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| imagewidth = 400
| imagewidth = 400
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| caption = "Beasts resides within us all. They ones who allow themselves to roam free aren't the ones we should fear."
| gender = Male
| gender = Male
| citizenship = Ul'dahnian
| citizenship = Ul'dahnian

Revision as of 15:42, 12 September 2014

 Azeiox Nelles, Az
"Beasts resides within us all. They ones who allow themselves to roam free aren't the ones we should fear."
Gender Male
Race Elezen
Clan Duskwight
Citizenship Ul'dahnian
Age 26
Marital Status ????
Occupation ????
Height/Weight 6'8" / 240 lbs
Orientation Pansexual
  • Father; Vinic Nelles [Deceased]
  • Mother; Zenel Ural [Deceased]

Basic Info

Azeiox is one to be reclusive and keeps his distance from people with reasons of his own. He holds a neutral standing with others within Ul'dah. Strong and silent some may say. But the few that do know him understand that there is more than meets the eye with the Elezen sitting within the corner as the group converses. Within an instant, he can change into a man with no morals, no fear, no regrets and nothing to lose, willing to cut down anyone and anything that would stand in his way of success. While he doesn't look much like it, he practices the fighting style of pugilist and the studies of thaumaturge magicks. One would think that the man is studying such things to grow stronger yet truly, he is harboring dark secrets and tries to control the shadows that follow him. He is one to take up jobs of different sorts, so long as they do not clash with current interests. He has been seen to use different types of weapons but favors fists weapons most of all yet most are made by himself.


Fire Places
Alcoholic Beverages


Ditzy people
Indecisive people
Orders from others who didn't hire him


Alignment: ???
Vice(s): Alcoholic Beverages
Favorite Food: Steak
Favorite Drink: Red Wine
Favorite Color: Crimson

Appearance & Personality

Holding the height of 6'8, the Elezen is on the slender yet athletic side. His skin is of a greyish tone, showing he is a Duskwight lineage. While his torso is not being covered by longer clothing, a tribal looking tattoo is etched across his flesh, a reminder of his past. On his back rests the burned scar in the shape of a spider, covering his whole back. Naturally, he is an Albino and his natural hair color is of a pure white shade with sanguine stained orbs and ivory skin. However, thanks to the help of Nymira, he is able to actually appear as a Duskwight, changing his skin tone to the shade it is now and dark hair. He was unable to change his eye color and due to an accident, he now must wear a patch over his left eye, which was left nearly blinded due to the wound.
Quiet, thinking thoroughly and distant are few words that can describe one side. Those who truly know him and seen the other side would call him brutally honest, unforgiving destructive and a bit on the sadistic side when he is pushed past his limits. Depending on what the subject is would differ which side you get. He isn't known to smile or laugh yet is rather insightful.
If not locked within a library or training, he can be seen hanging about the Free Wings Society's Company Housing or is possibly off training within Gridania or Thanalan.


Aetherical Skills: His skills with Thaumaturge magic grows with each day as he learns more but understands the dangerous of pushing things too far. He is skilled with the basics of the magic yet is still seen as a novice compared to others.
'Crimson' and 'Tear'": The two fist weapons he has been seen to use on numerous occasions. The weapons are more so daggers with curled tips made to dig into the flesh of the victim melded into the ebony metal. There is a slight slight, giving the weapon the appearance of 'claws'. Both weapons are identical to one another. The origins of the weapons remain unknown to even the man wielding them.
Knives : Holds a few daggers within his belt for easy and quick use.
Photogenic Memory: A natural gift he holds and uses it well, especially when reading of new things such as items, places and weapons.


Coming Soon.

Musical Themes

[1] "Rosemary's Baby"



Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"He seems a bit off putting at times. You could see him behind you then he is gone."-- Patron of the Quicksand'
"Scary one, aye. But when the little Lalafel boy be around him, he seems, dare I say, happy." -- Bar Patron'
"Seen 'em with afew pretty ladies now and then. Wonder how.." -- Bartender'
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"Azeiox.. Damn Dusk and one to avoid. Heard some dark things about 'im.." -- Hyur traveling from Gridania'
"Heard people say he be not from here.. Not from Hydalyn. Ask me where he is from? I dare not think on it." Merchant
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"Stay away from the man. He be some sort of freak of nature. Worse then a Garleans and scarier then a Voidsent. That man holds some dark demons within him.. And some claim to even see these demons themselves. Lancer be huntin' him down.. Believed he took something dear from the hunter." -- Traveler
"I know him only by 'Sin'. Nothing else.." -- Coerthas Dragoon
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
"Azeiox? He's quite beautiful, really. The way he talks, his malicious intent, though not completely overt, is something to behold." -- Liandri Mei


Romantic Interest     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Poor Standing
     Former Lover      Enemies

Kagewoe Erasus : When Azeiox came to an old company house to assist a friend, he met Kagewoe, a company member and bartender. The two held similar views and got along well with one another. From then on, it wasn't uncommon to see Az at the bar either talking or helping Kagewoe manage the bar so he could have a break for once. He became indebted to Kagewoe after an incident with his student, Ruby, and the malfunction of a item. When Kagewoe departed, he was there for him, even retrieving his items from the company house despite what the members threatened to do or how much they complain. He is one of the main reasons Az visits the Free Wings Society's company home.
Lilithium Altair : The Leader of the Free Wings Society, Az originally met her through Nymira Valeroyant and Chika Ito when delivering terrible news of the death of a family friend. The two continued to see one another after Az met Ado and was watching over him. She is someone who managed to obtain Az's trust slowly but surely. He holds a place for her like he does for Kagewoe and Nymira.
Nymira Valeroyant : Fiance to Kagewoe Erasus and a old family friend, there is no one else who knows Az better than Nymira, unsure if that is a good or bad thing. She is the one he would go to on occasion when something happens that he isn't sure how to handle, cope or what to do. He views her as a sibling yet even then, he is still a bit distant to her by habit, yet knew him before the incident.
Ruby : A student of Azeiox, Ruby manage to meet him after he saved her from being killed. Even though he tried to leave her by a tree, she manage to track him down and followed him about, asking to be taught different things. Over time, he finally agreed yet is strict with her at times.
Illiette : His only living ex lover and fiance. The two met after he took a step and joined a company. Even though the two hit it off rather well, she didn't manage to get close to him until a sparring match that occurred between the two and she saw the side he tried to hide. They shared their nights within the Black Shroud beneath the stars and soon after became lovers. When he proposed to her, he held similar markings on his face to show their bond. However, when the Company got wind of their relationship, everything changed. To get away from the drama, the two staged an argument to make it appear that they were parting ways and meet up later on, making up things as they 'argued', she brought up somethings that he trusted her worth, sharing his deepest and darkest sins to the company. After they left and met up later, things were different and it wasn't long until he left her side completely.
Chika Ito : A old friend which he met around the same time he met Kagewoe and was also apart of the same company. The two may have not been all that close, he still would defend and protect her if he saw fit. Due to recent events, the two are not on speaking terms. He bares no hatred for the woman, as much as he wants to sometimes, he can not manage to do so.
Liandri Mei : How the met was by a strange occurrence and was at Nymira's request. Since their meeting, they could be considered to be on good standings with one another and actually are rather similar when it comes to the past and their abilities.
Adokenai Kodomo : The adoptive child of Lilithium, he met Ado by meeting up with Kagewoe. He doesn't understand Ado's fascination with him but doesn't seem to mind it either. The child can be seen riding on his shoulders or clinging to his leg. It was their first meeting where Az finally smiled, something that even shocked Kagewoe.