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<div align=center><div style="font-size:55px;letter-spacing:0.2em;color:#706b68;font-family:Georgia;text-shadow: 1px 1px 5px silver">U'rhika Nunh</div></div>
<div align=center><div style="font-size:55px;letter-spacing:0.2em;color:#706b68;font-family:Georgia;text-shadow: 1px 1px 5px silver">U'rhika Nunh</div></div>
<div align=center><div style="font-size:15px;letter-spacing:0.75em;color:#cbc6c3;font-family:Georgia;text-shadow: 1px 1px 5px silver">The past is the past.</div></div>
<div align=center><div style="font-size:15px;letter-spacing:0.75em;color:#cbc6c3;font-family:Georgia;text-shadow: 1px 1px 5px silver">Small text</div></div>
<div align=center>[[File:Rhikabanner.png]]</div>
<div align=center>[[File:Rhikabanner.png]]</div>

Revision as of 06:24, 27 September 2018

U'rhika Nunh
Small text


» ————————— ————————— «



BIRTH NAME... U'rhika Tia

RACE & CLAN... Miqo'te, Seeker of the sun

GENDER... Male

AGE & NAMEDAY... 17, 19th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon




NATIONALITY... Dravanian/Ishgardian

TRIBE... Drake Tribe(Dravanian Branch)

CURRENT RESIDENCE... Lavender Beds, Ward 16, Plot 14

OCCUPATION... Airship mechanic and cargo runner

PATRON DEITY... Menphina

HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 4Fm 11Im, 121Pz

ALIGNMENT... Chaotic Neutral


Having practically raised himself from a very young age after seemingly having the entirety of his tribe wiped out, Rhika is typically reserved by nature but perhaps a little too curious and mischievous, something that caused plenty of trouble growing up...while simultaneously being a massive boon. As such, he'll usually remain out of anyone's business unless he feels he's got something significant to gain and should something snag this seeker's attention it'd be safe bet that he'll remained enthralled until either bored or said curiosity is quelled.

Despite such self reliance and mistreatment from many an ishgardian citizen, he's grown out of his tendency to be mistrusting of people. The only real exception to this are other male seekers, otherwise unless given any real reason to believe someone is unsavory, he'll often be open, forthcoming and warm; rarely if ever treating new people with wariness. That friendliness is sure to vanish in an instant at the first sign of betrayal and his trust is painfully difficult to earn back. Even if he might otherwise seem like he's back to his usual carefree self, it's most often just a facade in which he'll keep an eye open for any sign of misdirection. It'd be very unwise to write him off as

When idle, chances are his fingers can be seen shifting about, counting or flicking, mulling things over in his mind. Something that's attributed to a huge fixation to his craft. What started out as simply carving spears and slings from sticks and stones has been fostered into a full blown fascination with machinery. As his tool set grew, so did his skills, forging more intricate tools and weapons and attempting to improve them at any given chance. Completely rife with determination, once an idea clicks in his mind anyone would be hard pressed to stop him from seeing it through. If he's serious, his will is as sturdy as none other no matter how much it might wind up costing and there are few things that can fracture it.

Though he's got a firm understanding of right and wrong and he seems generally like one to abide by the rules, Rhika more often than not will choose his own desires over doing right. At most this will only result in a few petty grievances in an attempt to keep the damage to a minimum and avoid any ramifications. Cases where this otherwise laid back seeker acts out with any real hostility are extremely few and far between and likely only when he's already been wronged. Petty crimes and thefts he knows he can get away with are commonplace and it's not unheard of for him to be snooping through shady markets for anything worth a damn, it is after all a great way to get hands on spare pieces of magitek at a discount. It's predominantly in such cases that Rhika has learned to use his gender ambiguity as a tool, teasing and toying to weaken merchants that show any indication of interest, which has also become a bit of a playful hobby on the side.

He wears his libido on his sleeve a lot of the time, leading to him at times being a bit of a flirt which is exacerbated tenfold when drunk. With such a lack of exposure and plenty of freedom to spare as of late, he learned fairly quick he can't handle a drink very well. He'll often hesitate before indulging an offer but most likely will cave to the allure of simply having a fun time, regardless how it could end poorly.


Rather short for his age and lacking the bulk most would come to expect from a male miqo'te, plenty of passersby tend to second guess the seeker's gender at a glance. A diminutive stature, relatively wide hips and a notable touch of curve to his form even though clothes tends to be the main culprit of this, even with his stark black hair being kept cut short more often than not. Though when laziness is overpowering he can be seen with it long and kept up in a ponytail which only brings even more confusion, sometimes even intentionally. Thick and black fur covers both ears and tail, the latter of which is lengthy and bushy. Several scars litter his lightly tanned frame, most of which have healed over long ago and are difficult to spot without a closer look, even the pair on his face. Both eyes are a matching shade of bright tangerine, a trait that was common amongst his tribe and often touted as one of, if not the most striking of his features. Constant lugging of crates and shifting heavy loads has left him with a slight tone of muscle that's easily hidden by clothing. Traces of ash and oil can sometimes be spotted still clinging to skin when working, which also ultimately tends leave him carrying a fitting scent if not masked.




Firearms. Absolutely without a doubt his most proficient weapon if not only weapon of choice. Practice with a bow came early on in childhood and forged a keen eye for accuracy. It took only a little bit of effort to adjust this to the use of a gun and over the years his eye for aim is nearly unmatched. Coupled with the tendency to tweak every gun in his possession to suit the situation and his own preferences, anyone caught on the other end of his barrel is like to have a problem.
Bow. This has been all but given up. Times where Rhika will practice with a bow let alone use one are very scarce.
Close quarters. Perhaps the simplest downfall. He's spent so much time sharpening his skill with firearms that without them he's a little less threatening. His sister has helped teach him how to at least fend off aggressors with his fists but this only goes so far. Instead he'll employ every tool and trick at his disposal to keep enemies at bay and shield this flaw as much as he possibly can.


Fun/Exploration. No really, the extent he'll go to for free time in order to see the world is almost unparalleled. Cutting corners with work, selling off materials that were otherwise meant to be kept for a quick excuse to remain where ever he might've docked. It can simply be lazy at best, and borderline dangerous at worst.
Explosives. Something of a guilty pleasure that was brought about with so much time spent around machinery and firesand. This is one of the few things he might be a little tight lipped about as speaking openly about his endeavors and trades in the field tend to catch a bad light. His expertise with them is as broad enough anyone might write him off as somewhat of a pyromaniac. In a fight these will often only be used as a last resort. In any other case however, well...
Kugane. Despite being adverse to actually living there, Rhika absolutely loves the place. If not for all the cute raen girls then for all the amazing food it has to offer.
Food. Especially things he's yet to try, Rhika won't turn down anything new no matter how daunting it may seem to stuff in ones mouth.
Gardening. Something he's particularly quiet but no less passionate about. He'll more likely brush this hobby off as just something to pass time but it's more accurately a therapeutic pastime. Being able to sell the spoils certainly does no harm either.


Dragons. Watching your home get ravaged by flame and claw tends to leave an impression and Rhika's no exception. He's got a sort of phobia of most, if not all scalekin. It may have lessened over time but the deeply rooted instinct to turn tail and flee horrendously muddies his reflexes.
Magic. It's a useful tool but he's got very limited skill when it comes to manipulating aether. It's left him just a little sour on the topic as he feels it could prove to be beneficial but there's not much that can be done. On the off chance
Other male seekers. Over time, other male seekers of the sun most times have proven themselves to be cocky, jeering and confrontational at best. There's a big inclination to keep his distance from them to avoid the sure fire hail of passive aggressive remarks should they ever catch wind of of him being nunh.
Paissas. Just paissas.


Alcohol. While more of an apprehensiveness than a dislike, he's kind of a lightweight and he knows this well. Rhika will probably tread lightly when it comes to drinking but will almost always invariably giving in to pressure.
Fidgety fingers. His fingers are oft on the move if not already occupied. Tapping, drumming, scratching at whatever surface they might happen to be resting on. It's completely involuntary and most times he won't even realize until someone's brought it up.
Work?. Work is a term used pretty loosely. Most times even when on a job it'd barely seem that way with how lax he handles himself. But that won't stop him from trying to cheat away out at the prospect of something even better. Nothing wrong with enjoying your job no?


Born to a U tribe near the borders of Dravania and Coerthas, U'rhika; or more often presently just Rhika, spent most of his early life sheltered and coddled. He was raised in the smaller of two villages, the tribe having split when its numbers began to swell. His sister, U'rosena, who was seven at the time of his birth swiftly grew fond of him, actively taking their mother's role whenever she was out hunting. Within the second year of his life, the larger of the two villages met its untimely fate to a slew of dragons. The demise of more than half of the tribe went mostly unheard of for several days, until a small party was sent on a regular visit for trade. With only four males in its entirety, two of them now lost and believed to have been killed, and the only nunh reaching past his prime, the entire tribe kept a close watch on the growing boy that now unwittingly had a lot riding on his shoulders.

The atmosphere remained rather dreary for several weeks after the news had landed. Hunting was pulled back, kept closer to home to avoid any unnecessary injury and conflict. Guards became stricter, wanting to make absolutely sure they'd not be getting caught unaware should they fall under the same attack. They were also hell bent on making sure Rhika was kept well protected. This vehement cosseting never quite bothered the young seeker, giving him plenty of time to lounge around and read through whatever few tomes the village had picked up in passing. With such a limited selection however, it's no surprise he started to grow tired of them all. The full weight of the responsibilities that rested on his shoulders started to become more apparent as he grew older. He'd started taking up a bow at six, having his sister share everything she'd learned.

The weight of this problem also rested on U'falh's shoulders, praying and desperate that he might again have a son to lessen the burden. But age had started to catch up, nearing 55 years old with a declining conception rate. In all this time not a single other male was born to the threatened drake tribe.

While he was aware that he was slated to take the title of nunh in due time, he didn't particularly take to the idea of it being handed to him, be it willingly or simply by the current nunh being far weaker by age. Thus, at seven he issued a challenge, pitting him in a brawl with his father that unsurprisingly ended far from in his favor. While the nunh was careful to do no serious damage to the future of their tribe, he was bound by right and by pride to give the boy a proper fight. Unswayed, Rhika kept pursuing his quarry, practicing day in and day out, sneaking away on his on personal hunts much to the dismay of the rest of the tribe. Several moons later he tried again, taking the same thrashing he'd received earlier. Rhika threw himself into that fight moon after moon, year after year eventually saw his aim being honed to an absolute tee, yet no matter how well he could strike his mark, he couldn't take the blows from a man double his size and each time he'd concede only to wander off and lick his wounds. Even the scolding from his sister did nothing to pry him off that path.

In the end he'd made countless attempts to take his title over four years to no avail, receiving a few lingering scars over his body as a reminder. Though he would receive that title, only in a way he'd hated even more than having it passed to him. Before he could issue another challenge however, a panicked hunting party returned with a group of scalekin hot on their tail. The entire tribe was whipped into a frenzy with their survival dangling by a thin thread. Rhika only witnessed the beginnings of that small war, fleeing for the safest exit and disregarding the cries of his sister calling out for him to come back. The boy knew nothing of where he was running, simply trying to escape the cries and cracking fires behind. The noises died down, finding himself in a small clearing that he'd call home for a few days. Putting what little he'd been taught by his sister to use, Rhika foraged, hunted, sleeping by a small fire. While he hoped for the best, he was still terrified of what he might find on his return. Nothing more than a smoldering waste remained, bodies strewn about in the ash ridden dirt, both dragon and miqo'te alike. He scavenged whatever he could from the wreck which was rather little. Something he did manage to pull up was one of those old books, singed with some of the wording lost to flame. A long bout of sobbing filled the once thriving village and eventually the young seeker would leave it all behind. And so he was thrust with the title of nunh with no tribe left to call his own, he would never truly accept it.

Not wanting to delve any deeper into dragon territory, he trudged south through plains and forests with no real aim. He hadn't a clue where to go, what to do, he lived alone and spent his time hunting and gathering. He'd never stayed in one place too long and while he did spot a traveler on occasion he chose to stay out of sight. Each night he laid awake, staring at the glittering sky, hoping for something better. A little over a year he spent as a nomad, spotting a looming gate in the distance, one that led to Ishgard. At first they'd refused him entry several times over, not wanting yet another dirty and poor head to keep watch on. Repeated attempts at trying to sneak in landed in Rhika in a cold cell, soon to be interrogated. They'd soon found out that he was little more than an unfortunate soul, meeting the same ill fate at the face of dragons and so they let him free, but nothing more. Undoubtedly hoping for extra fodder

Ishgard was not the break the boy had assumed it to be, in fact it was arguably worse for a time. Hunting proper game is impossible in a city less you fancy eating rats. Unsurprisingly he wound up huddled in the Brume most of his time getting by on scraps and spare coin thrown his way. Over time he began getting accustomed to the overbearing stone architecture which for a boy raised in small huts of cloth and hide were quite the sight to behold. He learned the streets in and out, often lounging around the manufactory to simply watch or listen, hopelessly enamored of the clanging of steel. It fascinated him, the large array of things those blacksmiths could create. Heaving ballistas, explosive cannons, even far smaller and delicate things like clocks, watches, firearms. While it'd never occurred to him much prior to now being so disconnected from civilization, many others began to mistake him for female as he grew, prompting a correction on his behalf whenever it was allowed. This never seemed to bother him too much, in fact it didn't at all as he could understand why. Rather diminutive for a male seeker and toting a far from masculine figure, these traits were overlooked by the tribe he grew up with, chalked up to nothing more than him being a child.

That fact is ultimately what led to him being offered work at the same manufactory he'd been eyeballing day after day. A blacksmith had noticed him, curious as to what business a slum dwelling 'girl' might have here. A small correction and a short explanation ultimately lended itself to Rhika being offered work there, which he was quick to accept. Though his job was far from stellar, kept to the most menial of chores and at times simply just acting as little more than a maid for all the other employees, not once did he complain. Being able to watch all the work from much closer up was reward enough on its own. So when coin began to build in his shoddy purse as well, he knew clearly what to do. After purchasing himself some not-so-raggedy clothes, the young seeker held onto most of his pay, skipping on food for days at a time until he could handle it no more. Even in a busy city he'd strayed from too many dealings with people, only really growing fond of the man that had given him his job. Half a year he spent, working on more grueling tasks, going hungry out of his own volition. With all that saved money he bought himself a firearm, a double barreled gun that he'd been keeping an eye on for sometime. He marveled at the thing for a while, quick to take quite the liking to it after his experience with a bow. All the range, with far less work, just a careful pull of a finger was all it took. He took good care of his new found prized possession, keeping it on his person at all times with no exceptions. Now with his goal having been met, he set his mind elsewhere, namely on forging and scouring through whatever tomes lay littered on the shelves around the shop. Even long after shifts he could be found, asking for any scraps of metal, wood or stone. At first he simply hammered and sawed and bolted pieces together for the pure satisfaction. These however were just bits of junk cobbled together with no purpose not much different from the sticks and stones he'd worked with years ago until later progressing onto proper works. Small cannons, motors, models, and all sorts of curious little things.


The calamity was quite the spectacle from Ishgard, burning the sky an ominous crimson red as flurries of lights streaked by. The very stone Rhika stood on shook and panic set in the city. Stray flares pounded at nearby mountains and midst the chaos of it all a stone pillar collapsed over the building he took shelter in. When he came to he was laid in a bed with a nasty cut to the side of his head, bandaged tight. The city was never quite the same since, the climate started to shift in less than a sennight, growing colder and colder by the moon. Snow started to drift over the city and even the heat of the forge in the manufactory struggled to keep the interior of the store warm. Rhika could only handle such weather for so long, always stiff and chilled to the bone lest he sit permanently right by that flaming tank of warmth. He endured long enough to work up a healthy pocket of gil, before inevitably resigning. He gave a thorough goodbye, taking up his things and leaving the city behind, the icy cold is no weather for a seeker of the sun.

Before too long he'd bumped into the gates to Gridania, who were far more welcoming than Ishgard had been all those years ago. Still having no real goal in mind other than to escape that blistering chill of Coerthas, he wandered around the city taking refuge at the local inn. The comforting hold of a true and tried bed stole away almost a full day. Rhika stayed in town for some few days, recollecting himself, trying to figure out what he should do now.

When passing through the markets on one of his strolls through the bustling city, he happed upon an oddly familiar figure. The closer he got the the more it started to strike him and he soon found out why. Reunited with his sister, the two of them spent a good long night chatting and filling out the last few years without the other. And when Rose had heard of her brother's fascination with machinery, she was quick to offer him work should he be willing to learn to pilot and maintain an airship to make deliveries and cargo transport that much easier. Of course he took this up without a speck of hesitation and was brought to their home in La Noscea where he stayed for several moons. He spent countless days reading and tinkering, following a blueprint he was given and filling the rest in with his own work. Eventually the thing was made whole, a fully functioning airship that he was quick to take pride in with all those suns spent toiling through books and parts made the victory all that much sweeter.

While the airship remains out of his possession, he is free to take it as he pleases so long as it's not needed for any work. This new found freedom instilled a heavy sense of wanderlust in him, one that was just aching to be let loose after those long lonely nights under the stars. Wanting to fly more and more, he began looking forward to even the most menial of tasks set for him. Thus, on any free lengths of time he's off flying about, seeing the world from far above and exploring places he'd likely otherwise never have been able to touch.

Color Key
In A Relationship: Romantically involved with this character.
Romantic Attraction: Romantically interested in this character.
Sexual Attraction Physically interested in this character.

Platonic Love/Family: Considers this person family.
Friend: Considers this person her friend.
Friendly Acquaintance: Considers this person mostly friendly, or as an ally.

Good Standing: No specific feelings about this character, however they left a good impression.
Neutral: No specific feelings about this character.
Bad Standing: No specific feelings about this character, however they left a bad impression.

Dislike: Doesn't consider this person a friend, and will talk if needed, but try to avoid them.
Hate: Considers this person an annoyance, and will try to avoid them. Conflict can happen.
Fear: Terrified by this character, and will try to avoid them at all cost.
Rivalry: Considers this person a rival, and will try to initiate conflict every time a chance arises.

Family Member: This character is related by blood.
Business: This character is either an employer, employee, or coworker.
Deceased: This character is missing and is assumed to have passed away.
? Unknown: This character has one of all the color keys above, but Name isn't fully aware of it yet.


U'falh Nunh ( ) ( NPC ) - Father
Rhika's father. Sired him at the age of 56 and shared a heated rivalry that both knew was merely a healthy dose of conflict. He spent very little time with Rhika or any of his kin, a fact made even worse with such high tensions strung out through the tribe. What little time they did spend together was more often than not for harsh combat trials.
U'vhela Falh ( ) ( NPC ) - Mother
Loving and caring but ultimately not around as often as expected and was constantly out on hunts to help provide for the tribe. Regardless some of his fondest memories are those of the warmth and safety in her arms which would wind up serving him well through the lonely times spent living in The Brume.
Name Goes Here ( Status Icons Go Here ) ( NPC ) - Title Given By Character Goes Here
Text, text, text, text.
Name Goes Here ( Status Icons Go Here ) ( NPC ) - Title Given By Character Goes Here
Text, text, text, text.
Name Goes Here ( Status Icons Go Here ) ( NPC ) - Title Given By Character Goes Here
Text, text, text, text.


U'rosena Falh ( ) - Overprotective sister
Rhika's sister and his primary caregiver for the few years spent with his tribe. After spending years under the assumption she'd failed to keep him safe once, she's now vehemently aggressive in her pursuit to ensure nothing like that happens again.
F'lamahni Tykha ( ) - Sweet sister in law
Rose's wife and in turn, another sister Rhika hadn't known about. The owner of a love hotel and a part time botanist, she often encourages his gardening hobby. It's with her that he found his job building, maintaining and piloting her airship so it can used for cargo delivery. Their house also serves as a second home, welcome with open arms at any time and through some of Rhika's lazier moments he can be found loitering inside for the free food.
Name Goes Here ( Relationship Icons Go Here ) - Title Given By Character Goes Here
Text, text, text, text.
Name Goes Here ( Relationship Icons Go Here ) - Title Given By Character Goes Here
Text, text, text, text.
Name Goes Here ( Relationship Icons Go Here ) - Title Given By Character Goes Here
Text, text, text, text.


Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!
◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Text, text, text, text."
"Text, text, text, text."

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"Text, text, text, text."
"Text, text, text, text."

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Text, text, text, text."
“Text, text, text, text.”


◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
"Rumor Goes Here" Name Goes Here


Personal RP Limits
I will play mature content and themes (violence, sexuality, drug / alcohol use) as long as they're logical in a plot-driven encounter. Coarse and excessive language. Temporary injury and incapacitation. Temporary imprisonment. Most walk-up encounters.
Ask about long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. Long-term captivity or imprisonment.
I won't play permanent character death.
If an aspect of RP makes you uncomfortable in a scene we're playing, please send me a /tell, letting me know. Communication is very important, more important than potentially keeping immersion.


Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
Tumblr NSFW! My art blog for anyone interested in that sort of thing.
Potential Plot Hooks
Text, text, text, text.
Text, text, text, text.
Text, text, text, text.
Text, text, text, text.
Text, text, text, text.

Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes. If it weren't for you my wiki would not look how it does.

■ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits and relationship color keys by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Music and OOC note by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Mashing everything together like a mad scientist by D'lyhhia Lhuil.

Please remember to credit everyone when using this wiki. Thank you.