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Revision as of 17:15, 23 July 2019

 Khatun Khatayin
Birth Name Khatun Khatayin
Nickname(s)/Alias "Shono"
Age 23
Birthplace Azim Steppe
Race Xaela
Clan Khatayin
Alignment Chaotic Good
Height 4'11
Weight 120 lbs
Hair Black
Eyes Gold, black limbal rings
Skin Light, sun-kissed
Likes Alchohol, jewelry, other Xaela
Dislikes Insects, braggarts, strong smells
Core Motivator Her tribe's welfare
Fears Voidsent, the paranormal
IC Profession Hunter
Combat Style Ranged physical attacker
Physical Advantages Heightened senses, quick reflexes
Physical limitations Blindness, small stature and frail physique
Skills Tracking, foraging, dancing
Primary Weapon Chakrams
Secondary Weapon Daggers
Time Zone PST
Server Diabolos
Linkshells Game of Dawn Thrones
RP Preferences Plot-heavy, long-term RP

**Side bar template adapted from: Infobox-roe by [MoenMoen]

**"The TMI Character Template for the Hopelessly Detail Oriented" created by [MoenMoen]

The Basics

A Steppe woman through and through, Khatun was born in the early morn to the Khatayins, a mountain-dwelling tribe of hunters. Her father, Dzhambul, was the tribe’s former Khan. He died in battle before she was born- leaving the mantle to his adoptive younger brother Batsaikhan. Believing she would follow in her father’s footsteps, her mother named her “Khatun,” that she might grow into the title. However, a few days after her birth, the tribe discovered she was completely blind, and her mother’s hopes were dashed.

As the years passed, the tribe was pleased to find Khatun a surprisingly adept hunter. The girl had a keen sense of hearing and excellent spatial awareness, all brought together by a natural ability to sense the flow of aether in living creatures. Though finer details were lost to her, these unique gifts allowed her to easily maneuver through the obstacles of the Steppe, tracking prey further than the naked eye could see. But despite her unforeseen martial prowess, she lacked any ambition of becoming the new Khatun- much to her mother’s disappointment.

During her adolescent years Khatun's mother, Munkhtsetseg, taught her traditional Steppe dance. She grew fond of performing by the tribe’s fires, welcoming her clansmen back as they returned home from the night’s hunt. Over time she integrated these techniques into her hunting routine, carefully cultivating a war dance of her own.


Appearance: Khatun is a short woman of slender frame. She possesses black hair cut to medium length, with a small ponytail tied back using a white cloth. It is reminiscent of a tail, like all Auri are known to possess.

Her eyes are a piercing gold, surrounded by black limbal rings, much like her father’s. They are usually covered by a red cloth. This is due to the fact that when Khatun gives pause to analyze her surroundings, her unseeing gaze is often misconstrued as “staring” by strangers. For this reason she wears a blinder, in order to avoid offending others unnecessarily.

Unlike most others in the Steppe, Khatun has a complexion more commonly found in Hyurs or Elezens. Though her mother had bluish-purple skin like most Xaela, her father had the same light, sun-kissed skin that she inherited, allowing her lustrous black scales to stand out all the more.

Having arrived in the desert city of Ul'dah, Khatun found herself overwhelmed by the heat, and quickly traded in her Steppe coat for cooler garments. She took a liking to the dancer’s attire found commonly in the markets, pairing it with jewelry brought over from the Steppe. When she returns home, Khatun dons traditional Steppe garb- a coat made of furs lined with dzo leather. On hotter days she switches to a cloth garment adorned with feathers, similar to what the Dotharl are seen wearing.


Personality: The young Xaela is a fiery soul, never one to back down from a challenge. She is forward and amiable, though she displays an abrasive sense of humor toward her friends. Despite appearances, she is of gentle nature, quick to approach those in need to offer her aid. She will relentlessly tease others, but does not mind a jab at her character in turn.

However, she is easily angered by cowardice or deceit. Those who would take her for a fool are met with a swift change in character, and the steel of her blades. She is unforgiving toward those who have not earned her respect- even moreso toward those who would betray her trust.


Growing up, Khatun was close friends with Batsaikhan’s son, Batbayar, who is two summers younger than her. He was a large boy, prone to outbursts and easy to anger, but quick to forgive and generous with his belongings. When they were young, the two made a promise to wed each other, a promise Khatun has held close to her heart since. Thus, she was greatly saddened when he decided to leave the Steppe for Eorzea upon his nineteenth summer, promising to return with “vast riches” from the golden city of Ul’dah.

A cycle and a half has passed since Batbayar’s absence, during which his father fell ill, losing his life to the sickness. The tribe’s new leader, a vicious woman known throughout the Steppe as Qatun Coldwind, ordered Khatun to bring news of his father to Batbayar, as well as bid him return to pay his respects to their new leader. The young woman happily undertook the mission, eager to find her missing friend. She has journeyed far beyond the Steppe, to the desert city of Ul’dah, all in search of her clansman.


As a daughter of the Khatayins, Khatun is well-versed in the hardships of Steppe-life. Her occupation as a hunter is central to her identity, and she prides herself on being one of the fastest in the tribe. During times of war, she stands steadfast beside her brothers- her war dance inspiring them to greater triumphs. When she is not fighting or hunting, Khatun enjoys foraging for native flora, and helping her mother and aunts prepare traditional Steppe cuisine. Her tribe is her entire world, and she would do anything to keep them from harm.


Steppe Native: Khatun and her tribe call the northern mountains of the Steppe home. These are barren lands, peaks adorned with snow for most of the year. They survive off of hunting and drying the meat of goats, using their horns for weaponry and their furs for garments.


Nhaama's Faithful: Khatun is a believer of the gods, thinking they roam every land in many forms. She has no strong opinion of the twelve, likening them to local dieties much like those worshipped in her home. However she places Nhaama, the Dusk Mother, above all other gods, praying to her in times of need. She is often heard ending conversations with "Nhaama keep you."


Isolationist: Despite her warm disposition, Khatun dislikes the presence of outsiders in the Steppe. She does not mind those who gather at Reunion to trade, but any who would wander further north and trespass upon the Steppe's sacred lands are seen as intruder, not guest.


Tribe Members

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Batbayar Khatayin

Relation: Childhood Friend Standing: Good Status: Alive

Khatun’s childhood friend and the son of the previous Khan. He left the Steppe to travel to Eorzea and has since settled down with a Miqo’te woman in Limsa Lominsa, despite promise to return to his tribe with riches and wonder. This is a fact unknown to Khatun as of the current timeline.

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Munkhtsetseg Khatayin

Relation: Mother Standing: Good Status: Alive

Khatun’s mother and last remaining blood relative. A quiet woman who prefers the shadows to the spotlight. She bears little resemblance to her daughter and most would guess they shared no blood at all.

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Qatun Coldwind (NPC)

Relation: Tribe Leader Standing: Good Status: Alive

The recently anointed chief of the Khatayins who bade Khatun go in search of the tribe’s lost son, all while she herself leads her fellow Khatayin warriors to expand their territory in the Steppe. (Can be found attacking the Uyagir in the FATE “Cold Comes the Wind.”)



"Heard tell of that blind Auri dancer? Never seen anyone move like that!"

"There's that Xaela woman again, are we sure she's blind?"

"Look at her hips! Are those... blades?"


"Heard someone call her 'Shono,' wonder if that's her name?"

      • Final Note: Have you heard a rumor of Khatun Khatayin? Would you like to create one? Go ahead and do so here! All contents of the page are subject to updates over time. Also know that not all information about Khatun is shared on this page- some things will have to be discovered for yourself!