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;-Faron Helkaldurfjall: Master scout and doctor of the Lodestar Vandals. Though interactions between the two started off rocky at best, Syrus and Faron eventually grew to respect one another. They might bicker occaisionally, but they'll be the first to stand side by side against any third party.
;-Faron Helkaldurfjall: Master scout and doctor of the Lodestar Vandals. Though interactions between the two started off rocky at best, Syrus and Faron eventually grew to respect one another. They might bicker occaisionally, but they'll be the first to stand side by side against any third party.
;-Kinono Kino: Resident void hunter of the Vandals. Syrus actually met Kinono when they were the secretary at Saint Reneitte's. It was Kinono's choice in job relocation that influenced Syrus' own path in joining the Vandals.
;-Kinono Kino: Resident void hunter of the Vandals. Syrus actually met Kinono when they were the secretary at Saint Reneitte's. It was Kinono's choice in job relocation that influenced Syrus' own path in joining the Vandals.
;-Anastasia Delanoix: Benefactor of the Vandals and something of a sister to Syrus. When Syrus lost his left eye to an explosion it was Anastasia's deceased brother that provided the donor for transplant.
;-Annalise Delanoix: Benefactor of the Vandals and something of a sister to Syrus. When Syrus lost his left eye to an explosion it was Anna's deceased brother that provided the donor for transplant.
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Revision as of 18:27, 15 June 2021

Syrus sas Beleran

   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

Seen often with his hoarfrost hound companion, the man once known as Garlemald's Vulpes Desertum now roams between Eorzea and Hingashi searching for ways to make up for a life lead wrongly. A professional soldier with motives never so obvious he is always willing to aid those who have helped him in the past.

"On the contrary, I would be dead if I learned how to die properly."


Appearance & Personality

Glass-circle.png Appearance & Personality

Nature & Demeanor

Nature & Demeanor

Demeanor: Serious, contemplative.

Nature: Well meaning, caring.

Trope: Atonement.

Habits: Prone to rubbing his chin when contemplating.

Notable Features

Notable Features

Common Appearance: Well kept when applicable, otherwise can appear rough or well traveled. Will keep third-eye covered in Eorzea.

Scars & Markings: Facial scarring across the nose down towards the neck. Numerous scars from a war ridden life litter his body. Two distinct stab wounds appear to mirror each other on the shoulders.

Voice: Dalmascan / Imperial accent.

Clothing: Typically fashioned in blacks, whites, and reds. Always has some form of armour on his person.




  • Pastries
  • Blades
  • Animals


  • Doctors
  • Optimartes
  • Cabbage Rolls


  • Dark Ales
  • Literature On Myths And Legends
  • Steak


Syrus was raised with a belief that there is strength in unity. Therefore he does not subscribe to what seems like the common imperial belief that all other races are lesser. Though at times he does find himself challenged in that respect, often witnessing situations in which he may feel could have been resolved better had they been in imperial hands. He does however remain of the opinion that imperial combat training is unrivaled in the world of modern combat.


Glass-sword.png Abilities


  • Momento Mori - Memories of near death have sharpened his ability to cheat it. Relying more on sheer willpower than luck he can stave off some mortal blows.
  • Aether Sight - Having lost his left eye to a battle with his uncle, Syrus received a donor eye from the late son of House Delanoix. The eye came with an unusual mutation.
  • Garlean Third-eye - Enhanced spacial awareness and accuracy. When not surprised, flanking him becomes more difficult.
  • Will of the Occuria - Possesses an auracite stone of unknown origins, likely acquired by the family during the invasion of Dalmasca.
  • Beast Tamer - Mounted combat and working with animals is something he is proficient at. It is not uncommon to see him accompanied by his hoarfrost hound.


  • Unarmed Novice - With a focus on swordplay and marksmanship, form and style when punching someone in the face is not something he has been particularly good at.
  • Vindictive Nature - Much as is his flaw with first impressions, those that wrong him are first to be sentenced.
  • Scarred Morale - Though it is rarely seen, his morale weakens faster when in a large group. Having suffered severe losses since the war of succession he is more inclined to yield a battle in favour of preserving the lives of those under his charge than suffer any further loss.


  • Sentence - Intense Garlean physical training allows Syrus to flash step short distances, increased by armour augmentation.
  • Judge Magister - Augmented or not, the man knows his way around a blade and how best to combat foes of magick inclination. Utilizes 'red cards' to create anti-spell fields. Aether translation becomes prohibited within their radius.
  • Tails of the Vulpes Desertum - Able to manipulate ceruleum generators for spell-like effects and doppelgangers.
  • Guns Akimbo - As time and idleness is rapidly deteriorating his melee prowess he has taken to carrying a pair of pistols with which he maintains practice with.
  • Blade and Fang - When Frost is present the two fight in sync. Frost will augment Syrus' abilities with magick and manipulate the terrain to their advantage.

People & Places

Glass-people.png People & Places

Affiliations & Notable Allies

Affiliations & Notable Allies
-Garlean Empire, IVth Legion (In Exile)
Tribunus Angusticlavus of the IVth and Judge Magister presiding over the Imperial Dalmascan Province. During the first war of succession Syrus seperated from the legion against Lord Noah van Gabranth's wishes and pursued a stand with the rightful heir to the imperial throne. It was during this time Syrus' uncle also moved to kill Tulius and was transferred from the legion. The war of succession came to a quick and bloody end with Syrus being named among the deceased.
-Saint Reneitte's School (Formerly)
When Syrus originally came to Eorzea he found himself in the territory of his enemies. On two occaisions now the Empire had tried to lay low the savages of these lands in an effort to quell the eikon summoning that plagued the star. Now it was the only place he could go to be un-harried by those who sought to stamp out every remaining bit of opposition to Varis' rule of the Empire. He needed a place to lay low and a source of income, a school founded in Gridania based off of Ishgardian principles seemed like as suitable a place as any. Hired on as a combat instructor he spent his time earning his keep and laying low before finally moving forward in a slow effort to amend past mistakes.
-Lodestar Vandals (Presently)
Having found adequate company remeniscient of his legion days Syrus presently struggles with the adjustments to a life revolving around intrigue and subterfuge. In a short amount of time his adventures with this group have taken him anywhere from conflicts against voidborn to springing captives from executions. There is a yearning however, a deep need to return to his homeland to see the ideals of the IVth be held true, and the free an Empire's people from a tyrant's grip.
-Jackie Virage-le'toc
Leader of the Lodestar Vandals and master of subterfuge. Syrus has spent plenty of time trying to keep them out of trouble while repaying his own debts to them.
-Faron Helkaldurfjall
Master scout and doctor of the Lodestar Vandals. Though interactions between the two started off rocky at best, Syrus and Faron eventually grew to respect one another. They might bicker occaisionally, but they'll be the first to stand side by side against any third party.
-Kinono Kino
Resident void hunter of the Vandals. Syrus actually met Kinono when they were the secretary at Saint Reneitte's. It was Kinono's choice in job relocation that influenced Syrus' own path in joining the Vandals.
-Annalise Delanoix
Benefactor of the Vandals and something of a sister to Syrus. When Syrus lost his left eye to an explosion it was Anna's deceased brother that provided the donor for transplant.

What You Know

What You Know
It is likely the name Beleran means nothing to you unless you are well versed in the wars of the far east.
-Dalmascans, Bozjans, Nagxians
Oh you know of him, you know of his family, you know of his deeds. Whether you saw the desperate person trying to do good or just another villain is for you to decide.
Being a near neighbor and trade partner with the once bountiful kingdom, if you have been keeping up with current events over the past few years you may well know the name Beleran. If you had any involvement in aiding the Dalmascan resistance you would know him well, and may have even encountered him. In the latter days leading up to the Empire's war of succession it was becoming common to see him chasing after assassins and rebels alike.
Given the nation has had its own share of strife with the occupation it is possible through rumors coming out of similarly conquered states would have circulated the name.
Similar to Eorzeans unless you were invested in the wars of the west why would you care about the specifics of some officer in a conquered land?
Perhaps if you were studying the wars of the far east you might have noted a rising star here or there.
The name Beleran is marked among those who stood against Varis in the war of succession, he is also listed as deceased in official records having thought to have been slain during one of the succession war's final battles.


Garlean, Eorzean (Common).
Vieran, Hingan, Thavnairian.



Common Rumors

Rare Rumors

PC Rumors


Glass-hourglass.png History
Born to Tulius sas Beleran and Aemilia goe Luperca in Dalmasca one year after its annexation, Syrus grew up within a nation slowly changed by imperial conquest. By the time he could walk he was already being instructed in the ways of war, the hope being that he would follow in his father's footsteps or perhaps one day become the next legend much like Livia sas Junius. However, it was not only war that his father taught him, but his belief in 'strength through unity'. His father believed that the empire could only be strong if it united those it enveloped and treated them as full members of something greater. So mesmerized by this Syrus often snuck off to the streets of Rabanastre to learn more of its peoples. Of course, a pure-blood Garlean child wandering alone in those conquered streets had more than its fair share of consequences, but in the end he had made strong bonds with children from a variety of races proving that yes, his father had to be right.

When Syrus had come of age he was enrolled in the Empire's closest Schola Militarum where he excelled in the art of combat, however, his inherited beliefs bought him few comrades and he found himself constantly at odds with his fellow students. Upon graduation he received top marks for bladesmanship and topographical studies, well known was the peculiar ways he would use the terrain to provide his troops the upper hand.

Syrus then returned to Dalmasca where, by happenstance or design, he was assigned to IVth legion. Quickly rising through the ranks Syrus was soon being hailed as the 'Vulpes Desertum' for his clever use of war machina and terrain throughout the provinces controlled by the IVth in his fight against rebels and brigands alike. Much of his time was spent trying his best to raise public approval of the empire and showing the people that it was unity they stood for, not subjugation. This all shattered of course when the last of his most staunch supporters left him, and in turn he truly became a Judge. One year later Emperor Solus zos Galvus passed away.

The succession war came swiftly, with legions quickly taking sides and making their moves while rebels jumped to take advantage of the chaos. Meanwhile within his own legion there was betrayal, while Syrus and his father supported the rightful heir to the Garlean throne, his uncle supported Varis. In a deadly clash Syrus' father was slain and he was forced to withdraw with what was left of his cohort. In the end they were unable to rally with supporters of the rightful heir and were presumably cut down.


Syrus despite his past is a relatively easy going person. His expression is commonly thoughtful and usually prefers a well thought plan than rash action. Good resources are hard to come by, why waste them pointlessly? Polite, formal, and will usually give all people and races the benefit of the doubt upon first meeting. However his most noticeable flaw is first impressions are everything. If he finds your actions distasteful the first time he will often judge you based on that from then on forward.

==Current Plots:==


Glass-pictureframe.png Art

OOC Information

Glass-heartlock.png OOC Information

Hard Limits

Hard Limits
Not really into torture. Syrus would rather just kill you anyways. I don't mind being a villain, in fact it's something I have always had an interest in trying. However, it would be a matter of circumstance, Syrus does not go out of his way to make peoples lives miserable, it is a waste of time and resources. Conflicting goals? More than likely!

Hooks & RP Favorites

Hooks & RP Favorites
If you are a Dalmascan, you will know him, it is possible he was responsible for some sort of Garlean influenced occurance in your history or perhaps he was that strange Garlean that seemed so uncharacteristically kind for a time. Under an alias he was formerly a rising star on the chocobo racing stage, he may be recognized as a racer by those who partake in the sport. For others he appears to be a hired blade showing up and butting in to help seemingly at random, known to frequent the Limsan Fight Club.

External Links

External Links

This template was originally created by Evaleigh. Free free to use but please give credit!