is damn-near humorless and is never seen to laugh.
  • He lives a very ascetic lifestyle, and rarely if ever partakes of confections, alcohol, or companionship. He lives with minimal luxury.


  • Rageant fears his own temper, and what can come of it when left unchecked.
  • He has a particular fear and disdain for the Voidsent.
  • Unnecessary loss of life.
  • Shirking or losing sight of his morals.


  • Martial arts are of great interest to Rageant, who seems obsessed with mastering or integrating new styles into his own. Anything new bears examination.
  • Rageant is a polymath, obsessed with learning as much as possible and putting it to use in his life and moral code.
  • Rageant is very spiritual and will make frequent visit to shrines and altars to the Twelve and offer tribute or prayer.


  • Rageant wears black to honor deceased loved ones.
  • He is not Ishgardian, but rather he has taken the name of his spiritual mentor to honor their memory.
  • He keeps a juvenile morbol for a pet. "Her" name is Calliope and she is quite well trained.
  • His favorite beverage is black coffee, and his favorite meat to consume is from rainbow trout in the coldwater rivers flowing from Coerthas into the Black Shroud.
  • He rides a white-plumed chocobo named Stranger, but Stranger is too old to ride into battle.
  • Rageant believes in the importance of tradition, though hypocritically fails to honor any Miqo'te traditions from his tribe.
  • Hestia De'Bayle has named him Althyk.


Ragi'zi Jiube was born underneath the Shroud to a matriarchal Miqo'te tribe of Keepers of the Moon. He is, true to his namesake, the ninth son of Ragi which is a particularly unusual development, for the mothers of his race rarely bear males unto the world. Indeed, it was said in hushed whispers and within the privacy of yurt that Ragi was curse to bear no female heir, fecund though she was an eager for the attempt. Ragi'zi was viewed as a veritable final failure, an avatar of disappointment, for as far as he knew she never succeeded in birthing her precious daughter and he was her last attempt. If yet he has a sister, he knows not, for he departed his tribe as a young age. Before such a time he was a hunter who procured sustenance for his kin, as with so many sons it was reasonable to expect that the matriarch Ragi would put them to use. The hunt fostered associations with the outside world, mainly the various hunting clans though not one so prestigious as Centurio, and led him to become an adventurer and escape his undesirable lot as a laborer for a birthplace that did not want him. It wasn't long before that adventuring life led him to the Path of the Twelve.

Ragi'zi held great potential, this much was clear. He was sent to the Sharlayan colony in Dravania to be formally educated. There he became acquainted with two important elements of his life - his thirst for knowledge, and his adoration for a young woman by the name of Willow Evinar. During the few short years he spent among the Sharlayan he studied rigorously and procured reading material from any possible source he could find. He taught himself to read while riding a chocobo so he could become an envoy and ride between settlements, where he would barter between his duties for more material to read. Once he rode to the Observatorium in Coerthas and attempted to trade some tomes of his for theirs own, but they refused - so he instead asked if he might transcribe their tomes, and they agreed. It was two decades later when a fire broke out in the Observatorium and many volumes were lost did he return those transcriptions which he still held, and made himself a friend in Ishgard during a time where those were rare indeed to possess. His studies primarily centered on history, philosophy, theology, and magick most of all. He took up thaumaturgy, arcanism, and even the basic principles of conjury that he might protect himself and his kinsmen. Torn between his duties to himself, to the Path of the Twelve, and to Sharlayan, he found a motivation to push forward - his adoration for Willow.

Ten years his younger, she was a youth who too possessed the Echo and studied in Sharlayan on behalf of the Path of the Twelve. Among their peers, the two of them remained inseparable until such a time that Ragi'zi's adoration turned to affection. The sentiment however was not mutual, and it became taxing for Ragi'zi to witness her as she was targeted by the advances of younger men - to her, he was as an older brother. He internalized that pain, lingering in Eorzea after Sharlayan abandoned their colony in Dravania as her guardian, a student of Thaliak, and a fellow in the Path of the Twelve. Those days came to an abrupt end after the Battle of Carteneau when they were separated.


Text will go here.


First On-going Story

Text goes here.

Second On-going Story

Gonna have to put some text here.

Third On-going Story

Guess what? It's text.

Fourth On-going Story



Friend is a term that Rageant Lacordaire uses infrequently, and with strong connotation. Few possess the descriptor by his own reckoning, though in his eyes a comrade is as good as a friend in a pinch if they're competent. Those he calls friends have earned either his respect, his admiration, or his protection - but these often come in threes.

Zieg Einherjar, The Warrior-Mentor.
The enigmatic nomad Zieg Einherjar trained Rageant Lacordaire in the way of the Warrior. After witnessing the demise of his beloved, Ragi'zi traveled north to escape a similar fate and bemoaned his inability to protect Willow. In his grief-stricken mind he contended that his lack of martial prowess was the cause and so Zieg, who had found the Miqo'te broken by despair, rebuilt him and taught him to hone and control his overwhelming rage. There among the snow-capped crags of Coerthas Rageant was subjected to such rigorous training that he was deconstructed and rebuilt into a stronger man.

From a certain point of view, Rageant owes Zieg his very own life. Though the struggle to control the beast within himself would endure through his lifetime, it was a responsibility that granted vital meaning to his existence. But Zieg did not merely make a weapon of Rageant - he made a force for virtue of him. Though the Hyur endowed the Miqo'te with the power to crush his foes and take his vengeance, he also laid the groundwork for a key lesson that Rageant would eventually discover in Ishgard - that strength itself is the virtue, not the manner of its use. Rageant parted with Zieg to continue his journey north into Ishgard, but their paths would cross again.


The years have made a cordial man of Rageant, and he appreciates the practicality of building relationships be it with business associates, comrades, or simply acquaintances. The rueful flip-side of this is the necessity of tracking one's foes as well - and Rageant has made more than a few.

Katharina Balk, Blue.
Katharina Balk, or "Blue" as she is known, is the director of Long Climb Trading Co and as such Rageant works for her. More to come.


Rageant Lacordaire has survived many of his loved ones, but keeps their memory close to his heart.

Willow Evinar, Deceased Beloved
Ragi'zi met young Willow during his tenure with the Path of the Twelve, during which time he became hopelessly infatuated with her. As they carried out their studies and adventures together, he found himself unable to inspire the feelings in mutuality with her and he was forced to endure as she was the subject of attention by various more fitting suitors. Willow suffered from a perplexing condition which caused her to lose stretches of memory seemingly at random which greatly compromised her studies and their friendship, though Ragi'zi committed himself to unearthing information that might combat the challenges of her condition. Around the time of the Battle of Carteneau, Ragi'zi was separated from Willow and though he could not be certain if she were alive, he asked all of the contacts he'd accrued over his years of adventuring and study to keep their ears to the ground and contact them had they found any information.

Ragi'zi did not see her again for close to five years, when he received information that she was indeed alive and in the company of the Obsidian Coterie, a merchant and sellsword company operating out of Ul'dah. He dropped everything and made the journey south until he tracked her down at a teahouse, where he introduced himself to her and sought employment in the same company that he may remain by her side, protect her, and help her recover from a recent, severe lapse of memory. During that time he opened up to her about their history and his feelings and they became intimately involved. Not a week later did tragedy strike - Willow received a vision of her own demise which came to fruition despite Ragi'zi's best efforts to prevent them, and witnessing her death sent him down a spiral of grief. Ragi'zi claims most of who he was died with Willow and was reborn when he found her parting gift to him, a letter she'd written after accepting her impending death. Though it has been years since her death, Ragi'zi remembers her fondly and though he scarcely sees fit to speak of it, he loves her still.

Isarn Lacordaire, Spiritual Father.
Text will go here as well.


MARTIAL PROWESS: Rageant Lacordaire is a trained Warrior and utilizes his inner beast in battle, though he is reluctant to turn it loose unless the circumstances aptly warrant such a measure. He is greatly skilled with an axe and with unarmed combat, modestly skilled with a sword and a polearm, and is notably a quick learner when exposed to new fighting styles even if they're only marginally similar to the styles he is already proficient with. His marksmanship is lacking due to his compromised depth perception as a consequence of having lost one of his eyes, though he understands basic technique from his tribal origins. Rageant credits his martial prowess to Halone.

MAGICK PROWESS: Having studied magic extensively prior to beginning his martial training, Rageant has a large reservoir of knowledge concerning conjury, thaumaturgy, and arcanism. He is unable to perform incantation or cast any spells however due to having lost his staff and fallen severely out of practice. He has rather intentionally forsaken the use of magick for personal reasons and therefore, while he has great knowledge of its capabilities and the theory behind it, he has no capacity to utilize it whatsoever. That said, he can channel aether exceptionally well if necessary during the heat of battle and has knowledge of a particularly esoteric form of beast tribal ritual magic concerning dreams and hallucinations. Rageant credits his knowledge of magick and its workings to a blessing from Thaliak.

EIDETIC MEMORY: Rageant's most cherished and significant quality is his incredible memory, though it has waned by the years, tarnished with age. Though his memory is far from perfect, he has the ability to remember the content of literature, the shapes of faces, the sounds of voices, melodies from the past, and other similar phenomenon with impressive clarity even years after the fact. Each such recollection weakens the consistency of the memory and so he attempts to live in the moment to preserve what he has. His memory contributes to his ability to very quickly learn skills, trades, and combat styles as his retention is high. Rageant believes his memory is a gift from Althyk.

PHYSICAL TRAITS: Due to having one eye, it's reasonable to assume that Rageant has to rely heavily upon his other senses. As a Miqo'te Keeper of the Moon, his nocturnal heritage gives him exceptional hearing and olfactory which compensates somewhat, though in combat he has to rely partially on intuition to track the movements of enemies that favor attacking the guard on his blind-side. He is in the best physical shape of his life and so is very strong, and consequentially very fast; maintaining this physique is a constant commitment for him. His heritage makes him somewhat dexterous and nimble, but he is below average in that regard by Miqo'te standards. He is in good health and can engage in physical activity for protracted periods of time before exhaustion while also rarely becoming sick from illness. His tolerance for pain is very high.

THE ECHO: Rageant Larcordaire is an Echo user, and formerly a member of the Path of the Twelve. He therefore has some training in utilizing the gift.


Herein lie details about things which Rageant Lacordaire possesses. Most of what he owns is kept on his person or in his temporary lodgings, being that he scarcely makes a permanent home.

Potion Icon.png
A bottle of Fell Cleaves
This is just placeholder text. It'll be swapped out soon. Definitely don't open this bottle.
Potion Icon.png
Another bottle of Fell Cleaves
Always have a back-up.
Soul of the Warrior Icon with Background.png
Soul of the Warrior
A multi-aspected crystal upon which is carved the myriad deeds of warriors from eras past. Rageant came into possession of this valuable relic after enduring the punishing training regimen imposed upon him by Zieg Einherjar, a veteran warrior. This self-same crystal served Zieg well, and so was passed to his Miqo'te protege.

  • "Example rumor."
  • "Example rumor."
  • "Example rumor."


  • "Example rumor. Whew, that's juicy."
  • "Example rumor."
  • "Example rumor."


  • "Better get you a litter box." — A previous roommate or something.



I got nothing.


■ Some hooks gonna go here.


Borderline derelict tumblr

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Layout designed by Suen Shyu.