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Being from La Noscea, Mara carries a tough-girl sort of personality and will always stand up for herself and those who cannot do so themselves.  Her sympathy to others is without care and she will always watch those from a distance or up close depending on her relationship with them, but also stay out of their way if it is involving such things as relationship issues and anything else that she feels can be easily resolved.
Being from La Noscea, Mara carries a tough-girl sort of personality and will always stand up for herself and those who cannot do so themselves.  Her sympathy to others is without care and she will always watch those from a distance or up close depending on her relationship with them, but also stay out of their way if it is involving such things as relationship issues and anything else that she feels can be easily resolved.
She would also have a problem with certain issues, especially considering recent events with Y'vhala Tia, a Miqo'te male who was breaking the law. The main draw back being that the things that he had done to others relates heavily with her past and thus it is a very taboo subject for Mara.  One drawback she counts on after those events was that when it happened previously to Mara, she had given birth to her daughter, to which she is glad that she has.
She would also have a problem with certain issues. Mainly involved around her daughter and her brother, to which most of her past revolves around.
Mara is currently under employment with Bexy Amalaryssian's Free Company upon recently arriving back to Eorzea from a very long journey with her daughter.
Mara is currently under employment with Bexy Amalaryssian's Free Company upon recently arriving back to Eorzea from a very long journey with her daughter.

Revision as of 17:33, 25 June 2015

 Mara Lynne
Stubborn Sentinel
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Unaffilated
Namesday 22nd Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon.
Occupation Sentinel/Paladin, Blacksmith
Age 37
Residence The Goblet
Server Balmung
Last Updated 25/06/2015


Mara is a kind woman, but can be prone to be blunt to those who she talks to. She will likely open up to you more as she gets to know you and will always try to give confidence to those who are around her.

Being from La Noscea, Mara carries a tough-girl sort of personality and will always stand up for herself and those who cannot do so themselves. Her sympathy to others is without care and she will always watch those from a distance or up close depending on her relationship with them, but also stay out of their way if it is involving such things as relationship issues and anything else that she feels can be easily resolved.

She would also have a problem with certain issues. Mainly involved around her daughter and her brother, to which most of her past revolves around.

Mara is currently under employment with Bexy Amalaryssian's Free Company upon recently arriving back to Eorzea from a very long journey with her daughter.


Full Name - Mara Jane Lynne

Pronunciation - Mah-ra Jay-n Lin

Height - 5 fulms, 7 ilms

Weight - 140 ponze

Hair Colour - Red with black highlights

Eye Colour - Blue

Skin Colour - Slightly Tanned Pale

Religion - Loyal to Halone

Laterality - Right handed.

Sexuality - Bisexual


Speech- Having the past Mara did, she has developed a drawl of a typical Limsan accent as well as lazy sentences whenever she can. She replaces a lot of words with common sentences and will constantly talk in such a way that is not very commonly heard around Eorzea.

Mind- Hard, but strong. She rarely keeps anything secret from her friends and will always willingly talk to others about their problems as well. She is a kind woman and will always want to back you up, but even so much as jokingly tease about her daughter and she will likely become very serious, very quickly.

Emotions- Being somewhat cold when it comes to her job, Mara would do well to hide them and deal with the situation later. When off duty, however, there is a whirlwind of emotion stuck inside Mara's mind. She tries her best not to show them, but will to those she considers her best friends, or even her family.


Mara Lynne is an auburn hair with black highlights, slightly tanned woman, standing at only 5 fulms 7 ilms tall. She has blue eyes and a smooth looking face as well as red lipstick. She can usually be seen in red mythril armour, with a Winglet and a round shield with a lion's head crested on the front of it. She wears usually whatever she feels like and whatever she considers to be practical rather than cute.

She also has a scar across the bridge of her nose from a recent fight that she was in and a black and purple tattoo on her right cheek.

When not wearing armour, you may notice more that Mara has healed up scars and puncture wounds as well, due to another recent fight. These scars would notably be all across her upper body, shoulders, legs and one across her neck.

Mara is by no small means an overly skinny woman either. She would have very coarse looking hands whenever she takes her gloves off and has the so called 'blacksmith's figure' in that she is muscular.


Usually clad in Mythril armour, coloured red with gold trim, she would alternate between wearing a helmet and not depending on the situation. She also carries a Winglet and a glowing circular shield with a lion's head crest on the front of it. This is what she will always be seen wearing in a combat fashion and during her working hours as a Kindred Defense member.

When casual, Mara does not wear anything she would consider 'girly'. This includes skirts and revealing tops. She often covers up as much of her body as she can, but sometimes will not bother with sleeves at all and can be seen wearing shorts and usually wears long boots.


Mara would explicitly use a sword and shield during combat, her main draw being her defense. She is a very tough woman and will likely take a lot of shots to take down and will always use her sword in conjunction with the shield in order to defeat her foes. The most accurate description of her fighting style is very similar to how the Paladin's fight, but she has stated herself that she is not a Sultanate.

Her main drawback from her fighting is that she can be very slow. The armour she created provides extra protection, but lacks in speed and flexibility. She can also be prone to anger issues from time to time, due to her being a follower of Halone and a former member of the House of Durandaire in Coerthas, though it was very brief.



Strong Drinks
Well Crafted Armours/Weapons






Favourite Food/Drink: Grilled Dodo with Limsan Bitter Ale
Favourite Place: Upper La Noscea
Favorite Weather: Overcast/Raining
Favorite Season: Autumn/Spring
Favorite Colour: Darker Colours
Favorite Scents: Food Cooking, Sea Air, Coal Burning
Favorite Animal: Chocobo


Romantic Interest     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing     Wary     Trusted     Feared    


Miranda White-Lynne: Mara's biological daughter who currently lives with her Guardians in Thanalan. This is Mara's only living family member and thus Mara would love her above anything else, despite her never wishing for a child in the first place.

"Ye are me shinin' light despite all the shit tha's goin' on, lass. Yer gonna go far some day. I am jus' sorry I couldn' protect ye quicker from that bastard who kidnapped ya."

Brendan White: The male Guardian to her daughter and fellow business man, Mara would keep an eye on him constantly, but still trust him to take good care of her daughter whilst Mara is off earning some gil to one day, perhaps, take her daughter back in to her possession.

"Yer a good lad, ain't nothin' I can say 'bout ya. But if ye even so much as yell at me daughter wi'out good cause, I will punch ye so hard, ye won' remember ye own name in the mornin'."

Janice White: The Female Elezen who is married to Brendan White. Mara would somewhat more trust her than her lover, but still keep a close eye on her regardless.

"I'm watchin' you, lass. 'S much as ye look after me daughter and tha' ye take care o' me daughter, I'm puttin' you in heavy regard. Ye better watch it, lass. I swear t' Halone if me daughter complains about ye, I will break yer nose."


Peneli Zuneli: A Lalafell that shares a common background with Mara in that he is from Limsa and lost his parents at an early age as well. In recent times, Mara made the mistake in Coerthas to push Peneli away from her, to which she wishes she never did.

"I've been an idio' to ye, lad. We shared somethin' special once before, bu'... I've gone n' fucked it up. I still respect the fuck outta ya though and hope I can make it up to ye."

Rarashid Kokoshid: The loose cannon that Mara became friends with in her early days of the Kindred. Mara has previously flirted with her, but Koko generally seems uninterested. She is also a Thaumaturge and a cultist-esque figure which strikes a tiny bit of fear in to Mara's heart.

"One hell o' a scary lass. No' one I'd wanna fuck wi' personally, but she's no doubt beautiful and good t' talk to when ya can ge' a word in edge-wise. She does 'ave a lotta problems though... I wish she didn'."

Bexy Amalaryssia Mara's best friend as of right now and the leader of Defense, to which is where Mara stands within the Kindred currently. The two would first start off very shaky, but when Mara returned to the Defense, they quickly became friends despite their disjointed past.

"Aye, she's a good lass. A bit naive and over'ly emotional at times, but she's a good lass. Couldn' ask fer a better friend within the Kindred."

Lulula Lulu: The girlfriend of Peneli Zuneli and becoming a quick friend to Mara, but not to the point that she would consider her as close as Mauh'a is for example. She would look at her like her own daughter at times, as she would bear a striking resemblance to her daughter in younger years.

"I's uncanny, lass. Yer so cheery, ye go' her smile, her eyes, even her hair colour. Ye bring back a lotta good memories, bu' ya also show a lotta maturity for ye age. Gotta admit, yer a great lass and I hope I get t'know ye more."

Emelia Iscantel: The one to bring Mara to the company and the one that she gained quick friendship with when she first arrived. The only problem is, that she has fallen out with her a lot due to her relationship with Z'sisha Tyata.

"The fuck 'appened to ye? When I met ye, you and Shadow were madly in love, neigh on inseparable... Ever since ye me' tha' fuckin' horrible Miqo'te, ye've been nothin' but a horrible shell t' me. Gods dammit!"

Z'sisha Tyata: The only woman in the company she works for that she legitimately cannot stand, due to her getting interfered with two of her former best friends' relationship.

"What ye did to Shadow is unacceptable, lass. Ye may think I'm jus' jealous, but ye broke Shadow's relationship apart fer yer own selfish desire. You and Emmy should be ashamed of yerselves."


Born in the far North section of La Noscea, on the 22nd Sun of the Fifth Umbral Moon, Mara Lynne started off as a regular child, growing up around her mother, father and a brother that she loved very dearly and close in her heart. By the age of five, she had discovered the Twelve in what was known to her as the greatest discovery of her life. She had finally found something that was very worth fighting for.

On a fateful day, when she was only five years old... Tragedy struck her home land and atrocities befell her and her family, whom she had sworn to protect. Her family were held and dishonoured by Pirates from the lowest of order. She herself avoiding harm by being forced to make iron for the Pirates in order to survive long enough and keep her family from being tortured by the pirates any longer.

A few years later, after much toil and hardship, her family had all been beaten so hard that they had passed away due to neglect by the Pirate band. It was if by miracle, however that she was saved by a passing merchant group who had saved her from the Pirates by sneaking her out during the night.

From then on, she was taken care of and raised in a proper manner to be as tough as they come, without becoming callous by the fellow merchants who were way beyond her senior. She picked up the trait of blacksmithing from a kind man who taught her everything she now knows today.

A man Mara never realized was on the caravan was her brother, who had also sneaked aboard when the others weren't looking. She would continue her study of blacksmithing and fighting along side her friends until one day she saw her brothers face. The two reunited and eventually learned together. When it came to them travelling to an area just outside Coerthas, the caravan was attacked by masked raiders. They fought them off, but Mara's brother had been shot by an arrow and would later disappear from the caravan without reason. Mara would assume that her brother was dead and marked a grave for him back in La Noscea a few years later.

After all this occurred and Mara was older, the caravan came to a stop briefly in Coerthas once more, where she had learned about The Fury, Halone and quickly followed his principles. She then began her training at the age of 13, which involved sword and shield combat and wearing heavy armour by her now adopted father, Jack Manny. The two would train day and night, until Mara had learned the ways she fights now.

A blip happened, where the others went searching for food for their caravan, they had left Mara alone to guard the caravan. On that day, she was approached by a bandit who forced a knife to her throat and told her to strip, knowing Mara had no choice, she did so and suffered the consequences. At the age of 14, she herself became victim to what her parents had suffered before. By the time the rest arrived back, she was nothing more than a blank shell on the floor. Eight months later, she gave birth to her daughter, to which the caravan crew helped raise due to Mara wanting to keep the child.

Ten years on the caravan, through the calamity as it struck, the rest all stuck together. It was only until a few years after the Calamity -- three in fact -- that she would lose all of her remaining friends to a huge attack on her Caravan just outside of Ul'dah. She scurried to Ul'dah, to where she stayed for a long time, giving her daughter to an orphanage, due to her not being able to take care of her knowing her current position. She remained alone until she met fellow member of the Kindred, Emelia Iscantel. The two quickly became friends and eventually, Mara would join the Kindred and then through a sequence of events, join the Defense Division and inevitably a lot of great friends. She would also then decide to try to earn enough to take her daughter back in to her care.


Commonly Heard Rumours

"The red head? Yeah, seen her a few times. She carries a lot of stress on her shoulders, especially with that girl by her side." - Trading Merchant in Thanalan.

"I feel sorry for her... She almost seems out of it at times, like she's had some kind of bad trauma in her life. A woman with that beauty should not be scarred and tattooed. I wonder what's troubling her." - Gossiping Wench in Quicksand.

"She's go' one heck of a fuckin' attitude on 'er." - Limsan Blacksmith.

Lesser Heard Rumours

"Heard she likes to sleep around. I don't know if that's true, but she seems like she would be above all that." - Barmaid in Drowning Wench.

"Crafted me the best looking piece of armour I've ever seen. She must have had great training to make what she did in such little time." - Adoring Customer in Thanalan.

"Pure-hearted, but extremely blunt... A deadly mix for such a beautiful woman." - Enamoured Pretty Boy.

PC Rumours

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Other Notes

Template from Bexy Amalaryssia!