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His attitude towards most is purely business-like, though if you're on his good side or his mood is good, he's polite enough, with a hint of dryness and sarcasm. He can be manipulative and downright cruel if necessary - or, sometimes, simply if the mood takes him - but is cautious and careful not to make enemies without reason. He is deeply dedicated to his family, but beyond this, "friends" isn't something he really does, at least not on the emotional level that most people would anticipate. He respects people he regards as his equals in strength and intellect, and enjoys the company of people he finds interesting, which can take a number of forms, but generally means those who display distinct individuality in some form. Aside from this, he will seek out those who provide him with an outlet for his inner sadistic urges and self-serving desires, but this is something he is careful to keep private and separate from his public life.  
His attitude towards most is purely business-like, though if you're on his good side or his mood is good, he's polite enough, with a hint of dryness and sarcasm. He can be manipulative and downright cruel if necessary - or, sometimes, simply if the mood takes him - but is cautious and careful not to make enemies without reason. He is deeply proud of and loyal to his family, but beyond this, "friends" isn't something he really does, at least not on the emotional level that most people would anticipate. He respects people he regards as his equals in strength and intellect, and enjoys the company of people he finds interesting, which can take a number of forms, but generally means those who display distinct individuality in some form. Aside from this, he will seek out those who provide him with an outlet for his inner sadistic urges and self-serving desires, but this is something he is careful to keep private and separate from his public life.  
In terms of religion and spirituality, he is agnostic - he does not believe in organised religion, but believes there is likely to be some form of higher power in existence, such as fate. Although he acknowledges the real effects of the Twelve in Eorzea (for example, the effects of prayer during events of the recent Calamity), he does not believe in Eorzean deities as they are generally portrayed.
In terms of religion and spirituality, he is agnostic - he does not believe in organised religion, but believes there is likely to be some form of higher power in existence, such as fate. Although he acknowledges the real effects of the Twelve in Eorzea (for example, the effects of prayer during events of the recent Calamity), he does not believe in Eorzean deities as they are generally portrayed.

Latest revision as of 18:04, 8 November 2018

Garlemald Flag.jpg Cassius eir Cato
Gender Male
Race Garlean, pure-blood
Clan Unknown
Citizenship Garlemald
Server Balmung
Age 38
Sexuality Bisexual
Martial status Widower
Birthday 24th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon
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Pale, tall and slim with a finely sculpted face, but cold eyes that stare daggers into any that meet them and a haughty demeanour that is enough to prevent most from attempting to make conversation. His tendency to wear dark glasses and rings sharp enough to cause serious damage with a punch adds an intimidating edge to his otherwise clean-cut sense of style.


His attitude towards most is purely business-like, though if you're on his good side or his mood is good, he's polite enough, with a hint of dryness and sarcasm. He can be manipulative and downright cruel if necessary - or, sometimes, simply if the mood takes him - but is cautious and careful not to make enemies without reason. He is deeply proud of and loyal to his family, but beyond this, "friends" isn't something he really does, at least not on the emotional level that most people would anticipate. He respects people he regards as his equals in strength and intellect, and enjoys the company of people he finds interesting, which can take a number of forms, but generally means those who display distinct individuality in some form. Aside from this, he will seek out those who provide him with an outlet for his inner sadistic urges and self-serving desires, but this is something he is careful to keep private and separate from his public life. In terms of religion and spirituality, he is agnostic - he does not believe in organised religion, but believes there is likely to be some form of higher power in existence, such as fate. Although he acknowledges the real effects of the Twelve in Eorzea (for example, the effects of prayer during events of the recent Calamity), he does not believe in Eorzean deities as they are generally portrayed.


The eldest son of Marcus dus Cato and Camilla dus Cato, both well-off civil servants. He was greatly gifted, ambitious and unusually mature as a child – some would say he never truly was one. He had few friends, but was greatly admired by his younger brother and sister and his childhood best friend Calliope, to whom he was married at the age of 18. Around this time, Cassius enlisted in the army. Though his training took up the majority of the time, he still made every effort to visit his wife, and four years later, his son Timaeus was born.

At 26, Calliope was tragically killed in an accident. Utterly heartbroken, Cassius never remarried, or had any long-term relationship since. Many people would think him cold, as he never appeared to grieve in public, and generally does not seem moved by the plights of others. However, 12 years on, he still carries keepsakes of his wife on his person on a daily basis, makes sure that his son is well educated and his family well cared for back in Garlemald, and holds a deep patriotism for his country and people.

Serving in the third cohort of the XIVth legion, he became an optio centurionis (second-in-command) under pilus prior Aulus rem Vulso. After the Calamity, they were stationed at Castrum Oriens, and on a rare trip outside the castrum with only a small band of soldiers, Aulus was targeted by a group of adventurers and killed. Cassius was severely wounded in the incident, rendering him unable to continue service on the front lines for the time being. However, due to his high intelligence and good standing, he was afforded a position with the Frumentarium, thus allowing him to continue serving the Empire in Eorzea.

His current story, however, is that he defected from the Empire several years ago after his injury. He is currently employed as the assistant manager of the Fury's Rest boarding house in Mist.


Having undergone extensive military training and combat experience, he is proficient with most close-range weapons, and has an interest in collecting weaponry, especially vintage and historical pieces. He has a deep fascination with Allagan society and technology, and has a growing collection of memorabilia and items of interest related to the field. He also enjoys hunting and fishing, gourmet cooking, and relaxing with a book, or playing card and board games. He drinks and smokes regularly, and though he partakes of other drugs only rarely, he has an interest in stimulants.


Timaeus Cato - his 16-year-old son, a fiercely independent young man who takes a great deal after both of his parents in different ways. Cassius values his well-being above all others.

Arismont Caheraux - his retainer, who he appears to treat carelessly, as a tool to order around at his whim. However, he is remarkably defensive about the other man should anyone attempt to lay a hand on him.

Yvon Desvallieres - a distant cousin of his, Cassius currents resides at his boarding house, providing his services to the management of the place.

Ensetsu Hakuuchi - a rival of sorts, Cassius is aware the two of them are evenly matched, but his pride and distaste for Ensetsu would never allow him to admit to it.