Celesse Starsong
Superscript text
Demographical / Physical
Character Name: Celesse Starsong
Nicknames, if any: Cel, Twig
Race & Subgroup: Miqo'te Keeper of the Moon
Gender ID: Female
Age (or human approximate): 22
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 90 ponze
Hair: White, with the slightest lavender tint. Worn mostly down, with a loose braid. (Curlier than the in-game model.)
Eyes: Lavender
Skin: Peachy grey
Fashion Style: Cel's style swings widely between practical comfort and whatever thing she thinks looks cutest at any given time. While traveling and foraging, she will wear earthy tones of brown and green, furs and leathers to keep the weather out, and a pack filled with tools and provisions. While at home, she prefers pastels, lace and florals; dressing up in any cute new outfit her wife brings home for her.
Other Appearance Details:
Psychological / Mental
Morality / Alignment: Neutral Good
Guardian Deity: Nophica, the Matron
Attitude: Celesse is generally perky and good-natured, but is quite shy and unsocialized which effects her ability to speak at length to strangers. She is a bit self-conscious of her odd mannerisms and speech.
Positive Traits:
- Caring
- Fast Learner
- Honest
Negative Traits:
- Naive
- Short Attention Span
- Restless
In-Character Job: By trade, a gardener and alchemist. Also trained in conjury healing magics. Her wife, Trisselle, has also taught her housekeeping and handmaiden practices in order to aid her at work.
Skills & Hobbies: She is extremely handy, able to gather materials and craft near anything she sets her mind to. Her passion is in gardening, herbs and alchemy though she also enjoys fishing and baking.
Likes / Wants:
- Cute things; clothes, critters, etc.
- Fresh air
- Anything floral or nature-related
- Traveling
- Fish!
Dislikes / Avoids:
- Thunder/Loud, sudden noises
Family, Friends, & Love
Location of Home, if any: Lavender Beds
Place of Birth: Unknown, somewhere around Gridania
Relationship Status: Married
Relationship Partner(s), if any: Trisselle Sondraix
Orientation: Pansexual
Celesse was born in the Shroud, to two unknown Miqo'te; each a member of two opposing families with a long history of bad blood. Fearful of the repercussions from the child's birth, Cel's parents hid her away. She spent her first few years in a small makeshift, her mother visiting enough to keep her fed. Eventually, the visits stopped. She spent the rest of her childhood and early adolescence on her own, learning to fish and forage and developing a growing curiosity in the apparent medicinal properties of herbs and flowers. Celesse is unaware of the circumstances from her birth, and has little memory of her first years. At some point in her late teens, she makes first contact with a small village deep in the wood; one she had watched cautiously from afar for many moons. The villagers were kind, offering trade for her simple medicines and farming work in exchange for a warm haystack in the winters. From there, the small Miqo'te world expanded and now she travels wherever her mood takes her, expanding on her alchemical knowledge and picking up a few more skills along the way.
Celesse met Trisselle in La Noscea, working on a citrus farm for the day's meal. The Elezen took one look at the tiny, rather filthy, creature and took her under her wing, offering a steady job as a housekeeper and handmaiden. The two became fast friends and built a strong bond. They were wed in a small ceremony on the Seventh Sun of the Sixth Umbral Moon and live in a humble cottage in Lavender Beds.
Misc. Notes
Quicklink: goo.gl/JWE7BN