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style="color:#ffe73d;" size="2">♥</font><b>)</b> - <b>Duskwight Son.</b></div>
style="color:#ffe73d;" size="2">♥</font><b>)</b> - <b>Duskwight Son.</b></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px;"><b>Character's Thoughts:</b> <i>" ."</i></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px;"><b>Character's Thoughts:</b> <i>"Ah, he's kind of cute in how much he stumbles. But at least he doesn't manage to fall over in the process."</i></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px;">Description of their relationship.</div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:14px;">Esredes picked Luken up after getting rid of a group of knights that were pestering him, likely for his heritage, and with the boy's rather naive and unconfident demeanor, it was easy to keep him around with his existing love of dragons.
The boy certainly has some spine growing to do, but surprisingly his lack of confidence doesn't particularly bother or irritate Esrey. Perhaps its because he does as he's told, without question. He's a good kid, if nothing else, and Esredes hopes to get something interesting out of him in the future.</div>

Revision as of 20:00, 22 January 2019



Esredes is a former Ishgardian knight turned heretic. After an incident with dragon’s blood from his childhood came to light and he was nearly killed as a result, he turned against Ishgard and became devoted to winning the Dragonsong War for the heretics by either taking over or destroying Ishgard. Now fueled by a mixture of vengeance and the need to liberate his people, Esredes continues to press on after years of fighting, refusing to give up the fight no matter how much it takes his toll on him. His blog is here.


On the surface, Esredes presents as a serious and reserved individual, having anywhere from a forced politeness to neutrality and indifference to a distinctly unfriendly demeanor, someone that in most situations, one couldn’t get much out of unless they were a person of interest. But to open up beyond that is to reveal himself more as someone who carries himself with a certain level of authority, an air of regality, and what can be perceived as arrogance, though the extent to which it is genuine is unclear. Esredes is a driven individual with a combination of force and aggression and manipulation and cunning as the fuel it takes. He is an engraved, fancy blade with a sharp and rough edge.

His mind is wired towards logic and a realist outlook, what makes sense to execute as the best afforded and safest action to take, paired with a somewhat warped sense of morality. While he’s nobody to disregard and misunderstand all emotion, he’s often not good at dealing with it. He tends to have a narrow-minded and shortsighted view of a lot of situations, which is a big part of what makes him easy to make a puppet out of, so long as he doesn’t catch on. Ultimately, he is motivated by an internal goal and purpose, and won’t stop until it is fulfilled.

In him lies an inherent chaotic spirit, that gives birth to patterns of rash behavior. This natural tendency controlled him in much of his childhood, but it was forcefully subdued by an artificial sense of order that made its home within him. As a result, though he operates in manners of logic, he is prone to getting carried away in the moment and going off course, sacrificing a calculated move for an opportunity to exercise a desire to kill and take pleasure in it, a weakness he cannot fix no matter what he tries. Even regardless of this, he often resorts to brutal tactics.

Despite his often serious demeanor, he also possess a viable amused side that manifests in several different forms. He often uses it to be snarky in a sarcastic way to people he deliberately wants to anger, but when he’s relaxed he likes to make teasing and playful remarks, often paired with a lot of smirking. These sometimes even come off as flirty, but he’s unaware of this. His actual flirting attempts would be much less desirable.

Esredes is also blunt at times in certain situations. If there aren’t consequences, he makes it known if he dislikes you. Conversely, he also won’t hesitate to compliment and encourage if he genuinely means it. He’s able to be motivational, as well as persuasive, with the force he puts behind his words. Even so, outside of this, especially when he’s not trying, he often manages to say the wrong thing.

Yet even still, if one is in his good graces, they can find themselves with a dedicated ally, and discover a softer side to the man. He is often nobody to hide how much he cares about someone, and prefers to focus on the well being of others around him.

While he does know how to relax, he can only do it for so long before he begins to get restless. He believes his purpose is to fight, and he can’t fully separate himself from that. Yet even though his personality sets him down a dark path, the twists in the fabric of fate still may at least set his sword towards the purposeful cause and enemy he desires.



Esredes stands a little under average Elezen male height at 6'0, and is more widely built than the in game model. He resembles a Gridanian Elezen better than an Ishgardian one, with his light brown skin and crimson hair, swept back behind his head and forming into tips behind it. In relation to the in game model, it should be noted he lacks the widow's peak, and the hair in front of the ears. His appearance is often geared to intimidation, and he gives off a distinct powerful, but uneasy aura. When not in his own version of the typical haubergeon uniform, he usually keeps his outfits relatively simple and not attracting attention, save for the ever present shade of red- but traces of his former highborn fashion sense still remain.

His second form is that of a red and golden quadruped wyvern, standing tall at nine foot five and stretching outwards to eleven foot seven, though he occasionally takes on an in between form, in which he maintains his bipedal size and shape but with all of his draconic features intact.

Despite the resemblance, he is not in any way related to Jannequinard.


Esredes was born into a noble Ishgardian family, and was raised on conservative and strict values, told he must uphold the dignity and honor of the family. However, as he developed, he began to exhibit behavioral issues and this eventually caused his family to try and hide him away from the public in their shame as they tried to get his behavior under control.

As his parents struggled to deal with the eldest child, elsewhere in Ishgard lied a small group of common folk with an agenda against the elite and the system, who were hatching a plan to bring the entire system into question, by slipping dragon’s blood into the drink of a few select elites at a party and letting the uproar dismantle the rest of their family and bring the entire elite under fire. The moody and impatient young Rosemond kid was selected as one of these targets, as not only was a kid an easy target, it would bring much more backfire if a child was killed. Though the actual process itself was a success, the group was then killed in a violent standoff a week later during another criminal act, thus letting their scheme die with them.

Unaware of all of this, when Esredes began to experience the effects of the blood the next day, he was full of panic and terror, thinking he had been cursed, but he did not tell anyone about it. He was old enough to somewhat understand this would be taken badly, and kept it hidden and never tried to experiment with his ability to shift. Hiding this only increased his behavioral problems as well, and eventually peers began to turn away from him for fear of being brought into trouble, leaving him isolated. His parents eventually stepped in and forced him to behave at age fifteen after an incident warranted it being the last straw. After some resistance, he finally conceded and began to behave like a young adult willing to take responsibility for himself. From there, his family and social life returned to stability.

He later joined the Ishgardian military upon reaching adulthood, as it had been his dream for a while to fight, and he was confident in his ability to hide his secret and still become a war hero. He began to win back family honor by becoming a formidable soldier and advancing in the ranks until he was near the top. However, one day during a battle, he was knocked off a cliff ledge to what would have been certain death if he had not shifted wings and glided to a lower ledge for safety, passing it off as a miracle survival. He thought no one had saw it when they rescued him later, but when a group of people showed up with weapons to surround his location later on, he learned very quickly someone must have said something. While he attempted voicing his innocence, it fell on deaf ears, and so he was forced to use the military skills and strategies he had gained, suffering several injuries and injuring several people to escape.

Now on the run and lost without anywhere to go to, Esredes continued fleeing, aiming to make his way towards Ul’dah. He was discovered again in the process and suffered much worse injuries escaping from his pursuers, but was found by a band of heretics and taken for medical treatment. After being told their side of the story, he reluctantly agreed to help them fight against Ishgard, if they would help him achieve something. This deal was then fulfilled, and so he began to embrace his dragon side and become loyal to the heretic cause. He has since become a powerful member in the group and continues to lead sieges against Ishgard.

Ideologies, Beliefs, and Stances.

  • Obviously, Esredes hates Ishgard. He believes strongly in reforging Ishgard one way or another, and believes it falls to the heretics to take the place over and dismantle and rebuild the system. To that effect, he believes very strongly in the heretic cause and believes it is just and right, no matter how many brutal things they do. Even after Heavensward he still tends to refuse to admit they did wrong beyond a 'we were both wrong.'
  • In classic Elezen fashion, he has a mild sense of racism towards Miqo'te. He won't say anything, but he will definitely think it, and occasionally make a racist comment to someone else. To him, he's almost never met a smart Miqo'te, and seriously wonders if they're just inherently dumber than the other races, on top of believing that most of them love to be scantily clad. He also is very ill versed in the culture of either clan, to the point he barely knows the differences between Seekers and Keepers beyond the eyes and one living in Gridania.
  • He's no longer able to commit to any type of religious practice, not even that of Shiva. At most, he sees her as a beacon of hope, and any sort of prayers or thanks he gives to her are more just for the expression. This effectively makes him someone who doesn't deny the existence of gods, but does not waste time following them.
  • Regardless of his bitterness towards Ishgard, he can agree like most that the Garlean Empire is a much bigger threat that needs to be taught to stay away from Eorzea. He has no reason to hold back on them. He takes pride in the fact that dragons took them down the first time. This becomes even worse after Heavensward.
  • He really does not like Ascians. You'd figure that'd be common sense, and yet they took one of his family members and keep threatening to take others close to him. Needless to say, he wishes he knew a way to make them not exist so he could have all his relationships back.
  • When it comes to his general view of people, he has a hard-pressed realist outlook. He believes that people are not inherently special or meaningful, but because everyone is born with willpower, it is the key to creating a person who has a purpose and a use. Your skills and mind are what matters more than background. And he definitely includes himself in this with a level of self-awareness that he too is a completely average person given shape by what he's learned to do.
  • This is one of many reasons why Warriors of Light inherently piss him off. He can tell they're all completely average people who everyone latched onto the special power of. It's an unfair and unhealthy way to cheat the system that he's only ever seen result in a fall.
Family Involved Romantic Unofficially Adopted [Explanation] Unofficially Adopted By [Explanation] Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure
Mother, Loving, but complicated. ()
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.
Father, Loving, but also complicated. ()
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.
Seraphiaux Rosemond, Little Brother. () - The Perpetual Frustration.
Character's Thoughts: "There comes a point when someone has to give up on what is not possible."
Once upon a time, these two got along.

Even during the height of Esredes' teenage rebellion phase, when everyone else shunned him away, his adorable precious little brother was there to try to cheer him up. And it helped a little, having him to turn to when he felt loneliest. It was the kind of debt he would never forget.

Back then, he had no reason not to love his little brother. He was such a kind little kid with what Esredes was almost convinced had a child prodigy level of healing talent. Oh, sweet little Sera.

So time passed, and Sera grew. Esredes went down his path of becoming a knight, and succeeded, and all was well.

And then the time bomb stopped ticking. And the teenager was traumatized by an Inquisitor. And Esredes knows he probably blames Esredes for it.

No matter how much time passes since the incident, Seraphiaux remains just like his parents, closed off and probably thinking of Esredes as evil and unholy while trying to convince himself he's still a good little Halonic follower despite being branded a heretic by Ishgard. And so Esredes has given up on trying with him. And so the debt had to be forgotten.

Esredes can feel nothing but a numb sort of emotional pain now. He had displeased his parents before, but never Sera. Yet it meant nothing, in the end, all the times they spent together as kids. Well, that's just the icing on the cake of losing every single relationship he had before becoming a harrier. And if he wasn't certain enough he was a lost cause already, eventually Esrey finds out Sera also gave his allegiance to the Ascians. Wow. Because that is so much more holy than being a dragon, isn't it? There was much more darkness in him than Esredes ever thought, and if he can't turn himself around, then Esredes can't feel much of any regret officially disowning him sometime down the line.

At least Ysayle makes for a better little sibling than he is.
Ysayle Dangoulian, Sort-of Leader, Sort-of adoptive little sister. () - The beacon of hope/ice daughter.
Character's Thoughts: "Everything about Ysayle is wonderful. She's taken such a large burden on her shoulders, but I believe in her to bring in the new age."
Esredes remembers when Ysayle first came to the camp, a child who had lost everything. He remembers how everyone took an interest in the new heretic and the mystery surrounding her. And he remembers when she revealed to him, and eventually the rest of the camp, the nature of her power. Once she could prove it was real, all he could see in her was overflowing potential. The potential to unite the heretic factions under the charisma of her being. And he couldn’t be more proud of her for what she’s accomplished for their people.

He sees Ysayle as almost a little sister of sorts. She’s still young, she’s still vulnerable in the mind. He wants to continue to be there to help guide her along and make her learn to love herself. Despite her being the leader of the heretics, Esredes sees her less as his leader and more as the one who’s guiding everyone along, to which he then inputs on and assists. She can’t exactly boss him around, with him being there longer than she has by a few years. It only works one way.

But with her around, the heretics have hope to create their ideal version of the future. And she is the ship that will guide them to shore. And he, for one, will continue to be one of the navigators aboard.
Lycelle Monteaux, Ally. ($) - Strange, but good to have around.
Character's Thoughts: "She's like a map with missing routes. You can't figure out where everything is by a simple glance. And yet, perhaps it's not important."
Having been an ally within the walls secretly sending them wagons full of supplies for them to raid, her contribution to the heretic movement is a very appreciated one. It’s always nice to find highborns who didn’t lose everything like him that are willing to assist and believe in the heretic movement. As for her as a person, she is rather intriguing. A glance into her eyes reveals cloudy mechanism he can't help but feel an urge to see clearly, but beyond that, she is by all means polite enough to ensure smooth interaction. He also really wishes he could kill her family. They are awful people, the kind that one can’t resist the urge to murder.
Celandione Averre, Pupil. () - Anger daughter.
Character's Thoughts: "Dione has been through some rough times, but I want nothing more than to help her shine with her true potential."
Since he picked her and her brother up out of a chance encounter in the Coerthan wilderness, already heretics now wanting to join the Disciple's effort, this one has been a journey. A journey he doesn’t regret and is fine with going on, but a journey nonetheless. He likes Dione for her passion and dedication, and he thinks she’s a good kid- and boy does she act like a toddler half the time it seems- but she has to confront her inner demons and delusions and learn to control herself. Only then is she going to achieve a better sense of herself and be able to become the warrior he wants of her. He also knows something horrible has happened to her in the past, and he doesn’t have a way of understanding it, nor does he want to know the details. There’s nothing he can do but feel sympathetic for her in that regard. But she’s making progress despite that. He believes in her, he really does. And with his guidance, she’ll become something great.
Reveilleux Averre, Fellow harrier. () - The brother/Intelligent son.
Character's Thoughts: "Rev is a sensible boy. He may be no fighter, but he's a lot of other things. One of which is definitely someone I want to keep around."
Her brother is a sensible type, and he appreciates being able to talk to him when he’s having difficulties deciphering Dione. It’s low effort to interact with him. He’s the ideal combination of mild-natured and someone who won’t push back. And that’s a headache Esrey doesn’t have to have. Overall, he hopes if he makes progress with his sister he’ll make him feel better in turn. Rev deserves to have that peace of mind. As more of a joking meta note, he's definitely the favorite son.
Luken Lorea, New boy. () - Duskwight Son.
Character's Thoughts: "Ah, he's kind of cute in how much he stumbles. But at least he doesn't manage to fall over in the process."
Esredes picked Luken up after getting rid of a group of knights that were pestering him, likely for his heritage, and with the boy's rather naive and unconfident demeanor, it was easy to keep him around with his existing love of dragons. The boy certainly has some spine growing to do, but surprisingly his lack of confidence doesn't particularly bother or irritate Esrey. Perhaps its because he does as he's told, without question. He's a good kid, if nothing else, and Esredes hopes to get something interesting out of him in the future.
Rae Chival, Fellow Harrier. () - Summoner son.
Character's Thoughts: "I'm still learning about who he is, but I like what I see so far."
This new kid is shy, but intriguing, mostly for the things he can do with that book. Who ever heard of summoning representations of primals…? That could certainly aid their cause. In the meantime, he’s still evaluating him to figure out what he needs to know about the man. Nothing strikes him as particularly unfavorable or off yet. So far, so good.
Clover Hawthorne, Ally. () - Small/Autumn Daughter.
Character's Thoughts: "When it comes to things that are sacred and precious in this world, Clover is one of them. I can only wish and work towards the best for her. Gods know she deserves it."
There’s something about this kid that Esredes is just drawn to. Perhaps it’s her imperfect sense of responsibility and maturity, and how much she tries to do good, perhaps it’s mixed with pity, especially for how the poor orphan thinks of herself as disposable. If she’s not going to help herself, he feels morally obligated to help her in the little ways he can, and try to push her self perception in a more positive direction. But her mellow shyness and soft voice also seems to just match well with his more assertive behavior. Perhaps he likes being able to tell her things to battle against all her self-doubting comments. Furthermore, her display of regard for life deemed unfavorable by society demonstrated by rescuing dragon eggs has lead him to trust her even with his name and identity as a heretic. He knows she’s walking a neutral path, but he thinks it the good kind of neutral, even if she is a Warrior of Light. She's one of the ones he doesn't despise, a true image of a hero. Overall, he just wants to see her believe in her own worth, and for her well being to not decline. She’s a good kid, and bad things should not happen to innocent, good little kids.
Diamat Luneris, Ally. ( ) - Duskwight Mom.
Character's Thoughts: "She seems like a good natured woman. Another source of aid in the basket."
A former heretic turned noble? How interesting. When she showed up to the harrier camp searching for her brother, he knew there was an opportunity to seize, and seize it he did, as she left empty handed but with promise of providing them aid. While he's still in the process of reading her, he's unaware of her own subconscious projections of her lost brother onto him. For now she seems to need nothing out of the harriers in return for her assistance, so the setup is ideal.
Caudecus Patenaude, Ally/Book Dad. ( ->) - The Broken Pirate Scholar.
Character's Thoughts: "I pity him, that is for certain. There's a lot of tragedy to him. But that just means it falls to me to make something of the pieces. And I can at least try."
Initially mistaking him for an enemy, Esredes thankfully learned he was instead another victim of Ishgard's cruelty, in a particularly gruesome manner, and from ripping that information out of him, he thinks he immediately knows what's going on with his psyche. There's a worthless, insecure, vulnerable, and above all, asking for death person contained in all of that.

Though Esredes feels bad, he can't do much yet to help matters except gently nudge him in a positive direction when he can. And so that means dealing with his self-destructive tendencies as he assists him with his questionable research efforts, hoping it will yield a power that Esredes can turn upon the See in the future, all while also filling him in on all the truths of Ishgard he missed by not becoming a heretic when he left Ishgard. Needless to say, even if such a quest ultimately fails, at least he can make something useful out of a network ally in the Maelstrom.

In the meantime, the man is fun to tease, and call a pirate mockingly even though Esredes is well aware he isn't. Another person who falls under his powerful aura without much resistance and stands in awe of him is always a plus. He hopes to be able to use his power of influence to pull him away from his broken bubble. And regardless of what happens, at least this one will reveal himself to be a loyal ally in the long term.
Bellona Marcellus, Cusp Ally/Former Ally. () - The Wood Wailer's Worst Nightmare/Hypocrite Daughter.
Character's Thoughts: "I liked her while it lasted. I had a feeling it wasn't meant to last, but I wouldn't have minded if it did. In the end, she's just a naive and clueless adventurer, and I can't say I didn't try my best."
It's not very often you manage to manipulate someone into assisting the heretics by inviting them to come along to a robbery, and said tactic actually succeeds. Perhaps then, it was rather convenient the two of them met by chance right beforehand, and that she had such a dislike of the Wood Wailers.

And what does an adventurer do but help others? So of course he kept leading her on, finding her in Limsa every week or so to invite her along on a mission with the harriers. Perhaps he planned on eventually telling her the truth in a way she could accept it, but he didn't quite get that far before slipping up, and couldn't salvage what was left of their partnership.

Either way, while it lasted, he did grow to appreciate her company. Her snarky and teasing attitude was fun to compete with, but she also never questioned things too harshly so that he couldn't talk her out of it or dismiss her question. She never really got beyond being semi-closed off, but he took her to have some kind of vague ambitious nature, even if it had no plan and she had little confidence. Too bad. Maybe if she had learned to take from him she'd be better able to pursue whatever it is.

At first, he didn't really care whatever happened once that they had parted. She could go back to adventuring and her own business. But of course, she's the first Warrior of Light he encountered before they all started throwing themselves at him like desperate children, and that means one can only hope he won't want to burn her with the rest once certain events go down.
Alastor Izunia, Unreliable Contractee. () - Stupid Cheery Miqote/Cat son.
Character's Thoughts: "He really is a lost cause, and I'm out of patience for stubborn kids who won't learn their lesson."
There are a few words that come to mind when describing Alastor: Stupidity, incompetence, a voice that won't adjust to the concept of tolerable volume, even in danger, complete cluelessness, insensitivity, uncontrollable infatuation. And of course, that means he's a Warrior of Light. Because why would Hydaelyn pick someone who isn't useless?

Needless to say, when the last stupid Miqo'te leaves you, an even dumber one takes its place, practically begging you to take him along on your ship heist. And he'd definitely have Bellona back over this. Even if it's no effort to manipulate him, he's also too stupid to be all that useful at all. So much for the echo meaning anything.

What irritates Esredes most about the Miqo'te is not his stupidity or uselessness, though. It's the fact he wanted to try and help while explicitly informing him he's kissing a loyal Ishgardian in the background, all with the weak excuse of "he was really cute?" Are hormones still dominant at that age? Ugh. Needless to say, it comes off to Esredes not just as clueless, but completely insensitive. That man has killed who knows how many heretics, and you're still going to act like there is no problem there. Please, who took this child's brain?

With all that in mind, when this predictably ended in Alastor not joining the heretics after their first complete disaster of an adventure, Esredes barely even cared at that point and just wanted to never see him again. Except of course, he came running back to beg him to help him save his adoptive father when the same demonic presence that tormented them on their first adventure rose again and kidnapped him. A task Esredes only accepted for the chance to put a bullet through the perpetrator's head, but nevertheless made Alastor agree to being servitude-bound to his people for a while in exchange for.

As he tries to figure out what the cat could possibly be useful for, Esredes doesn't grow much fonder of his presence, mostly taking advantage of his pushover nature to let his own abusive tendencies be taken out on him. Perhaps if the cat had a brain, he wouldn't feel so unsympathetic towards him. As is, he's bringing his own disaster upon himself, and Esredes won't miss him when he's gone.

Unless wanting to kill someone counts as missing them. Because he immediately assumed Alastor to be as guilty as the other Warriors of Light when Snowcloak and Shiva happened, and had him painted as a target as he went to hunt as many down as he could. It was only by the graces of intervention that he was stopped and informed of his innocence before it was too late. But the trauma had already been dealt to the cat's nonexistent brain.

Needless to say, he does feel bad about the incident, even if only because his accusations were misplaced. In the end, the cat is not as bad as his father- at least he actually tries to do something sometimes. But Esredes is still content to let this be the note their relationship ends on. He has no further desire to see Alastor in any form.
Ranier Layarte, Enemy. () - The psychopath.
Character's Thoughts: "Someday, I am going to see you burn. And I will enjoy every little millisecond of it. Let the flesh melt and burn as you scream in pain."
To say he holds absolute seething hatred for the man is an understatement. He truly believes the man to be a psychopath without capacity for true emotion after his display of killing three of his fellow harriers, all in rather gruesome ways, while also torturing him. Until he can figure out a way to get to the rich bastard past his hired help, his mind won't know peace for the trauma he inflicted upon it.
Heilyn Hraesar, Standoffish Acquaintance. ( ) - The useless father.
Character's Thoughts: "Everything about him pisses me off and I never want to see him again."
Heilyn is Alastor's adoptive father, and oh boy, he does not like him. He thought he was going to be someone decent, someone who would, perhaps, display the basic level of gratitude for being saved from a psychopath. And it turns out this assumption was very wrong.

People like Heilyn are some of the kinds that piss him off the most. Trying to claim moral high ground while he, a fellow heretic, does absolutely nothing about the Dragonsong War. He can take the moral throne he thinks he’s sitting on and shove it directly up his ass. By the hells, at least his son, however incompetent he is, is actually willing to do something.

Either way, for when he is forced to interact with him during Alastor's servitude period, he at least tentatively tried to reason with him. Not that he thought it really worked at all. But something within him told him there’s a chance to get through to him. At least until his patience ran out when the heretic manifested a very weak attempt to kill him, and he was all but completely done with him. Fortunately, by that point the servitude was essentially done, and Esredes was content to say a goodbye and a fuck you and never see him again.
Ezekiel Amatti, Ex-Employer. ($ ) - The "Client".
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.
B'ahm Pilate, Ex-coworker. () - The mysterious enemy you can't entirely hate.
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.
Murielle Mercer, Enemy. ( ) - The banished demon.
Character's Thoughts: "Oh, if I could do over everything I did to her... I would relive those moments over, and over again. For days upon end. Little has ever given me the amount of sheer satisfaction to watch her wither away in the hands of the people she wronged. Oh, justice has a sweet taste, and she can rot in all seven hells."
The Inquisitor responsible for torturing his family after he was exposed for having Dragon's Blood. Accounts from his family after being rescued told him this was a merciless and completely emotionless woman who he would have loved to have the opportunity to kill for what she did. Except for the fact that opportunity came, after a journey it took to finally get his hands on her and abduct her. And oh, once he had her in the basement at the camp, he made sure to make it slow. So very, very slow. And he delighted in every second of delivering her actions back unto her in his own creative ways, the way he slowly brought her psyche down before finally letting death take her. Sometimes good things do come to those who wait, and she was a victory that he was all but absolutely delighted to have. He only hopes the nutrients in her corpse aren't too polluted that the soil beneath it can't enjoy them.
Nenela Nela, Bad outcome Acquaintance. () - The fool.
Character's Thoughts: "The poor child has yet to see what the world's cruelty is really like. I can only hope it won't take her with it, impulsive as she is."
Another stupid and incompetent warrior of light. He encountered the Lalafell lost out in the cold, but apparently on a mission to stop them from stealing Enchiridions. And her attempt was more than pitiful. While he made a mockery of her and tried to urge her to get away from Ishgard, he really just pities her. Ishgard and Hydaelyn is going to break that poor little girl, and he can do nothing to stop it.
Mumune Mune, Acquaintance. () - The axe lady.
Character's Thoughts: "I don't really know her, but she seems all right, if not overenthusiastic. I can always foster a level of appreciation for someone who hates Ishgard. Wonder if there's any chance she has a favorable opinion of harriers.

....It turns out I was wrong. Oh so very wrong. And it's to her regret that I am."
He met Mumune in the aftermath of his Coliseum match with B'ahm for the role of sellsword, with her for some reason wanting to fight him as the loser of the match. Though really, he barely got to do so with a third strange competitor deciding to interject into the match. Still, they talked a little in the aftermath, and she revealed how she didn't like Ishgard for how it called her dad a heretic and made him pack up and leave, which made Esredes like her at least a bit. Perhaps they need to have a more proper fight sometime.

...And he didn't know how much he would desire that after realizing she's a Warrior of Light. The same group of people who committed atrocities against his people at Snowcloak. Well, so much for being likable. Now she has to pay for her crimes, if he gets the chance to administer justice.
Dawn Coppertea, Acquaintance. () - The strange, but impressive healer.
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.
Haurchefant Greystone, Who is he and why do all the Warriors claim to be in love with him? () - The most sought after man in Ishgard???
Character's Thoughts: "Whoever he is, he gives me a bad feeling. I'm not sure I trust what everyone says about him."
Esredes is actually unaware that he's heard his name somewhere in the past and forgotten its association to a story of a knight saving a lord and getting knighted for it. How impressive that story was, but one someone ultimately forgets about. Instead, he just keeps hearing his name from all the Warriors he runs into, half of which seem to claim they love him, and worse, who all but cite him as a reason they can't help Esredes, which is rather frustrating, to say the least. As if one supposedly nice man makes up for all the atrocities Ishgard continues to commit. Do they not know he must sit back and do nothing about people being thrown off of cliffs to their deaths? Yes, truly a nice man he must be. Needless to say, Esredes isn't quite convinced. He feels like there's something hiding there, but he'll never find out what it is, so it's not really worth worrying about. Now if only the children would shut up about him- he must be a somewhat young knight for them to have fallen for him, right? Well, perhaps he's just as clueless as them, or perhaps Esrey's speculations are correct.
Ysayle Dangoulian, Grieving. ( ) - The sacrifice that didn't need to be.
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.
Alastor Izunia, Friend. () - Cat son.
Character's Thoughts: "The kid is trying his best, and I for one find reason now to hope he succeeds."
What it took to get to the end of the Dragonsong War took a toll on everyone, and Alastor is no exception. When it really came down to it, seeing the optimistic light fade from his eyes and only seeing a sad husk of what had been presented to him before was not pleasing for Esredes.

So he repeated a tactic previously used with Dione, and put Alastor through his own improvised therapy technique to allow him to confront and learn to control his inner demons. And something of being told by someone Alastor thought hated him that he was not okay was the wake up call he needed to acknowledge it and talk about it.

From that point on, he accepted the cat's presence as one that wasn't so bad. In his own state of being, he was ill equipped to turn down the support of someone who still insisted on seeing the best in him, despite everything he'd done to him in the past. So Alastor remains something of occasional company to enjoy for what it's worth, when he isn't being whisked off to go be a Warrior of Light. But it's for that exact reason he still worries for him.
Heilyn Fortemps, Coworker/Friend. () - The Emotional Support Dad.
Character's Thoughts: "He's not as bad of a person as I thought he was. No, when he gets his head out of his own ass he is surprisingly kind. Well... kind in a subjective way. Still, he's come to be the closest ally I have."
Even before the war ended, these two encountered each other again in a cry for help on Heilyn's part. And it certainly wasn't a happy reunion, and Esrey didn't hesitate to let him know that much. Still, he ended up putting aside his hatred for the man and agreeing to helping him- not for him, but for a combination of his son, and the fact he needed an Inquisitor that Esredes would very much like to get rid of gotten rid of. And when the deed was done, Esredes was content to never see him again.

Until he did, in the same line of diplomacy he had started as a job back in Ishgard. Well, wasn't that just wonderful and lucky of him? Except to his surprise, the man practically broke down into tears with an apology. Consider that the first time anyone has ever cried giving an apology to him.

Needless to say, regardless of how he believed his sincerity, the man was a Fortemps who wanted to make up for his previous actions towards him. An exploitable connection Esredes certainly wasn't going to let go of. But he found Heilyn to be a lot more than exploitable- no, the man was capable of being a genuine friend and ally, both of them united under the same goal. And the more they can both come to understand each others' emotional needs and who they are as a person, the closer they come together as being something to get the other through each day. It's very likely Heilyn will be a lifelong friendship for Esredes, one that can help him work through a lot of darkness within himself he wasn't even fully aware of.
N'theya Hawthorne, Friendly yet awkward acquaintance. () - Void Granddaughter.
Character's Thoughts: "She's a good kid, I just wish she'd grow up."
He certainly couldn’t have anticipated Clover raising a voidsent like a child, but he’s come to respect her decision. N’theya is cute, and she has turned out to not be a monster... but she’s still a brat who causes her mother unneeded stress, and he wishes she would grow up and realize this. Because of all these factors, he’s a bit standoffish from her. It’s better to let Clover handle her than him.
Ufah Vamsidu, Enemy. () - The Enigmatic Monster.
Character's Thoughts: "How do you stab an Ascian Voidsent mix to death?"
He does not like that thing one bit, and it needs to stay the hell away from Clover. He wants to figure out how to kill it as quickly as possible, because there is no way in hell he’s allowing it to take another friend from him.
B'ahm Pilate, Strange Friend. () - The uneven dad.
Character's Thoughts: "...I suppose I owe him a lot. He's fine to have around, in doses. Though I really don't always understand why he cares."
Instead of going away, B'ahm showed up at the heretic's doorstep beaten and bruised. How his comrades managed to do that, Esredes will never know. What he does know is that B'ahm will never stop being full of surprises and confusions. Like the fact he pushed for Esrey to join him with the Warriors in killing Niddhog, aided in convincing Aymeric to pardon him, and seems for some reason to want to stick around him as if they hadn't been fighting each other before the war ended.

Leaving himself as Esrey's only source of person to talk to directly in the aftermath of the end of the war. Not the one he expected, not the one he considered ideal- but somewhat helpful, nonetheless. And he learned quickly the man was not going away so easily, not before he could... let's just say 'teach' Esredes a few things.

In several ways, Esredes couldn't rightfully deny his appreciation for all B'ahm has done for him. Nor deny that he can be something of a comforting presence. But he also tends to experience negative emotions over the way he tries to 'fix him', or calls him a child.

Still. So be it, he supposes. Most people like to talk to him that way. And for what he's worth, he's tolerable most of the time. And certainly potentially useful, have Esredes ever the need for his seemingly endless abilities. It's just likely that something may eventually boil over that needs to be addressed for their relationship to be completely functional.
O'raha Nuhn, Acquaintance. () - So you think you can date my daughter?
Character's Thoughts: "He's not a very bright boy by any means... but he's all right."
Perhaps his expectations for meeting Clover’s boyfriend were made too high by her talks of his noble nature. What he got was... certainly not what he was expecting. The boy might be dimwitted, but he does have a good heart, and the two of them can agree on trying to look out for Clover’s well being. He’s not entirely sure he’s the one for her, but he does at least respect him for what he does to help her.



Player Note
I'm Plat, she/her, a female college student. I get excited about characters the way anyone else does, and aim to someday create media out of mine. I am also a naive baby so excuse my innocence and please don’t try to destroy what remains of it. I use this AU of my character to explore whatever new facets I can discover of him, and to see how he can benefit the development of other characters. I am down to roleplay and figure something out whenever college isn't swarming me, so know your interest will excite me.
Personal RP Limits
Don't ask me to ERP without expecting to get digitally stabbed. My character is not a sex doll and I am personally not comfortable nor familiar with roleplaying that kind of content. I will fade to black and that is it. My discord is available upon request, and I can be found on tumblr. In game rp is iffy due to periods of game hiatuses and I prefer discord roleplay, with tumblr as a secondary.
I will play Anything from friendships to adding to my ever expanding kid empire to dramatic and dark content with enemies and murder and the like. Particularly interested in making more enemies, but I am never opposed to more allies and friendships.
I won't play Sexual content, for reasons stated above. Also, I don't think I can make him have any kind of positive relationship with a Warrior of Light if they participated in Snowcloak, as he will never forgive them for that part of the story and genuinely hopes most of them die from that point on, so keep that in mind if you have one.
I am over eighteen.
Final Fantasy is not his original universe, and you will hear me make mentions to his canon universe. To hear an explanation on that, refer here.
This entire profile caters to his character before the end of Heavensward. Know that he is still around after the end of Heavensward as well! Thanks to a pardon on behalf of Aymeric, he is back around the city working with diplomacy on behalf of the dragons and to promote legal security for former heretics. His character tends to be more depressed and tired and less aggressive as he's free to try to cope with reality and struggle to explore himself beyond a soldier and a weapon.


Potential Plot Hooks
Esredes loves to manipulate or drag people into helping the heretics, or perhaps your character can somehow be involved in a heretic-related affair. From things involving Ishgard to stealing from other places to help supply themselves, the heretics have to do a lot to get by, and Esredes is usually there to help or lead.
Any loyal Ishgardian or even just people who don’t like what the heretics are doing can easily become an enemy to Esrey and I think that’d be fun to play with. Or just encountering him and his personality can probably spark something, who knows.
Esredes wanders out into the world a lot and can meet people if he’s simply exploring for his own downtime, or is between or in the middle of taking care of heretic business and something else happens. Though this also tends to lead into manipulation.
Sometimes when heretics have time to not be up to awful things, he will take up short term Adventurer-esque work just for the money.
Allies to the heretics are scattered across the globe. Visiting another area to consult one for information or supplies is yet another activity he partakes in.
Character Lore Adherence
Dragon's blood is a very iffy part of lore, and I've chosen to take the least consequential approach to it for my character. However others are affected by it is still fine as is, but he will remain fully in control at all times. In addition, heresy in general is a very vague area of lore that I've filled with headcanons in order to flesh out. Snowcloak is retconned as only one of the base of operations, and the main camp is elsewhere. I also take to the approach of their being a large group of Warriors of Light, as he interacts with several characters of the sort. Also, his name obviously doesn't follow naming conventions. I don't care.

Esrey main.png
Name: Esredes Rosemond; tends to go by the alias Licano to keep his name from spreading to places he doesn't want it. Also uses Esrey as a nickname for with people he trusts.
Pronunciation: S-ray-days Rose-muhnd; Leh-sah-no; S-ray
Race: Wildwood Elezen/Dragon
Age: 33
Gender: Cisgender Male [He/Him/His]
Location: The wilderness of Coerthas; also travels outside frequently
Birthplace: The Pillars of Ishgard
Occupation: Heretic Sub-leader and Criminal. Aligned with the Disciples of Shiva.
Discipline: Gladiator
Deity: Originally Halone, but no longer. Informally it is now Shiva, but in all reality, he doesn't believe much in deities anymore.
Alignment: Lawful Evil

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