Roen Deneith

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 Roen Deneith
Roen Deneith
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Unaffiliated
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Roen is a young woman in her early 20's. She is often seen wearing armor, heavy or medium depending on the environment, and a sword and shield are never far from her side. Her auburn hair is usually tucked under her helm, and her lean but toned frame shows evidence of training; she is clearly accustomed to wearing armor most of her days. Her equipment is usually a mishmash of things she's managed to afford and earn from various jobs, and it is apparent she is not a person born of affluence. But despite her obvious lack of wealth, Roen's carriage tends to indicate that she's had a wellborn upbringing.


She's mostly quiet. Roen often holds her tongue on matters she considers not important. But she is quick to come to the defense of the weak and does not hesitate to stand up to bullies, even when she is sorely outmatched or outnumbered. She is not quick to anger, but sometimes eager to commit herself to causes she believes are right. Emotions show easily upon her face, and she is a horrible liar. She tries her best not to do it often, if at all.

Roen does not speak of herself too often, and is quick to grow wary when the conversation turns to details of her past. She also does not make small talk well; she is seen as quite serious by most, and some might even accuse her of lacking any sense of humor whatsoever. The truth of her guarded demeanor is more complex, of course, but few understand that. She smiles rarely... but when she does it is always genuine. She offers her aid easily, and takes people at their word.

Roen has an inquisitive mind and is quick to learn, and any teaching of craft or lore offered to her will rarely be refused. Despite her competence with sword and shield, she is still very green when it comes to the general knowledge of the Eorzea in overall. It seems what she knows of Eorzea was learned in the last few years.


Roen is the sole daughter of a high ranking Garlean scientist officer. Her father, Darius van Doren, was a quick-rising officer in the ranks of the Garlean military, and was one of the men assigned to help overthrow the Ala Mhigan government. In the midst of all the violence brought on by the incursion, Darius came upon an infant babe born of a noble Ala Mhigan house... and in rare a moment of mercy, brought the infant home to his barren but loving wife, Melia van Doren. For the first many years of her life, Roen's life was a good one, raised by a doting mother and a proud father whose influence easily squashed any rumors that questioned Roen's true parentage. Darius, who was also a brilliant engineer, was soon recruited by officers under Nael van Darnus after the destruction of the Bozja Citadel. Darius became part of the science team to resume the study and research for Project Meteor.

Like his predecessors before him, Darius too became obsessed with this potential power to control the moons, snatching it from the sky and bringing it down upon the planet. In his obsession, he began to neglect his daughter, and his wife. When Melia discovered the true nature of her husband's research, she became horrified by its violent and destructive nature. In her distress, she was recruited by a resistance faction who sought to undermine Nael van Darnus's ambitions.

Melia began to leak secrets to the resistance in hope of undoing Project Meteor and freeing her husband from its obsessive grasp. But eventually Melia was caught; she was tried and executed, much to Darius' shock and despair. He threw himself back into his work, and in exchange for his devotion, the Garlean government kept his wife's treachery and execution away from the public eye. Roen never knew the truth; she was told Melia died in an accident.

When Roen turned sixteen, in an attempt to win her absent father's love, she illegally joined with Nael van Darnus' forces in the Battle of Carteneau. She was foolish and and idealistic and full of patriotism, all of which were shattered when she actually witnessed the bloodshed and violence on the battlefield. Roen fled from the battle…

...only to witness the horrifying truth of Project Meteor from a far.

Roen survived the Calamity. She was later found miles away, discovered by a traveling vendor while wandering the hills, dazed, delirious, and dehydrated. The vendor was a kind man; his name was Brenden Deneith. Brenden and his family took Roen in and nourished her back to health.

She stayed with the Deneith family in Western Thalanan for the next four years. In the midst of autumn, in the current year, another tragedy struck when bandits set upon the Deneith family during a sojourn to a nearby market. Roen and Brenden fought them off bravely, but Brenden was gravely hurt. He would eventually succumb to his injury; Roen could only watch helplessly as one of the few selfless men she had ever known begin to fail and die.

When the bandits returned again two days later however, a Sultansworn patrolling nearby saved the rest of the family. And, taking sympathy on them, he also returned the seemingly dead Brenden Deneith back to life---much to Roen's wonder and disbelief.

It was on this day Roen saw her path laid out before her: that of a Sultansworn. She would do for others what this paladin did for her family, but she also felt that she owed a debt to Eorzea, for her father's involvement in the Calamity. She set out to travel to Ul'dah to begin her training.

Unbeknownst to Roen, her father had been pardoned after the Battle of Carteneau, for he disavowed any knowledge of Project Meteor not being sanctioned by the Emperor. He was seen as a callous murderer by some, yet the Empire still valued his engineering skills. Darius currently believes his daughter to have died with the Fall of Dalamud, but may discover soon that his only daughter is actually alive. Roen is the only link left to his dead wife, whom he still loves beyond the realm of death... and yet he hates her for her betrayal, and would likely go to extremes to bring his wayward daughter back under his control.

Recent Events

Upon her arrival in Ul'dah, Roen has been struggling to make ends meet, to find work so that she can send what gil she makes back to her adopted family, who has now settled upon a farm in Southern Thalanan. But with the children being too young as yet, and Brenden (she catches herself referring to him as "father" on occasion) being weakened since returned from death, Roen feels responsible for supporting the family who had saved her life. And so she is currently making her living as a hired blade, taking whatever jobs she can. She still looks upon the Sultansworn with something akin to hero worship, looking for any chance to begin her training. One of Roen's greatest fears is that she will never be worthy of it.


She loves a warm bath, but also the splash of cold wind against her face in early morning. She speaks of the ocean like it is a wishful dream, something she envies. Both Melia and Brenden always spoke of the ocean fondly. She secretly wishes to learn fishing someday. She loves to ride. There is a pure joy about her when she feels the ground rushing by her feet as her mount takes to a full sprint downhill. She loves the taste of sweet berries dipped in cream. She also has a weakness for chocolate and pies.


She does not like high places. She fell once from a balcony when young and was lucky to have survived it with just a broken arm. And it was not so much the injury itself, but more her mother's dismay and fear that really shocked Roen. She has not ventured onto very high places since. Despite her love of the ocean, she does not do well on ships.

She is not a fan of studying from books or other long, tedious tasks that require extensive reading.

OOC Notes

This wiki page contains HUGE spoilers about Roen's past, especially in the history section. General and Behavior information are free for any observant character to play off of. History is purely there for OOC knowledge and is to help create plot development with those I am involved in a storyline with. If you are interested in taking part, please let me know!