Celesse Starsong
Superscript text
Demographical / Physical
Character Name: Celesse Starsong
Nicknames, if any: Cel, Twig
Race & Subgroup: Miqo'te Keeper of the Moon
Gender ID: Female
Age (or human approximate): 22
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 90 ponze
Hair: White, with the slightest lavender tint. Worn mostly down, with a loose braid. (Curlier than the in-game model.)
Eyes: Lavender
Skin: Peachy grey
Fashion Style:
Other Appearance Details:
Psychological / Mental
Morality / Alignment: Neutral Good
Guardian Deity: Nophica, the Matron
Attitude: Celesse is generally perky and good-natured, but is quite shy and unsocialized which effects her ability to speak to strangers.
Positive Traits:
- Caring
- Fast Learner
- Honest
Negative Traits:
- Naive
- Short Attention Span
- Restless
In-Character Job:
Professional Skills:
Amateur Skills / Hobbies: Quite skilled in gardening and fishing.
Likes / Wants:
- Cute things; clothes, critters, etc.
- Fresh air
- Anything floral or nature-related
- Travelling
- Fish!
Dislikes / Avoids:
Family, Friends, & Love
Location of Home, if any:
Place of Birth: Unknown, somewhere around Gridania
Relationship Status: Married
Relationship Partner(s), if any: Trisselle Sondraix
Orientation: Pansexual
Favored Traits: Disfavored Traits:
Living Relatives: Unknown
Friends / Allies:
Rivals / Enemies: None.
Misc. Notes
Quicklink: goo.gl/JWE7BN